The overall turnover index in industry in July 2024 recorded an increase of 11.7% compared with the corresponding index of July 2023, according to figures released by the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) on Friday.


The rebalancing of the FTSE indexes injected fresh interest into the Greek stock market on Monday, with turnover rising and more than 90% of it concerning blue chips.


Over 200,000 square meters of new office buildings are currently being developed in Athens’ real estate market.


The annual inflation rate in Cyprus dropped to 2.2% both in Cyprus and in the eurozone in August, compared to July 2024 (from 2.4% in Cyprus and 2.6% in the eurozone), Eurostat said.


How to attract more foreign investment in tourism and property in Greece was the focus of a closed roundtable discussion held on Tuesday by the Tourism and Real Estate & Development Committees of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with Greece’s ministries of Tourism and Development.


Attica Regional Governor Nikos Hardalias held a series of strategic meetings in Paris this week with international tourism and travel industry professionals and the media with the aim of promoting and consolidating the region’s position on the international tourist map for the benefit of sustainable development.


The Republic of Cyprus and Chevron have agreed to hold discussions over the next four months in order to seek an amicable solution that ensures the development of the Aphrodite gas field without further delays.


Illegal or underinsured labor accounted for six out of every 10 fines imposed in January-August by the Hellenic Labor Inspectorate on businesses found to violate the legislation.