Community review of data schema for GRSciColl opens

DEADLINE for community feedback: Friday, 22 December 2023

The GBIF Secretariat has announced a process for reviewing the data schema underlying the Global Registry of Scientific Collections (GRSciColl). Community members are encouraged to share their feedback, suggestions and observations now through Friday, 22 December 2023.

The overarching goal of this review is ensure that the GRSciColl data schema accommodates multiple data sources within a standardized vocabulary that is both intuitive and well-documented. Comments are welcome regarding all fields in the schema for institutions, collections and contacts.

GRSciColl aims to provide vital information about physical scientific collections, encompassing details that include:

  • the contents of collections
  • their geographic locations
  • contacts
  • associated institutions
  • associated codes and identifiers

GRSciColl also helps ensure data integrity and accessibility in its role as a reference for institution and collection codes and identifiers.

How to participate

We invite all members of the scientific community to lend their voices and contribute to this review. To provide feedback, kindly follow these steps:

  1. Read the 2023-2024 road map for context on GRSciColl's proposed path and goals.
  2. Fill out any or all of the three forms focused on GRSciColl's three main content types:

Stay informed

For those keen on staying updated and actively participating in shaping the future of information about scientific collections, here are a few key avenues:

  • GRSciColl community call: Mark your calendars for our next community call on Wednesday, 29 November. We'll provide an update on GRSciColl's ongoing development and discuss about the data schema, the first item of the 2023-2024 road map.
  • Mailing list: Subscribe to the GRSciColl mailing list for regular updates, notifications, and announcements related to GRSciColl and the data schema review.
  • Community forum: Stay connected to the topic by following the GRSciColl category in the GBIF community forum, where you can post and discuss issues, share your insights, and collaborate with fellow community members on topics related to scientific collections.

Please direct general comments or questions about GRSciColl to [email protected].