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A not half bad, but terribly slow & lackluster 70's post-nuke sci-fi/action flick
Woodyanders6 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Being the hard-core aficionado of post-apocalyptic sci-fi/action features that I am, I naturally was pretty pumped at the prospect of finally seeing this extremely rare, forgotten and elusive genre entry after taping it in its uncut entirety off of cable. I didn't really know what to expect, since this was given a spotty release by Columbia and received extremely negative reviews by the handful of critics who bothered to see it during its fleeting theatrical run. After viewing it I can now say it's neither the best nor worst of its type. Instead, it rates as a strictly middling affair that basically does the trick but never totally amounts to anything truly special or resonant.

The plot set-up is standard, but serviceable enough: Following a devastating nuclear holocaust the world has thoroughly degenerated into a bleak, harsh, desolate and dangerous hellhole where all hope has been lost, food is scarce, and vicious vulturous packs of roving ragtag psycho freaks called "ravagers" loot and kill with merciless abandon. A scuzzy band of filthy no-count "ravagers" led by ruthless sleazoid Anthony James viciously rape and murder the lovely wife (bewitching blonde Alana Hamilton) of cagey, cautious, constantly on the move loner Richard Harris, who narrowly avoids getting bagged himself. Harris makes a risky and arduous trek across the dry, barren, perilous wasteland, befriending both a lovably crackpot army sergeant (a delightfully dotty Art Carney) and a sassy lass (ravishing brunette Ann Turkel) during his journey. James and his grimy gang doggedly pursue Harris every step of the way. Harris and his newfound friends discover a heavily fortified redoubt run by benevolently jovial and avuncular dictator Ernest Borgnine. James and his foul flunkies close in to attack the fortress.

Donald Sanford's neatly realized script keeps the story moving and further offers a provocative theme addressing the difficulty of regaining hope in the wake of a severe catastrophe which has rendered the world a most feral, unkind and godforsaken place. Unfortunately, Richard Compton's uneven direction runs hot and cold throughout, thereby scuppering a good deal of the sound script's potential. The film gets off to a cracking start, sags a lot at mid-point by becoming much too dull, talky and sluggish, but luckily gets back on thrilling track with a genuinely rousing conclusion. The cast is uniformly solid: Harris does well as the plausibly rumpled and rundown survival-weary protagonist, the ever-slimy lanky beanpole James makes for a splendidly scurvy villain, and both Turkel and Hamilton are quite charming as well as real easy on the eyes. Seymour Cassel as a doomed blind lawyer and the always dignified Woody Strode as a shrewd survivalist contribute nifty cameos. Fred Karlin's stirring score and Vincent Saizis' grungy cinematography are likewise up to par. Tasty trivia tidbit: Gilda Texter, the cute blonde naked girl on the motorcycle in "Vanishing Point," designed the ratty costumes. Alas, the often painfully poky pacing, infrequent outbursts of reasonably effective, albeit rather bland action, much too tame violence, and, most damagingly, a restrictive PG rating which prevents the picture from completely achieving the raw, gritty, no-holds-barred ferocious tone this baby desperately needs to fully work prevent "Ravagers" from being an all-out knock-your-socks-off winner. If it was only more lively and down'n'dirty nasty in both its content and execution then "Ravagers" would have rocked. As it is, very flawed and imperfect, but not without a few substantial merits, it's passable, but altogether nothing terribly potent or spectacular.
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Not nearly ravaging enough
Vomitron_G14 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I remember having seen this movie before, when I was a kid and it aired on television. But other than the title and the semi-desolate feel RAVAGERS had (because there's quite a lot of people running around in this one), I remembered nothing of it.

Let's start with the soundtrack, because in my opinion that's one of the not-so-many merits RAVAGERS has. Occasionally, there's some "post-apocalyptic jazz music" on the soundtrack. Occasionally, there's a few eerie metallic scrapes integrated in the soundtrack. On one occasion, there's a sergeant playing the piano, providing some recreation. Occasionally, there's some good-sounding orchestrated string arrangements. But they sometimes do sound a bit overly dramatic.

