It might be hard to imagine knowing the Countess of Chester Hospital by any other name, but 30 years ago, it was a brand new concept.

This year the hospital is celebrating three decades since Diana, Princess of Wales officially opened the building, and as a result it was named in her honour.

Now staff are asking for members of the public who came along for the royal visit and ceremony in May 1984 to get in touch with their stories, photographs and memories of the day.

A 2014 anniversary open day celebration will take place on Sunday, June 29 from 11am to 3pm, which will see theatre tours, health talks, history displays, a chance to meet a range of healthcare professionals, competitions and a barbecue.

There will also be a doll and teddy bear hospital where toys can be brought in for treatment, as well as plenty of other attractions for younger children including face painting, small rides and shows and a visit from cartoon character Peppa Pig.

And the North West Ambulance Service, the fire service and The Territorial Army are supporting the day with vehicles and demonstrations about how they provide essential health service support.

Director of nursing and quality at the trust, Alison Kelly, said: “The event marks 30 years since the opening of the hospital on the Countess Health Park and will be a celebration of for its staff, their families and the local community.

“We are looking for help from people who attended the official opening ceremony with Princess Diana in 1984 to come forward with any pictures, stories or memories from the day which we would like the opportunity to share more widely.”

Anyone who can help with their stories or pictures is asked to call the hospital on 01244 362066 or email [email protected].

And your children can also take part in a special competition to design a get well card for patients.

Entries will be on display at the open day, with judging and prizes awarded to the best designs.

Winning designs will be printed and sold in the hospital to raise funds for its charity over the next year.

The competition is open to children aged 12 and under and designs should be submitted to ‘Design a Get Well Card Competition’, Countess of Chester Hospital, Education and Training Centre, Liverpool Road, Chester, CH2 1UL.

Please include contact information so winners can be notified. But hurry because the closing date for entries is next Wednesday.