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A Britsh adaptation at its best!
wordsmith_5728 May 2006
Even though American, I cannot get enough of English literature transferred to cinema. And The Barchester Chronicles is a recent find to my growing list of favorites. However, in this case I discovered the two disc DVD set at my local library before I had read the author's works. I will definitely be reading the Trollope books now that I have seen the filmed adaptation. Granted the beginning was a bit slow, and didn't really pick up until the slithery Obadiah Slope came into the plot. I then could not watch only one installment and ended up watching all of them, making for a long, yet extremely satisfying viewing session. I am glad my first viewing experience of Alan Rickman was his portrayal of Colonel Brandon from Emma Thompson's Sense and Sensibility. The caring, compassionate gentleman he played was a far opposite of the self-centered, ingratiating slime of Obadiah Slope in The Barchester Chronicles. Donald Pleasance, who has usually played villains to some degree, was the glue of the series. Soft spoken and humble, yet at times passionately stirred to compelling argument, his rendering of Septimus Harding made me wish I could have someone like Mr. Harding in real life to remind me of the joys of loving life and putting others before my own needs.

The Barchester Chronicles is now added to my list of British series favorites including All Creatures Great and Small, Horatio Hornblower, and Pride and Prejudice. I look forward to the day when Americans can lovingly and consistently render our classics into worthy viewing.
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Sensitive Trollope adaptation
Bernie-5613 September 1999
One of the best Trollope adaptations in recent years. A true classic that will delight lovers of the 'Barchester' novels through more than one viewing. Adapted from the first two novels, 'The Warden' and 'Barchester Towers'. All the cast are well matched to their roles.

Of note: It seems newspapers have changed little in 150 years. The fictional 'The Jupiter' ('The Times' very thinly disguised) is just as sanctimonious and irritating as today's press. Clive Swift as Bishop Proudie is, well, another bumbling Clive Swift. Alan Rickman gives an excellent performance as the ingratiating humbug Rev Slope (formerly Mr Slop). Slope's Cathedral sermon on the demerits of music in the evangelical church (Ep. 2) is brilliant, as is his marriage proposal to Mrs Bold (Ep. 4).

Father and daughter Donald and Angela Pleasance play father and daughter Mr Harding and Mrs Grantly.

A weak point is the character is the second romantic interest of Mrs Bold, The Rev Francis Arabin. In the series he seems a rather dull of stick of about 40, much older than Mrs Bold, and it hard to see why a mid-twenties, attractive and wealthy widow would be in the least attracted to him. He is well spoken and intelligent but otherwise most unprepossesing. In the novel, however, Trollope devotes an full chapter to his history and the minute description of his personality and character. As a result it is quite clear why Mrs Bold found him so desirable from their first meeting.
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must see and read
totobanu9 March 2012
When I read the book I was probably far too young to appreciate its value. Watching the series sent me back to the book. Its a must see and a must read. It is, I think, what one alien would imagine about being British in that time. The way they talk, and act and everything from the scenery to the little things happening sends you back in that time. I can fully comprehend the concept behind the, blurry till now, term "proper" in the British area. Characters from the book are truly brought to life by the actors, if you read the book after watching the series you would never imagine them otherwise. Must mention Mr. Alan Rickman, he is as usually purely catching. The point deducted from the 10 star rating is because it is not the complete Trollope series and hasn't full language subtitle support (talking about the DVD version).
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Masterly transfer from book(s) to film.
JBall7548717 September 2001
One runs out of superlatives to describe this flawless representation of Trollope's masterpieces of ecclesiastical fiction. Against the sumptuous background of Peterborough Cathedral and its environs, one is carried into Trollope's world of the intriguing machinations of the clerical establishment of Barchester. Backed by the authenticity of the period detail, the portrayal of all the characters accurately conveys the whole range of human emotions within the stories,without a weak link amongst the members of the cast. In would be invidious to name particular names as meriting special attention, when even the smallest cameo stands comparison with the principals, but I would select Geraldine McEwen, Alan Rickman and Nigel Hawthorne for special commendation - their performances being of the type where the actors disappear and the characters come to life !I was particularly impressed by the clarity of diction and the beautiful,expressive language in this film A 'must see' not only for lovers of Trollope, but anyone interested in seeing character acting at its very best !
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At last!
joanmarieherbers2 February 2005
I have been waiting more than a decade for this version to be released in the US, and finally my wait is over. When it first aired on Masterpiece Theater, I was transfixed by the story, the acting, and the sets. Watching this production 2 decades later confirms my earlier opinion that Barchester Chronicles is one of the very best of the Brit adaptations ever to appear in America.

