A father and daughter enjoying a day out.

Inspire Me

Spring is a beautiful time to visit our historic places and make the most of the great outdoors. We have gathered some of our favourite features, events and things to do to inspire your next visit.

Discover our historic gardens, travel guides, historic walks, Victorian recipes and fun activities for all the family. All the inspiration you need is right here.

A classic car show at Brodsworth Hall

Top 5 things to do in June

Need inspiration for days out in June? Try our latest round up of whats on at historic places near you.

We've pulled together our top picks - from ways to spoil Dad this Fathers Day to summer solstice at Stonehenge and the history behind Bridgerton. Read on to discover fascinating people, must-see sites and explore this month in history. 

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A holiday cottage at Audley End House and Gardens in May.

Plan a historic holiday

Why not start planning a spring or summer holiday and have a look at our beautiful selection of Holiday Cottages nestled amongst our historic sites. We have a great selection of properties to suit everyone from romantic escapes, dog friendly cottages, stays by the sea, family friendly cottages, and castle stays.

Explore our Cottages


Characters from the TV show Bridgerton.

The History behind Bridgerton

Bridgerton has undoubtedly brought a sense of renewed interest to the Georgian period. An era of great social, political and cultural change, but was it anything like the regency world that Netflix has created?


Find out all you need to know about Georgian society that continues to inspire the world of Bridgerton.

© Netflix Inc, 2024

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Swing boats at a traditional fair.

All the fun of the fair

Whether visiting a travelling funfair or enjoying a trip to an amusement park, we all love the bright lights and the thrill of fairground rides.


Historian Dr Allan Brodie traces their story from the humble swing to today's death-defying rides. And follows this national love affair from the fairs of the Middle Ages to the modern theme park.

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An aerial view of Hardknott Roman Fort

The Romans in the Lake District

Two thousand years ago, the Lake District was a frontier of the Roman Empire. Today, English Heritage cares for the remains of three forts – Ambleside, Hardknott and Ravenglass – that guarded a road connecting this area to the rest of the Roman world.


Learn more about these sites, discover their history and find out how to visit them.

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Pea plants sprouting in pots.

Gardening Sustainability: What can we learn from History?

Historically, gardeners for country house estates have needed to be as self-sufficient as possible, using the resources available to them wisely. Looking back into the past reveals shared challenges we associate with gardening sustainability today. We explore how these challenges were managed in the past and how they resonate with modern gardeners.

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How to Make Cabinet Pudding - The Victorian Way

Mrs Crocombe is back in the kitchen, today preparing a steamed pudding which makes use of stale sponge cake by freshening it up with preserved fruit. This dish is ideal for the "hungry months" between March and May when, in the Victorian period, there was little fresh produce available for many people.

Relax your mind with videos from our sites

Put on your headphones and relax to the ambient sights and sounds from a selection of our historic sites across the country.




History for Kids

Image: Illustration of character with dragon and horse

Are you ready to go back - way back - in time to learn all about England’s history? Read our magazines and discover our online pages where you can explore each of the key periods, from the Stone Age right through to the Second World War.

Find out what life was like at the time through fun facts, illustrated stories, games and more. 

Explore our history for Kids

More to Explore

'step into englands story