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Friday, December 17, 2021

Frostarra Snowflake

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Frostarra Snowflake
This pattern has 6 rounds and measures about 3".
Pattern is written using U.S. Terminology.

Materials Needed
size 10 crochet thread- 30-40 yards
Optional- a second color
1.75 mm hook
yarn needle
Stitch Abbreviations
ch(s)- chain(s)
dc- double crochet 
FPdc- front post double crochet
FPsc- front post single crochet
FPslip st- front post slip stitch
slip st- slip stitch
sc- single crochet
st(s)- stitch(es)
yo- yarn over

Special Stitches

FP-puff st- [Yo, insert hook from front to back around the post of the dc indicated, yo and pull up a loop] 3 times (7 loops on hook), yo and draw through 6 loops on hook, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook.

FPslip st- insert hook from front to back around the post of the FP-puff st indicated, yo, pull up a loop and draw through the loop on the hook.

FPdc- yo and insert hook from front to back around post of st indicated, yo and pull up a loop, [yo and draw through 2 loops on hook] twice.

Puff st- [Yo, insert hook into ch-3 space indicated, yo and pull up a loop] 3 times (7 loops on hook), yo and draw through 6 loops on hook, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook.

2-FPsc decrease- insert hook from front to back around the post of each of next 2 FPdc indicated and pull up a loop, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

Picot- ch 3, slip st in third ch from hook.

Large picot- ch 5, slip st in fifth ch from hook.

Pattern Notes
[ ] - work enclosed instructions the amount of times indicated, or work enclosed instructions in the stitch or space indicated.

❄ - repeat the following instructions the amount of times indicated.

( ) - Enclose additional information and the number of stitches at the end of each round.

Symbol Key


Ch 4, slip st in fourth ch from hook to make a ring.

Round 1

Ch 3 (counts as first dc), 11 dc in ring, 

Slip st to third ch of first dc.
Mark first dc made for st placement on Round 3.

(12 dc)

Round 2

Ch 1, sc in same st, ch 1, FP-puff st around next dc, ch 1,

Repeat from  to  around-
 sc in next dc, ch 1, FP-puff st around next dc, ch 1 

Slip st to first sc.

(6 sc, 12 ch-1 spaces, 6 FP-puff sts)

How to make a FP-puff st

1- Yo and insert hook from front to back around the post of the dc indicated.
2- Yo and pull up a loop. (3 loops on hook)
3- Yo and insert hook from front to back around the post of the same dc.
4- Yo and pull up a loop. (5 loops on hook)
5- Yo and insert hook from front to back around the post of the same dc, yo and pull up a loop. (7 loops on hook)
6- Yo and draw through 6 of the loops on the hook.
7- Yo and draw through the last 2 loops on the hook to complete the FP-puff st.

Round 3

Ch 1, around the marked dc on Round 1 directly below work- [FPdc, ch 2, FPdc], 
ch 1, FPslip st around next FP-puff st, ch 1,

Repeat from  to  around-
 around the free post of next dc on Round 1 work- [FPdc, ch 2, FPdc], ch 1, FPslip st around next 
FP-puff st, ch 1 

Slip st to first FPdc.

(12 FPdc, 6 ch-2 spaces, 12 ch-1 spaces, 6 FPslip sts)

How to make a FPdc (front post double crochet)

1- Yo and insert hook from front to back around the post of the st indicated.
2- Yo and pull up a loop. (3 loops on hook)
3- Yo and draw through 2 loops on the hook. (2 loops left on the hook)
4- Yo and draw through both loops on the hook to complete the FPdc.

How to make a FPslip st

1- Insert hook from front to back around the post of the FP-puff st indicated.
2 and 3- Yo and pull up a loop and draw through the loop on the hook to complete the FPslip st.

