New resources to mind young people’s mental health


New resources to mind young people’s mental health

The guide about Mental Health Literacy in Youth Information Work has been available for a couple of months now. This is the result of the work of the consortium of the YIMinds project about young people’s mental health. 

This guide is an indispensable tool for youth workers, information professionals, and anyone interested in the welfare of young people in the field of youth information work. Six chapters covering everything from understanding mental health to empowering youth voices are included, focusing on the crucial intersection of youth information services and mental health.

It is already available in English and in Spanish. It will soon be translated into Dutch, French, German, Estonian and Greek. 

The consortium also developed a podcast, led by Harno, about mental health literacy. It targets youth (info) workers, and each episode gathers a mental health expert and/or a youth worker and a young person. The four episodes of the series are a complement to the guide mentioned above.

Two episodes are already available. The first episode focuses on understanding mental health in youth work and youth information work, and we will discuss the ☑️ need, role, and value of youth information and youth information services. The second episode talks about how to ⚠️ identify mental health and emotional well-being in young people and how to raise awareness and knowledge in everyday work.


Available on YouTube and Spotify

Previous - A new TikTok channel of the Austrian Youth Information Services!


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