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Privacy Policy

As Turkuvaz Haberleşme ve Yayıncılık A.Ş., we are processing your personal data, and at the same time, using our best efforts to protect your data by taking the technical and administrative measures prescribed by laws. With this text, we would like to inform you in detail of the processes for processing of your personal data.

The following terms mentioned in this text shall refer to the meanings specified below:

Personal Data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable real person,

Processing of Personal Data: Any activity carried out in the period to elapse from collection of personal data to their deletion, destruction or anonymization, including their acquisition, recording, storage, protection, alteration, re-arrangement, disclosure, transmission, transfer, availability, classification and prevention of their use.

Law on the Protection of Personal Data ("LPPD"): Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698,

Turkuvaz: Turkuvaz Haberleşme ve Yayıncılık A.Ş and its companies and group companies,

Data Supervisor: Real or legal person who determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data, and who is responsible for establishment and management of the data recording system.

The data supervisor in respect of your data processed on the websiteTurkuvaz Haberleşme ve Yayıncılık A.Ş. Turkuvaz processes your personal data within the frame of the limits stipulated by all the legislation in relation to protection of personal data, Constitution of the Republic of TÜRKİYE and the international conventions to which our country is a party and LPPD being in the first place.

Although it differs depending upon the services provided and activities carried out on the website your below-specified data may be collected in electronic environment in accordance with your statement or within your knowledge:

In case you make contact from the tab of "contact us", your name and e-mail address that you have provided to us, content of your message, subject of the message, your reason for writing to us as well as information of the device you use and your IP data (resource and target information),
In case you fill in the employment application form from the career tab, your CV information specified on the form,
When you wish to send the articles of authors to another mail address through the website; your name, e-mail addresses of you and the recipient and the content of your message and your IP data (resource and target information),
Due to legal requirement; date and time of access/exit, your IP data (resource and target information) and your location information in respect of your visit to the website ,
Data collected by cookies for the purpose of ensuring that you can use the more efficiently, easily and fast, customizing the services and activities of the website according to your needs, and ensuring that the third party websites can provide more convenient services and offers.
As stipulated by LPPD, your personal data collected shall be processed;

In accordance with the law and principles of integrity,
In an accurate manner, and up-to-date when necessary,
For specific, clear and legitimate purposes,
in a way that is relevant, limited and proportionate to purpose of their processing, and
In accordance with the principles of being retained for a period specified in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose of processing thereof.
Your personal data can be processed for the purposes of;

Performing the endeavors necessary for you to benefit from our services and activities,
Offering to you the services and activities provided by Turkuvaz by customizing them according to your like, usage habits and needs, and providing the necessary technical support and quality in accordance with your requests,
Being able to inform you about our new services and activities, and accordingly, being able to provide the product and service which is most suitable for you,
Being able to develop, improve and make widespread our services and activities by making the necessary measurements,
Being able to reply to all kinds of your questions and complaints in respect of our services and activities,
Taking all the necessary technical and administrative measures within the scope of data security,
Being able to procure the necessary information in accordance with the requests and audits of regulatory and auditing institutions and official authorities, and being able to carry out the administrative operations,
Being able to measure customer satisfaction,
Being able to perform our legal obligations as stipulated and required by legal regulations, such as processing in accordance with the relevant legislation of the online visitor data,
and as specified in articles 5 and 6 of LPPD, on condition that;

It is explicitly stipulated by the relevant laws,
Processing of personal data belonging to the parties to a contract is necessary due to the fact that they are directly related to the performance of the contract,
It is compulsory for Turkuvaz to fulfill a legal obligation of it,
It is made public by the related person himself/herself,
Processing of data is necessary for the legitimate interests of Turkuvaz, provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the related person are not infringed,
Explicit consent is obtained if necessary.

Your personal data can be transferred to;

Our business partners, supplier companies, group companies and shareholders with which we cooperate or from which we procure services for provision and promotion of our services and activities,
Our group companies for the purposes of determining and implementing of commercial and business strategies of Turkuvaz and conducting its human resources policies,
Lawyers, auditors, tax consultants and other third persons from which we procure consultancy and service,
Your agents and representatives authorized by yourself,
Regulatory and auditing institutions and other public institutions such as courts and execution offices, and other public institutions and organizations authorized to require your personal data,
under the personal data processing terms and conditions and purposes specified in articles 8 and 9 of LPPD.

With regard to your personal data, you have the right to;
find out whether your personal data is processed;
request information, if they are processed;
To learn about the purpose of processing and to find out whether such data is used for the intended purpose;
obtain information about the third persons to whom your personal data is communicated within the country or abroad;
If they have been processed in an incomplete and wrongful manner, to request correction of the same, and to request that the third parties to whom personal data are transferred are also informed about the correction made,
In case the reasons requiring them to be processed cease to exist, to request that they are deleted or destroyed, and the third parties to whom the data are transferred are also informed about the transaction executed in this regard,
Object to the occurrence of a result which is detrimental to the person concerned as a result of analyzing the processed data exclusively through automatic systems; and
Request compensation for any damages incurred as a result of their unlawful processing.

You may forward your requests within the scope of your above-specified rights, by registered mail return receipt requested or in person or through a notary in written, or by registered electronic mail (REM) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or if you have an electronic mail that you have previously notified to us which is registered in our system, by using your electronic mail address. Your requests will be finalized without any charges within thirty days at the latest from the date when they are forwarded to us by the above-specified means.