Now that's actually the main problem with RAVAGERS: It's too melodramatic. The protagonist (Falk, played by Richard Harris) is a loner and the script tries too hard to make you like him. In a post-apocalyptic world, you expect everybody to have at least a little edge, right? But not Falk. The man's just too friendly (admittedly, he does fight when he has to). You can see his girlfriend, Miriam, getting killed by ravaging thugs in the beginning of the movie (well, we don't get too see much, actually), but if you think good Falk will go on a blood-seeking quest for vengeance, you better think again. He just kills one of them (not even the leader) and then starts running. At first aimlessly across the country… But then, these very annoying flashbacks of his girlfriend (that just happen too often in the movie) start reminding him of a place she talked about, called "Genesis" (It's supposed to have fertile ground and women who can still bear children). Will he ever find it? Will the Ravagers ever catch up with him? Who knows… All I know is, that it takes forever for anything to happen in this movie.

The opening-scene looks promising, though. Nicely chosen, properly framed, deserted-looking shots of a run-down town set the right tone. But in the end, nothing eventful really happens throughout the rest that follows for 90 minutes. Flak meets different people. All this while the Ravagers are on the search for him. But the violence portrayed in this film, is just too tame and there's not nearly enough of it. I was okay with this kind of western-feeling (as in: Western, the genre) this movie sort of has, but it still remains a slow and rather boring snooze-fest. Ann Turkel does provide some very brief, but welcome nudity in the background during one scene. Her character wants to be Falk's new love-mate, but him rejecting her constantly (because he just can't get over losing his beloved Miriam) became very old, very quick. And at the end, the pay-off to this annoying sub-plot-gag-thing wasn't even redeeming.

Ernest Borgnine must have arrived way too late on the set… He is credited as Rann, but he only appears in the middle of the third act. They do built up to the moment he makes his appearance, but he does nothing more then walk into a dining room and deliver a couple of lines. And then, when the action begins, it's: Exit Borgnine. Somewhat comforting where the final 30 minutes of the movie. They were a bit more amusing (the dining room scene, Falk's discovery of the fish having returned to the oceans) and an big old rusty, stranded ship provided a nice setting. But in the end, the third act had a climax with the Ravagers that didn't deliver much more than a bit of fist-fighting, shooting, an explosion thrown in the mix and a neat one-liner coming from Richard Harris about "Genesis".

The movie itself, isn't exactly badly put together, not in the over-all narrative structure, neither on a technical level. I could be forgiving and try to appreciate that this movie is about hope in desolate times and friendly people, undeserved and tragically, losing their beloved ones and all… But, I mean, this movie's called RAVAGERS… Get it?

Now I know why this movie didn't leave a lasting impression on me when I was a kid.
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This film has a promising premise and characters, the scarcity of action sequences prevents it from standing out in the genre
kevin_robbins7 December 2023
I recently viewed The Ravagers (1979) on Tubi. The plot unfolds in a post-apocalyptic society, where communities form amidst the chaos, and others aim to ravage them. We follow an older man and his female companion on a quest for a rumored oasis, facing the constant threat of ravagers.

Directed by Richard Compton (Angels Die Hard) and featuring Ernest Borgnine (Marty), Richard Harris (Unforgiven), Ann Turkel (Humanoids from the Deep), Anthony James (Unforgiven), and Alana Stewart (Delivered).

The film effectively establishes the circumstances with well-chosen settings, attire, and props, immersing viewers in the characters' challenges. However, there's a notable lack of significant events until the very end. The focus on survival and dialogue feels prolonged, with the boat segments at the end being a highlight. The boat's atmosphere is well-crafted, and though the Ravagers could have been better portrayed, the final shootout is excellently executed.

In conclusion, while the film has a promising premise and characters, the scarcity of action sequences prevents it from standing out in the genre. I would give it a 5/10 and recommend watching it once.
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Not bad at all
dmdb21 April 2016
I only write reviews of movies with low rating, which actually are not that bad. Give them a chance!

