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Think Tank

Dokumenten som hjälper till med att utforma ny EU-lagstiftning

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Publicerat 28-06-2024

A European digital product passport (DPP) could enhance textile industry traceability, circularity, and transparency. This study focuses on the possibility to introduce a DPP, framed within the European Union's strategy for sustainable and circular textiles. It examines the potential, needs, benefits, and challenges associated with deploying a DPP for all stakeholders throughout the European textile sector's value chain. A DPP could benefit all actors in this complex value chain, including producers ...

The revision of the animal welfare legislation announced by the Commission in May 2020 is a core element of the farm to fork strategy. It includes the revision of Council Regulation (EC) N° 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport. The aim is to ensure harmonisation of rules for effective enforcement and implementation, the core challenge being to strike a balance between ethical, economic, environmental and social considerations. The transport of billions of animals within and outside ...

This document is part of a series of Comparative Law studies that analyze the freedom to conduct a business in different legal orders around the world. After a brief historic introduction and a presentation of applicable legislation and case law, the content, limits and possible evolution of this freedom are examined. The subject of this study is Canada’s federal legal system. While the freedom to conduct a business is a common law right, it does not possess supralegislative status. Nevertheless, ...

Publicerat 27-06-2024

Resolutions are an essential way for the European Parliament to express its views on political processes, EU policies and developments in the world. Parliament also uses them to scrutinise other EU institutions, including the European Council. The need for accountability and increased scrutiny of the European Council has been a constant theme in the European Parliament's resolutions throughout the 2019-2024 legislative term. The increased need to scrutinise the European Council also results from ...

The landscape of international corporate taxation is evolving rapidly, shaping the future of economic policy and global business operations. On 8 October 2021, nearly 140 countries from around the world rallied behind a historic overhaul of international corporate tax rules, marking a significant milestone in tax reform. The agreement reflects a collective effort to modernise taxation for the digital era and mitigate global tax competition through a 'two pillar' solution. Under Pillar One, the allocation ...

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