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The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984) Poster

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Everyone needs to watch at least once!
slbolfing21 May 2021
Yep - it has corny writing, over the top acting, weird special effects, and you'll either love it or think it sucks! It's one of those tongue-in-cheek movies that never takes itself too seriously, has an incredible cast, and is a cult classic!
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A fun take-off on adventure movies
jeffnewfeld9 November 2003
Aliens hiding on Earth, all with the first name of "John". A deranged mad scientist named Dr. Emilio Lizardo. A band of sidekicks named the Hong Kong Cavaliers. And in the center of it, Buckaroo Bonzai -- the part-time particle physicist, part-time brain surgeon, part-time rock'n'roller. How could this not be fun?

You're not watching this for the deep inner meaning. You're watching this because it's ridiculous and the actors know it is. John Lithgow is absolutely over the top as Lizardo. And Jeff Goldblum does a great comic turn as New Jersey.
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A witty yet dry 'british stylized' comedy
ractajeno5 June 2005
If you like The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy or Red Dwarf, chances are you'll enjoy Buckaroo Bonzai. It is full of subtle/dry humor and has an overall upbeat mood. The subtly dry humor is found in the background audio as well as the odds and ends that find their way into the set decor and dialog. These offer a nice array of silliness to punctuate the story with their own unique twists of humor.

The cast is definitely All Star! Peter Weller (Robocop), John Lithgow (Third Rock from the Sun), Robert Ito (Quincy MD), Clancy Brown (Highlander), Ellen Barkin (Wild Bill), and Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future) all have fun and amusing roles. Even the minor roles are covered well by perhaps lesser known yet veteran cast members such as Rosalind Cash and Matt Clark.

If you're a fan of British humor, you should definitely enjoy this one, even though it may take more than one viewing to catch all the subtleties. If you haven't been exposed to this style of humor, this certainly isn't a bad place to start! If, on the other hand, this style of humor is not what you enjoy, it may not be the one for you. For everyone else, kick back and enjoy! If it weren't a bit of a cult classic, I doubt it would be available on DVD. I give it a 7 out of 10 since it may not be for everyone. Personally, I rate it a notch higher.
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Get over it, junior Eberts!
sober_gaijin28 January 2004
I've read several comments by people under the age of 30 who trash on this film, call it crap, and characterize us fans as vapid, thorazine-addled retards. Whatever makes you happy, folks! If trashing on a film that was seminal in the annals of low-budget cinematic resourcefulness makes you feel special then I'm happy for you.

There is a reason we love this film. The script is clever, a veritable mosaic of silly twists and throwaway jokes so layered that it takes multiple viewings to keep up with it all (favorite line: "It's not my ******* planet, Monkey Boy!"). And the direction and approach is equally exciting: rather than annoy us with underfinanced special effects that pretend to be Lucasfilm quality, the director revels in his low budget, using conk shells as models for space ships and populating alien ship interiors with tubes, pipes, rods and duct tape. The aliens come off as resourceful-albeit-goofy packrats, bumbling about and managing to stay just a few steps ahead of Buckaroo until the very end.

For many of us over 30, this film was something special. We caught it at midnight movie houses and relished in the warm presence of a movie made by people who shared our dark, twisted senses of humor. In college, it was a regular rental; we held Bonzai parties, dressed as characters, turned it into our private video Rocky Horror. No, it's not Citizen Kane ... but what do you want from a movie called Buckaroo Bonzai?
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Absolutely Mad
Sergiodave8 September 2020
A totally ridiculous 80's Sci-fi movie. The first scene has our hero drive through a solid mountain, and from there it gets bonkers. Great fun, makes Mars Attack look sensible. As for the cast, it's a who's who of 80's / 90's TV and film actors.The effects are terrible but the movie is great fun. A must watch.
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Buckaroo Banzai
questl-1859220 May 2021
Saw the title and couldn't NOT watch it. This is an absurdly 80s, absurdly absurd movie about... I don't even know but it was crazy and I want more of this type of thing. Movies that are just bonkers and yet still try to ground in some sort of reality. It's a balance I think we've lost but the 80s nailed. It's a weird watch, but if you're looking for crazy, you found it.
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One of my movie library Classics...
pamelaowen22 May 2005
No matter how cheesy the sci-fi plot sounds, some great actors & acting make this a cult winner...Peter Weller, Jeff Goldblum, Ellen Barkin, John Lithgow, and Christopher Lloyd - who else could successfully mix neurosurgery, 80's clothes (the only cliché characteristic of the movie) and a Rock Band into a Sci-Fi plot? I like it because it's a good balance of using a bit of science brain cells, a bit of budding FX stunts...It goes further to reassure those of us who believe you can still have a great movie without bad language or skin. The writer had some fun with names too - just enough to make you smile and not take away from anything. Who knows? Maybe Yoyodyne Propulsion Labs is THE precursor to Star Trek-dom?
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Odd title, odd movie.
Boba_Fett113824 July 2007
Not too sure what to think about this movie. It seems like its a spoof, of what, I do not know however. Perhaps of comic-book type of movies from the '80's, or adventurous serials from the '30's/40's? But then again there's the problem that the movie is not really funny and on top of that, also not so very well made. Guess the movie can best be seen as a cult-classic, for the fans of it.

