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Notorious murder thriller which was years ahead of its time, and resulted in the downfall of its great director.
barnabyrudge6 May 2005
To understand the stir that Peeping Tom caused when it was released in 1960, you need to think about what audiences at that time were accustomed to when they went to the cinema. Innocent love stories, historical epics, action-packed westerns and colourful musicals were the staple cinematic diet of the time, certainly not dark, disturbing and intensely violent murder thrillers like this. What probably unsettled contemporary film-goers even more was the fact that a film of this kind could come from a much-loved and revered director like Michael Powell. In modern times, the equivalent would be if Steven Spielberg were to make a graphic and reviled film about paedophilia or bestiality, consequently never being allowed to stand behind a movie camera again. When Peeping Tom hit the big screen, it was rejected by the public and crucified by the critics, and left Powell's hitherto glorious career in ruin.

A film cameraman, Mark Lewis (Karl Boehm), displays psychotic tendencies as he murders women with a spiked tripod attached to the bottom of his camera, capturing on celluloid their final screams of agony. It is revealed that when he was a child, Mark was used as a guinea pig by his father (Michael Powell) in a series of psychoanalytical experiments about the symptoms of fear. Among other things, Mark's delightful dad would wake him throughout the night and shine lights in his eyes, drop lizards into his bed, and on one occasion even forced him to pose for photographs next to the dead body of his mother. As a result, Mark has an unhealthy obsession with fear and, in particular, the expression that people have on their face during moments of fear.

Peeping Tom is one of the few films that still has the power to shock all these years on. Psycho, released roughly at the same time, is still a great film but its shock value has been diminished by years of repeat viewings and increasing permissiveness in the cinema. But Peeping Tom is an altogether more disturbing piece of work. Boehm is excellent as the killer whose entire outlook has been skewed by his father's experiments. Also impressive is Anna Massey as the killer's fragile and unsuspecting fiancée. Powell directs the film brilliantly, using bold and dazzling colours to disguise the horrific atrocities that punctuate his film. It is understandable that the film was met with revulsion and rejection at that time, but in retrospect it is a film of real importance and power. In a 21st century world bombarded and desensitised by harrowing images on the news and in the movies, the theme of losing one's grasp on what is and isn't morally acceptable is more pertinent than ever. This is not easy viewing, but it IS essential viewing.
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Watch And Learn
rmc1298 September 2001
Despite a long and distinguished career the production team of Powell and Pressberger were effectively ruined by the furore of criticism and demands for censorship generated by this film.

'Peeping Tom' is a great film and one that modern film makers could learn from. Even good films like 'Seven' and 'Silence of the Lambs' have a regretable tendency toward melodrama and gross overacting in the portrayal of serial killers. 'John Doe' (Kevin Spacey) and 'Buffalo Bill' (Ted Levine) are laughable travesties of their real life counterparts, who seem harmless when approaching or luring a potential victim.

One of the things that critics of his time could not forgive Powell is that he makes his killer 'Mark Lewis' (Karl Boehm) human and likeable. a sensitive and intelligent young man, he is the product of bestial cruelty inflicted upon him in childhood (the scenes showing film of him being tortured as a boy by his scientist father are horrifying in the true sense of the word)

This is a sophisticated film demanding of the viewer that he or she not only takes part in watching a compelling thriller but are also provoked into contemplating the forces that work on a man who commits such crimes.

After watching 'Peeping Tom' one does not have the customary closure common in such thrillers of seeing a 'monster' the viewer could not emphasise with destroyed and the world made safe again, (much the theory behind the justification of capital punishment). Rather we have the experience of seeing the tragic self destruction of a man arguably as much a victim as those he killed.

To critics this was reprehensible - 'siding with the murderer'. The man who wrote the script, however, knew at first hand what makes a killer - since he was responsible for selecting secret agents to fight behind enemy lines in World War 2. He had to choose men - and women - who would not hesitate to kill. How many writers can claim this level of insight?

'Peeping Tom' is a classic and I rate it an eye catching 9 out of 10
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Girls on Film...
Xstal9 November 2022
Years of trauma, have inspired your ideas, to capture death throes as a woman's life is speared, when the reels turn and spin, the blade is forced through bone and skin, recording nightmares for a late night premiere. It's a torment that's impossible to wipe, these negatives of life create a type, no celluloid illusion, only psychotic delusion, the development of terror, of dread, of fright.

A serial killer chiller, leaves you reflecting what a master of his craft Michael Powell was, how convincing Karlheinz Böhm is as the titular character and whether you can pass off any of your less than desirable attributes to one or both parents (probably).
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Revered and reviled, but no longer ignored
El-Stumpo11 August 2004
In these supposed enlightened times, director Michael Powell is considered a genius of British cinema. Emerging during the War as one of Britain's finest craftsmen, Powell and his partner Emeric Pressburger created the undisputed classics The Life And Death Of Colonel Blimp (1943), Black Narcissus (1947) and The Red Shoes (1948).

But despite critical and commercial success, his career was in tatters by the early 1960's. The abrupt death of Powell's career can virtually be pinned down to one film, his most uncompromising portrait of madness, 1960's Peeping Tom.

Powell's infamous shocker opens with a movie camera-wielding Mark Lewis (Carl Boehm) following a prostitute to her boarding house room. Once inside, he slides a spike from his tripod leg and films her action of terror before stabbing her to death. As the credits roll, we find Mark alone in his apartment, replaying the footage with wide-eyed fascination.

As the film progresses, Mark is revealed as a stuttering loner whose sex drive has been somehow twisted into a murderous voyeuristic mania - working at a movie studio by day, he moonlights as a ‘glamour' photographer above a seedy newsagents. His blonde buxom model (Pamela Green), constantly taunting his virility, is the embodiment of the female he despises. The inquisitive girl downstairs, on the other hand, becomes his ideal and his possible salvation. Ultimately she is doomed by her altruistic attraction when she insists Mark must show her one of his 'films'. Horrified, she watches Mark as a child, tortured by his father's camera experiment of recording a child's reaction to fear. Mark's own experiment of filming his murder victims leads him on a downward spiral of insanity to the film's tragic conclusion.

