Most black market drug lords don't give interviews. But the Dread Pirate Roberts isn't most drug lords. His website, the Silk Road, is designed to allow anyone to buy and sell drugs with the crypto-currency Bitcoin, using the anonymity software Tor to protect their identity. And those same anonymity protections have made Roberts confident enough in his security that he's been willing to write about his illicit business under his pseudonym on Silk Road's user forums and even give short comments to reporters in the past.

Now he's gone much further. For a magazine profile in the current issue, Roberts engaged FORBES in his first ever extended interview. Over the course of five hours on July 4th, the Dread Pirate answered my questions--all routed through Tor and the Silk Road's messaging system--on topics ranging from the Silk Road's history to the site's business model to his own personal details and motivations. Though dark web entrepreneur was unsurprisingly tightlipped on any information that might even remotely help law enforcement identify him, he did offer a few new revelations: The fact that he's not actually the founder of the Silk Road, the possibility that the Silk Road may re-introduce weapon sales to the site, and his only-half-joking asking price to acquire the business. (Don't insult him with bids less than a billion dollars.)

Here's the full, slightly edited transcript of our conversation.

AG: What inspired you to start the Silk Road? Not just philosophically, (that's covered in lots of your posts on the Silk Road forums) but where did the idea come from?

DPR: I didn't start the Silk Road, my predecessor did. From what I understand, it was an original idea to combine Bitcoin and Tor to create an anonymous market. Everything was in place, he just put the pieces together.

Oh, apologies, I didn't know you had a predecessor. When did you take over the Road from him? Before you announced yourself as the Dread Pirate Roberts?

It's ok, this is the first time I've stated that publicly. I'd rather not say exactly when, for his sake mostly, but it was a transition that took some time. I was in his corner from early on and eventually it made sense for me to take the reigns.

Can you tell me anything about the original creator of the Silk Road? How did you meet? And did you acquire the Silk Road from him in a financial deal of some kind, or simply take over the project?

He was well compensated and happy with our arrangement. It was his idea to pass the torch in fact. We met through the site. I had discovered a big vulnerability in the way he had configured the main Bitcoin wallet that was being used to process all of the deposits and withdrawals on the site. At first he ignored me, but I persisted and gained his trust by helping him secure the wallet. From there we became close friends working on Silk Road together.

The Silk Road forums are full of comments from the Dread Pirate Roberts account. Did you write those?

The most I am willing to reveal is that I am not the first administrator of Silk Road.

Regarding the Bitcoin wallet exploit you found: Can you tell me anything more about how that worked? Would it have allowed theft of Bitcoins from the Silk Road's wallet?

It would have allowed deanonymization of the wallet servers.

If you're not the founder of Silk Road, which of its innovations are you responsible for? And what would you say is your role in the site/community?

At this point, the management of Silk Road is a collaborative effort. It's not just me making sure Silk Road runs smoothly. So, while I make the final calls, I can't take 100% credit for any of the innovation on Silk Road. More often than not, the best ideas come from the community itself. After all, they are the ones we are innovating for. For example, the recent upgrade allowing customers to view prices on Silk Road in their home currency, and allowing vendors to set their prices in their home currency was suggested over a year ago by a community member and has been on the master to do list ever since.

I would say my role is as a center of trust. The vendors trust me and the customers trust me and by extension they trust those on my team that decide who is right and wrong in disputes, and they trust me to be responsible for their funds in escrow. My role is also to provide vision and direction, to chart a course so to speak.

What would you say your title is, though? Are you essentially the owner of the site? Another way to ask this: How are the profits from the site divvied up among its staff? 

I control the important Silk Road assets. Only I have access to the private keys corresponding to the Silk Road and forum URLs for example as well as my public PGP key. This ensures that when you see a signed message from me, or visit silkroadvb5piz3r.onion, you know you can trust it's from me. I'm also the only one with access to the wallets that back the accounts and escrow on Silk Road, so there is no possibility of a rogue member of my team running off with the funds. Regarding profits, I'll say this much... the vast majority are retained as assets of Silk Road and used to maintain and expand the enterprise and for future projects.

How many staffers are there working on the Silk Road?

I'd rather not talk about the internal organizational structure.

Speaking of future projects, let me jump right to another big topic: What's next for Silk Road? You've mentioned a "next phase" of the site to me in our pre-interview conversations for a few months now, which you've hinted might go beyond selling drugs.

