Coventry University helping train doctors and health workers to treat victims of Russia's invasion of Ukraine

A group of people wearing face masks, aprons and gloves stood around a hospital bed containing a dummy patient

Visitors from Ukraine during their visit to Coventry University

University news / Research news

Wednesday 17 July 2024

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A Coventry University researcher is playing a part in the humanitarian effort in Ukraine by training healthcare workers and rehabilitation specialists as they care for those injured and impacted by the war with Russia.

From the very moment the invasion began, Dr Agnieszka Lewko, Assistant Professor at the university’s Research Centre for Healthcare and Communities, wanted to do something to help and in less than a month she reached out and collaborated with other experts to host an online course in first aid for those on the ground in Ukraine.

The course was arranged through a collaboration with the Ukrainian Physical Therapists Association and Ukrainian Society of Ergotherapists and was soon followed by live webinars in amputee management and rehabilitation.

A programme for physiotherapists working in intensive care units was then developed as part of the charitable foundation Patients of Ukraine’s War Trauma Rehabilitation in Ukraine Initiative. This resulted in Dr Lewko and other health professionals visiting the city of Lviv to host two days of practical training, before a group of 12 physiotherapists and rehabilitation leaders from Ukraine visited Coventry University.

They took part in simulation training on physiotherapy in intensive care and attended an ‘excellence symposium’ organised by the Centre for Care Excellence for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health – a collaboration between the university and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) - as well as a clinical visit to the hospital.

The Ukrainian visitors also presented their own work at a symposium organised by the university’s Research Centre for Healthcare and Communities.

The unexpected outbreak of the invasion on Ukraine created a feeling of disbelief and shock to see pictures of civilian casualties. From this, collaborations emerged through education, clinical practice, leadership and research which eventually saw us supporting rehabilitation specialists in Ukraine online and visiting Ukraine to provide practical training, before a group of Ukrainian physiotherapists came here.

The last two years have showed that we are stronger together; leaders in education, clinical practice and research supporting our Ukrainian rehabilitation colleagues to improve patients’ care in this horrendous situation. We learned a lot from each other through this journey and continue working together to improve patients' care and access to high-quality rehabilitation globally.

Dr Agnieszka Lewko, Assistant Professor at Research Centre for Healthcare and Communities

Feedback from those who visited Coventry University included one person saying it “has made me want to change for the better, move forward and benefit my country”, while another said the trip “has inspired me even more to improve my work because if we understand that we are not perfect, then we strive for self-improvement and excellence in our craft”.

Patients of Ukraine is focusing on developing the infrastructure for all healthcare facilities and rebuilding some facilities damaged or destroyed since the war began. With support of international collaborators, the organisation can also focus on the accessibility and availability of medical and rehabilitation equipment, and not just drugs.

Anastasiia Boichuk, who leads Patients of Ukraine’s War Trauma Rehabilitation in Ukraine initiative, says the number of children born premature has doubled since the war started, meaning there is a much bigger number of children now needing rehabilitation and not only because of war trauma but because of war itself.

We're extremely grateful for the support from Agnieszka and Coventry University. With this help we should be able to expand our network of rehabilitation service providers, develop our workforce and help to improve and develop the existing rehabilitation professionals. We will also be able to continue and develop our research projects.

Anastasiia Boichuk, from Patients of Ukraine’s War Trauma Rehabilitation in Ukraine initiative

We’re really looking forward to continuing our training, education and research with Coventry University. We really enjoyed our scholarly visit to Coventry where we used the fabulous training facilities as well as meeting with experts from Coventry University.

Dr Kateryna Tymruk-Skoropad, who also works with Patients of Ukraine

As part of the collaboration, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between Coventry University and Patients of Ukraine with a view to developing additional education, research and professional development of rehabilitation professionals in the healthcare system in Ukraine, knowledge transfer and evidenced-based practice opportunities, and specialist knowledge in critical care rehabilitation and respiratory physiotherapy.

Find out more about Patients of Ukraine.