To be honest, the movie began well and promising. It developed some potentially interesting characters and plot lines but for some reason as the movie progresses they don't get handled well. The movie becomes more crazy and crazy as the movie heads toward the ending. At one point I even stopped caring and wanting to understand what the movie was all about. It was confusing, it was poor but above all it was odd.

The movie could had been fun, the movie could had been action filled but yet it all isn't. It's wasted potential, cause I guess that in essence Buckaroo Banzai isn't really a bad fun movie main-hero.

The movie is only fun now really with its character's names. All of the alien's their first name is John and they have names such as John Bigboote, John O'Connor and John Smallberries. But other than that, there isn't really much fun present in the movie. The many famous actors however still provide the movie with some fun and this uplifts the movie. Amazing how many great actors are in this movie such as Ellen Barkin, Jeff Goldblum, Christopher Lloyd, Clancy Brown, Ronald Lacey, Vincent Schiavelli and Dan Hedaya. John Lithgow is deliciously overacting as the movie its main villain but I just wish that he had more sequences and was made more interesting as a character. Peter Weller was a great leading man in the '80's and he shows with this movie how well he can carry a movie.

The special effects are all decent for '80's standards but perhaps overused a bit too much. The musical score is typically '80's like and absolutely horrible. Further more the movie is fairly well looking, too bad inexperienced director W.D. Richter doesn't know how to use everything to its full potential.

Yet it's not all that bad and the movie still entertains, so the movie obviously still has some redeeming qualities which makes this still a bit of a watchable movie.

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John Bigboote, look they have sweet 'n low
AZINDN18 December 2006
Slicker than a seal in water, The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimensions is adult fare for those with a warped, droll, and completely irreverent sense of humor. Like the man himself, part musician/scientist/good guy in a pinch, this film falls into the cult status simply because it is too good to be anything else. Facing war in the 8th Dimension by an invasion of the world from a species of electroids all named John (Big Boote, Warfin, Parker, Ya-Ya, Small Berries, and so forth) from Planet 10, and who work for YoYoDyne Propulsion at Grovers Mills, NJ, Buckaroo must save the planet by sunset all the while making fun of everything and everyone with the straightest face in film history. With a cast of newbie actors of notable prestige today, but then just starting their careers, the cast include Peter Weller as Buckaroo, Ellen Barkin as Penny, John Lithgow as Dr. Emilio Lazardo/Lord John Warfin, Jeff Goldblum as New Jersey, Robert Ito and Clancey Brown.

A film that must be viewed on numerous occasions if only to catch the banter in background comments by actors off camera, or to assure oneself that what you heard was right, it is filled with hilarious pun on punning, and created such an audience following that include several highly paid scientist-types at the nation's most prestigious museum complex in the world who would monthly hold Saturday night viewings of the film to discuss. More subtle than Rocky Horror, more intelligent than any self-important Spielberg offering, and best of all, a showcase of the best costumes of the worst 1980s clothing styles including huge shoulder padded costumes worn by men and women.

Buckaroo Bonzai is must viewing for completely laughable entertainment for those who like their sci-fi entertainment way, way off-kilter. And remember: wherever you go -- there you are.
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Not sure!
SnoopyStyle28 September 2013
This is one of the craziest movies around. It's either inspired movie-making or convoluted B-movie mess. Quite Frankly, it's a bit of both. Buckaroo Banzai is a rock star, brilliant scientist who invented the oscillation overthruster which allows him to travel into solid matter since most solid matter is simply empty space. The evil Red Lectroids from Planet 10 are after this device. Buckaroo can see the aliens and must stop them with his group The Hong Kong Cavaliers and various people and alien along the way.

