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Here's what's new in PS5's first major system update

Here's what's new in PS5's first major system update

Speaker 1: The PlayStation five, just got its first major update and I'm gonna show you what's new. Speaker 1: It's been six months since the PS five first launched back in November of 2020. And even though most people can't get their hands on a console still. Thank you, chip shortage. Uh, if you could just get it together, that would be great. Sony is still pushing forward with software updates. This is the first major update to the PS five [00:00:30] and it includes things like extended storage capability for PS five games, some game base updates, uh, accessibility options. There's all sorts of stuff, uh, that we going to check out in case you're wondering, did Sony provide this PS five to me? No, I am not influential or cool enough to be considered for free tonsils. Uh, this is bought with my own hard earned money and, uh, I also made a new profile. So [00:01:00] as to protect privacy of my friends and my own personal information, but who knows, if you drop your PSN down in the comments, maybe I'll friend, you we'll see. Speaker 1: Okay. PS five update. Let's go to the big screen. Uh, the first big update here is to external storage. Like I said, you can now store PS five games on external drives. There's a little tiny hitch, just a little, one little, um, you can't actually play PlayStation five games on that [00:01:30] drive. You have to reinstall them on the internal console storage. Um, that is, um, it's not great. It's not my favorite thing. Um, but Sony says it's faster to reinstall games that way by copying the data back over to the internal storage, as opposed to re downloading it or even copying it from a disc. And, uh, also if you think you're gonna save yourself some time and internal storage space by installing [00:02:00] games directly to an external, so storage device also not available to you. Um, you actually have to, it's a little, there's a lot of steps. Speaker 1: You have to download a game directly, PlayStation five games specifically directly to the internal console storage and then move it to the external storage device that you'd like to use. Let's say maybe there's a PlayStation plus game that you have really been looking forward to. Uh, but you know, you're not gonna get to like odd world. Um, [00:02:30] you can actually just move that over to an extended drive, which I've done. I've done that. You can see the little icon right there next to the PlayStation plus logo. It's on extended storage. So if I, uh, if I click on it, it says it can't find the gamer app that's because it's on the drive, uh, the external drive. So now I have an option instead of play. I can literally just copy it so I can copy that right back over from an external drive [00:03:00] to my PlayStation five. Speaker 1: So it adds it right into your downloads updates. Uh, just like it would, if you were re downloading the game, if you were installing the game, um, if you're wondering what drive I'm using, Sony did say there are some requirements for speed, uh, transfer speed and things like that. That's on their official blog. I'm used the Seagate two terabyte PlayStation four game drive. Um, it's not terribly expensive for two terabytes of storage. It meets all of Sony's requirements. Um, but if you're interested in [00:03:30] other drives that we recommend, I will drop a link down in the description. Okay. So it's copying over. It does seem to be going pretty fast, which is nice. Um, I don't have any issues there. I think that's pretty cool. Uh, while that works, I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys some of the new video and accessibility features. Speaker 1: So let's go into settings and, uh, here is accessibility. Um, if you need a zoomed in screen that is now an option for [00:04:00] you, if you are visually impaired, um, if you are just like me and you're getting old and your eyes are going bad, because all you do is stare at screens all day, um, and zoom meetings, you can enable, uh, zoom so you can zoom in and it is adjustable, which I appreciate very much. Um, so you can do that. You can also go to your video and screen options, and there are some new, uh, features and functionality here. So video output, you can go down to [00:04:30] HDR. And before this update, there were two options there was off and always on. Um, and if you plugged in your PlayStation five to a non HDR, uh, play, and it was set to always on, you might run into issues where it would just not show anything which, um, I think freaked a lot of people out think they thought that their PlayStation fives got bricked or something weird happened, or there was a glitch or whatever. Speaker 1: Um, you can just now choose on when supported that is now a new option. [00:05:00] So I, that my main TV in the living room, I don't have HDR. Um, I got in on that 4k wave before HDR was cool. My TV's old, uh, but my monitor here is almost brand new. I bought it less than a year ago and it does have HDR. And it's awesome. So I will turn on when supported HDR, which is pretty cool. Um, you can all so enable now 120 Hertz output. So this is four games that support 120 Hertz frame rates. Um, so I [00:05:30] would imagine you're gonna see this in a lot of first person shooters, be very, very helpful for you. Um, definitely flip that on to automatic, if it isn't already, uh, I am a big fan of that, and those are most of this, of Easter egg kind of small updates that they've added to