I don't know why this film has such a low rating ( 4.6 at the this moment ) when it is actually really cool. Good story, acting, costumes, environment design, good presentation of post-apocalyptic world. I love movies about apocalypse and post-apocalypse and that's why I wanted to see this one at first place. I don't regret it at all! I enjoyed it and you probably will to if you like these kind of movies. Maybe the story is slow and becomes boring in few places, but that is not a reason to have 4.6 rating.

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Apocalypse Not
moonspinner5520 September 2017
In 1991, with the Earth ravaged by the apocalypse, lone wolf Richard Harris tries keeping one step ahead of the Ravagers, a mad band of human-hunters (led by gaunt, crazy-eyed Anthony James) who have already killed Harris' wife. Art Carney is a former Army sergeant who has a hidden surplus of instant food and automatic rifles; Ann Turkel is a street-smart girl (with shiny, shampooed hair) who suddenly goes all weepy when she falls for Harris (he tells her there's no room in his life for her, to which she replies, "I'm good for you! You'll see!"). Together, they attempt to find a safe haven known as the Land of Genesis. Adaptation of Robert Edmond Alter's novel "Path to Savagery" is undone by a sloppy presentation and a disappointing performance by Harris (wrapped up in a scarf like a nomad and addressing everyone with the same condescending elocution). This may be the most substantial role eternal-villain James ever got, but the picture is such a dud that his opportunity here to break out of bit parts isn't worth savoring. *1/2 from ****
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path to savagery
raegan_butcher3 February 2010
Based on an excellent book called Path To Savagery by Robert Edmond Alter and then butchered beyond recognition in typical Hollywood fashion, Ravagers is a lack-luster film pretty much from start to finish. Unconvincing matte paintings of a destroyed city starts things off and before you know it we are introduced to a forlorn Richard Harris with hang-dog face and soon-to-be-killed wife. After being sniffed out by scruffy "ravagers"and suffering loss of said wife Harris (even more mopey)takes to the road. His journey is not conducted with any sense of urgency but is marked by some striking scenery. The rocket graveyard is particularly effective. So is the ship used as a hang-out for Ernie Borgnine and his crew of authoritarian head-busters or whatever the hell they were supposed to represent. Judging by the names in the cast it is obvious that a fair amount of money was spent on the project. But the film lacks excitement. The pace drags.Richard Harris gives a bad performance. The story meanders. It is all very vague. Fans hoping for another post-apocalyptic adventure like 1975's The Ultimate Warrior will be disappointed. Ravagers is rather flat and dull. What interest it does hold owes to its 70s period flavor.
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Civilisation is extinct, only boredom remained.
Coventry19 January 2008
Apparently there are good reasons for this film's obscurity status as well as for the low rating on this wondrous website. Richard Harris doesn't nearly whoop as much butt as I expected in this overall dull and completely unmemorable post-apocalyptic Sci-Fi feature from the late 70's. The one strong point this movie benefices from (set pieces) isn't nearly enough to overlook the massive amount of weaknesses (lack of action, miscast players, no script…), but it has to be said the location spotters and set piece designers pulled off an exquisite job. The story may be non-existent and sadly ruining all its potential, at least all the exteriors look very depressing and the scenery appears to genuinely have lived through a nuclear holocaust. The story, as said, is mundane and hardly worth wasting words on. Falk (Harris) and his wife are two of the last few civilized people left in the world, all the rest is either extinct or joined Ravagers clans. When a gang viciously kills his wife (of screen even, damned!), Falk flees towards … nowhere. On his journey chased by the same scum that killed his wife, Falk encounters an army sergeant who went a little mad due to the loneliness, a community of cave people and the new & highly enlightened leader of mankind Rann. "Ravagers" had copious possibilities and could have become a great film, but nothing justifies the script boredom! Falk doesn't even want to avenge the death of his wife? Bah! There may be some famous names in this American production, but without hesitating I prefer the anonymous but violence & spectacle-packed Italian exploitation efforts instead.
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Look out! It's the Boringpocalypse.
