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Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Online Comments

Corrigendum to "Maximality in the Farsighted Stable Set"

Volume 87, Issue 5

Newton, Jonathan

Lemma 1 of Ray and Vohra (2019) is false as stated, but holds under alternative conditions which are consistent with the ideas of coalitional sovereignty that motivate the cited paper.

Corrigendum to Capital Investment in "Assortative Matching with Large Firms"

Volume 86, Issue 1

Eeckhout, Jan, Philipp Kircher, Cristina Lafuente, and Gabriele Macci

THIS DOCUMENT CORRECTS AN ERROR in Eeckhout and Kircher (2018) in the sign of an underived condition for positive assortative matching (PAM thereafter) within those extensions that allows for generic capital investment: It occurs in the applications of the main theory to The skill premium with generic capital investment and The misallocation debate; see page 104. This note provides the correct condition, proves it, and adjusts the accompanying example.

Corrigendum to “Forecasting with Model Uncertainty: Representations and Risk Reduction"

Volume 85, Issue 2

Keisuke Hirano and Jonathan H. Wright

This paper corrects a minor error found in the original article.

Corrigendum to "Prices, Markups, and Trade Reform"

Volume 84, Issue 2

Jan De Loecker, Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg, Amit Khandelwal, and Nina Pavcnik

This paper corrects a minor error found in Appendix D.

Corrigendum to “Incentive Problems with Unidimensional Hidden Characteristics: A Unified Approach"

Volume 78, Issue 4

Martin F. Hellwig

This paper corrects a minor error found in the original article.

Corrigendum to “The Nonparametric Identification of Treatment Effects in Duration Models”

Volume 71, Issue 5

Jaap H. Abbring and Gerard J. van den Berg

This note identifies and corrects a mistake in (the proofs of) Propositions 4 and 5.

Comment on "Efficient Resource Allocation on the Basis of Priorities"

Volume 70, Issue 6

Yusuke Narita

This note points out that the proof of Theorem 1, the main theorem, in Ergin (2002) needs two corrections. We provide two counterexamples to Ergin’s (2002) proof and show that the theorem holds as it is by providing an alternative proof.

Corrigendum to "Estimation of a Censored Dynamic Panel Data Model"

Volume 70, Issue 6

Luojia Hu

There is a mistake in the discussion in Hu, L. (2002) discussed in this corrigendum.

Comment on "On the Internal Structure of Cities"

Volume 70, Issue 4

Xiaofang Dong and Stephen L. Ross

This paper corrects a minor error found in the original article.

Comment on “Smith (1995): Perfect Finite Horizon Folk Theorem"

Volume 63, Issue 2

Ghislain-Herman Demeze-Jouatsa and Andrea Wilson

Smith (1995) proved a perfect folk theorem for finitely-repeated stage games with recursively distinct Nash payoffs, without assuming a non-equivalent utilities (NEU) condition. While his theorem is correct, the constructive proof contained a small gap, using strategies only guaranteed to form a SPNE under NEU. Here, we illustrate the gap with a counterexample, and resolve it with a small adjustment to his strategies.

Corrigendum to: "Investigating Generalizations of Expected Utility Theory Using Experimental Data"

Volume 62, Issue 6

Pavlo Blavatskyy and Xiaohui Zhang

Hey, J. D. and Orme, C. (1994) proposed a new utility functional for Gul, F. (1991) disappointment aversion theory. Hey, J. D. and Orme, C. (1994) proved that this utility functional is identical to that in Gul, F. (1991) for the case when lotteries have at most three outcomes. We show that there is an algebraic mistake in this proof and the utility functional proposed in Hey, J. D. and Orme, C. (1994) is not the same as in Gul, F. (1991) disappointment aversion theory.

Corrigendum to Crawford and Sobel (1982) “Strategic Information Transmission”

Volume 50, Issue 6

Kono, Haruki, and Michihiro Kandori

In their analysis of strategic information transmission, Vincent Crawford and Joel
Sobel (1982) showed the existence of partition equilibria (Theorem 1). Although the
theorem itself is correct, the proof contains some incorrect statements. We present a
counter-example and provide a correct version of the proof.

Another Corrigendum to "Utility Theory without the Completeness Axiom"

Volume 30, Issue 3

Aumann, R.J.

This corrigendum corrects a minor error found in the original article.

A Note on Arrow-Enthoven’s Sufficiency Theorem on Quasi-Concave Programming: Corrigendum to: Quasi-Concave Programming

Volume 29, Issue 4

Julien, Ludovic A.

In this note, we reconsider Arrow–Enthoven’s (1961) Sufficiency Theorem 1 on quasi-concave programming [Econometrica, 29(4), p. 783]. One example illustrates the fact that condition (c) of their Theorem 1 should include the twice continuous differentiability of the quasi-concave objective function so that the conditions of the theorem are sufficient to identify global optima.

Probabilities as Similarity-Weighted Frequencies: A Comment

Wang, Fan

This note provides supplementary arguments for Billot, Gilboa, Samet, and Schmeidler (2005, hereafter BGSS). The result there is strengthened so that it also holds in situations where multiple cases are mapped to the same probability assessment, a possibility allowed but unaddressed by the original paper.

Corrigendum to “Last-in-First-Out Oligopoly Dynamics”

Jaap H. Abbring and Jeffrey R. Campbell

This paper corrects a minor error found in the original article.