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In Depth: The 25 Most Influential Liberals In The U.S. Media

Updated Jul 11, 2012, 07:18pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

©Chris Carlson/AP

In recognition of the role played by the media in our national debate, nominates, here, 25 of America's most consequential liberal journalists and media personalities. The exercise is subjective, by definition, and Forbes Opinions editors canvassed the views of more than 100 academics, politicians and journalists. The list that follows is a distillation of that survey.

©Alia Malley

25. Michael Pollan

Writer and journalism professor, University of California, Berkeley

The author of The Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food, Pollan has had more influence than any other contemporary writer on mainstream American thinking about what we eat. His manifesto--"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants"--should now be in political vogue. (Obama likes arugula.)

©Thomas Hart Shelby

24. Kurt Andersen

Writer and host, "Studio 360"

The novelist, radio host and former editor of New York magazine has been a stalwart figure in American journalism since he co-founded Spy magazine in 1986. His writing maps the contours of Obama's America, and his is a quietly consequential voice in the nation's culture wars.

Courtesy of Mother Jones

23. Kevin Drum

Blogger, Mother Jones

After cutting his teeth on his first blog, Calpundit, and his second at the Washington Monthly, Drum now pens posts on economics and politics that are backed up by charts and stats. This geek-with-attitude briefly studied math and worked in the tech sector before turning to writing full time.

Courtesy Ezra Klein

22. Ezra Klein

Blogger and associate editor, The American Prospect

One of the young Turks of liberal Washington blogging, Klein is among those to have reversed the early parasitic relationship between bloggers and the mainstream media: Cable news channels, newspapers and magazines call on him to see what he thinks. He has the best Democratic health care sources and knows policy questions like the back of his hand.

Courtesy of The Atlantic

21. James Fallows

National correspondent, The Atlantic

Fallows is the pillar of The Atlantic, where he has written a series of reliably liberal--and reliably thoughtful--essays on topics ranging from the war in Iraq to China to broader questions of globalization and technology.

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20. Gerald Seib

Executive Washington editor, The Wall Street Journal

A bulwark of the Journal's largely liberal newsroom (not to be confused with the paper's editorial page), Seib writes a blog, Political Perceptions, and the weekly Capital Journal column. He is one of a small group of liberal journalists with whom Barack Obama dined the week before his inauguration.

© Courtesy of The Atlantic

19. Andrew Sullivan

Senior editor, The Atlantic The Daily Dish

A granddaddy of Washington blogging and a former editor of The New Republic, he clings unconvincingly to the "conservative" label even after his fervent endorsement of Obama. His advocacy for gay marriage rights and his tendency to view virtually everything through a "gay" prism puts him at odds with many on the right.

Courtesy of Salon

18. Glenn Greenwald


This constitutional lawyer has established himself as a Bush critic with heft. His blog delivers a daily, almost pugilistic, analysis of what's going on in Washington. Civil liberties are his specialty, and he'll look to keep Obama "honest" on Gitmo and the like.

Courtesy of The New Yorker

17. Hendrick Hertzberg

Columnist, The New Yorker

Foremost among a tribe of opinion writers that waged a form of moral war against the Bush administration, he has the purest voice in the choir of the East Coast liberal "high church."

Courtesy Matthew Yglesias

16. Matthew Yglesias

Blogger, ThinkProgress

Just 28, Yglesias has emerged as a forceful voice in the political blogosphere, read avidly by liberals and conservatives alike. He's deeply empirical and not especially dogmatic, and he has a keen grasp of economics.

©Alex Wong/Getty Images

15. Maureen Dowd

Op-ed columnist, The New York Times

Known for her exclamatory columns, Dowd writes about politics with a biting, pop-culture-infused spin. She is much better at meowing at her own side, though, so the Obama administration could see her recover the cat-wit she appeared to have lost in her formulaic Bush years.