mhorg201812 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I guess actors like Richard Harris, Art Carney and Ernest Borgnine needed a paycheck to be in another of the late 70's and early 80's apocalyptic movies. This one is really dull and makes little sense. It may have been a nuclear war, but most of the protagonists are, when not being killed (and raped as in the case of Richard Harris girlfriend) seeking genesis. This is a really boring attempt at an apocalyptic film. Lots of running, screaming, some killing, but little coherent story. The thing I found most interesting was the matte painting the titles run over. It was the same one that the Gorilla army sees in Beneath the Planet of the Apes. Exactly the same.
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Extremely poor
Sergiodave7 November 2021
A lot of post apocalyptic movies were made in the 70's and this is one of the worst. I can't figure out what's worst, the plot, script or acting. Interestingly the only thing I'm reminded by this movie is how over-rated Richard Harris was. As a kid I loved him in 'The Wild Geese', but except for the 'This Sporting Life' and 'A man called horse' his best movies came in 1992, 'Unforgiven'. Don't waste your time on this rubbish, it makes 'The Cassandra Crossing' look great!
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That tin of dog food belongs to me!
DanielKing29 October 2003
There are plenty of good ideas here but they are betrayed by lacklustre direction. There is something about these 'last men on Earth' movies that I really enjoy and I am not sure exactly what it is. In common with THE OMEGA MAN and MAD MAX 2, this film posits a future in which a handful of people seem unaffected by that which has wiped out most of the world's population. This is never explained here but it is hinted that a massive global conflict, presumably nuclear, has finished virtually everyone off. It is said that the seas are poisoned and that nothing can grow on land. This gives every opportunity for scenes of scavenging for food and the joy of discovering a couple of unopened tins of peach slices. Unlike NIGHT OF THE COMET and DAWN OF THE DEAD, the holocaust happened many years in the past and thus we have no scenes of glorious looting in deserted shopping precincts. In fact it has been so long that the initial despair has worn off and a new lifestyle has developed. So much so that there are hints of a new mythology: unconnected groups of people all speak of 'Genesis' a place where fish swim in the rivers and fruit grows on the trees. Thinking about it, there is plenty of religious allusion in this film, all the way up to the somewhat abrupt ending.
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Today's game: The Ravagers vs. The Flockers.
lemon99313 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
One of a handful of post-apocalyptic films I've tried to track down over the years.(The others being Captive Women, Aftermath, The Last Chase and The Quiet Earth.) Recently, I viewed the film and found it to be quite entertaining as well as a bit weird. The "Ravagers" roam the Earth for the sole purpose of disposing of as much of the population as possible. Rewarding work? The "Flockers" are kind of new-age hippy types who party in cavernous caves. They are a strange lot and are in need of a constructive kick in the pants. Fred Karlin's eclectic score shines during this passage. Richard Harris, the hero by default, has a simple delivery of his lines. There is a cool scene involving a blind lawyer, who has been tossed out of his community and is later stoned to death in front of Harris. The movie was shot in Alabama of all places. The locations chosen are desolate and appropriately barren. Harris finds Art Carney in an abandoned military silo and army base of some kind. Carney's girth, remember there is little food, is explained by his ample ration stash. Rod Stewart's ex-wife, Alana, makes a brief appearance before she is quickly dispatched to heaven by the Ravagers. Everyone in the film follows Harris' lead in search of a city called Genesis. Strategically, Woody Strode played professional football and would have been a better blocker for the Flockers than the boozer, Harris. Just a plan.
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Oddball casting does little to lift this lifeless movie
Wizard-82 January 2004
Columbia Pictures barely released this end-of-the-world movie, understandably so. It's an extremely cheap movie, using abandoned industrial sections to depict the burnt-out and rusting cities, but mostly shooting on bland Alabama countryside during the off-season. Some locations are even used more than once, sometimes shooting at different angles, but also cutting long scenes into pieces. I got a kick out of how the ravager gang's long march through the countryside through the first third of the movie was obviously originally one five-minute walk through the same rock quarry!