Despite Peeping Tom's sensational subject matter, Powell's intention was deadly serious: to make a sober study of sexual violence, as well as a meditation on the audience's role of voyeur. Powell's camera positions us directly behind Mark and his spectators so that we become his unwilling accomplices - the audience watches Mark watching his films. Carl Boehm as Mark gives a chilling performance, at once icy reserve and murderous rage. Powell creates a garish red and pale blue twilight landscape of backstreet London in perfect detail.

At the film's completion, Powell believed he had made a masterpiece. Peeping Tom is certainly a personal film; Powell and his co-scriptwriter toiled for months until they had mastered a sympathetic three-dimensional serial killer. In later years, Powell would remain tight-lipped about his real reasons for making the film. But Britain's premiere 'glamour' pinup queen Pamela Green - Peeping Tom's photo-model and penultimate victim - would offer clues to Powell's hidden agenda.

Green became his leading choice for the role, although she had not appeared outside 8mm stag films, after seeing a life-sized nude portrait in her business partner Harrison Mark's studio. Her initial reception on the set was one of polite British reserve - until Powell unleashed his Jekyll and Hyde personality and she became one among many targets for his boorish, intimidating manner. On the day of Green's death scene, Powell changed his former plans of prudence and demanded she sprawl topless across her bed before she is skewered with Mark's tripod leg. She reluctantly gave in. Mid-shot she looked across the studio in horror. Beneath Powell's camera were his two pre-teen sons, watching unwaveringly according to their father's instructions. This incident brought a chill over Powell's casting of his son as Mark junior and of himself as Mark's father.

Whatever reasons drove Powell to make Peeping Tom, he had effectively signed his career's death warrant. The film opened to scathing reviews in April 1960, just months after the similarly-themed Psycho. Ironically, Hitchcock floated out of the controversy surrounding Psycho as the consummate old trickster, and saved his slowly sinking career. The time seemed ripe for Peeping Tom among audiences and critics alike. Unfortunately for Powell, the critics could find none of Psycho's black humour in his sober tome. 'Sick' and ‘vile' were a small sample of their vitriol. The papers were outraged that a filmmaker of Powell's calibre could sink his talents into material so vulgar and perverse. Powell hoped the distributor would weather the storm and allow the audience to find the film on its own merits. Instead, the plug was pulled on Peeping Tom after five days and at least in Britain the film was buried.

The print was sold to the American Roadshow circuit, with a lurid ad campaign designed to sell the film to a jaded American public. Shorn of twenty minutes footage, the film was considered too 'British' and was shelved after a limited run. There it sat, gathering dust for almost 20 years. Then in 1978 a cabal of admiring filmmakers led by Martin Scorsese (himself no stranger to controversy) rescued a complete print from Britain. Peeping Tom was thus relaunched in 1979 at the prestigious New York Film Festival to a predictably mixed reception. Correct-minded commentators grudgingly accepted its 'masterpiece' tag but were nonplussed with the Film's treatment of its sexual violence.

As for Powell, the British film industry no longer considered him bankable after Peeping Tom. He made one more film in Britain before exiling himself to Australia. The antipodean They're A Weird Mob (1966) was on of his final films before his death in 1984. Luckily for Powell, the film he considers his masterpiece is still revered and reviled, but no longer ignored.
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Macabre voyeurism
jotix10026 September 2005
Michael Powell, the distinguished English director, probably contributed to his own demise from the film industry with "Peeping Tom", a movie that proved to be well ahead of its times and a masterpiece by this man who gave so much to enhance the industry in Great Britain. In fact, it's a shame this was almost the last film he directed before going on to a kind of exile in Australia.

"Peeping Tom" is an exercise in voyeurism Mr. Powell, and his screen writer, Leo Marks, created to prove to what extent how one is capable of watching things one shouldn't watch. At the same time, Mr. Powell created a psychological essay about what makes Mark Lewis, the central character of the film, act the way he acted. Mark has been scarred for life thanks to what his own father did to him during a period of his growing years that formed his character into the reclusive man who feels at home doing the despicable crimes he commits.

One of the strengths of the film is the amazing portrayal of Mark Lewis by the German actor, Carl Boehm, who made a superb contribution to the movie. Mr. Boehm is perfect because by just looking at him, one would never guess what's inside his soul, or what motivates him to kill and record his crimes.

Mr. Powell brought together an amazing cast that shines in the film. Moira Shearer, Anna Massey, Maxime Audley, Brenda Bruce, Bartlett Mullins, are among the most prominent players one sees in the film.

The newly restored copy we saw as part of the retrospective shown at the Walter Reade this year has been enhanced in ways one didn't think would be possible and it's a tribute to the great director, who should have been proud of how today's audiences are reacting when they discover his movies that seem will live forever.

It's ironic that Mr. Powell didn't get the recognition he deserved during his lifetime.
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"Did You Get the Point?"
Prof_Lostiswitz7 December 2003
Peeping Tom is a philosophical movie that investigates the nature of perception, rather than an edge-of-the seat thriller. The phrase "snuff films" hadn't even been invented in 1960, nor did videotape cameras exist, so the movie was far in advance of its time. You might be disappointed if you looking for pure excitement, you have to be willing to examine deeper issues.