At it's core, Silk Road is a way to get around regulation from the state. If they say we can't buy and sell certain things, we'll do it anyway and suffer no abuse from them. But the state tries to control nearly every aspect of our lives, not just drug use. Anywhere they do that, there is an opportunity to live your life as you see fit despite their efforts.

I'm hesitant to specifically declare the direction we'll take next but let me give you a couple of examples. Firearms and ammunition are becoming more and more regulated and controlled in many parts of the world. We actually had a site up called "The Armory" at one point that specialized in the sale of small arms that ultimately was unsuccessful, but if we can find a model that works where people can get the equipment they need to defend themselves and their families despite what the state wants and often in defense of the state itself, I would be more than happy to provide that. Also, any place the State places large tariffs or taxes, there is an opportunity to circumvent their blockades. Consumer electronics are much more expensive than they need to be in many parts of the world, for example.

And one other big one I'd like to mention that is coming whether we do it or not is communication privacy. If it wasn't clear before that the state is your enemy, it should be now that the biggest covert intelligence agency in the biggest government on the planet has been stealing nearly everyone's private communications. We have the technology right now to make this impossible for them. End to end encryption and Tor need to become the standard for communications globally, just as SSL has. You must demand it from your communications providers. Again, if Silk Road can play a role in this transition, I'm more than happy to provide.

On that last point about secure communications services, is the Silk Road going to offer some kind of new secure communications product? Or do you just mean that you can already communicate securely through Silk Road, as you and I are doing right now?

What I mean is that, like Bitcoin and Tor coming together to spark the revolution that is Silk Road, end-to-end encryption and Tor can come together to spark a communication revolution. There are already products that offer this capability, but they are obscure and unused. What I am envisioning is that technology becoming the standard, but it will require more people understanding why they need it and demanding it from their communications providers. This will return the power of communication back to the people and with Bitcoin giving people control over their money and trade again, we're talking about the potential for a monumental shift in the power structure of the world.

I'll add that while it's nice to talk about all of the possibilities, and there are many, there are still fundamental challenges facing the basic Silk Road model. Tor hidden services are far from perfect as was recently highlighted in a research paper out of the University of Luxembourg. Bitcoin exchanges are also evolving and responding to state intervention and it is unclear how easy it will be for people to buy and sell Bitcoins in the future.

Solving these problems is also a high priority.

On the subject of security: What really protects you and Silk Road's users from law enforcement? I understand you use Tor, PGP, and Bitcoin. Anything else I'm missing? Are you confident that these things can stand up to law enforcement's surveillance tactics? Or the NSA's?

I am, unless they have cracked the modern encryption algorithms, which I highly doubt. There are a multitude of security measures we take to secure the infrastructure that powers Silk Road, but I can't go into details lest I empower those that would try to do us harm. There are a couple of little features that aim to improve security, such as incognito browsing which hides all of the images and the Silk Road logo, so it will be harder to tell what you are up to if someone else is in the room.

How do you make sure that your Bitcoins aren't traced in the blockchain? I've heard that Silk Road might act as its own Bitcoin "mix" or "laundry" to anonymize users' Bitcoins (and yours) Is this true? How does that work?

Yes, we employ an internal tumbler for when vendor withdraw their payments, and a more general mix for all deposits and withdrawals. This makes it impossible to link your deposits and withdrawals and makes it really hard to even tell that your withdrawals came from Silk Road.

Do Mt. Gox's new measures to verify users' identities who trade dollars pose a threat to Silk Road? What about the shutdown of the digital currency Liberty Reserve under charges of money laundering? Do you fear a crackdown on anonymous payment systems? 

I have confidence that people will find a way, probably through decentralization. Mt Gox is choosing their path and we'll see if it's the right choice, but they are opening themselves up to competition from other organizations that are willing to protect their customer's privacy, and you can see that in their plummeting market share.

Here are some questions I imagine you'll be reluctant to answer, but forgive me for trying: What is your background, career-wise? How old are you? Are you an American? And can you give me any sense of your location or where Silk Road is located?

And I'll give you the ceremonial response: mind your own business!

Can I at least ask whether you have an engineering background? Or a cryptography background? (Or a drug-dealing background?) And one question for practicality's sake: Can I refer to you as a "he"? Having to write "he or she" at every instance or avoid pronouns altogether in my story is pretty difficult.

Three quarters of the Silk Road community, maybe less and less now, are men, so when in doubt I always say "he" unless the user has a feminine name like missy-something. Considering my name is Roberts, I think it's fine to say he.

