
Authentications by Apostille/Certifications

If you desire an Apostille to authenticate a certified copy of a birth or death record for use in a foreign country, it is a two-part, two-agency process in North Dakota. First, a certified copy of the birth or death record must be ordered from Vital Records, within the Department of Health and Human Services.  

There are two ways to order a birth or death record:

  1. Use our secure web app and in the comments section of the order, state that you need an apostille completed and list the foreign country that it is needed for.
  2. Mail our paper request form into our office and on the bottom of the form, state that you need an apostille completed and list the foreign country that it is needed for.

Once the birth or death request is received and completed in our office, we will contact the ND Secretary of State's office and inform them of the need for an apostille. Someone from their office will contact you by the phone number or email you provided on your birth or death request to confirm the request and collect their required fees for the apostille/certification.  

Once the Secretary of State has completed the apostille/certification process, the order will be sent back to you based on the return shipping option you selected on the birth or death request. 

Questions? Contact Us

If you have questions about the Apostille/Certification process, please visit the ND Secretary of State web site or contact them by email at [email protected].