Carl Bohm is perfect in the role of the killer, and his faint German accent (which might be interpreted as a. psychogenic speech defect) adds to the creepiness of his character. Instead of an over-the-top maniac (Jack Nicholson, are you listening?), he portrays a frightened and insecure little person who can only relate to the world by looking at it, preferably through a camera lens. It is easy to condemn him for his obsession with peeping, but -um- aren't we doing the same thing by watching this movie, or any movie? The most interesting movies are those that provoke such questions in us. This aspect also helps explain why Peeping Tom was so fiercely condemned in 1960.

(The scenes between Bohm and Massey remind me of those between Gustav Diesel and Louise Brooks in the last part of Pandora's Box (1928), and you can bet the Michael Powell was familiar with Pabst's work.)

The idea that scrutiny = punishment was explored by Michel Foucault in his book Surveiller et Punir, which I happened to read a long time ago. We will be finding out more about this as the "National Security State" draws closer. Anyway, here you have a powerless little guy who tries to feel the same sense of control by turning his camera - literally - into a murder-weapon. The technical details of this contrivance seem unrealistic, but the symbolism is so powerful they scarcely matter.

The hard-edged sound of late-50s cool jazz works very nicely in setting the atmosphere, similar to Town Without Pity (1960). Nowadays we tend to think of that era as idyllic, so its useful to remind ourselves of the dark edges that existed.
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Norman, Have I Got a Friend for You
evanston_dad7 April 2008
An effectively off-beat serial killer film from Michael Powell, the visionary director that gave us "Black Narcissus" (one of my favorites of all time) and "The Red Shoes." As with those films, he chooses to shoot everything in vibrant color, enhancing the luridness of this lurid story.

Carl Boehm plays the disturbed young man who enjoys filming women as he kills them and then watching the films later. He and Norman Bates, the momma's boy serial killer from "Psycho," released the same year, could write a manual on sexually motivated ritual killings. In both films, the psychology is laughably obvious and heavy-handed, though it probably seemed shocking to audiences at the time who weren't used to such frank discussions of the unsavory aspects of the human id. But the film is certainly accomplished, and reminded me somewhat of the films of Dario Argento, without the gore.

Moira Shearer puts in a brief appearance as one of the victims, and even gets an inexplicable dance number to perform. While the number doesn't make a lot of sense in context of the film, she certainly looks lovely doing it. Too bad she ends up in a trunk.

Grade: A-
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A slasher flick with a heart of gold
Spleen22 January 2000
I'll admit it: I was completely stumped; for almost all of the running time I had no idea where Michael Powell was going with this one. (Not that there are any twists in the plot - my uncertainty was of a different kind.) I think this made me all the more delighted when I at last found out.

Although it was made without co-archer Emeric Pressburger, we see the old Archers' logo at the start; except that this time it's overlaid with `A Michael Powell Production' - in tiny letters. This gave me a pang of sadness. `Peeping Tom' all but completely destroyed Powell's career; and however much and for whatever reasons critics and audiences may have loathed the film, this simply ought not have happened - especially since, good or bad, it's manifestly the work of a director at the height of his powers. The photography is wonderfully assured, the colours are as bright and stark and controlled and fantastic as ever, the script is clever and trusts to our intelligence, and Powell still knows how to keep our minds glued to the screen even when our eyes tell us that nothing much is happening. Every scene is unsettling. Most are creepy.

I could go on about the technical details - the use of sound and music is amazingly innovative, too - but what really elevates `Peeping Tom', what makes so many of the contemporary criticisms absurd, is its compassion. There's none of that watered-down Freudian guff we encounter in `Psycho'. Powell makes us feel for his serial killer - not so much by showing us that he feels pain but by showing us that he has ordinary, likeable human qualities as well as madness. A number of Powell's war-time said the same thing about Nazis. It's clear that he really meant it.

Not that this is an overt message of `Peeping Tom', and not that there aren't a lot of other things going on as well. I not only recommend, I BEG, that any admirer of Powell's earlier work give this one a try as well. Since Powell is striking out in a new direction there's an excellent chance you won't like it; but it deserves to be tried.
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Usettling and eerie thriller about a ruthless psychopath who lures and records his victims
ma-cortes18 August 2018
A shocking , unnerving and controversial film at the time , that caused real controversy , being no apt for the easily nauseated or sickened ; in fact it was extremely panned by critics . It deals with a psychopath called Mark Lewis , Karlheinz Bhom , who lures women before his film camera , then he records their feared faces . Meanwhile , two police inspectors , Jack Watson and Nígel Davenport , are investigating the weird events .

Disturbing subject matter about a psychopatic cameraman who uses his camera to record women's agonies , it is rendered breathtakingly by a great director , the British Michael Powell who performs briefly the part of Mark's abusive daddy , as he is shown on home movies harassing and tormenting the little boy ; furthermore , including a brilliant cinematography by Otto Heller. This is a splendid , thrilling , and gripping as well as adult entertainment, no recommended for nervous or squeamish . A classy of its kind but ultimately not for everyone . Powell is usually associated to great and colorful films , but here he made one of the most terrifying and frightening contributions to the cinema of the macabre since WWII. The killings themselves are horrifyingly tense , causing panic and fear . Karl Bohm gives a nice acting as the ruthless psychopath young photographing his terrified victims at his hand , he couldn't be bettered as the horrible and cruel psycho. Support cast is frankly excellent, such as : Anna Massey, Maxine Audley as her mother , Moira Shearer , Shirley Anne Field , Keith Baxter , Michael Goodliffe , Brenda Bruce , Esmond Knight , Miles Malleson , Martin Miller , Nigel Davenport, Jack Watson, among others.

