This policy outlines how the Human Rights Law Centre deals with requests for refunds of tickets, auction items or donations

Event ticket purchases

If you have made a duplicate ticket purchase in error, or accidentally purchased the wrong amount of tickets, or you are no longer able to attend and want a refund, please contact us as soon as possible.

In general, we will refund the cost of event tickets on request if:

  • we will not incur costs as a result (for example we will not refund ticket costs if we have already confirmed catering based on ticket numbers); and

  • we have not missed the opportunity to sell tickets to the event (for example we will not refund ticket costs to a sold out event).

In any case, we will not refund ticket costs where the request is received less than seven days from the event, but we may choose to waive this in cases of genuine error where you contact us immediately after making the error.

Purchases at events

If you have purchased an item at a fundraising auction, we will refund you on request as required under consumer laws, see

We cannot refund auction purchases where you have changed your mind.


We generally cannot refund donations. However, if you have made a duplicate donation in error, or accidentally entered or selected the wrong donation amount, please contact us as soon as possible. We will refund donations made in error where the donor contacts us within two business days of making the donation.

Refund requests

Requests for refunds should be made in writing. Please contact the Human Rights Law Centre via email at [email protected]. To contact us or by post, please send your request to the Development Manager, the Human Rights Law Centre Level 17, 461 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000.

Your refund request should include details of the initial donation including:

  • your name

  • contact details

  • reason for refund request

  • and any other relevant information

  • Should a refund be approved, any original receipt issued immediately becomes void and invalid. The Human Rights Law Centre will issue new receipt where applicable.

Errors by us

Should an error be made by the Human Rights Law Centre or its financial institution(s), after notification of the error is received or detected by us, we will issue a full refund as soon as possible.

Contact the Human Rights Law Centre

If you have any queries about the Human Rights Law Centre’s Refund Policy, please contact the Development Manager:

By phone: 03 8636 4488
By email: [email protected]
By mail: Human Rights Law Centre, PO Box 319, Melbourne VIC 8007