Round 4

Ch 1, FPdc around same FPdc, [sc, ch 3, sc] in next ch-2 space, FPdc around next FPdc,

Repeat from ❄ to ❄ around-
❄ FPdc around next FPdc, [sc, ch 3, sc] in next ch-2 space, FPdc around next FPdc ❄

Slip st to first FPdc.
Mark second FPdc made for st placement on Round 6.

(12 FPdc, 12 sc, 6 ch-3 spaces)

Round 5

Slip st in next sc, ch 1, sc in same st, ch 1, puff st in next ch-3 space, ch 1, in same ch-3 space work- [puff st, ch 1] 3 times, sc in next sc, skip next 2 FPdc,

Repeat from  to  around-
 sc in next sc, ch 1, puff st in next ch-3 space, ch 1, in same ch-3 space work- [puff st, ch 1] 3 times, sc in next sc, skip next 2 FPdc 

Slip st to first sc.

(12 sc, 30 ch-1 spaces, 24 puff sts)

How to make a puff st

1- Yo and insert hook into the ch-3 space indicated.
2- Yo and pull up a loop. (3 loops on hook)
3- Yo and insert hook into the same ch-3 space, yo and pull up a loop. (5 loops on hook)
4- Yo and insert hook into the same ch-3 space, yo and pull up a loop. (7 loops on hook)
5- Yo and draw through 6 of the loops on the hook.
6- Yo and draw through the last 2 loops on the hook to complete the puff st.

Round 6

Slip st into next ch-1 space, ch 1, sc in same space, ch 3, slip st in third ch from hook (picot made), ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space,

In next ch-1 space work- [sc, ch 2, dc, ch 5, slip st in fifth ch from hook (large picot made), ch 1, dc, ch 2, sc],

sc in next ch-1 space, picot, ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space, ch 2, 2-FPsc decrease around the marked FPdc on Round 4 and the next FPdc on Round 4, ch 2,

Repeat from  to  around-
 sc in next ch-1 space on Round 5, picot, ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space,

In next ch-1 space work- [sc, ch 2, dc, large picot, ch 1, dc, ch 2, sc],

sc in next ch-1 space, picot, ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space, ch 2, 2-FPsc decrease around the next 2 FPdc on Round 4, ch 2 

Slip st to first sc, fasten off and weave in ends.

(36 sc, 12 picots, 24 ch-2 spaces, 12 dc, 6 large picots, 6 2-FPsc decreases)

How to make a 2-FPsc decrease

1- You will be working around the posts of the 2 FPdc indicated in the first photo.
2- Insert hook from front to back around the post of the first FPdc indicated.
3- Yo and pull up a loop. (2 loops on hook)
4- Insert hook from front to back around the second FPdc indicated, yo and pull up a loop. (3 loops on hook)
5- Yo and draw through all 3 loops on the hook to complete the 2-FPsc decrease.

Blocking and Finishing
It is optional but recommended to block your finished piece. Soak the snowflake in liquid starch or dilute with water if you prefer it to be lightly stiffened. Gently press out any excess liquid, being careful not to pull or twist on the stitches. Lay it flat on a blocking mat and pin the snowflake working from the center out to the edges. Allow to dry completely before removing the pins.

If using 2 colors-

With Color 1- Ch 4, slip st in fourth ch from hook to make a ring.

Round 1

Ch 3 (counts as first dc), 11 dc in ring,

Slip st to third ch of first dc.
Mark first dc made for st placement on Round 3.

Drop Color 1 from the hook, do not fasten off. Optional- Place a stitch marker around the loop to prevent the thread from unraveling.

(12 dc)

Round 2

With Color 2- Join thread in same dc, ch 1, sc in same st, ch 1, FP-puff st around next dc, ch 1,

Repeat from ❄ to ❄ around-
❄ sc in next dc, ch 1, FP-puff st around next dc, ch 1 ❄

Before joining make sure that Color 1is in the front of your work.

Slip st to first sc.