The motion picture was originally made by Michael Powell , but it was so vilified by reviewers and officials alike , that he didn't work in Great Britain for a very long time. As the original uncut version was not realised until 1970 . Michael started working at various jobs in the English studios of Denham and Pinewood on a series of quota quickies . Later on , he made all kinds of genres with penchant for Dramas , Musical and WWII films . As he directed : The tales of Hoffman , The red shoes , The elusive Pimpernel , Pursuit of Graf Spee , The small black room , Black narcisus , Contraband , The thief of Bagdad , Edge of the world , I know where I am going , Night ambush , The lion has wings , Spy in black , The forty-ninth parallel , One of our aircrafts is missing, Life and death of Colonel Blimp , Canterbury tale . Many of them are considered masterpieces, and being produced under banner his production company : The Archers , along with Emeric Pressburger . Powell was rediscovered in the late 1960s and early 70s by Martín Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola . In fact , Powell worked as Senior in Coppola's Zoetrope Studios and he married Scorsese's longtime editor Thelma Schoonmaker. He died of cancer in 1990.
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Lumpenprole5 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw Peeping Tom, it was exhilarating. The clever films within the film, puns, raw Freudian imagery, the bold acting and the way the plot unfolds as logically as a fable kept me enthralled through to the end. I tried watching it again last night and I couldn't shake an absolutely crushing sadness that emanates from Mark Lewis. He's like some aborted twin of the director in 8 1/2. But whereas Guido's creative instinct and drive emerged from a house full of women pampering him and a magical incantation that he was told will animate an ominous painting, Mark's is a murderous urge to have some of the control and power denied him by his father. Like a record stuck playing the same sound over and over, Mark has grown into an emotional cul-de-sac where he watches the story of his torture and his revenge every night.

Mark is trying to work his way out of this loop by filming a documentary. If he can create a record of sadistic control over everything around himself, maybe the act of making a story out of his life will at least give him an end to his suffering. The frenzied excitement, practically joy, of his suicide is a miserable thing to contemplate. He says that he's spent a long time preparing his walkway of cameras to capture his final rush to meet the fate he inflicted on so many others. At previous points in the film, he's noted that he expected to get caught and it's clear he's very happy to have been revealed in exactly the circumstances he staged. His documentary is a success.

Mark tries to develop a world outside of the documentary that he knows will kill him. He talks to the psychologist about getting help and his expression clearly indicates that he just can't see giving years of therapy a chance. Mark's clumsy and sincere attempts to develop a normal relationship with Helen fall into the same category - it would be so nice, but he's got something he has to do. Something creative, albeit monstrous, hardwired into Mark has to express itself `regardless of the consequences.'

As with other Michael Powell films, it's not for all audiences. Powell tells his stories with lavish color-coded signals, revels in dramatic extremes, and is unapologetic about pulling dirty tricks like dragging out Moira Shearer's death scene to the point where 1) you fully realize that Mark is an exacting composer and 2) you long for him to get on with it and kill her already.

Like everything else filmed before 1999 (when The Matrix set the current standard for believable CGI and HBO programming made R-rated material ho-hum), the fx/gore do not live up to contemporary expectations.
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Not a masterpiece, but very good
Undead_Master2 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie a great deal, but i don't think it's Powell's masterpiece.

In fact, it's probably the second weakest Powell film I've seen so far. Sometimes a controversial film will gain a reputation that it doesn't deserve and I think this is one of those cases. It's greatest flaw probably comes from a puritanical lack of violence. I know that's an odd thing to say about a movie with this kind of reputation, but it's true. Peeping Tom is very violent for a movie released the early 60's, but this shouldn't have been made in the early 60's. It was too soon for a movie like this. The subject matter needed a more explicit approach.

Imagine Henry: portrait of a serial killer, only without any blood, and every time a murder is about to happen, the camera cuts away or fades out. That's what Peeping Tom is like. It's so well made that you don't really notice this right away and I'm sure it was very shocking to people when it was released... I didn't really begin to realize this was the problem until about half way through the movie but even before that i felt a certain detachment and the movie seemed to lack an emotional punch that should have been there.

Hitchcock got around this in psycho with ingenious editing that made the audience believe they were seeing more than they were... Fritz lang does it frequently in movies made even before this through manipulative techniques that cause you to use you imagination to fill in the blanks... Powelll doesn't resort to those kinds of tricks. For one thing it's not really his style and also because peeping tom is a much different kind of film. While psycho is fundamentally a horror film, and most of Fritz Langs more daring efforts are noirish crime thrillers, peeping tom is really more of a morbid character study. A clinical examination of an insane mind. A movie about a killer where the audience views the film from his perspective. A movie like that needs to make the audience feel uncomfortable. You need moments in the film where you are sickened by what you see on screen but peeping tom handles the viewer with kid gloves. That's not really anyone's fault..

Peeping Tom is simply a product of it's time and it's one of those cases where they could have made a much better movie about 12 years later. It's rare that i see a movie and my main complaint is that it's too old fashioned, but that's what's wrong with Peeping Tom.

There are great scenes though... Moments when you get an idea of what a great movie it could have been, like the scene where the killer is showing his girlfriend home movies from his childhood. We see his father frightening him on purpose and sadistically filming it. It's a graphic demonstration of emotional violence that makes you wince. It's all expertly filmed and edited and it gives you a hint what Powell might have done a few years later.