As specified in the "Communiqué on Procedures and Principles for Application to Data Supervisor" which was published by the Personal Data Protection Authority on the Official Gazette no 30356 dated March 10, 2018, your requests specified in your application are replied at no cost, however, in case the reply to your request is made in written, a fee of TL 1 for each of the first ten pages and in case the reply is made in a recording environment such as a CD or flash disc, a fee which will not exceed the cost of the recording environment can be charged. In case your application has arisen from a fault of us, such fee shall be returned to you.

Your application shall be replied in accordance with the relevant provisions stipulated by LPPD, and for the purpose of confirming that the applicant is the correct person, Turkuvaz may request certain confirmatory information from you; such information may be requested only for the sake of identifying the identity of the real data owner and sharing the outcomes of the application with the correct person.

As Turkuvaz, we would like to remind you that, contains links to other websites, and the privacy principles of Turkuvaz shall apply only on our platform of and we have no responsibility in respect of the other websites, links of which are contained.

The Cookies Policy (hereinafter briefly referred to as "Policy" .) was prepared by TURKUVAZ HABERLEŞME VE YAYINCILIK A.Ş. (hereinafter briefly referred to as "Turkuvaz" .), and it constitutes the annex of Disclosure Text Under the Law on Protection of Personal Data of our website (hereinafter briefly referred to as "Website" .) Turkuvaz has prepared this Policy for the purpose of explaining which Cookies are used on its website.

Cookies are those small data files stored by your browser in your computer's hard disc. They are generally used to provide you with a customized experience during your use of the website, to develop the services provided and to improve your experience, and may contribute to ease of use while surfing in a website.

Cookies are classified under various categories according to their economic life, intended use and owner of cookies or the party placing cookies.

By Economic Life
By Intended Use
By Owner of Cookies and the Party Placing Cookies
Session cookies
Permanent cookies
Compulsory/Technical Cookies
Analytic Cookies
Functional Cookies
Targeting/Advertisement Cookies
First Party Cookies
Third Party Cookies

Session Cookies: These are those cookies created when you visit a website, used for the duration of your visit, which remain valid until the browser window is closed. The purpose of this kind of cookies is to ensure continuity and reliability of your visit.
For example, they allow filling online forms consisting of more than one pages.
Permanent Cookies: They are created during your first visit of a website, they remain on your hard disc depending upon their economic life or until you delete them. The purpose of this kind of cookies is to increase website functionality by providing a faster and better service to visitors.
For example, by remembering the visitor's preferences, determining the content to be sent in accordance with these preferences.


Compulsory/Technical Cookies: These are those compulsory cookies for proper operation of the website that you visit. The purpose of these cookies is to provide the necessary service by ensuring operation of the website.
For example, they allow access to secure parts of the website, ability to use its features and ability to surf in it.

Analytic Cookies: They collect information on the usage of the website and frequency and number of visits, and show how the visitors get access to the website. The intended purpose of such cookies is to increase the performance by improving the way the website functions, and to determine the general trend. They don't contain such data that can identify the identity of visitors.
For example, they show the number of error messages sent and most frequently visited pages.

Functional Cookies: They record the selections made by the visitor in the website and remember these selections during the next visit. The purpose of this kind of cookies is to provide ease of use to visitors.
For example, they prevent entry by the site users of their user password on each page they visit.

Targeting/Advertisement Cookies: They ensure measurement of the efficiency of the advertisements offered to the visitors and calculation of how many times they were viewed. The purpose of this kind of cookies is to provide such advertisements customized to the areas of interest of the visitors.
For example, they prevent an advertisement shown to the visitor from being shown again in a short time.


First Party Cookies: These are those cookies defined for the website visited, which can be read only by this website.
Third Party Cookies: These are those cookies defined for those organizations other than the website visited, which allow reporting to the website in respect of the service for which they are defined.


Compulsory, functional and analytic cookies used on our websites:

They are compulsory for use of the website interface and its features as desired.
They allow you to accelerate the activities during the visits that you will make in the future.
By allowing us to comprehend how the website is being used by the visitors, they assist us in bringing together the statistical data and in developing contents in accordance with these data.
Under no circumstances they collect, store or allow us to process those data by which we can identify your identity, they don't have the characteristics of personal data.
They don't damage your computer and they don't contain viruses.
Targeting and advertisement cookies are used for the purpose of customizing advertisements and analyzing website traffic, within our legitimate interests and the necessary legal commitments having been obtained, on condition that your fundamental rights and freedoms are not damaged.


In order to change your preferences in respect of use of cookies or to block or delete cookies, changing your browser settings will be sufficient.

In order that you can control cookies, many browsers offer you the option to accept or reject cookies, to accept only specific types of cookies, or to be warned by browser when a website requests storing cookies on your device.

At the same time, it is also possible to delete those cookies which were previously stored on your browser.

If you deactivate or reject cookies, you might be required to set certain preferences manually; since we will not be able to recognize your account and correlate it with you, certain features and services on the website might not operate properly. You may change your browser's settings by clicking on the relevant link from the below table.

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer




Microsoft Edge

In order to get more information on cookies including how cookies are placed, how they will be seen and how they will be managed and deleted, you may visit the web pages or , and use the 'Contact Us' section to forward to us your questions and opinions in relation to the Policy.