©David Levenson/Getty Images

14. Christopher Hitchens


Vociferously atheistic, Hitchens, who styles himself a "radical," will likely be aghast to find himself on this list. This prolific, but never less than eye-catching, author has supported the war on terror as enthusiastically as he has excoriated Sarah Palin.

©Deborah Cannon/AP

13. Bill Moyers

Host and commentator, Bill Moyers' Journal

Moyers, at 74, is the éminence grise of the liberal media. A onetime press secretary for Lyndon Johnson, the stately PBS host is best known for in-depth interviews with intellectuals and politicians. In a culture of shouting matches, his soft-spoken style can appear exotic.

©Matt Sayles/AP

12. Chris Matthews

Anchor, Hardball

A reliable cheerleader for Obama ("I feel this thrill running up my leg"), MSNBC's Matthews will be the bedrock of a bank of television anchors on whom the new administration can rely for the best possible spin.

©Jason DeCrow/AP

11. Fareed Zakaria

Editor, Newsweek International

With a perch in virtually every medium, the ubiquitous--and reliably omniscient--Zakaria tackles the complexities of globalization, politics and foreign affairs as an editor, writer and CNN host.

©Alberto Rodriguez/Getty Images

10. Markos Moulitsas Zuniga ("Kos")

Founder and publisher, Daily Kos

Kos' brainchild is a "blog-plus"--an active online community where progressives gripe and call for reform. The blog features diarists who track Democratic issues through a lens of passionate, personal detail. Conservatives read him faithfully to gauge the liberal "temperature."

©Alia Malley/Courtesy of The New York Times

9. David Shipley

Op-ed editor, The New York Times

Relatively unknown, compared with others on this list, he runs the most widely read op-ed page in America. The page is poised to challenge left-leaning shibboleths from within the fold while still remaining faithful to the Times' core liberal values.

Courtesy of Talking Points Memo

8. Joshua Micah Marshall

Founder and editor, Talking Points Memo

TPM exhorts its readers to parse court documents and contribute news. The aggressively punctilious blog is best known for first reporting on the firings of eight U.S. attorneys, which led to Alberto Gonzales' eventual resignation.

©Ali Goldstein/MSNBC

7. Rachael Maddow

Host, The Rachel Maddow Show

The presenter of her own MSNBC show, Maddow, a lesbian, has outpaced Keith Olbermann and other colleagues to attract a cultish following hooked on her blunt outsider's perspective.

©Lefteris Pitarakis/AP

6. Oprah Winfrey

Presenter, The Oprah Winfrey Show

Oprah makes this list because her status as an American cultural and racial icon gives her a uniquely influential position to mold political debate in the Obama era.

©Chris Carlson/AP

5. Jon Stewart

Host, The Daily Show

Politics has never been as entwined with popular culture as it is in the Age of Obama, and Stewart's acerbic, satirical take on the news is in perfect sync with these times--and with a youthful demographic that is enjoying its first real taste of political power.

©Jeffrey Ufberg/Getty Images

4. Thomas Friedman

Op-ed columnist, The New York Times

Behind the seemingly glib sound bites lie opinions that are genuinely influential among the educated, tome-reading public and the Washington establishment.

©Courtesy of The Atlantic

3. Fred Hiatt

Editorial page editor, The Washington Post

Pilloried on the left for his non-Manichean support of the war in Iraq, his moderate and pragmatic editorial column is likely to be the one most closely followed by the Obama administration.

©Gus Ruelas/AP

2. Arianna Huffington

Founder and columnist, The Huffington Post

The leading curator of liberal commentary online, she is credited with helping put Barack Obama's bandwagon firmly on its way to Washington. She has an uncanny ability to marry attitude and authoritativeness.

©Mel Evans/AP

1. Paul Krugman

Op-ed columnist, The New York Times

The pre-eminent liberal commentator in the American media, his prose is as pungent as his academic credentials are impeccable. Last year's Nobel in economics was widely seen as a vindication of his politics.