In the end I have to recommend Peeping Tom.. It's certainly worth viewing, but make sure and lower your expectations if you've built it up as some kind of masterpiece.. It's not a masterpiece, it's just excellent, but that's OK.
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Peeping Tom (1960)
Bunuel19763 April 2005
I've watched Michael Powell['s PEEPING TOM a couple of times on TV but I've yet to give my Criterion DVD a spin. Certainly one of the most original, challenging and bleakest films ever made and to have come from a British film-maker, albeit an iconoclastic one, makes the achievement all the more remarkable. While I do think that comparisons to its contemporary PSYCHO (1960) are a bit tenuous, it has to be said that both films can be thought of as belonging to the horror genre – in fact, PEEPING TOM was the third British "slasher" movie in a row, following HORRORS OF THE BLACK MUSEUM (1959) and CIRCUS OF HORRORS (1960) - but can also lay claim to being a very dark sort of black comedy. Besides, both films feature dysfunctional, immature, adult male protagonists haunted by a terrible upbringing which vents itself in a series of murders. Furthermore, while both films have been harshly reviled by critics when first released, in time, they have had their reputations make a complete about face and nowadays are numbered among their respective directors' unassailable masterpieces!
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Not really a masterpiece
Anewman10226 September 2005
Yes, Pepping Tom has a fascinating plot and yes, some of the images are haunting. Anna Massey is very, very good in her part as a kind and intelligent young woman who likes the extremely-flawed hero. And certainly the movie is nowhere near as bad as the British critics made it out to be. But...Carl Boehm looks, but doesn't act, the part. As little as he speaks, his strong German accent is still apparent, and mystifying in a character who has supposedly been born of British parents and spent the whole of his life in London. This wouldn't matter so much if Boehm were a better actor, if he inhabited the role and made Mark Lewis a real person. (Veteran Miles Malleson puts more oomph into his bit part as a dirty old man, and he's only on the screen for about three minutes). The inclusion of Moira Shearer was, surely, just a favor between old friends--she is too old, too glamorous, too star-like for her very small part. What was the significance of the disfigured woman earlier in the movie? It's a fascinating minute or so, but the idea of how Mark sees imperfection is not picked up again. (If he's that fascinated, surely the heroine's mother, with her ruined eyes, would be more interesting to him?). Better casting and, I think, more money overall would have achieved a better movie--a real masterpiece, where this movie is just the germ of one.
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a disappointment
howells27 September 2005
After having heard and read about this movie for years, I finally got the chance to see it on TCM this weekend, during the month-long Michael Powell tribute. I was really looking forward to seeing it, but I have to say that I was a little disappointed. Compared to "Black Narcissus" and "The Red Shoes" - both amazing films - "Peeping Tom" seemed a big step down. I was left with the impression that the critics were probably right, in that it was not a very good movie. Had it been better paced and better written, it might have made a much better impression on critics at the time, but as it is, it just sort of came across as a rather dull and poorly done version of the sort of thing that British television specialized in at the time (The Saint, The Avengers, Thriller, etc.), only more lurid. Carl Boehm was miscast, and the scene with Moira Shearer seemed to go on for far too long, and its only purpose seemed to be to show off her dancing. I would have preferred having her play a larger role. The detective element of the film was weak at best. The notion of Mark Lewis moonlighting as a porn photographer was interesting, and I would have liked to have seen that explored a little more. It just seemed like the film was made up of a whole bunch of loose ends that were never tied up. The brightest spot was the casting of Anna Massey as Lewis' girlfriend. She brought an honesty to the role, and her plain looks brought a certain beauty to the part that a more traditionally glamorous actress might have spoiled.

Overall, not a bad movie but not a great one either, and Michael Powell didn't deserve to have his career ruined over it.
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The British 'Psycho'
Gazza-310 February 1999
It's difficult to imagine the effect that this film had on critics and audiences when first shown as in the 90's we have become desensitized by the violence and cruelty of slasher movies.

Yet even today this film is deeply disturbing. The lead character is portrayed in a sympathetic light, thanks to a stunning performance from Carl Boem. He is a victim of a cruel and abusive father, desperate to escape the curse that has been handed down to him. There are some memorable scenes: the home movie showing him and his father (played by Michael Powell and his own son), the shot of the beautiful model turning round and showing her hare lip and the projection of one of the murders to the blind mother, with part of the frame projecting onto the murderer.

This is a deeply unnerving film but brilliantly made. Go see.
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The birth of the slasher!
jp_9119 November 2021
"Peeping Tom" is a masterpiece of school-created horror and suspense cinema, the first film in history belonging to the slasher subgenre. The script is smart, it was also controversial for its time touching psychological issues. The cinematographic direction is well done. The performances are tremendous. The cinematography is very colorful, giving the film a great aesthetic atmosphere, which obviously influenced the later giallo subgenre. "Peeping Tom" is a first-rate classic.
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"The walls are closing in" - Peeping Tom, review and analysis
samuelanthonytaunton17 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Despite being made 60 years ago, 'Peeping Tom' is as prevalent nowadays than ever before. Like Mark Lewis, the protagonist, we all have an addiction to viewing things, whether that be looking at our phones or TVs, binge-watching various films and series. Viewing can be regarded as an addiction in this day and age. The central idea to 'Peeping Tom' is scopophilia or voyeurism, the love of looking. As the story unfolds, we learn that for Mark, this scopophilia is more of a condition, a potential hereditary illness that he was once subjected to and is now carrying out in place of his father by murdering women in order to document their fear. Director Michael Powell challenged audience expectations by showing how our privacy can be breached through the use of cameras. As a result, audiences feared this. The film was a huge box office failure, essentially ruining the career of a filmmaker who had been loved for his collaborations with Emeric Pressburger throughout the years.

Mark Lewis is a serial killer but his shy nature almost makes us feel sorry for him. The use of subjective camerawork right from the beginning aligns us with Mark as we ARE the camera, looking through his lens of the woman he approaches. This is a really interesting way of viewing the film a bit differently and the use of Eastmancolor gives a very aesthetically pleasing look to the film. Right from the offset we see Mark with his camera, he always has it by his side. The use of foley exaggerates the cogs of the whirring camera, portraying how him and the camera are one. Later on in the film, Mark is questioned by the police following the murder of Vivian - "Anyone with you? No sir, just my camera." The fact that Mark seems to even personify his camera shows how much it means to him, almost someone, not something. Whilst documenting the activities of the police after his committed murder, Mark claims he's working for 'The Observer', yet another indication of the significance of looking and what bystanders can perceive. During these various murders, Chief Inspector Gregg remarks on how they are a new kind of terror, therefore bringing in the idea of how evolving technology such as cameras were changing the shape of media and still are today.