your settings. Speaker 1: Um, soul storms already transferred over. So that was actually pretty quick, which is pretty cool. Um, the game there, and if I wanted to transfer it back, all I would have to do is just, um, I think I can actually do it from here. I'm [00:06:00] gonna hit options and there it is. I can actually move it right back to the USB extended storage if I wanted to. So pretty quick, pretty easy. I'm I'm impressed. Um, I, I like that option a lot. Like I said, sometimes I download PlayStation plus games and I, I am never gonna get to this in the next like month or two. I just have other stuff that I wanna play right now. And so, um, this is a very appreciated feature, at least until Sony enables the [00:06:30] M two expansion slot inside the PlayStation five. Um, then you can add an, an M two drive in your PS five and expand your storage that way, uh, which I would imagine hypothetically, you would absolutely be able to play games directly off that drive. Speaker 1: Like there's no reason you shouldn't be able to do that. Uh, don't run out and buy an M dot two drive just yet. If you're excited about that feature, um, because says they wanna be able to give you details again on like requirements, [00:07:00] minimums, speeds, things like that. So, um, don't go too crazy on the, the extended USB is all I'm saying you might want, you probably want an M two for your PlayStation five. Okay. So another cool feature that they've added is, um, they've expanded share play it's now cross-generational. So now I can share a with somebody who's on PS4. Uh, I can go to game base. There are some updates in game base just in general. Uh, you can see now I can toggle between parties and friends very easily with my L [00:07:30] one and R one. Um, I've got low, low, low rice online. Speaker 1: So I am going to, uh, go into this party share play is a little bit like Sony likes a lot of steps, right? So this is how you have to work out, share play. You have to make a party, add whoever you want in there. Then you have to join the voice chat within that party. So we're gonna do that or join the voice chat, and then [00:08:00] you have to view the voice chat, and then you can see, okay, here's the party you can, um, you can see how many voice chats you're in. If you're in multiple ones, that's fine. Um, and then, and only then within voice chat, are you able to start sharing your screen? Um, so here's screen share. So we're gonna share our screen. Um, and hopefully, uh, Lolo rice is, uh, is there, hopefully he is on the other end. Speaker 1: I saw the green, I saw the green button. He should be there. There [00:08:30] he is. Um, and we are able to finally say like, I wanna start share play. So there are a lot of steps here, a lot of steps. Um, there are some new options you can say, visitor plays as you, uh, or you can play with the visitor so you can play it in co-op mode. Um, so I really like these for kind of demo purposes. If you, I do like that Sony also mentions it can help you through a difficult area. So if you're really struggling with a particular part, you know, you [00:09:00] have a friend who is like, Ugh, I totally beat that boss in dark souls. No problem. Just hand the controller to them. Although, oof, I don't know. Latency wise, maybe dark souls. Isn't the best game to play, uh, with somebody remotely. Speaker 1: That's all I'm saying might not be a good idea. Um, okay, so let's play with, is him. So we're gonna do, um, a share play session and you can see there's the screen time. It has a, um, it has a timer when he joins same as PS four. So it's an hour long. You can share, play for an hour. And I am going to open up CRI [00:09:30] land because it's awesome. And I am dying to play this game with my friend, uh, producer Logan. So we're gonna hit play and I'm gonna request, I love this little top down shooter. It's one of my favorites of all time. Um, he started watching the screen, so we got that. That's cool. And then let's just double check that he has the ability to play with me at the same time. Cause I think that that's probably probably important. Speaker 1: Um, okay. Change play [00:10:00] mode. Oh, okay. So we can switch it at any time. That's nice. So I can switch that at any time. Um, and then let's go and let's, let's do the thing. Let's, let's play some spice, some Crimson land let's resume. Shall we? So let's see if he can join. It says press fire to join. Hopefully he's able to join me. I don't hopefully fingers crossed. Oh my God. What if he can't, I'm firing. He's uh, joining to start playing your game. He's doing it. It's happening. [00:10:30] I have to fire at these spiders. Oh no, don't touch. Don't touch. Can I get a second person in here? Help me. This spiders are coming. It's a little laggy. Um, I'm not super thrilled with that. That kind of that's kind of lame. Uh, maybe I'll go. Let's see. Restart. There we go. There he is. Speaker 1: I had to restart the level he had to. I, I think he needed to start at the beginning with me. Couldn't just jump in. Uh, all right. So we're shooting our sad little guns. I'm gonna get this eye on Canon, cuz that looks fun. [00:11:00] Oh yes. More, more power. Actually. I really like this. It's it's a little choppy. It's a little choppy, no crazy things that require like very precise reflexes required. Maybe that's not a good thing, but if there's like a platform or I mean, RPG, uh, shooters like this, like maybe, maybe there might be some scenarios where the screen is just too full. Um, I don't know, but this is pretty awesome. I like this idea of