Current funding offer of the FFG

Here you will find an overview in alphabetical order of all programs and open calls, which are handled by the FFG.

Funding offer/program Announcement/possibility of submission
Austrian Life Sciences Programme
Austrian Space Applications Programme
Beyond Europe
BRIDGE – Funding, Guidelines
Collective Research - Funding, Guidelines
COMET Compentence Centers for Excellent Technologies - COMET Centres (K1)
COMET Compentence Centers for Excellent Technologies - COMET Projects
COMET Compentence Centers for Excellent Technologies – COMET Centres (K2)
COMET Compentence Centers for Excellent Technologies – COMET Module
COMET – Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies
COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Digital Europe Programme
EDF: The European Defence Fund
Endowed professorship
European Technology Platforms
Fast Track Digital
Frontrunner - Funding, Guidelines
General Programme - Funding, Guidelines
Impact Innovation – Funding, Guidelines
Industrial PhD Industrienahe Dissertationen 2024 (Industrial PhD)
Submission from 01.03.2024 to 28.02.2025 possible
Industrienahe Dissertationen 2025 (Industrial PhD)
Submission from 06.11.2024 to 30.09.2025 possible
Innovation Labs & Maker Spaces
Innovation Labs for Education
Innovation Voucher - Funding, Guidelines
IraSME - International Research Activities in SME
Joint Programming Initiatives
KIRAS – Security Research
Laura Bassi 4.0 - The Programme
Markt.Start - Funding, Guidelines
Microelectronics2Market - Funding, Guidelines
Patent.Voucher - Funding, Guidelines
Projekt.Start - Funding, Guidelines
Public Private Partnerships
Quantum Austria
R&D Competences for Industry
R&D Infrastructure Funding
Small Scale Project - Funding, Guidelines
SME Funding
Spin-off Fellowships
Spin-off Fellowships
» Funding archive