The character of Helen, who is one of Mark's tenants and lives below him, brings forth internal conflict for the protagonist who jostles with trying to create the perfect film by continuing his murders or perhaps falling in love. When Helen picks up his camera, Mark even snatches it away from her, not wanting it to take control of her as well. Whilst watching this, I thought the sudden mood swings of Mark during his encounters with Helen to be perhaps weaker acting but maybe this is just Mark's contrasting ego trying to force its way through. Perhaps one of the best scenes in the film is where Mark meets Helen's mother in his studio. Helen's mother is blind but her hearing senses have been heightened, making for an interesting parallel, a metaphorical battle between what we see vs what we hear, what's more important to us? When Helen's mother bids farewell, she runs her hand over Mark's face, making a mental picture. Whereas Mark obviously uses his sight to capture still images through his camera.

At the end of the film, Mark explains to Helen how he was able to capture such fear in the expressions of his victims, by use of a mirror to show the victim itself how scared they were - "The most frightening thing in the world is fear".

Having only discovered the films of Powell and Pressburger (The Archers) a couple of years ago, I've come to really like the 'Britishness' of their magical films. So, when I came across 'Peeping Tom', I knew I had to watch it and it didn't disappoint. Like many of his earlier films, Powell addresses ideas that we often question and I found the central idea of the importance of sight to be a really engaging and thought-provoking one.
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Face of Fear
claudio_carvalho15 October 2011
In London, the lonely photographer Mark Lewis (Carl Boehm) works in a film studio and moonlights supplying cheesecake photos to a magazine store. He lives in the huge house that he had inherited from his parents that is rented to tenants to help him pay the bills and keep the building. Mark was the subject of bizarre experiments of effects of the fear conducted by his scientist father since he was a child and he has become a disturbed man obsessed by the face of frightened women in the moment of death. He kills women filming their faces while he stabs them in the throat.

When Mark meets his neighbor and tenant Helen Stephens (Anna Massey) on the day of her birthday, he befriends her and sooner he dates the young woman. Mark has a crush on Helen and does not want to film her. But Mark is one of the suspects and a detective is tracking down Mark.

"Peeping Tom" is a good film with an unusual serial-killer, since Mark Lewis is an educated and likable character and also a victim of the experiments of his cruel and abusive father. His character creates a great empathy with the viewers and despite being a murderer, he is charismatic. I believe that the feelings of Helen for him are shared by most of the viewers. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Tortura do Medo" ("The Torture of the Fear")
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A new meaning to the term shoot to kill.
jlspenc-846309 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In 1960, Alfred Hitchcock wasn't the only English director to shake up audiences with a shocking motion picture about an emotionally withdrawn serial killer. Michael Powell also emerged that year with his own offbeat chiller called PEEPING TOM. But whereas PSYCHO made a Brink's truck full of money and elevated Hitchcock to the summit of his career, PEEPING TOM permanently derailed Powell's.

When PEEPING TOM was first screened for critics, they absolutely hated it. Using such adjectives as "sick", "twisted", and"repulsive", they were relentless in their animosity towards Powell and his movie. Indeed, it was strong stuff for 1960 moviegoers {as was PSYCHO}, although watching it today the subject matter would be no different than a Law & Order episode. What Powell dared to do was explore in detail the psychological motivation behind a serial murderer. By delving into the character's dysfunctional childhood, Mark Lewis certainly doesn't come across as likeable but he does evoke pity, and that's what viewers had such a strong reaction to back then. They preferred their villains one-dimensional.

By 1960, Powell had amicably parted with his producing partner Emeric Pressburger, both of whom had given us BLACK NARCISSUS, A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH, THE RED SHOES, and THE LIFE AND DEATH OF COLONEL BLIMP. Those films were exquisitely photographed Technicolor dramas that many cinema buffs considered well ahead of their time. Powell's favorite cameraman was Jack Cardiff, but by the time of PEEPING TOM, Cardiff himself had now branched out as a director and was therefore unavailable. Taking his place was Otto Heller (THE LADYKILLERS), who gave PEEPING TOM a lurid color palette in contrast to Cardiff's painterly brand of photography.

Scripted by Leo Marks, Mark Lewis has a social awkwardness similar to that of a certain motel owner. But whereas Norman Bates was an introverted loner with unresolved mother issues, Mark is an introverted loner with unresolved father issues. Unlike Bates, he's not a hermit sequestering himself outside city limits; he lives in London and works at a television studio as a cameraman's assistant, which enables him to function socially when he has to.

In the opening sequence, the audience bears witness to Lewis' crime as he secretly films his solicitation of a sex trade worker. Seen through a viewfinder, Powell has the camera follow her upstairs to her flat, where Lewis records for posterity the look of terror in her eyes before fatally stabbing her. Later the next morning, as a crowd gathers outside the crime scene, Mark is taping the police removal of her body. When someone asks him what he's doing, he simply says that he's a freelancer.

Mark is the mystery landlord residing on the top floor of a two storey building he inherited from his late father. One evening he meets Helen Stephens, a friendly young woman renting a ground floor flat with her blind mother. The mom and daughter are hosting a small party celebrating Helen's 21st birthday when she happens to spot him looking through their window. Later on, Helen formally introduces herself by knocking on his door and offering him a slice of her cake. Touched by her kindness, Mark apprehensively invites her in.

The rear of Mark's flat is a large area dedicated to his hobby, a dark room {anyone remember what that was?} filled with cameras and reels and more reels of 8mm film. Fascinated, she asks to see one of his home movies. Obviously, Mark can't show her his snuff films, so he picks out something more innocuous....but creepy nonetheless.

