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The Devils (1971) Poster


Oliver Reed: Urbain Grandier



  • Grandier : Don't look at me! Look at your city! If your city is destroyed, your freedom is destroyed also... If you would remain free men, fight. Fight them or become their slaves.

  • Grandier : Lies! Lies and heresy. The Devil is a liar, and the father of lies. If the Devil's evidence is to be accepted, the most virtuous people are in the greatest of danger, for it against these that Satan rages most violently. I had never set eyes on Sister Jeanne of the Angels until the day of my arrest, but the Devil has spoken, and to doubt his word is sacrilege.

  • Madeleine : St Paul says that he who marries does a good thing, but he who remains chaste does something better.

    Grandier : Then I am content to do a good thing and leave the best to those that can face it.

  • Barre : [about to burn Grandier at the stake]  Confess you are the Devil's servant! Renounce your master!

    Grandier : I am about to meet the God who is my witness! And I have spoken the truth!

    Barre : [brandishing the flaming torch and moving closer to Grandier]  Confess! Confess! You have only a moment to live!

    Grandier : Only a moment, but then I face the just and fearful judgment that you too, reverend father, will soon be called.

    Barre : [starting the fire]  May your body be consumed by eternal fire!

  • Grandier : Most religions believe that by crying, "Lord, Lord!" often enough, they can contrive to enter the kingdom of heaven. A flock of trained parrots could just as readily cry the same thing with just as little chance of success.

  • Grandier : [Talking about Jeanne]  Anything found in the desert of a frustrated life can bring hope. With hope comes love. With love comes hate. So I possess her. May God help her in her misery and unhappiness.

  • Jeanne : They always spoke of your beauty, and now I see it with my own eyes and it is true.

    Grandier : Look at this thing that I am and learn the meaning of love.

  • Grandier : Call me vain and proud, the greatest sinner ever to walk God's earth, but Satan's boy I could never be. I haven't the humility.

  • Barre : [blessing the torture instruments with holy water]  We humbly beg of thee almighty God, in thy goodness, bless these instuments thou has created and given to us for our sacred use...

    Grandier : Devils in pieces of wood now, Barre?

    Barre : [pouring holy water on Grandier's legs]  If they are not driven out, your devils might, by their infernal arts, prevent the torture being as excruciating as it should be. Then you would never confess, and your soul would be damned for eternity. Are you ready to confess?

    Grandier : I have been a man. I have loved women. I have enjoyed power.

    Barre : That's not what we want. You've been a magician. You've had commerce with devils!

  • Grandier : For the love of Christ! If you wish to destroy me, then destroy me. Accuse me exposing political chicanery and the evils of the state, and I will plead guilty. But what man can face arraignment on the idiocy of youth? Old love letters and other pathetic objects, stuffed in drawers or in the bottom of cupboards. Things kept for a day when he would need to be reminded... that he was once loved.

  • Grandier : [in bed with Philippe]  Your father sends you here for instruction in Latin, and we must not deceive him.

  • Philippe : I'm pregnant.

    Grandier : And so it ends.

  • Grandier : What fresh lunacy is this? A crocodile?

  • Grandier : My lords, I am innocent of the charges. And I am afraid. But I have the hope in my heart that, before this day ends, Almighty God will glance aside and let my suffering atone for my vain and disordered life. Amen.

  • Grandier : For the love of Jesus Christ! If you wish to destroy me, then destroy me. Accuse me of exposing political chicanery and the evils of the state, and I will plead guilty! But who would not hold back some scraps to prove to himself, in his dotage, that he was once loved?

  • Grandier : Hold my hand. It's like touching the dead, isn't it?

  • Baron De Laubardemont : There are 6,000 Christian souls waiting for you in the marketplace. Tell me, do you love the Church?

    Grandier : Not today.

    Baron De Laubardemont : Do you want to see it grow more powerful, more benevolent, until it embraces every human soul on this earth? Then help us to achieve this great purpose. Go to the marketplace a penitent man. Confess, and by confessing, proclaim to those thousands that you have returned to the Church's arms. By going to the stake unrepentant, you do God a disservice, you give hope to unebelievers. Such an act can mine the very foundations of the Church. You are no longer important. Think: are you any longer important?

    Grandier : I was never important.

    Baron De Laubardemont : Then make a last supreme gesture to the Catholic faith.

  • Barre : [after having Grandier dragged through the streets following his torture, they arrive at the Convent where Grandier is to beg forgiveness]  Get up.

    Grandier : What is this place?

    Barre : The Convent of St. Ursulla, a place you have defiled. Do what must be done.

    [he tips Grandier off the stretcher he is on] 

  • Baron De Laubardemont : Good morning! Did you sleep well?

    Grandier : With all this noise?

    Baron De Laubardemont : There are thousands of them out there. Where do you expect them to get all the beds from? Besides, they're all too excited.

    Grandier : About what?

    Baron De Laubardemont : Oh...

    [pretends to have forgotten for a moment] 

    Baron De Laubardemont : Your execution.

    Grandier : I have not been tried yet.

    Baron De Laubardemont : All right, have it your own way. Your trial then.

    [immediately after, a soldier smashes a statue] 

  • Madeleine : I am a simple person, I see the world as I have been taught, yet I would not be afraid to go before God with you, even in our sin.

    Grandier : You shame me.

  • Grandier : Wait! Do you have a mirror?

  • Grandier : Well Mr. Surgeon, have all your studies and training brought you only to this? To be a barber?

  • Grandier : Go away, Laubardemont. You are becoming tedious.

See also

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