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Empowering Consumers: Ensuring Access to Car Data in the Digital Era

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In the rapidly evolving digital age, our vehicles have transformed into data-rich hubs. Every time we step into a car, we generate a wealth of data, ranging from location information to vehicle performance metrics. This could both enhance road safety and revolutionize the driving experience if the sector is allowed to innovate. Ensuring consumers’ access to their data and associated functions will not only safeguard their rights but unleash innovation in the automotive aftermarket.

Laurianne Krid is FIA Region I Director General.

As the Director General of FIA Region I, representing 100 mobility clubs and 36 million motorists across Europe, I welcome the adoption of the recent inter-institutional agreement on the Data Act. This agreement is a milestone, showing the European Union commitment to tackling the intricate challenges associated with data access, while fostering a legislative framework that promotes data sharing and consumers’ empowerment. I am now eagerly awaiting the adoption of the European Commission’s legislative proposal on access to car data, functions, and resources, which will complement the general principles of the data act. I am confident that this legislation will be the backbone of a thriving automotive aftermarket, bringing mobility to a safer and more sustainable future.

First and foremost, it is essential to recognize that the data generated by our vehicles belongs to the owners. Consumers should have the right to access, control, and share their car data as they see fit. This fundamental principle ensures that drivers can benefit from the full potential of their vehicles, make informed decisions about maintenance and repair, and even unlock new services and innovations tailored to their preferences. By empowering consumers with access to car data, we foster a competitive market that encourages innovation, enables fair pricing, and enhances customer choice.

Moreover, data access should not be limited to vehicle manufacturers or a select few industry players. The automotive sector is rapidly transforming into a data-driven ecosystem, and all stakeholders, including independent service providers, must be granted fair and non-discriminatory access to car data and functions. By promoting open access, we foster healthy competition, drive innovation, and ensure that consumers are not locked into proprietary systems or restricted to limited choices. This inclusive approach not only benefits consumers but also stimulates entrepreneurship and job creation within the automotive industry.

While we advocate for access to car data, we must also prioritize data privacy and security. Any legislative framework must encompass robust data protection measures, ensuring that consumer information remains confidential, anonymized when necessary, and used solely for authorized purposes. Striking the right balance between data accessibility and privacy is crucial to maintaining consumer trust and confidence in the digital ecosystem. Additionally, standardized security protocols should be implemented to safeguard against potential cybersecurity threats and unauthorized access to sensitive vehicle data.

To maximize the benefits of car data access, the legislative proposal should also encourage data standardization and interoperability. Establishing common technical standards and protocols ensures seamless data exchange between different vehicles and systems. This interoperability is essential for the development of innovative mobility services, intelligent traffic management, and cooperative vehicle systems. By fostering a collaborative environment where data can flow freely, we unlock new opportunities for safer, more efficient, and sustainable mobility.

In conclusion, the European Commission’s legislative proposal on access to car data presents a significant milestone in shaping the future of the automotive industry. By prioritizing consumer empowerment, data privacy, fair competition, and interoperability, we can create an environment where car data becomes a catalyst for positive change. Let us seize this opportunity to champion the rights and expectations of consumers while fostering innovation and driving Europe towards a safer, more connected, and sustainable mobility future.

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