The Lewis home movies show us that, as a young boy, Mark was sadistically exploited as a guinea pig by his father, a renowned behavioral psychologist (played by Powell himself). Curious about the nature of fear, Lewis Sr would intrusively film his son's reactions to various stimuli, such as dropping a small lizard onto Mark's blanket when he is asleep. The poor kid's life has been subjected to more visual documentation than the Kardashians, from his gawking at a couple making out on a park bench to sitting beside his mother's deathbed, unable to properly grieve.

Most females exposed to such a screening would immediately hightail it out of there, but Helen takes pity on her damaged goods of a host. Gradually, they begin dating, leading to Helen kissing him on the lips, undoubtedly the first time he's ever been exposed to that. She inevitably introduces him to her mother. For Mrs Stephens, being deprived of sight has only heightened her other senses, including her sixth. Although solicitous towards her daughter's new friend, she can't escape the feeling that something is not right with this young man.

Despite his not having physically consummated his relationship with Helen, Mark's first exposure to love has opened his eyes to a new world. But he's also a multiple murderer, and eventually his luck is going to run out. Mark's last victim was an aspiring dancer (Moira Shearer), but he made the mistake of leaving her body inside a trunk at the television studio instead of smuggling her out. Now that the homicide squad is on the scene, Mark's personality quirks will set off red flags sooner or later.

Powell originally considered Laurence Harvey for the part of Mark Lewis, but Hollywood soon scooped up the ambitious Harvey following his breakthrough in ROOM AT THE TOP. Surprisingly, Powell ended up selecting German actor Karlheinz Böhm instead of the many available English actors within that age group. Yet oddly enough, the peculiar choice actually works in PEEPING TOM's favor. And of the many, many scathing comments from the movie's detractors, not one critique was aimed towards Böhm's casting, nor has there been any since. Unfortunately, the failure of PEEPING TOM also failed to launch his career in England and, disappointed, he returned to West Germany a few years later.

The career of Anna Massey {daughter of Raymond} didn't suffer too much as a result of her participation in PEEPING TOM, but that was because she considered herself foremost an actress rather than a leading lady. Powell's eye for casting was as astute as it was during his glory years with Pressburger, for Massey turned out to be the right choice for Helen as Böhm was for Mark Lewis. And not forgetting Shearer, her flaming red hair and graceful dance movements are always worth waiting for; it's just a pity she wasn't given more screen time.

Michael Powell's directorial career didn't recover from the PEEPING TOM backlash, but according to those close to him, he never wallowed in bitterness over his misfortune. Perhaps Powell sensed that one day in the near future his movie might be rediscovered by a more open minded public. If he did, then he was right about that too! However, credit for PEEPING TOM's renaissance must be attributed to one person: Martin Scorsese. Stumbling onto the picture as a film student in the mid Sixties, Scorsese watched it with fascination and was immediately convinced of its greatness. He tirelessly {and successfully} led an effort to restore the reputation of PEEPING TOM. Being a longtime admirer of Powell, Scorsese picked up on what all the critics of the time missed; that we're all voyeurs to some extent.🔚
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One of the Films That Started It All
bettyconway4 October 2019
I'm remiss to say that last week was the first time I'd ever seen Peeping Tom. As a horror fan, I'd heard about it incessantly throughout the years, but the opportunity to see it never came up. I finally sought it out and I'm not sure if the hype ruined it for me or what, but I found the whole thing a bit underwhelming.

Putting Peeping Tom into the context of the time in which it was made, it's easy to see why it was so controversial. Unlike Psycho, it was shot in color which makes everything more realistic and lurid with the bright red blood really popping off the screen and Peeping Tom even has the added bonus of some light nudity here and there, which I'm sure is what really got it in trouble with the censors.

The film is about your typical, semi-handsome loner who is the landlord for his childhood home which has been converted into apartments. He stays upstairs, watching his home movies that he shoots of him killing random women, focusing on their horrified faces at the moment of impact. Things take a turn when he starts to fall for a young boarder, but will her blind mother cause them some problems?

The main issue I had with Peeping Tom is that the lead character isn't terribly interesting. He's not a charismatic psycho like, say, Norman Bates. I'm not sure if it was the writing or the acting, but it kept me from getting too invested in his plight. Since he's rarely off screen, this was a bit of an issue for me.

It's also a bit on the slower side, pacing wise, and I found myself drifting in and out. It's still worth seeing and the cinematography is outstanding.
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Very disturbing brilliant 60's classic
Sergiodave5 August 2021
Michael Powell will always be considered one of the great film directors of all time. Peeping Tom is without doubt his darkest and most troubling. Serial killers in the 50's and prior lived in the shadows, were uneducated and born to fallen women, or so the movies would show. Here is a killer who has wealth, high intelligence, is likeable and perhaps has a reason for his demons, not the thing you showed on the big screen in the 50's. An easy watch now compared to 60 years ago, but still troubling. This movie changed things. Martin Scorsese considers this one of his favourite movies and who am I to disagree with a genius.
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Peeping Tom
CinemaSerf13 November 2022
I can recall being genuinely scared when I first saw this film in the early 1970s. Young women are being found murdered. What makes their crimes especially heinous is the look of sheer terror found on their faces - and that is what is further perplexing the pursing Scotland Yard detective "Gregg" (Jack Watson). Meantime, actress "Vivian" (Moira Shearer) is filming her new movie and on the set is the camera-obsessed "Mark" (Karlheinz Böhm) who rents out the bottom part of his sprawling house to a group of youngsters. Usually keeping himself to himself, he is befriended by "Helen" (Anna Massey) and soon a relationship, of sorts, develops as she takes an interest in both him and his films. When tragedy occurs at the studio, the police investigation initially includes the sound stage crew, and gradually the plot unfolds in a dark and menacing fashion. Böhm and Massey are great here and under Michael Powell and Otto Heller's creative direction and photography, deliver us an intimate and well paced story that takes it's time, but does so in a cumulatively effective fashion. The dialogue is disarmingly potent too - there is something almost childlike about "Mark" and almost maternal about "Massey", illustrative of the underlying psychology of the story. On a dark night with the rain battering against the window, this is about as good as cinema gets.
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The Essence Of Cinema
keithhmessenger29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Panned (and suppressed) on its release in 1960, resulting in the maligning of British cinema's most unique talent, Michael Powell's masterpiece is the sort of film which, if made 20 years later (or even today), would (I'm sure) be recognised by the critics as one of the medium's all-time greats. And, although on face value it must have come as a shock to previous fans of Black Narcissus, A Matter Of Life And Death and The Red Shoes to witness this tale of Karlheinz Böhm's troubled obsessive and voyeur, Mark Lewis, digging beneath the surface (as Martin Scorsese does in his introduction to the film on the 50th anniversary DVD) it is possible to discern similarities with, in particular, The Red Shoes' tale of artistic obsession - albeit Powell takes this to the 'nth degree' in Peeping Tom - as well as providing compelling (and, controversially, sympathetic) insights into the nature of sadism, fear, child 'abuse', repression, heredity and even the influence of cinema (a 'killing camera'). Of course, the other major plus point of Powell's film is the lush Eastmancolor cinematography of Otto Heller (he of The Ladykillers, Alfie and The Ipcress File fame), which is simply stunning on the digitally restored version.

