US should ‘get tougher’ on Turkey

The United States must take a firmer stance toward Turkey and stop underestimating the growing anti-American sentiment in the country, according to Steven Cook, Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in Washington, in this interview with Kathimerini.


“You’ll find me if you do a search on the internet. Just type in ‘Christina-Maria, excursions and cooking on a traditional fishing boat on Naxos.’ Did you find it?” Stamatis Sergis is proud of the website created by his daughters.


Greeks and other Europeans are deeply curious about the November 5 US elections. Most of them recognize that the outcome of these elections will affect their country and themselves personally. Many of them say they wish the international community had a vote.


When a wildfire tore down a hillside towards Athens last month, its southernmost flank halted in a treeless area burned by fire two years before. A few miles west, however, the blaze found fresh fuel: woods and scrub that offered a path towards the city’s suburbs.


Austrian analyst and head of the European Stability Initiative Gerald Knaus stresses the need for Greece and other countries to pressure for changes in the European Union’s refugee legislation.


After the intense heat and drought of summer, the threat of a repeat of the devastating floods that swept through Greece’s central breadbasket last September is making farmers like Achilleas Gerotolios consider giving it all up.


It is widely believed that northern Greece is rich in water resources, but the reality is quite different. A steady decline in water levels has been recorded across all large and small lakes in the region.


After a series of record-breaking years, the island is seeing a decline in arrivals. This drop is often attributed to the pressures of rapid development. However, visitor satisfaction remains high.


Unauthorized migration to European Union countries dropped significantly overall in the first eight months of this year, even as political rhetoric and violence against migrants increased and far-right parties espousing anti-immigration policies made gains at the polls.


We met with Nikos Petrou, the president of the first environmental organization ever to be established in Greece, the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (HSPN), on a scorching-hot day in downtown Athens.


Any person “who abuses our hospitality or the right to asylum can have no claim to invoke it,” Germany’s Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck tells Kathimerini in an interview provided through written questions, referring to the recent knife attack in the western town of Solingen.


Fredi Beleri was released from a prison in Albania on Monday, September 2, and on Monday, September 9, is expected in Brussels, where he will serve as a member of the European Parliament after being elected on the ticket of Greece’s governing New Democracy in June.


Public opinion is subject to change. We live in a time of profound political, social, economic and sociocultural upheaval, each affecting how people think and feel to varying degrees. The image of Germany in Greece is no exception. Greek perceptions and attitudes towards Germany are changing.


The August 11-13 wildfire tore through more than 100 square kilometers of forest and scrubland and scorched the shores of the city’s main water reservoir at Marathon, where an ancient battle inspired the modern distance race.


The drama unfolding in Greece’s main opposition SYRIZA party over the last several weeks has been overwhelming and it’s hard to keep up with it all.


To an unsuspecting passer-by, almost nothing would have suggested that just a week ago, the city of Volos in central Greece had resembled a dystopia, with thousands of dead fish floating in the waters of the Pagasetic Gulf.