Forest commandos deploy fresh tools in firefighting

Forest commandos deploy fresh tools in firefighting

Greece’s fire season has begun, posing a significant test for the recently formed forest commandos of the Fire Service.

The unit, officially known by the acronym EMODE, was established in 2021 after the disastrous blazes in Attica and on the island of Evia revealed that conventional firefighting forces were unable to operate effectively within forested areas, close to the front line.

Defense lines were until then primarily set up on roads that vehicles could access, but by the time the fire reached these points, it had already gained such momentum that it became even more difficult to combat.

Since their establishment, EMODE numbers have almost doubled, reaching 1,200 personnel nationwide.

“The enemy is one step ahead of us,” says Giannis Kolovos, commander of the 1st EMODE. “Climate change has surpassed us. You can never let your guard down, no matter how many resources you have.”

The team will be assisted by fire observers equipped with drones and portable meteorological stations to take precise measurements of temperature, relative humidity, and wind at their operating locations.

The fire observers are responsible for assessing the fire area, identifying safe points, gathering places, and escape routes, monitoring the movement of aerial units, and recording how the blaze unfolds and changes from minute to minute.

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