Frankly, it's a film which scores equally highly on both thematic and sensorial fronts, which (for me, certainly) dispels any superficial impressions of the film being 'dated' (one or two hammy acting turns - mainly by 'doomed models' - plus some dodgy 60s 'disco music'!). Leo Marks' screenplay is acutely perceptive, pointing up society's hypocrisy as the masses bemoan a prostitute's grisly murder ('I can't help thinking of that poor girl') whilst 'girly pics' adorn a newsagent's window and 'dirty old men' acquire under the counter brown packages. Powell's film is, of course, also steeped in the man's lifelong trade, as his film pitches Mark as focus puller in a film studio (filled, in a nice touch, with cantankerous directors and film buffs, 'You don't get that in Sight & Sound'), as well as doing part-time 'glamour photography' on the side - and the director makes the film even more personal, casting himself as Mark's cruel father (and his son Columba as the young Mark).

Acting-wise, Böhm is solidly impressive as the shy, softly spoken, 'perverted obsessive', whilst (in another connection with The Red Shoes) Moira Shearer is reliable as the flighty studio 'stand-in', Vivian, and Anna Massey also impressive as kindly 'society girl', Helen Stephens, whose affections offer Mark a potential escape route from his nefarious world. In another cinematic masterstroke, Powell also cast the excellent Maxine Audley as Helen's blind mother, providing Mark with a nerve-wracking 'dilemma of the senses'. Which brings us to heart of Powell's film - its (still, to this day) terrifyingly realistic depiction of the nature of fear. It's impossible to avoid comparisons with Hitchcock here - as it is to be certain as to whether Leytonstone's finest directly influenced Powell - but I am constantly reminded of the 'master of suspense' throughout Peeping Tom (scenes such as the pencils falling from Mark's pocket, the obsessive espying in the dark a courting couple, the blind Mrs Stephens' 'reveal' in Mark's studio and Helen's fascination with Mark's projector (and the latter's subsequent focus on the former's watching, 'It's just a film, isn't it?')).
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Not quite as chilling as 'Psycho' but effective in a different way...
Doylenf26 September 2005
It's hard to see why the Brits were so shocked over this that it ruined the career of its filmmakers in the 1960s at a time when cheaper, more violent exploitation films were overflowing the market.

Nor is the comparison to PSYCHO a valid one. Hitchcock filled his story with intentional humor so that it became not just a horror film but a black comedy as well with psychological overtones. PEEPING TOM plays it straight all the way through, effectively showing how a tormented childhood turned an innocent boy into a killer who wants to see the fear on his victim's faces.

I watched it with interest but with a certain detachment, never becoming completely involved in the story. For one thing, some of the incidents don't ring true at all. The girl who tries to befriend the anti-hero (Anna Massey) seems clueless to the fact that his stuttering creepiness might be masking a very troubled individual. Her casual attitude toward him becomes unconvincing after he continues to exhibit his odd behavior in various social situations. With credibility lost, the picture is merely an exercise in watching someone self-destruct because of his tormented past.

The acting leaves something to be desired. Carl Boehm with his slight German accent tends to overact when more subtle restraint would have made his role more credible. A more attractive female co-star would have helped (someone like Hitch used in PSYCHO--Janet Leigh), but Anna Massey is a drab, chinless looking little creature with her sad eyes and pursed lips. And the woman who might have made a more attractive co-star, Moira Shearer, is given short shrift with an underwritten role and a brief appearance as a wannabe dancer/actress, although she gets star billing.

Still, as a study of a troubled man, PEEPING TOM does have its compensations--excellent color photography and interesting use of a jazz music background. But none of adds up to a thriller in the same class as PSYCHO. It never fulfills its high potential.
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Really not that interesting
sunznc10 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was geared up to watch this film after reading about it in "Cult Movies" which has inspired me to watch many films. However, I have to say that this film just wasn't that interesting. I found myself becoming very tired of it quickly.

The film has not aged well in my opinion. Perhaps when this was first released it might have interested people but it seems so dated. The dialogue especially. I don't remember people ever talking or acting this way. If a film doesn't seem believable it just doesn't work for me and this is the problem I have with Peeping Tom.

Women today would fight this guy back. They wouldn't just lay back on the couch or bed and let this guy kill them. Especially the women here in Los Angeles. I realize that isn't what the film is about-it's about perception but if the film doesn't seem realistic it doesn't work for me.

Some people will want to see this because it is a cult film but if you are looking for something engaging or interesting, I think you will be disappointed.
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