

    Filter by 
    • Plenary session 

      1. No event for this day 
    • President's agenda 

      United Nations General Assembly, in New York, USA (local time)

      12:30 President Metsola participates at the World Economic Forum Roundtable 'Advancing a Global Agenda through a Geopolitical Recession’


      14:05 President Metsola meets the Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama


      15:20 President Metsola delivers a Keynote Speech at the Concordia Summit


      18:30 President Metsola attends the event “Sustainable Development Goal 4: Educating for the Next Generation” hosted by the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown and the Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Mottley

    • Conference Of Presidents 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Press conferences 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Conciliation/Trialogue 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Parliamentary committees 

        Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 
        Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 2Q2 


        • Presentation of the Council Presidency’s programme - Exchange of views with Anikó RAISZ, State Secretary for Environmental Affairs and the Circular Economy, Hungarian Council Presidency
        • Presentation of the Council Presidency’s programme - Exchange of views with Péter TAKÁCS, Minister of State for Health, Hungarian Council Presidency
        Committee on Budgets 
        Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 6Q2 


        • Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Greece and France relating to six natural disasters occurred in 2023 (2024/0212(BUD)) - Adoption of draft report - Rapporteur: Georgios AFTIAS (EPP, EL)


        • Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers – EGF/2024/001 BE/Match - Belgium - Consideration of draft report
        • Draft amending budget no 4 to the general budget 2024 - update of revenue (own resources) and adjustments to some decentralised agencies (2024/0185(BUD)) - Consideration of draft report - Rapporteur: Siegfried MUREŞAN (EPP, RO)
        Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 
        Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 1A002 


        • Update on the digital euro - exchange of views with Piero Cipollone, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank

        • Public Hearing with Dominique Laboureix, Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB) (16.00 – 17.00)

        • Scrutiny of delegated acts and implementing measures - exchange of views on the Commission Delegated Regulation of 24.07.2024 amending Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (CRR) with regard to the date of application of the own funds requirements for market risk

        Subcommittee on Human Rights 
        Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 5E-2 


        • Exchange of views on the human rights situation in Bangladesh
        • Exchange of views with Stella RONNER GRUBAČIĆ, Deputy Managing Director for Values and Multilateral Relations, EEAS
        • Exchange of views with representatives from the Human Rights and Democracy Network:
          - Camilo TOVAR, International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights
          - Emma ACHILLI, EU adviser, International Dalit Solidarity Network
          - Roy VIRAH-SAWMY, Policy Coordinator, European Partnership for Democracy

        Committee on Fisheries 
        Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 3E-2 


        • Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks applicable in the Baltic sea for 2025 and amending Regulation 2024/257 as regards certain fishing opportunities in other waters - COM(2024)0386 - presentation by the Commission
        • Cuts in anchovy quotas in Atlantic Iberian waters for the years 2024 and 2025 - exchange of views with the Commission
        • EU Oceans and Fisheries Policy – Latest Developments and Future Challenges: Fisheries policies, Aquaculture policies, Ocean Governance and Blue Economy - presentation of a study by the Policy Department B

    • Delegations 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Public hearings 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Special events 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Official visits 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Formal sittings 

      1. No event for this day 


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    • Plenary session 

      1. No event for this day 
    • President's agenda 

      United Nations General Assembly, in New York, USA (local time)

      09:00 President Metsola attends the Opening Session of the United Nations General Assembly

      10:00 President Metsola meets Tony Blair, the Executive Chair of the TBI of Global Change

      13:30 President Metsola delivers Keynote Speech: 'Citizen Social Responsibility: Bolstering Democracies through Civic Engagement', organised by the Clinton Global Initiative

    • Conference Of Presidents 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Press conferences 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Conciliation/Trialogue 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Parliamentary committees 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Delegations 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Public hearings 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Special events 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Official visits 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Formal sittings 

      1. No event for this day 


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    • Plenary session 

      1. No event for this day 
    • President's agenda 

      EPP Study Days, Naples, Italy

      11:15 President Metsola participates in a panel discussion ‘Europe’s Southern Border: The importance of the Mediterranean Region”

    • Conference Of Presidents 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Press conferences 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Conciliation/Trialogue 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Parliamentary committees 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Delegations 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Public hearings 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Special events 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Official visits 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Formal sittings 

      1. No event for this day 


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