Try to understand, any little clue such as my background, location, and nationality narrows the pool of suspects law enforcement has to consider quite a bit. You can guess a fair bit about me just from what I've revealed publicly. We're talking about risking my life and freedom and the future of the Silk Road movement I care so deeply about and it will provide nothing more than to satisfy the curiosity of a few.

Have you read or participated in the Cypherpunk Mail List, the group who in the 90s advocated using encryption tools to take power away from governments and give it to individuals? A lot of your writing sounds like theirs...they predicted encrypted online black markets like the Silk Road decades ago. Do you consider yourself a cypherpunk?

No comment.

If I could try rephrasing that cypherpunk question: Do you consider yourself a modern-day cypherpunk in the sense that you agree with their ideals and methods? 

I prefer not to label my world-view. If there is a specific question you have about what you consider the cypherpunk's ideals and methods to be, then maybe I can formulate an answer.

Here's a more specific question, then: Do you see Bitcoin or other anonymous payment systems as as something that could fundamentally transform society? Or do you think it will always exist at the fringes?

It already is transforming society. We've won the State's War on Drugs because of Bitcoin, and this is just the beginning. It's really part of a larger transformation, driven by peer-to-peer technology and the internet as a whole. The people now can control the flow and distribution on information, and the flow of money. Sector by sector the state is being cut out of the equation and power is being returned to the individual. I don't think anyone can comprehend the magnitude of the revolution we are in. I think it will be looked back on as an epoch in the evolution of mankind.

Do you think Bitcoin is a real competitor to fiat currencies like the dollar, or is it really just useful for black market applications or other privacy-focused applications? 

All transfers of wealth should be considered "privacy-focused applications."

It sounds like you're considering selling guns again. What wouldn't you sell? Any kinds of drug? Or certain kinds of weapons? What about national security secrets or corporate intellectual property?"

We don't allow the sale of anything that's main purpose is to harm innocent people, or that it was necessary to harm innocent people to bring it to market. For example, anything stolen is forbidden, counterfeit money and coupons which are used to defraud people, hitmen aren't allowed, and neither is child pornography. No substance on Silk Road falls under those guidelines.

We currently don't allow the sale of any weaponry, but if we did I wouldn't allow any weapons that are designed to be used on crowds of people or whole populations. We would only allow weapons that can be used for self-defense.

More fundamentally do you think there are any limits to the benefits of a free market? If tools like Tor and Bitcoin could become so powerful that they truly create an invincible free market, can free market libertarianism go too far?

That depends on what you want. I want to be able to pursue my dreams and live my life as I see fit, unhindered by others, and I want others to have the same freedom. Your question doesn't make sense to me. How can you go too far protecting people's rights as individuals? How can you go too far liberating people from bondage?

Do you feel any moral guilt about selling highly addictive and dangerous drugs to users and even to dealers? Don't drugs like crack and heroin have harmful effects on your customers and on society? And couldn't even children manage to get access to them through the Silk Road?"

On the contrary, I am proud of what I do.  I can't think of one drug that doesn't have at least some harmful effects.  That's really not the point though.  People own themselves, they own their bodies, and it is their right to put into their bodies whatever they choose.  It's not my place, or the government's, or anyone else's to say what a person does with their own body.  Giving people that freedom of choice and the dignity of self-ownership is a good thing.

If someone uses drugs, then goes on to hurt other people, then of course they should be held accountable for their actions, whether they were using drugs or not, but to paint all drug users as "harmful to society" and try to throw them all in cages is despicable and does much more harm to communities and families than drugs ever could.  Further, using children to appeal to people's fears is irresponsible.  There are many dangers facing children, the least of which include obtaining Bitcoins, configuring their computer to access Tor and Silk Road, navigating the site to make a purchase, and getting the package delivered past their parents.  It is the responsibility of parents and those they trust to educate their children about drugs and everything else they will have to make decisions about in their life.  Again, not my place, or the government's, or anyone else's.

What can you tell me about the cyberattack that hit the Silk Road in May? How big was it? How long did it last? Is it still going on? Do you know anything about who is responsible?

It lasted nearly a week if I recall correctly. Hackers and scammers are constantly trying to attack Silk Road anyway they can. Everyone knows there's a lot of money flowing through here, so we are the biggest target on the Tor network by far. This has been a blessing and a curse. For one, our systems are incredibly resilient to attack and are constantly being tested. On the other hand, we are on the front-line dealing with and reacting to all of the latest exploits. We do our best to stay at least one step ahead, but as we saw last month, sometimes we get taken by surprise by someone with a zero day exploit. This one was by far the most sophisticated we've seen to date. I'd rather not comment on the parties responsible for the attack or the specifics of the attack itself.

