As wildfires wipe out forests, Greeks debate: To replant, or not?

When a wildfire tore down a hillside towards Athens last month, its southernmost flank halted in a treeless area burned by fire two years before. A few miles west, however, the blaze found fresh fuel: woods and scrub that offered a path towards the city’s suburbs.


After the intense heat and drought of summer, the threat of a repeat of the devastating floods that swept through Greece’s central breadbasket last September is making farmers like Achilleas Gerotolios consider giving it all up.


It is widely believed that northern Greece is rich in water resources, but the reality is quite different. A steady decline in water levels has been recorded across all large and small lakes in the region.


After a series of record-breaking years, the island is seeing a decline in arrivals. This drop is often attributed to the pressures of rapid development. However, visitor satisfaction remains high.


Unauthorized migration to European Union countries dropped significantly overall in the first eight months of this year, even as political rhetoric and violence against migrants increased and far-right parties espousing anti-immigration policies made gains at the polls.


Public opinion is subject to change. We live in a time of profound political, social, economic and sociocultural upheaval, each affecting how people think and feel to varying degrees. The image of Germany in Greece is no exception. Greek perceptions and attitudes towards Germany are changing.


To an unsuspecting passer-by, almost nothing would have suggested that just a week ago, the city of Volos in central Greece had resembled a dystopia, with thousands of dead fish floating in the waters of the Pagasetic Gulf.


Only 0.1% of Greek territorial waters are currently adequately protected from overfishing and other environmentally damaging activities, according to a report by the international organization Pristine Seas, delivered last month to Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.


At first, the proponents of marriage equality seemed vindicated. Until the European elections came along and ruling party officials – even some who had voted for the controversial law – said that the party had “lost its soul.”


“This is the worst year we’ve seen in three decades. There are no grapes. We are in the second year of drought, and the plants cannot survive; the vines have burnt leaves. We have already requested assessors from ELGA [the Hellenic Organization of Agricultural Insurance] to come and start the compensation process,” says Matthaios Dimopoulos, CEO of Santo Wines, describing the dire situation in the vineyards of Santorini, where the renowned Assyrtiko is produced, just weeks before the harvest begins on the island.


On the evening of July 7, a deep sigh of relief from Athens accompanied the lively celebrations on the streets of France


In mid-June a fire started on Milos. The island’s sole firefighter headed straight to the location in an antiquated fire truck, calling the head of the volunteer rescue team on the way.


Regular puffs of smoke from missile intercepts over northern Israel and fires from air strikes in southern Lebanon are outward signs of a fear that the Gaza war may be expanding into a wider conflict, which analysts say poses risks for both sides.


Back in May, Meta started sending out emails informing European users of Facebook and Instagram that it plans to use their public information to develop its artificial intelligence tools.