Experts have released images of what the Northern Coastline could look like in 50 years, as predictions about coral reefs have been made. 

From Northumberland’s iconic coastline to the view of Brighton Pier, Britain has its fair share of stunning coastline. 

But the famous coast in Whitby, North Yorkshire, could look very different in the decades to come; particularly if ocean temperatures continue to rise at their current rates, according to experts.

Darlington and Stockton Times: How experts predict Whitby will look by 2074How experts predict Whitby will look by 2074 (Image: Ocean Science & Technology)

A study by Ocean Science & Technology has revealed AI-generated imagery of Whitby with big changes potentially afoot. 

The images were populated as part of an investigation into Coral Reef restoration projects, and the potential damage if ocean temperatures continue to rise at their current rate, estimated at 0.2C every five years. 

Darlington and Stockton Times: How experts predict Seven Sisters will lookHow experts predict Seven Sisters will look (Image: Ocean Science & Technology)

Technology is helping to rebuild and replant coral reefs, and there is a distinct possibility that the UK could be a more suitable breeding ground for them in decades to come if current trends around Australia continue. 

A variety of technology is being used to suggest that coral reefs coming to lesser-predictable shores isn’t a foregone conclusion. 3D printing is taking place in Melbourne, helping coral reefs to grow new colonies through printing techniques. 

Meanwhile, in Queensland, researchers have created RangerBots that can identify reef health by creating 3D maps. They can be used to and track changes to ecosystems, enabling scientists to be quicker to react than ever before.  

And the study from the Ocean Science & Technology suggested that bringing the project over to the UK could deliver big change by 2074. 

You can see above what the results would be in some of the most iconic UK coastal locations.