Drop Color 2 from the hook. Do not fasten off Color 2 and keep it on the wrong side of your work. Optional- Place a stitch marker around the loop to prevent the thread from unraveling.

(6 sc, 12 ch-1 spaces, 6 FP-puff sts)

Round 3

With Color 1- Ch 1, around the marked dc on Round 1 directly below work- [FPdc, ch 2, FPdc], 
ch 1, FPslip st around next FP-puff st, ch 1,

Repeat from  to  around-
 around the free post of next dc on Round 1 work- [FPdc, ch 2, FPdc], ch 1, FPslip st around next 
FP-puff st, ch 1 

Slip st to first FPdc.

(12 FPdc, 6 ch-2 spaces, 12 ch-1 spaces, 6 FPslip sts)

Round 4

Ch 1, FPdc around same FPdc, [sc, ch 3, sc] in next ch-2 space, FPdc around next FPdc,

Repeat from  to  around-
 FPdc around next FPdc, [sc, ch 3, sc] in next ch-2 space, FPdc around next FPdc 

Slip st to first FPdc.
Mark second FPdc made for st placement on Round 6.

Drop Color 1 from the hook. Do not fasten off Color 1 and keep it on the wrong side of your work. Optional- Place a stitch marker around the loop to prevent the thread from unraveling.

(12 FPdc, 12 sc, 6 ch-3 spaces)

Round 5

With Color 2- Ch 1, slip st in first sc made on Round 4 directly above, ch 1, sc in same st, ch 1, puff st in next ch-3 space, ch 1, in same ch-3 space work- [puff st, ch 1] 3 times, sc in next sc, skip next 2 FPdc,

Repeat from ❄ to ❄ around-
❄ sc in next sc, ch 1, puff st in next ch-3 space, ch 1, in same ch-3 space work- [puff st, ch 1] 3 times, sc in next sc, skip next 2 FPdc ❄

Slip st to first sc, fasten off Color 2.

(12 sc, 30 ch-1 spaces, 24 puff sts)

Round 6

With Color 1- Ch 1, slip st into first ch-1 space made on Round 5 directly above, ch 1, sc in same space, ch 3, slip st in third ch from hook (picot made), ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space,

In next ch-1 space work- [sc, ch 2, dc, ch 5, slip st in fifth ch from hook (large picot made), ch 1, dc, ch 2, sc],

sc in next ch-1 space, picot, ch 1,  sc in next ch-1 space, ch 2, 2-FPsc decrease around the marked FPdc on Round 4 and the next FPdc on Round 4, ch 2,

Repeat from ❄ to ❄ around-
❄ sc in next ch-1 space on Round 5, picot, ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space,

In next ch-1 space work- [sc, ch 2, dc, large picot, ch 1, dc, ch 2, sc],

sc in next ch-1 space, picot, ch 1, sc in next ch-1 space, ch 2, 2-FPsc decrease around the next 2 FPdc on Round 4, ch 2 ❄

Slip st to first sc, fasten off Color 1 and weave in ends.

(36 sc, 12 picots, 24 ch-2 spaces, 12 dc, 6 large picots, 6 2-FPsc decreases)

More snowflake patterns can be found here-

This pattern is by Julia Hart of Draiguna. Feel free to link to this pattern but do not reprint it onto your website. You can sell items made from this pattern. Please credit me as the designer, Julia Hart of Draiguna, link to my etsy shop-, or to my blog- Please do not claim this pattern as your own, sell, or distribute it. Also, please do not make charts, graphs, or videos of this pattern. Thank you!

© 2021 Draiguna


  1. Wow! Thank you so much, these are lovely! Happy holidays :D

  2. Yeah! I love your work Julia. I am looking forward to making this snowflake. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  3. Thank you so much for the detailed instructions make it easier to follow

  4. Your snowflakes and crochet patterns are always so lacy and intricate! Thank you so much for sharing them. What a gift you have!

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  6. Thank you for sharing this pattern! 👍
