One of the adverse effects of COVID-19 was the closing of churches during the height of the pandemic. Most smaller churches have never totally regained their attendance since then. Many people became comfortable staying home, watching church on TV. Although there are a lot of good religious programs on TV, people who do not attend church miss the warmth of close, special friends who know and love them.

Hebrews 10:25 exhorts us to “not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another and so much the more, as you see the Day approaching.”

(28) comments


I too think Christians, regardless of their religion, should attend church as often as possible. I spent decades attending church every Sunday. It took a long time but I gradually realized that there was no there there. I'm not sure I would have learned that without constant exposure.


The beauty and power of the Gospel is not confined by any man -made structure.


Same goes for it's vacuity.


The written word of God has lasted over 3,000 years with no end in sight. The average life span of an American citizen is between 77-82 years . God's word lives forever however life is like a vapor , here for a minute then gone for eternity.


Oh, complete unaware YUCK.


I’m always happy to see inanities in defense of faith.


I vehemently disagree. I have many social groups that I belong to that give me great comfort an joy with out a spiritual leader. We are caring and considerate and I know from personal experiences that the people I know in these groups have come to my aid when I was sick or needed help with something. Several special friends have given me advice and comfort. It has nothing to do with a "god" or a religious experience. Everyone should make up their own mind regarding their own style of "Church" with may or may not have a religious component . It is what works for each individual. I don't preach or expect anyone else to follow my path.


“…people who do not attend church miss the warmth of close, special friends who know and love them.” Optimally, but you might have to attend for awhile before you feel the welcome, and the extended awkwardness of being a stranger can be off-putting. As a Catholic I attend Mass when traveling. One time further south, near Christmas, it was snowing heavily, it was evening, with a two year old in tow, we struggled to find a particular country church and did. There might have been 18 other people. Everyone literally wished us peace. The priest rushed to speak to us afterward. It felt like a movie of how Christmas should be. Many more times it’s been weird and awkward, people don’t smile and you feel like they expected their friends in your seats. If you’re Catholic you do it anyway.


See my thoughts above. My "Church" could be sitting on top of a mountain that I hiked up with friends, and has no religious component. As for welcoming... something I will NEVER forget as a 6 or 7 year old: I was told by my little girlfriend that I was not invited to her birthday party because I was not of the Catholic faith. This was almost 65 years ago... and I still remember that incident. That was the antithesis of welcoming and a very hurtful experience as a child. It did influence me greatly (for the better) because it was a strong influence: I told myself even at that age that I would never exclude or judge someone because they were "different" from me. I never wanted to make someone feel as hurt or sad as I was when I experienced that exclusion. That is how I choose to live me life... and I'm now in my 70th turn around the sun. (and I am an atheist.)


The Churches of Western civilization are being abandoned, as church leaders have failed to maintain & preserve civilized culture. (Diversity/tolerance is not a strength.) But keep turning your cheeks to be struck over & over, as you invite in more foreigners who cheer your demise.

One hundred Scottish churches up for sale as UK turns away from Christianity

Jun 16, 2024

Just from a cultural standpoint-- how many people could identify The Christian flag?

I've seen churches fly all manner of sexually eccentric and pro-Marxist flags.

How about this one?--


The Church as a structure is built with many different designs and constructed from different materials. It is where the Body of Christ comes to hear the word of God preached and fellowship among one another.

The Church as in the Body of Christ is built of souls from all Countries , different cultures & ethnic backgrounds, different colors of skin , male & female ,young & old , rich & poor , fat to skinny , opinionated and nonchalant .

A person going to a church doesn't make them a Christian, as much as going into a garage makes them a car. Varooom!


Right on Paul!![thumbup][thumbup]


When people go to church they really need to absorb the message. Most regular attendees I know, tend to be the most judgmental and narcissistic type people. That’s been my experience at least.


If modern Christians were the least bit discerning, I might be able to humor my Christian relatives more.

But nope, modern Christians have their own special brand of 'anything goes' social justice activism: encouraging glorification/reward to criminals, instead of their victims.

And this is On Top of an Israel-First, (100% self-destructive!) Christian-Zionist political agenda.

No thank you!


And you I why I wont step foot in a church


You are welcome regardless. You could make it better.


cyntiast, Have you considered the possibility that the regular attendees you know have indeed absorbed the message?


It can be really hard to forgive other people for being flawed, self-centered and/or obtuse, but the reward at the end is said to be worth the effort.


right on Deb!![thumbup][thumbup]


They sure don’t act like they absorbed the message. Go around and tout how good Christians they are while backstabbing good people. Closed minded and judgmental and sometimes plain mean.


cyntiast, Again, have you considered the possibility that the message isn’t what you think it is? Closed-minded, judgmental, and sometime just plain mean is a pretty good description of the god of the bible after all.




The fact that evangelicals overwhelmingly support DJT is all we need to know about how well they are absorbing WWJD stuff.


Seems you know a lot about "stuff , so concerning DJT WWJD?


I am pretty sure that Jesus would not support someone who breaks multiples of the Ten Commandments repeatedly with no repentance. Who treats others horribly. Regardless of his politics, DJT is not a good enough person to occupy the white house by any moral yardstick.


Or maybe they understand Christianity just fine.

“Jerry Falwell’s God” by Roy Zimmerman


"evangelicals overwhelmingly support DJT"

Black evangelical churchgoers don't support Trump, but black church attendance is off too:

Declining Black Church Attendance Weakens Key Democratic Asset 6/23/24


artie; you make my point. Black evangelicals don't support DJT. That's appropriate for Christians.

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