The story concentrates on the private and public lives of clergymen and their families in a cathedral town of the Victorian age. Political intrigue, romance, and situation comedy are deftly interwoven by Trollope's magical hand. What makes this production so wonderful, though, is the acting. Can anyone imagine a Machiavelli more accomplished and doomed than Alan Rickman as the bestial Obadiah Slope? Could anyone else play the awful Mrs. Proudie as well as Geraldine McEwan? Could any other actors than Donald Pleasance and Nigel Hawthorne make believable their affection despite persistent differences of opinion? A host of minor characters rounds out the cast, including the wonderfully irresponsible Bertie Stanhope (Peter Blythe) and his scheming sister Madeline (Susan Hampshire), the marvelously weak pawn of a bishop (Clive Swift) and the delightfully vague Susan Grantly (Angela Pleasance). Absolutely splendid!

The first two hours are on the slow side, to be sure. However, once the new Bishop and his entourage arrive on the scene, there is nonstop action and amusement for another five episodes. If you have never read Trollope, this production will send you to the library!
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These boys really knew how to do a number on each other
adamjfellaz20 December 2018
Ecclesiastical politics when your high............
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Absolute excellence!
tonjo30 July 2002
At 19 years of age and having been involved in the Church of England for most of my life, I watched Barchester unfold week by week with bated breath. I couldn't wait for each new episode. I knew all the characters! I'd met them before! I saw them week by week in real life. My Church of England was just the same as that, only 150 years later. ok, well not quite, but those of you who have seen Barchester know what I mean. Superlative casting, acting, sets. No wonder it has just been voted as the most wanted repeat on BBC. It makes me laugh out loud and then cry too. If you've not seen it, then make sure that you do - soon!
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Great Entertainment, Classic BBC
VReviews13 August 2010
There's just nothing better than a BBC drama set in England in the 1800's. The ensemble cast plays each character archetype to perfection. The romantic & societal intrigue of the town of Barchester centers on the ambitions of the church clergy, which proves quite entertaining. The dialogue of this adaptation is excellent. A young Alan Rickman superbly plays the conniving Reverend Obadiah Slope, echoing his later tour de force performance as Professor Snape in the Harry Potter movies.

Enjoyable, like a Shakespearian comedy, leaving the viewer well satisfied.
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Idyllic and exemplary
Cantoris-218 April 2005
That any miniseries as exquisite as this, dating from 1982, would be long unavailable in the U.S., and then appeal only to a small audience, while American rather than British TV and cinema from all reports take the world by storm and set the standard, is cause for amazement if not alarm. Need anyone look further to sympathize with the conservatives in this story, who are wont to feel, in Mr. Arabin's words, that all virtue is disappearing in the wake of modern "progress"? On the other hand, the author Anthony Trollope's star has risen recently among critics and academics; and, even if you have yet to read him, this adaptation will at least afford you a breath of relief that something is therefore going right.

As the only (and minor) negative already noted by others, the character of Arabin is underdeveloped and perhaps miscast, or at least not well conceived and made up. We can even imagine that a scene or two written to this end were dropped at the last minute to save running time. Eleanor's eventual attraction to him surprises us, along with others in the story, almost enough to have _deus ex machina_ written all over it. While we must remember that a filmmaker cannot as easily as a novelist take a detour to acquaint us with an important character entering late, a problem remains for the audience here and something should have been done to solve it.

