X FACTOR viewers of a certain age may do a double-take if they see a handsome teenager on this year’s series.

The 17-year old’s name, Brian Connolly, is a giveaway. It’s the same as his Scots father, the lead singer of 1970s glam rock superstars Sweet, who tragically died 16 years ago.

Young Brian, who bears a strong resemblance to his legendary dad, is hoping the ITV talent show will help lead him to similar success and stardom.

But he has no ambitions to follow the hard-living lifestyle which saw his dad die at just 51 after years of booze and drug abuse.

Brian, who was only 21 months old when his father died, said: “I’d love to be a superstar singer who has chart hits like my dad.

“I hope that one day thousands of people will pay to come and see me play live. I’m planning to audition for The X Factor in the hope that people will see me on TV. It won’t matter if I don’t win; I just want to give myself a platform.”

Exactly 40 years ago, Sweet and Glasgow-born lead singer Brian had their only UK No.1 with Blockbuster!

It was one of many international hits, which also included Ballroom Blitz, Hellraiser, Teenage Rampage and Fox On The Run, netting them record sales of well over 50million from 1971 until 1985.

But Brian won’t be covering any Sweet hits as he seeks to make his own mark on the music industry.

The teenager has been learning his trade in holiday resorts, currently at Richardsons in Mundesley, Norfolk.

He says: “I have done a few 70s shows in which I’ve dressed up as a 70s rocker with a long wig and make-up and performed hits by Mud, T Rex and Sweet.

“But I wouldn’t do that as an artist in my own right. I know my dad’s music very well, and I look very like him, except I’m taller.

“I’m 5ft 10in and dad was 5ft 8in. And I have different hair.

“I wouldn’t try to imitate him. I’m a very different singer from him, more like Ed Sheeran and James Arthur, and I will not sing the same sort of music. Neither will I get up on stage and say who dad was.’

Brian’s mother Jean was a traffic warden based at Heathrow Airport who dated Brian from 1993 until 1996.

She has described the birth of their son on May 26, 1995, as “the happiest day in the four years we were together. Brian was so delighted he was leaping round the hospital room”.

Sadly, young Brian has no memories of his father.

“None at all,” he said.

“I do find that sad, but it happens to quite a lot of people in this world. It might be easier for me to make my way in the music industry if my dad was around to advise and guide me. But I’m working hard like he did and hopefully that will pay off.”

Brian has plenty of mementoes, however.

He said: “I have loads of pictures, mainly of dad as a performer and me as a baby with him. I particularly treasure dad’s necklace with a little golden microphone on it.

“Some fans of Sweet send me photos and videos of my dad on Facebook.

“I don’t need to see them as I know what he looked like and I have so many photos of him as it is.

‘When I was younger, I sometimes looked at film of Dad and cried because I didn’t understand why he passed away.

“Nowadays, I’m not one for lying on my bed feeling soppy and thinking what could have been if my dad was still around. I can’t change the past.

“I have to live with what I have now and make the best I can from my future.

“Now, when I watch old videos of my dad with Sweet, I hope one day I’ll be as good as that.’

Brian attended primary schools in Essex and Kent before moving to Spain with Jean and her now husband Glenn Williams, who was a guitarist in Brian senior’s 1990s band BC Sweet.

Glam rockers The Sweet in 1974

They’d got together in 2000, married in 2003 and formed a musical duo performing in pubs, clubs and most recently cruise ships.

“Glenn is the best stepdad I could have asked for” said Brian. “He’s been like a real father to me.”

With the encouragement of his mother and stepfather, Brian began performing aged six. He recalls: “I used to get up and sing a couple of Ricky Martin numbers and dance.

“I went through a moody stage at around 12 when I didn’t want to perform. Then at 14, once my voice had dropped, I became my old self again and sang a lot more.

“My mum and stepdad helped teach me to sing properly and to play rhythm guitar. I left school at 16 to work as an entertainer in
Barcelona. That’s when my singing voice really kicked in. Performing on stage in front of quite a few people gave me a really nice feeling inside, and from then onwards I knew that’s what I wanted to do.”

The recession in Spain brought bilingual Brian back to the UK in 2012. By a strange coincidence, he is beginning his career in the kind of holiday resorts his dad ended up working in.

Brian also insists he is a “very down-to-earth, straightforward, normal person” who will not emulate his father’s drink and drug-fuelled lifestyle.

He said: “I drink alcohol socially within reason and I smoke tobacco, but nothing else – I don’t touch drugs.

“I could have inherited certain traits from my dad, and drugs were a big part of the way he was, so I try to make sure I don’t end up the same way.

“I’m sure dad would be proud of me because I’m working as a singer. He was somebody for me to live up to because he tried hard to become what he was and he succeeded very well. I’m inspired to try and get where he was.”