Learning support

Learning support refers to the additional support some children and young people need to engage and achieve in education.

A new way to deliver learning support

We're implementing a new way to deliver learning support.

The Learning Support Delivery Model is about improving the education system for children and students who need additional learning support.

Strengthening learning support


Our learning support team helps schools, kura and early childhood services support the wellbeing of children and young people in their learning environments and communities. We want all children and young people to learn, experience a strong sense of belonging, and develop resilience.

Building positive learning environments that promote wellbeing works when the whole learning community, including families and whānau, is involved.

We use evidence-informed approaches to build capability and understanding amongst the people supporting the child or young person. 

We use resources and initiatives that help:

  • build social and emotional competency and teach understanding, expression and regulation of the learner’s emotions
  • foster a safe and caring school environment that limits bullying and aggressive behaviours
  • grow positive and respectful relationships, and enable effective responses when things go wrong
  • build student engagement and agency
  • affirm the language culture and identity of ākonga Māori
  • help educators and kaiako recognise and understand the strengths and needs of diverse learners
  • provide guidance on best practice for implementing policies, procedures and systems that support social, emotional and mental wellbeing
  • provide specialist services to schools when extra support is needed.

Keeping people healthy and safe

Self-review – Wellbeing@school(external link)

New Zealand Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy

The Government has released the New Zealand Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy. Its vision is for New Zealand to be the best place in the world for children and young people.

Education will play an essential part in supporting the strategy and everyone in education has an important role in promoting and supporting the wellbeing of children and young people.

Wellbeing in education

Inclusive education

Learning support is provided in the context of inclusive education.

Inclusive education

Practical strategies, suggestions and resources are available to support the diverse needs of all learners.

Guides and teaching strategies – TKI(external link)

Information for school leaders and teachers is available to help support inclusion and deliver an inclusive classroom curriculum.

Inclusive practices and the curriculum – TKI(external link)

Teaching strategies

The Inclusive Education website has teaching strategies for supporting children and students with learning support needs.

Practical guidance – Inclusive Education(external link)

Children with Additional Needs report

The 'Children with Additional Needs' report (2021) was commissioned under an Accord between the Ministry of Education, NZEI Te Riu Roa and NZPPTA.

The report addresses whether and the extent to which the prevalence of children with additional needs and complexity of need has changed over time.

Download the report:

Wellbeing and mental health teaching resource

'Mental Health Education and Hauora: Teaching interpersonal skills, resilience, and wellbeing' is a practical resource for teaching about mental health, including lesson ideas and activities.

To find out more here’s Kat Wells, co-author and health teacher from Lynfield College in Tāmaki Makaurau:

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Mental Health Education and Hauora

Nau mai, afio mai, welcome!

Kia ora, ko Kat Wells tāku ingoa and I teach at Lynfield College in Tāmaki Makaurau.

We’ve been using this book with our students 'Mental Health Education and Hauora: Teaching interpersonal skills, resilience, and wellbeing'. We know that young people who are happy, healthy, feel safe and confident in themselves, learn better. However, current research tells us that young people in New Zealand are experiencing unprecedented levels of loneliness and stress.

Schools can’t solve the mental health crisis alone but they do have an important role to play by checking in with students and supporting them through difficult times. As teachers, we can empower and equip young people with the skills and knowledge to navigate through challenges, changes and relationships.

This book can help support you and your school with this work. It’s a resource for teaching about mental health, including lesson ideas and activities, in areas such as hauora, resilience, identity, interpersonal skills, and wellbeing. The feedback I’ve received is that students really valued and enjoyed exploring these concepts.

Schools from Year 7 and up will all receive a hard copy along with 2 ideas for teaching units, it’s also available online.

Nō reira, kia kaha, mauri ora!

The Ministry of Education has delivered hard copies of the book to schools, working alongside the New Zealand Health Education Association (NZHEA), to provide additional resources supporting its use.

Teachers can download their free version of Mental Health Education and Hauora and supporting resources from NZHEA.

Mental Health Education and Hauora – NZHEA(external link)

Learning support areas

Learning support is available in your local early childhood centre or school. It is provided to support students, educators families and whānau in a range of different ways.

Attendance services

Alternative education provision – TKI(external link)

Behaviour services to help schools and students

Services and programmes – Blind and Low Vision Education Network NZ(external link)

Supporting students with speech, language and communication needs

Supporting children who are deaf or hard of hearing

Early interventions services

In-class support funding

Physical Disability Service

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) – TKI(external link)

Resource teachers learning and behaviour (RTLB)

Resource teachers literacy (RTLit) – TKI(external link)

Ongoing resourcing scheme (ORS)

Specialist teacher outreach service

School High Health Needs Fund

Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service

More areas of learning support for students are listed on the page below in the schools section of this website:

Students with learning support needs

Programmes for parents and educators

Programmes – Autism NZ(external link)

The Incredible Years programme (for parents) – TKI(external link)

The Incredible Years programme (for teachers) – TKI(external link)

The Incredible Years autism programme (for parents) – TKI(external link)

The Incredible Years autism programme (for teachers) – TKI(external link)

PB4L school-wide – TKI(external link)

Early childhood and school enrolment

Students can access services in their local early learning service or school.

Find an early learning centre or service – Education Counts(external link)

Find a school – Education Counts(external link)

Other school options are also available.

Specialist schools

Ako me mātau – Te Kura(external link)

Home education – Parents and whānau(external link)


Assistive technology

Boarding allowances

Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS)

Entering into a specialist education agreement

School High Health Needs Fund (SHHNF)

Specialised School Transport Assistance (SESTA) 

Learning support property modifications funding

Learning support study awards and scholarships

Guidelines and resources

Autism spectrum disorder

Individual education plans online – TKI(external link)

Teachers and teacher aides working together – TKI(external link) 

National transition guidelines

Special assessment conditions

Physical restraint

Resources – Down the Back of the Chair(external link)

Self-review – Wellbeing@School(external link)

Inclusive education

Contact us

Contact your local office for more information or to make a request for support.

Learning support services

Freecall (NZ only): 0800 622 222

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