Now back to the positives. The script is full of quotable lines worthy of the IMDb database. I'll work on it. I also admire this production as a celebration of music. Several times we glimpse Mr. Harding conducting or training one of the finest choirs in the world. Although I doubt that a cathedral precentor even in the 19th century would be directly responsible for this work, it is peculiar that anyone who is, precentor or not, would be consigned to poverty: but, as we know, such is often the way of things. Mr. Harding's musicianship is nevertheless a great source of joy to himself and others. As he tells his daughter brightly when they must move to humbler quarters, "But we shall take the music with us!"

We must recognize in the cast, as Miss Thorne, the daughter of a great composer: Ursula Howells's father Herbert was the dean of cathedral music for two generations, leaving us a cornucopia of liturgical repertoire radiant with a distinctively Anglican mysticism. All concerned must have regarded her part in this production as a mutual honor and privilege. Along with the closing credits rolls a setting of the Jubilate Deo (Psalm 100) almost worthy of his pen, distinguished by a wistful violoncello part evoking the roles of all our Mr. Hardings.
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Best mini-series ever!
JoeyGreen17 April 2012
Anthony Trollope was a much underrated writer and storyteller. "The Warden" and "Barchester Towers" upon which "Barchester Chronicles" is based were great reads. More times than not literary classics are not easily adaptable to movies or TV, but BC is a rare exception.

First, the acting is absolutely stellar. Particularly first-rate are Donald Pleasance as the kindly Septimus Harding, Nigel Hawthorne as the often exasperated Archbishop Grantly and Alan Rickman as the slyly clever passive-aggressive Obadiah Slope, and certainly last but not least Geraldine McEwan as the domineering Mrs. Prouty.

The production design, scenery, directing and music combine to produce a wonderful mini-series that despite its 10-hour, 8-part length, is riveting and entertaining. It is also very funny as well as trenchant in its dissecting the hypocrisies of its time.

I highly recommend BC to all who appreciate great Victorian literature. Kudos to the entire cast and crew, as well as the producers and directors for mounting such a splendid piece of theater.
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jwiley-8629216 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This sort of story is easy to overlook because it is so low-key and so very wholesome. But for what it is I found it gripping; everyone needs something purely wholesome from time to time. Although, there is much more sexual tension than one would expect from a series about the Anglican clergy. Other reviews on this page seem to agree that Obadiah Slope steals the show in this regard. Yes, I would have chosen him over Mr. Arabin as well, but at least we can infer that Slope found some other lucky lady. It's not fair, though, to let Rickman dominate analysis of this series. The rest of the cast give performances which are just as mesmerizing, particularly Susan Hampshire as Madeline. But watching this, you can tell why Alan went on to become the biggest name of the entire cast. Sidenote: Give me Madeline's wardrobe YESTERDAY. Like any good period piece, this is gorgeous to look at.

I found myself very worried about what would happen to Eleanor. I mean, being slut-shamed for RECEIVING a letter? That is COLD. I also liked that she had such a good relationship with her father; that he always had her back. It makes me teary-eyed just thinking about it.

Recommended. Would watch again.
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One of the great classics of the BBC's dramas
pekinman10 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This adaptation of Anthony Trollope's great story was made 27 years ago and this is late in the day to add a comment about it, but I had never seen this particular production and I am delighted with it and feel compelled to comment.

I have tried over and over again to plow through the Barchester novels, but I usually fail after about Book 4. Not because they are boring but they are deep and not easy to visualize in a 20th century, pre-occupied American mind. I lack the advantage of a great classical education which starts readers out young with the great writers. But the advantage to this is that in middle age I am discovering wonderful "new" things, like Trollope's novels, and I will get through them.

Anyway, this adaptation makes it that much easier to identify with these early 19th century people and their lifestyles. This miniseries is based upon the first two Barsetshire novels, The Warden and Barchester Towers. I believe this series is very accurate in its portrayal of the books. Inevitably bits and minor characters may be missing but this has no effect whatsoever on the impact and the spirit of the endeavor.

The story is basically about the end of God in England.

The radical/reforming/liberal/Puritan/journalists of the day are attacking the tenants of the Church of England, looking for abuse, corruption and scandal to destroy the traditional faith of the English people. We see now that they succeeded, but in this story, set in the mid19th century, the traditions are still beloved and upheld, and people like Tom Towers and Obadiah Slope are sent packing. .