John Lithgow is playing a weird alien the leader of the Johns. Ellen Barkin plays the damsel in distress. Peter Weller plays this seriously as Buckaroo. Jeff Goldblum is dressed as a cartoon cowboy. The whole thing is super crazy played with a straight serious face. I don't know to laugh at it or shake my head.
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When cult classics go wrong
rparham7 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If there was ever a film to define the term "cult hit," it is The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai. A box-office flop when originally released in 1984, the film nonetheless drew a significant following on video and cable, even to the point where a television series was pitched a few years back. However, the flip side of being a cult hit is that there is a substantial portion of the audience that is mystified as to what that small group of followers sees in the original material. I find myself among the ranks of those who look at Buckaroo Banzai and say "Huh?" Nonsensical, lacking in energy or humor, Buckaroo Banzai is pretty much an exercise in strangeness for strangeness sake, and that just doesn't add up to an entertaining time at the movies.

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai focuses on the leader of an eccentric group of scientists/rock musicians, The Hong Kong Cavaliers, who travel throughout the country, play clubs and research particle physics as well. They carry weapons, drive around in a tour bus, and have a small army of volunteers, named the Blue Blazers. Buckaroo (Peter Weller) is a highly skilled neurosurgeon who gave up full time medical practice to engage in his eclectic lifestyle, and has, with the assistance of his surrogate father, Professor Hikita (Robert Ito), invented a jet car that can travel through solid matter by transposing to the Eighth Dimension. This is accomplished by a device known as the Oscillation Overthruster, designed by Hikita, which quickly becomes a much sought after item.

It turns out that Hikita has been developing it since the '30s, where during an early experiment, his partner, Dr. Emilio Lizardo (John Lithgow), partially entered the Eighth Dimension and was possessed by a red Lectroid trapped there. He then managed to bring his fellow Lectroids to Earth, and upon learning of the successful test of the Overthruster, plans to use it to return to Planet 10, where his kind is from. Attempting to thwart this plan are black Lectroids, who team up with Buckaroo to fight Lizardo. At the same time, Buckaroo discovers the existence of Penny (Ellen Barkin) the twin sister of his dead wife, Peggy, which adds to his difficulties.

If you can follow the above plot description, then congratulations, you may be able to decipher Buckaroo Banzai. However, the film's convoluted plotting will most likely prove off-putting to most audience members. In place of a coherent plot, Buckaroo Banzai would seem to want to jazz us with it's rather off-the-cuff, anything goes attitude, but it proves to create mostly indifference. The film wants to be a science fiction parody, theoretically sending up the genre, but it's difficult to determine exactly what it is parodying. A lot of the scenes attempt to be funny, but they fail to be. Screenwriter Earl Mac Rauch and director W.D. Richter have decided to treat this movie like darts tossed at a wall: throw enough and something is going to stick. Yet, in the end, nothing really does, and the endless collection of disconnected ideas proves almost distracting, not fun.

The characters are also rather non-existent. Few of them make much of a distinct impression; most are just surface glitter, distracting us with wackiness, while lacking much of a core underneath. Who really is Buckaroo Banzai, or any of his co-horts? Peter Weller turns in a performance that could best be described as indifferent, breezing through the movie with the same basic expression and even level of energy. Jeff Goldblum is entertaining as one of his sidekicks, dressing up as a cowboy, but there isn't much outside of the outfit. When a character close to Buckaroo dies, there isn't a tear to be found because we barely know him. Also, the relationship between Buckaroo and Penny is almost nonexistent, and there is no chemistry between them to speak of.

On the villainous front, John Lithgow turns in an acid-addled performance as Lizardo, but again, it's just over the top weirdness that fails to be very engaging. The character is saddled with an Italian accent that makes dialogue difficult to decipher at times, but even when you can, it's just not funny. The rest of the villains are filled out with veteran character actors (Christopher Lloyd, Dan Hedaya, Vincent Schiavelli), but they are just random bodies in the background.

