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Think Tank

Think Tank

Dokumendid, mille abil koostatakse uusi ELi õigusakte

Uusimad avaldatud dokumendid

Postitatud 08-07-2024

This report evaluates the need and scope for an EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) focused on water, marine, and maritime areas (KIC WMM). It identifies existing gaps in innovation ecosystems and recommends thematic focus areas with the highest potential for technological development, market deployment, and benefits for EU citizens. Key stakeholders, public engagement methods, funding mechanisms, and legal and regulatory barriers are analysed. Policy options are provided to foster innovation ...

On 27 October 2021, the Commission tabled two interconnected proposals to amend the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), which together form the EU prudential regulatory framework for banks. The aim of the proposals was to implement the final arrangements of the Basel Agreement and enhance the harmonisation of banking supervision in the EU. The main proposed amendments included i) introducing an 'output floor', i.e. a lower bound for minimum capital ...

ELi eelarve ajalugu

Uuring 01-05-2024

Euroopa Liidu eelarvel on neli sammast: kulud, rahastamine, seos eelarveväliste vahenditega ja audit. Käesolevas uuringus käsitletakse seda, kuidas eelarve alguse sai, ning eelarve arengut mitmeaastase planeerimise ja iga-aastase eelarve koostamise kaudu, võttes arvesse Euroopa Parlamendi volituste muutumist eelarvega seoses ning eelarve rahastamise ja auditiprotsessi arengut. Alates esimese Euroopa ühenduse loomisest 1952. aastal on eelarve põhjustanud pingeid Euroopa institutsioonide ja liikmesriikide ...

Postitatud 05-07-2024

To allocate seats in collegiate bodies, such as parliaments, a method is needed to translate votes proportionally into whole seats. The d'Hondt method is a mathematical formula that is used widely in proportional representation systems, although it leads to less proportional results than other seat allocation systems, such as the Hare-Niemeyer or Sainte-Laguë/Schepers methods. Moreover, the d'Hondt method tends to favour the electoral lists that win the most votes, to the detriment of those with ...

This paper provides a review/summary of 10 papers prepared by external experts, which examine and recommend initiatives for financing the EU's growth model amidst global challenges. These papers were requested by the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) of the European Parliament. They may feed into the policy debate on how to frame a forthcoming new European competitiveness deal as agreed by the European Council.

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