The casting is perfect. Donald Pleasence is the embodiment of Septimus Harding. I could see where the BBC might have plumped for Alec Guiness but I think made a brilliant choice in Mr Pleasence who seems to have possessed an intuitive understanding of his character.

Normally I dislike Alan Rickman but he is ideal as the odious Obadiah Slope. It may have been written with him in mind. The other great performance is that of Geraldine McEwen as the monstrous Victorian gorgon, Mrs Proudie, wife and keeper of the new Bishop of Barchester, nicely played by Clive Swift, all cringing and shrinking in the face of his wife's juggernaut personality.

Susan Hampshire is stellar as the Italianized Signora Madeleine Neroni. She and her siblings, Charlotte and the reprobate Bertie bring a breath of fresh Mediterranian air, and scandal, to dull old Barchester. Hampshire's one-legged damsel holds court in her salon and becomes the Deus ex machina of the community.

Nigel Hawthorne and Angela Pleasence, (Donald Pleasence's real daughter) are the Arch Deacon and his wife, Susan who is also Mr Harding's eldest daughter.

The production values are of the highest level and the 1980s filming and sound are excellent. It is far advanced from the more primitively filmed dramas like Upstairs/Downstairs. The script is masterly.

The only minor gripe is the annoying boy choir singing the annoying 'theme' music. It's pitched too high and the poor boy sopranos sound like they're choking. It might have been a better idea to use a classic old Church of England hymn rather than have a new piece composed for the show.

This is a moving, joyous filming of one of the towering masterpieces of 19th century English literature and cannot be more highly recommended for fans of the BBC dramas.
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Very interesting character study with enough humor to bring you through the slower bits.
lindaz19 January 2004
Starts off seeming as if it's going to be boring, but turns out to be a delight! It just takes awhile laying the foundation of your understanding of each of the characters. Very well done, witty and with excellent acting! - Some parts drag by, but not unbearably so and not often. I've shown this film to "action-addicted" teenagers and was pleasantly surprised with how enthralled they became with the story.
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Lynmal13 June 2006
I loathed Trollope as a child, I think I was introduced to him far too early. My son, knowing my love of Alan Rickman, purchased this DVD set for me. I later paid him back(that is another story!). I watched it over two days with my husband(a bit of a non-literary person), and I cannot comment on the faithful adaptation. I can only say we enjoyed it so much, we identified with the corporate Church of England, we gasped,we chuckled, we laughed aloud. We thoroughly enjoyed it. Simply cannot recommend it enough. A triumph. And dear, talented Alan Rickman. He was amongst the greats - Donald Pleasence, Nigel Hawthorn, Gereladine McKeown, and more than made his own. Superb, beastly little creep! (Slope, not Rickman!!) Why was he not snapped up then and there for future glory? He had to wait for "Die Hard"? For shame! I count this as one of the best DVD's I have ever purchased, I will watch it again and again - and, yes, I will be revisiting the books! Even if you do not know Trollope, even if you do not know the machinations of the C of E, this is a must-have for a superb piece of a by-gone age. In more senses than one!
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The first two volumes of THE CHRONICLES OF BARSET
theowinthrop3 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Anthony Trollope's position as a leading British novelist is established today in a way that would seem odd to our grandparent's generation of 1900 - 1930. He seemed so quaint and old hat, having little of the fire and exuberance of Dickens, the passions of the Bronte sisters, the intellectual realism of George Eliot, or the mystical tragedy of Thomas Hardy. He got high grades for being amusing, mostly due to the novels he wrote of the cathedral city of Barchester in the county of Barset. As this comprised only seven or eight novels out of his over seventy titles, it was like a polite slap in the face.

