19.06.2024 / 15:00

The lack of an early warning system in the tax administration’s electronic data transmission system, and in particular receipts, resulted in a company not being detected by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) for a period of six months.


When a missile fired by Yemen’s Houthi Islamists landed near his ship in the Red Sea, Costas Rassias vowed to stop sailing through the perilous waters. “I froze,” said the Greek 34-year-old second class marine engineer, describing the close call. “I weighed what was more important – my life, or a better income?”

19.06.2024 / 13:31

The Environment Ministry signed a memorandum of understanding Tuesday for the establishment of a monitoring system which warns passing ships if large marine mammals, specifically whales, are on their route.

19.06.2024 / 10:35

The Athens District Prosecutor has recommended that the founder and former head of children’s charity Kivotos tou Kosmou (Ark of the World), Father Antonios Papanikolaou, should stand trial in connection with  abuse of minors at Ark facilities.

19.06.2024 / 08:57

Cyprus-US relations have reached their highest level yet after the two countries embarked on a strategic dialogue on key issues including defense, security, energy, crisis management and the fight against terrorism, officials said Monday. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken hailed the development as a “powerful evidence of the strengthening, deepening (and) broadening of the […]