Frederick County Executive Jessica Fitzwater recently announced a new Frederick County requirement that all employees take diversity, equity and inclusion training ("County employees must undergo DEI training," June 5).

The purpose is to create Frederick County as an "employer of choice,” driven by Fitzwater’s core values of diversity, equity, inclusion and ”belonging.”

(17) comments


So the solution is to keep the minorities uneducated and living in poverty so the White people will always Rule. And the White people can then complain about the minorities being so dumb and lazy and violent. That’s the White Evangelical Christian Religious Right Plan for America. And no methods available to control their number so their birth rates go way up and America becomes a Minority Majority Country sooner and then what? That’s a lousy plan.


rogy: DEI worsens racial prejudice because if the surgeon's black it makes you wonder: Did the hospital hire him because of his color? If there's no DEI, and no 'affirmative action' and the hospital has a strictly color-blind meritocratic selection system you'll have no reason to wonder.


Let’s see. My Wife and I have Black Primary Care Doctors. My Gastroenterologist and my Oncologist are Muslim. My Wife’s Oncologist is German. Our Cardiologist and one Opthomologist and my Podiatrist are Indian. My Urologist is Jewish and my other Ophthalmologist is Irish. We’ve visited the FHHER a few times in the last 7 years and all the Doctors we’ve had and most of the Nurses and Techs are non-Whites. Many of our Doctors were educated in their Native Countries, not in the U.S. Most are under 40. All good Doctors, too good and unfortunately many are leaving Frederick, lured away by more lucrative positions in MoCo and D.C. Getting an appointment with our Doctors within a month is tough and if you have an injury or sickness come up they send you to Urgent Care or the ER for treatment. So you probably have Health care from POC without DEI or Affirmative Action anyway. Frederick is rapidly becoming a Health Care desert. They hire anybody with a MD behind their name. I hear you all complaining about FHH and ER being substandard. More and more of your Healthcare will be by Minority Doctors and workers. Are they competent? Yes, we’re all still alive. And some of you need your heads examined.


Diversity in itself is important for lots of reasons, including productivity, but, yah, it's tricky to balance the goal of diversity against the goal of picking the most technically qualified individuals. Unfortunately, there is still the reality of institutional racism.


Almost everyone wants diversity, equity and inclusion (dei). Trouble is DEI as practiced often fosters the opposite of small-caps dei. Large caps DEI usually classifies people by race and tends to segregate. Including some chosen by race excludes others according to race. Where's the equity in that? And is it even lawful under the US Constitution? In the name of promoting tolerance DEI often vilifies the binary science of sex. In defense of sexual diversity, it stirs controversy and passion and often brands as bigots those attached to conventional binary norms. A sure test of the DEI that county staff are actually getting will be whether the County is fully transparent. Will it let us in on precisely what is being trained in DEI sessions and how much diversity of thought is tolerated?


You provide some good examples of things that could build up people in the future, but that does not do any good right now. Maybe you haven't noticed, but this world is not "reasonable" and many people are not accepted in the workplace even if they do a great job. Why is there an underlying assumption that diversity means "dumbing down" or "lowering the bar"? It means widening the entry gate, not reducing requirements.


At the end of the day, you have to be qualified to do the job no matter what diversity boxes are checked. The Fitzwater's of the world think that they can mandate DEI in the workplace. For example, when she goes to the Doctor, she is looking for qualified medical expert, not diversity. She like the rest of the government so called do DEI experts are hypocrites.


If she is looking for a Doctor, she certainly doesn’t want a racist, misogynistic fascist to treat her, no matter how qualified they may be.


When I go under the knife, I don't care a bit about the doctor's personal preferences or biases, only about their competency, skill and acumen with surgery. We all look the same to an excellent surgeon when we're laying on a table in an operating theater.

Same goes for my auto mechanic, dentist, accountant, and contractor. I'll opt for excellence and work ethic every time. Hiring officials should think the same way.


In other words, they all have to be White.


Do you realize that white doctors are less effective than black doctors when attending to black patients? Why do you think that DEI means a reduction in expertise?


Shifty- Employees who "do a great job" as you put it, are usually highly valued, especially by profit-driven employers, (and by many public bureaucracy managers) regardless of their personal quirks and preferences. That is, unless they're just so unreasonably demanding of their employer and/or they exhibit enough obnoxious behavior towards their co-workers that it seriously negates their good work by creating a toxic work environment.

Private employers can usually replace problem employees, although that's becoming more and more risky and litigious all the time. Public employers are usually stuck with them or forced to give them a lateral transfer, or non-essential (no work) assignment, further bloating the budget.

DEI programs encourage hiring and retaining workers primarily because of their diversity status ahead of the quality, quantity and reliability of their work. This makes no economic nor managerial sense.

Worse, virtue-signaling DEI programs often have a distinctly negative effect in the workplace:


Sure, they are valued and promoted as long as they are a white male


DEI does not mean that the person hired (for example) does not meet or exceed the job requirements. I don't know if you have hired many people but it is pretty rare to find only a single candidate that is qualified and almost always the different candidates exceed in different areas.


DEI is not Affirmative Action. DEI is ending the continuing cycle of being born Black in the inner city not getting any opportunity for the education and experience to become competent and be able to get a well paying job so you can get married and have a family and live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood with neighbors that accept you for who you are and don’t reject you because of your color or your ethnicity or your religion or any other superficial characteristics you have been taught to hate. Even highly educated and competent minorities lose out to less competent White citizens based strictly on a group of citizens that you feel are inferior to you. And every person, White or a POC, in our Society knows that is true. Even you rogy, as your last three paragraphs define your position exactly. Only White people meet your definition of competent. Right?


That's baloney Guest etc. Rogy said nothing remotely to that effect.


Guest, your interpretation of my feelings towards people of color is completely wrong. I too have doctors who I highly admire and respect who are not “white males “. In fact, my entire adult life I have lived in VERY diverse (racially and economically) neighborhoods in which I have made many close and respected friends over these many years! I don’t think anyone hiring should care about color- just competency and character. You insist on saying that my respect for competency is racist. I think you need to examine your own biases as thoroughly as you do mine. Yours stand in the way of a rational and clear-headed discussion.

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