However, after 1930, prodded in part by the book EARLY VICTORIAN NOVELISTS by Lord David Cecil, Trollope (like his Amercian contemporary, Herman Melville) began to get reassessed. His novels about the Palisser family were noted for their tireless realism in showing the political world. Novels like THE WAY WE LIVE NOW showed a subtle and perceptive social critic, who saw the greed and selfishness that pervaded his society. And he never lost his sense of ironic humor either. Today, after Dickens and the Brontes and George Eliot, Trollope would come as the leading Victorian novelist. In fact, in readability, he would be higher than Eliot.

The series THE BARCHESTER CHRONICLES dealt with two novels: THE WARDEN and BARCHESTER TOWERS. THE WARDEN deals with Reverend Septimius Harding, a kindly clergyman who has an 800 pound a year job (a very good salary for 1855 - the year the novel was written) taking care of a charity almshouse, that is supposed to be a home for about one dozen men. The charity was set up in the eighteenth century, and comes to the attention of a local reformer named John Bold, who (misguidedly) brings it to the attention of England's leading newspaper THE THUNDERER. Bold claims that the charity as handled by the church cheats the dozen men, who should be getting more of the money. THE THUNDERER leads the attack on the greedy clergy, particularly Harding. He is in a precarious position: his younger daughter Eleanor is being courted by John Bold, and his older daughter is married to Archdeacon Grantley. Harding does not like the negative publicity, and tries to get out of it, but Grantley (a bullying type) refuses to allow him. Bold tries to stop the campaign from hurting Harding, only to get a lecture from the power-hungry editor of the paper of not putting one's interests above the public. In the end Harding manages to resign. And the old men find that the promised increase in their money is non-existent, and Harding is replaced by a less sympathetic clergyman.

BARCHESTER TOWERS takes place a year later. Grantley's father, the Bishop of Barchester dies. THE THUNDERER pushes the appointment of one Rev. Mr. Proudie, who is married to a very dominating type of wife, and has a curate, Mr. Slope, who is very efficient, very devious, and very ambitious. Trollope looks into the split between "High Church" and "Low Church" when dealing with Slope's "Low Church" views (including cutting down expenses by reducing church choirs). This is opposed by the old guard of Grantley, Harding, and Dean Arabin. They call in all their various allies, including Dean Stanhope, who has been living with his family in Italy for ten years. The Proudies and Slope use every possible weapon against the old guard to push their religious reforms agenda. But Slope is looking for a wealthy wife (he wants to have power base away from Mrs. Proudie). Mary Harding had married John Bold, and had a son by him, but Bold has died, and she's a wealthy widow. Grantley can't stand the idea of Slope as a brother-in-law. Bertie Stanhope, a son of the returned Dean, is handsome, but somewhat weak. Slope presses his suit, but finds that Mrs. Proudie is critical (it is affecting his position with the Bishop). Mary has to make a choice, and notes that Slope seems just as attracted to Bertie's sister, Madame Neroni, as to her. Soon the social world of Barchester gets drawn heavily into the political and theological world in ways that are astounding.

Donald Pleasance played Septimus Harding, making the most of his quieter side - he is far from his villainous Blofeld or similar characters here, and quite effectively so. Nigel Hawthorne's Grantley is properly pompous, as Alan Rickman's Slope greasy. David Gwillim as John Bold is properly well intentioned, but chews off more than he can handle. Janet Maw is Eleanor Harding Bolt, and was adequate. Her sister Susan was Angela Pleasance (the daughter of the man playing her character's father). Susan Hampshire was Madame Neroni, the woman who tempts Slope. And Clive Swift is the Bishop who is as wife dominated as his later Richard Bucket was by Hyacinth in KEEPING UP APPEARANCES.

The series was very good, but oddly enough it was not followed up by the other novels of the complete series that Trollope wrote.
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Time only adds to the glories of this production
trimmerb123415 February 2014
The BBC is currently transmitting its 2nd radio version of The Warden and Barchester Towers, having made an excellent one about 10 years ago. The current radio production only emphasises how good this TV production is.

It is difficult to choose between superb performances - the two top contenders are Geraldine McEwan as the imperious consort of the Bishop (Clive Swift) and Alan Rickman as the oily, noxious, calculating over-ambitious slippery Slope, his chaplain (and once her most favoured protégé). The titanic final confrontation between the two is dramatic in the extreme, conducted nevertheless in the appearance at least of polite language, a confrontation between two courageous big beasts of the jungle who tower way above their nominal principal, the hapless Bishop whose secret prayer is that the two destroy each other in the process.