being able to play, um, [00:11:30] being able to play with a friend and also kind of give people if, uh, if you got a pal who wants to check a game out, hasn't really played it yet. Speaker 1: Isn't sure it's worth the money. Uh, has maybe watched some Twitch, but still doesn't know if it's for them. Uh, this might be a really, this might be a really good option to sort of show off how a game works. Again. It works with, uh, PS four and PS five. So if I had a friend who was on, you know, PS four and they wanted to check out bug snacks or, you know, Astros [00:12:00] playroom or whatever they could do that. So that is, um, that's really cool. And also, you know, very helpful to have your friend, uh, check out those PS five games if they haven't been able to get their hands on PS five. So that's kind of the, it's kind of also nice. It is really, it's a little choppy, like just full disclosure. It's it is a little choppy. You may wanna make sure that both of your plays stations are hardwired into ethernet. Speaker 1: No, no wifi play that might help. Um, so, but other than that, I don't know how you [00:12:30] would make that. Maybe a lot better. Uh, I'm gonna go ahead and stop this share play session. Um, here we go. Let's go into our voice chat again. So many steps. Um, all right, cool. So here's that. And uh, we're gonna stop our share screen. We're gonna stop our share play. We're gonna stop all the stuff and I am going to, uh, I am gonna leave I'm you a voice chat, Logan, Logan don't wanna talk to me anyway. Um, so yeah. And it'll say your share play session has ended, [00:13:00] um, right. Well, that's pretty interesting. Uh, I am, uh, I am into that. Uh, there are a couple things I can't show off, so I can't show off, uh, the quick way to disable in game chat. Speaker 1: So in game, voice chat, you can disable to it very quickly. Uh, and also, uh, something I can't show off, uh, but is really neat is this, uh, ability to have game update pre downloads. So if you've ever purchased a game in advance, you've, pre-ordered a game and then it starts [00:13:30] downloading the game before the game even launches very similar just for patches, not for games. So, uh, developers can enable that it's on a game by game basis or a developer basis. Um, they choose not Sony, but they will enable you to pre-download a, a patch, uh, which if you're, let's say a cyberpunk player and you get a really big patch and you wanna be able to play right. When that patch comes out, that would be a great way for them to help players, uh, one, not all download stuff at the same time, [00:14:00] um, and also, uh, be able to just jump right in once that patch is live. Speaker 1: So that's pretty cool. There are also some other things like customizing the game library, you're able to hide games, um, which I feel like Sony says you're able to hide games now, but I feel like I was able to do that on PS four. Maybe I wasn't able to do it on PlayStation five until now. Um, but, uh, you're able to hide games if you, so if you so choose, you can say, oh, I don't want this in my, uh, I don't want this in my game library. I'm done with it. I never wanna see [00:14:30] it again. Um, I I'm just over it. You can actually go into your options and, and hide the game from appearing the Erin UN hide it later. Um, lastly, this is probably my favorite update aside from the extended storage stuff, um, trophies. So I get very annoyed at having to Wade through piles and piles of screenshots and video clips, uh, for every bronze trophy [00:15:00] I earn in a game. Speaker 1: And now you can change that, which I am a big, big, big fan of. So, um, you can say you don't want popups, all this stuff that's always been there. Um, but if you go into trophies, uh, you can say, I want, you know, these, oh, I'm sorry. These are the notifications for trophies, um, captures and broadcast my bad. Um, so here is options for trophies. So you've got these trophies screenshots. You can say, [00:15:30] automat, save a screenshot when you earn a trophy at certain levels of trophies. So instead of every single trophy, you can say, you know what, the only ones that are important to me, that I want some sort of, uh, you know, commemorative screenshot for a platinum and gold, or, uh, maybe your trophy videos. I only want a video for, uh, when I get a, a platinum, that's all I care about. Speaker 1: Uh, you can now do that, which is very nice. I am so appreciative of this. [00:16:00] I really absolutely cannot stand. Um, I cannot stand it, having to look through all of these, especially in games like control where there's a photo mode and you're just, uh, you have to just Wade through all these trophy video clips and just to get to the picture or the clip that you actually wanted to get to. Um, I'm very, I'm very into this option and I'm glad it exists. Thank you Sony very much. Um, that is, that is a big, that's a big one for me. That's all I'm saying. [00:16:30] It's a really big one. So those are the major parts of the update. Sony says it is also in the process of updating the official PlayStation app, uh, which will include options to manage your console storage, uh, in the coming weeks. So hopefully we'll be seeing that give a big thumbs up if you want an app walkthrough of the PlayStation app, once all of those features go live and, uh, be sure to subscribe if you have an ready and you can watch this very handy playlist somewhere around my head, uh, for more PlayStation five content till next [00:17:00] time, be good humans.

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