So this was not merely a distributed denial of service attack? It was a zero day exploit? Did it gain access to any data or simply knock the site offline?

I'm not one hundred percent on this, but I don't think it's possible to do a DDoS over Tor, or at least it is much harder than doing it over the clear net. The effect of the attack was to block access to Silk Road. No data was leaked, in fact we've never had a data leak.

Do you believe the attack was orchestrated by your competitors at Atlantis, as many have suggested?"

I'd rather not comment on the parties responsible for the attack.

Forgive me if this sounds like I'm trying to start a fight, but when I interviewed the "CEO" of Atlantis, he denied that Atlantis was the source of an attack. He also argued that the downtime wasn't actually a cyberattack but was just the result of infrastructure problems at Silk Road. He did say that Atlantis is trying to capitalize on Silk Road's downtime to grow and take some of its market share. Do you want to respond?

Sure, the downtime was most definitely due to an attack and anyone running a hidden service would be wise to harden it against what are now known DoS and deanonymizing exploits in the Tor network.

What do you think of Atlantis and its public marketing campaign, including the Reddit "ask-me-anything" appearance of its CEO and the YouTube video advertisement it commissioned?

There have been several copycat sites that have come up over the years. Each is slightly different and tries to provide a different experience to users. Black Market Reloaded, for example, has been around for almost 2 years now and has a small following. One of the main differences is that it's much easier to be a vendor on these other sites, so vendors who aren't ready for Silk Road will cut their teeth on one of these secondary markets and try to earn enough to buy the bond on their vendor account at Silk Road. Overall, it's great to have competitors and I'm glad Silk Road isn't the only one anymore.

Up until now, I've done my best to keep Silk Road as low profile as possible, focus on improving our systems and letting people discover Silk Road through word of mouth. The people behind Atlantis have seen this approach as an opportunity for them to copy what we've done and then accelerate adoption to a wider audience by being vocal. However, I've taken the slow and steady approach for good reason. As mention before, the technologies supporting these anonymous markets are imperfect and the longer we can delay a full-scale retaliation from those that would shut us down, the more prepared we will be. At the same time, Silk Road has been around for two and a half years now. We've withstood a lot and it's not like our enemies are unaware any longer.

One thing I've learned playing Dread Pirate Roberts is that your actions are sure to please some and infuriate others, and doing this interview is sure illicit both responses in the Silk Road community. But we can't stay silent forever. We have an important message, and the time is ripe for the world to hear it. What we're doing isn't about scoring drugs or "sticking it to the man," it's about standing up for our rights as human beings and refusing to submit when we've done no wrong. Silk Road is a vehicle for that message. All else is secondary.

Sorry, what exactly do you mean by "buy the bond on their vendor account"?"

To be a vendor on Silk Road, you are required to buy a bond. This is retained as insurance against any rule breaking until you have proven yourself to be a trustworthy asset to the community.

You said you're glad Silk Road isn't the only one of its kind anymore. Why? It must be pretty lucrative having a near monopoly.

Competition is healthy for any industry. Different companies can try different approaches to the same problem and as a whole we will more quickly find good solutions. I like having them nipping at my heels as well, keeps me motivated.

Is there anything Atlantis has done that you think is original or innovative?

Not that I've seen.

Aside from this interview, are you doing anything else to make Silk Road more mainstream, or bring more public attention to it?

We are now hosting a website that can be accessed from any normal browser at It contains instructions for accessing Silk Road and guidelines for staying safe and making the most of it. We'll see what effect that and this interview has and go from there.

Can you tell me anything about the total sales on the site and how fast it's growing? How many users it has? How much profit you're making?

No comment.

In one of your posts to the Silk Road forums, you said that you enjoyed a few "first world" pleasures as a result of your success. Can you give me any sense of what those might be without getting too personal?

I don't spend beyond what I could justify in an audit, which I think many would consider meager. I find that being DPR and running Silk Road is far more engaging than most leisurely activities, so I don't really need to spend much to be happy and live a good life. As far as my monetary net-worth is concerned, the future value of Silk Road as an organization dwarfs its and my liquid assets. At this point I wouldn't sell out for less than 10 figures, maybe 11. Whether someone would buy it for that much is another question, but at some point you're going to have to put Dread Pirate Roberts on that list you all keep over at Forbes. ;)

I think I saw a Silk Road job posting once that asked what the candidate's favorite recreational drug was. What's yours?

I love a bowl of sticky indica buds at the end of a long day.

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