The adaptation by Alan Plater is superb - certainly keeping to the spirit of the book. Given that underlying the story are theological differences between the Mrs Proudie/Slope and the Rev Harding camps (centrally important in mid 19th C Britain) I don't think Plater got this right. However for a modern audience it perhaps doesn't matter).

Nigel Hawthorne's impressively extreme aggression and love of conflict is certainly in the script. Clive Swift's wetness perhaps a little beyond belief but an excellent foil to the "thorn" he believes God chose to give him - his wife. Susan Hampshire made an alluring Contessa Neroni whose slight but audible laughter at Mrs Proudie's expense makes the latter's humiliation all the more grievous in a memorable comic scene. The Rev Arabin might have been lifted from the 1850s in terms of absolutely authentic appearance and manner, slightly discordant compared to the rest of the cast. Donald Pleasance, who specialised in playing odd, slightly other-worldly characters, is not fully convincing as the simple and good Rev Harding.

It stops with Slopes expulsion "back to the gutter from whence he came" according to Mrs Proudie. In the book Mrs Proudie dies suddenly and unexpectedly, causing a sudden change in tone where the Bishop struggles with his beliefs and conscience at his feelings of relief.I think that the adaptation was right not to cover this. It is a long series and parts are fairly procedural rather than dramatic or comic but the set pieces are eternally memorable.
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Extraordinary adaptation of Trollope's novels
Red-1254 June 2018
The Barchester Chronicles (1982) was directed by David Giles. Anthony Trollope was a genius. The question was whether Director Giles was capable enough to to trust Trollope's plot, and find the actors capable of portraying Trollope's characters. Giles carried it off with skill and finesse.

The movie has the usual excellent production values we have come to expect from the BBC. The fictional cathedral town of Barchester is reproduced in Peterborough.

Donald Pleasence plays Rev. Septimus Harding. Harding is a kind and gentle man, but he has a backbone when that's what's needed.

Donald Pleasence is often cast as a villain. Here, he is anything but a villain. His acting skills were amazing.

Geraldine McEwan is outstanding in the role of Mrs. Proudie, the wife of the new bishop.

This was Alan Rickman's first major role. He portrays Obadiah Slope, chaplain to the Bishop. He's sly, well spoken, clever, and unprincipled. Rickman was made for this role, and her performs it perfectly.

Even if you don't like Victorian novels, this is a movie worth seeing. I highly recommend it. P.S. Angela Pleasence is the daughter of Donald Pleasence. She plays the role of his daughter in the series. It's clear that she inherited her father's acting skills.
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A charmingly witty series
Tweekums13 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This series is based on two of Anthony Trollope's books. The first two episodes cover the events in 'The Warden' and the remaining five 'Barchester Towers'.

In the opening two episodes the Warden of Hiram's Hospital, the kind-hearted Rev Septimus Harding, finds himself at the centre of a campaign against certain aspects of the Church of England; most notably the amount certain members of the clergy earn. The situation isn't helped by the fact that sees the other side's point of view and the local leader of the campaign is courting his younger daughter, Eleanor.

The remaining five episode take place sometime later; Rev Harding is no longer The Warden; Eleanor has wed, had a son and been widowed and the old bishop has died. These episodes see the arrival of Bishop Proudie and his domineering wife as well as the bishop's chaplain the odious Rev Slope (he changed his name from Slop). We also meet the colourful Stanhope who have recently returned from Italy. The Wardenship of Hiram's Hospital is open again and Slope is determined that the 'right' man must get the job; at first the post is offered to Mr Quiverful, a poor vicar with fourteen children, but when he learns of Eleanor's wealth he decides it might be a good idea to give the job to her father so she will look favourably on any proposal he might make. Unfortunately for him Mrs Proudie has already discussed the posting with Mrs Quiverful and is determined not to be made a liar of.