Speaking of editing, that's what the movie suffers a bad case of. We never find out exactly what happened to screw up the earth so bad, we don't know the relationship of the guy Harris kills near the beginning of the movie to James' gang leader character (A brother? Gay lover? A good friend?), and there are garbled moments like the night siege at the abandoned house where what exactly happened to Carney's character is never made clear - especially since he was well-armed and doing well on his own before the movie cuts to an outside shot of the house, then to Harris and Turkel far away! (Well, I admit we DO find out... eventually.) Not to mention how the background of Harris' character and his relationship to the various tribes/gangs in the area seems especially unclear.

But what really kills the movie is how utterly boring it is, with little action, but also scenes that serve no real purpose, like how Seymour Cassel's character is introduced before suddenly being removed. Certainly, seeing people like Richard Harris, Art Carney, and Ernest Borgnine in an end-of-the-world movie is lightly amusing for a few minutes, especially when you see them shooting or beating the crap out of people with the vigor of people half their age! But even that gets old fast. To save you from falling asleep, should you decide to see this movie, think about this: Columbia advertised this 1979 movie taking place in 1991. Yet Harris' character at several points indicates that the whatever-disaster took place when he was a boy. If you figure that one out, let me know!
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Another 70's post-nuclear hollywood film.
Serpent-519 March 2001
Richard Harris and Alana Stewart (George hamilton's ex, and at the time Mrs. Rod Stewart) plays couple trying to survive the future where earth is pretty much dead. Now there are these normads called the ravagers that roams and kills because they are your typical bad guys. The leader is character actor Anthony James. They even play undressing the manniquin (later stolen by MAD MAX). James and his ravager's attack Harris and Stewart, and kills Stewart leaving Harris for dead. Harris in return comes back and kills James' gay sidekick making James go on a revenge trail. Harris goes on a quest for a better life meeting a messed up old army guy (art Carney), Ann Turkel, Woody Strode and Ernest Borgnine (who takes 70min to appear only to disappear in 81min). Cassel plays a nothing part as a blindman who gets stoned. The film looks real cheap and it looks like it was cut to get a PG rating. The film is very padded, but looks slopply edited near the end. In fact James seems to be gaining more new ravagers which each new scene! It's ironic that this was Hollywood's answer to the apocalypstic theme, as this and DAMNATION ALLEY killed the apocalypitic theme craze, and it took a Aussie film MAD MAX 2 3 years later to get people interested in this genre once again, causing a grut of Italian rip-offs! But nothing beats the cheeziness of the original "Hollywood" incarnation The Ravagers!
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Awful post-apocalyptic trash.
fedor821 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a pointless exercise... Nothing rings true in this shallow film. A post-apocalyptic world that leaves you totally disinterested. This war not only killed most people and made savages out of them, it also seems to have damaged everyone's brains; the characters act illogically, say nothing when they talk, and seem to live by rules that even mentally-deranged amoebas would object to.

When the black guy mentions someone called "Rem" a couple of times, Harris asks him, "Who's this Rem?". The black guy answers, "Rem is Rem". And Harris says "Oh." Oh, well, thank you very much; that's just the answer I was looking for. What kind of bull**** dialogue is this? It sounds like a comedy but isn't.

The stupidest aspect, however, is this idea of "the rats" (violent, brutal humans) following Harris throughout the whole film just because he killed one of them out of revenge for them killing his girl! They actually leave their base - their city - and follow him around during the whole film. How they manage to track him down in the end is anyone's guess; after all, Harris didn't tell anyone where he was going and couldn't even if he wanted to because he himself didn't know where he was heading towards. Supposedly they followed his trail by finding remnants of food, bullets and what not - what baloney.

The "rats" are lead by a skinny guy who, in reality, couldn't assert himself as leader of a pre-school basketball team, let alone a post-apocalyptic wild bunch such as these "rats". When an attractive woman decides to follow Harris on his way to the elusive "Genesis", he dislikes the idea of her tagging along because, as he puts it, he is a "loner", blablabla.

When they find Borgnine's ship (the Rem character) Harris gets into a very silly dialog with him over how the ship is run and so on. Then, at nightfall, the "rats" attack the ship, the ship blows up, the ship's inhabitants escape, and find themselves on the shore the next morning staring at Harris as if he were the new messiah or something. Then the black guy says something about "Genesis" and Harris tells them they'd found it. Brilliant. And that run-of-the-mill soundtrack doesn't help, either.
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