This series is an utter delight; the opening two episodes are enjoyable but things get even better in the final five thanks to the introduction of so many great new characters and the loss of a couple of the less interesting characters. The cast is full of familiar faces, some who were already establish and others who will go on to be very well known. This cast does a really good job; Donald Pleasence is great as Rev Harding; there are also impressive performances from Janet Maw and Angela Pleasence, as his daughters; Nigel Hawthorne, as his son-in-law the Archdeacon; Barbara Flynn, as the sister of Eleanor's late husband; Susan Hampshire, as the 'scandalous' La Signora Madeline Vesey Neroni; and Clive Swift as Bishop Proudie. However the most memorable performances come from Geraldine McEwan who gives an imperious performance as Mrs Proudie and Alan Rickman who is a delight as the smarmy Slope. I haven't read the books so can't say how close these adaptions are but I can say the stories are witty and packed with great characters and never feature material that could offend… I heartily recommend this series.
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Faithfully serene
hgallon25 May 2001
This was another historical series of novels, which the BBC faithfully adhered to (and they managed to run two unequally-sized volumes, "The Warden" and "Barchester Towers", together without the join showing).

Donald Pleasance, normally noted for playing Bond villains, played the modest and unctuous Septimus Harding brilliantly. Nigel Hawthorne, as his son-in-law Dr. Grantly, provided the perfect combative foil. However, Alan Rickman, in one of his first major roles as the scheming Obadiah Slope, may have stolen the show. Clive Swift, as the henpecked Bishop of Barchester, established and refined the character he was later to play as the husband of Hyacinth Bouquet in "real" comedy.

The location shots in cloisters give a very real impression of a withdrawn and contemplative clergy, obsessed with its own affairs and internal squabbles. The jarring note of the first two or three episodes, when John Bold questions whether a long-established tradition connected with a charitable bequest is indeed in the interests of the recipients of that charity, shows the how uneasy the various clerical characters are when dealing with the world outside.

Many of the shots in scenes in a flat countryside seemingly locked into August throughout the eight episodes which covered a span of several years, also give the impression of withdrawal from the day-to-day life of any activity but that of the church.

As an examination of the mores and attitudes of his period, Anthony Trollope produced a brilliant pair of novels. The BBC have produced an equally brilliant adaptation, although slow enough in pace to be almost soporific in parts.
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Alan Rickman is a great virtue - and a great problem
fionapymont13 November 2002
Alan Rickman was apparently the second choice for the part of Obadiah Slope. I have no idea who the original selection was - but I bet he's been kicking himself ever since!

In the book, Slope is portrayed as a somewhat uneasy cross between a buffoon and a disturbing snake in the grass. Every time he threatens to become too dangerous, Trollope proceeds to undermine him again.

I believe that the reason why Rickman was offered the part is because the director wanted an actor who could come across as amusing and sleazy, yet plausibly creepy - and sexy.

Slope HAS to possess a great deal of animal magnetism, as this is what explains the extremely strong reaction he produces in otherwise respectable ladies of whatever age.

Rickman certainly gets THAT across - in spades. He may not be conventionally good-looking - but he's totally incapable of playing an asexual character.

Problem is, he ends up completely overwhelming Mrs Bold's other two suitors. Any heterosexual female viewer with any sense will keep shouting at the screen: "You daft bat! Forget Arabin! It's Slope you want!!!!!"

I agree, Arabin is far better served by the book than this adaptation.
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A beautiful experience
thepom6 September 1999
The Casting of the characters is brilliant, the direction flows well and the settings are exactly right for the period and subject. Nearly all the characters portrayed come across as they should, and make this a gripping series, can be watched time and time again.
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Donald Pleasance uncanny portrayal of eccentric old clergyman
johnnybird20 October 2002
Donald Pleasance gave an uncannily accurate portrayal of an eccentric old clergyman ... reminded me of people I know. Probably would for you too. The scene near the end (of Novel 2) where Eleanor is addressed, well, boldly, came off pretty well; Trollope celebrates quiet triumphs.

Worth seeing what you can; you can't see much in the United States, as the series is not distributed there, nor any longer shown on television.
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