There are countless individuals who worship at the throne of Buckaroo Banzai, and there are more than a few cult films that have proved to be enduring entertainment (W.D. Richter's next writing assignment, Big Trouble in Little China, among them). But Buckaroo Banzai does not pass muster, proving that occasionally cult status is not a good measure of quality.
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Best viewed while wearing an aluminum foil helmet
acts212017 September 2005
This is the most bizarre movie I've ever seen - and it is one of my absolute favorites. The jokes are deeply embedded, and you have to pay close attention. The super-car that breaks sound (and dimensional) barriers idles when the ignition is turned off... the test code for the oscillation overthruster jet car is a spelling variation of "signed, sealed, delivered"... The high-tech, alien-technology visi-glasses are made of pink bubble wrap...amidst the deafening screams of fans and the jazz playing horn section of the Hong Kong Cavaliers, Buckaroo hears one single person crying.... It's these bizarre little jokes are that make the movie great, but they are not every one's cup of tea. It's good to have a very strange sense of humor - otherwise, you just won't understand why it's funny when... well, you just won't get why the movie is funny at all!
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Included in AFI's List of 174,087 Films to See Before You Die
leitmotif313 March 2022
Buckaroo Banzai is an acquired taste. Sort of like making a meal of fresh Sushi and Diet Dr. Pepper, it's not for everyone. But, if you have a sense of humor that includes finding displays of grocery store fresh fruit amusing, this film is for you.

Did I mention it's a bit quirky?

The humor is deadpan, and delivery timing is actually quite good. You'll spend at least some time wondering about Dimensions 5, 6 and 7, as well as what makes Perfect Tommy Perfect.

Like Penny Pretty being from Laramie although she's was born in Cody, nothing is as it seems.

All in all, just let it wash over you, and realize there are plenty of worse ways to spend 102 minutes.
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a really good idea for a movie that never really jelled
planktonrules17 August 2005
This movie had so many things going for it: cool characters (such as the ultra-hip Buckaroo Banzai, the totally nutty Dr. Lizardo and Buckaroo's many sidekicks), cool effects, a weird and quirky story and a lot of energy. However, all these together just didn't work--as if somewhere the energy all vanished and the film had been hastily put together from outtakes. It is a real shame, as the idea of a rock and roll pretty boy who lives a life of adventure AND saves the world is a really cool idea--like a comic book and an old movie serial combined into one! But what happened?! I kept expecting it to pick up speed, but it just kept getting duller throughout. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE consider making a newer and much better re-make--the BASIC elements of a great movie are here and waiting to be utilized. As it is, the movie is at best average.
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If you're looking for a predictable film, do not watch this
sleeper-1014 March 2000
TAOBBATED, as I will acronymize this film, is neither the stupid low-budget piece of excrement nor the sublimely original cult masterpiece you've been told it is, but it's a lot closer to the latter than to the former. Peter Weller plays Buckaroo, the titular neurosurgeon/inventor/modern-day samurai/Billy Joelesque rocker, and he plays him frightfully well, low-key and distant but with occasional glimmers of genius and intensity. The stellar supporting cast includes Jeff Goldblum, Clancy Brown, John Lithgow, Christopher Lloyd, and Ellen Barkin, and they're all pretty darn good.

I'm not even going to pretend to be rational or unbiased about this movie. It's too utterly offbeat and original and just damned _odd_ to not love. Some favorite scenes: the opening sequence of the Jet Car test run; Buckaroo's phone call with the Black Lectroids, and his subsequent detection of the sinister Red Lectroid agents in his midst; the eerie recorded message from the Black Lectroid leader, the "good guys" who threaten to blow up Earth unless Buckaroo stops their enemy, Dr. Lizardo (Lithgow, in a truly twisted scene-chewing performance). Yes, it looks cheesy and dated, but damn it, you have to take a stand somewhere in life, you have to roll up your sleeves and step up to the plate and put yourself on the line, and have the courage to say, "I don't care what anyone thinks of me, I love this movie." That's the way I feel about old Buckaroo and his Hong Kong Cavaliers, and I still consider myself a loyal Blue Blaze Irregular fifteen years after seeing this film.

As a post-script, I'd like to mention that the novelization of this movie, written by Earl Mac Rauch, is great, and actually contains about 3 times the information and plot that is in the movie. If you can find it on Amazon or at a garage sale somewhere, snap it up, it's worth the search. Also, there's a script for BUCKAROO BANZAI VERSUS THE WORLD CRIME LEAGUE floating around too, which should be made no matter the cost if only to film one priceless scene - the cameo appearance of Jack Burton, Kurt Russell's swaggering truck driver hero from John Carpenter's BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA, who appears as a Blue Blaze Irregular and gives Team Banzai a lift!
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A truly inspiring cult film
Agent105 May 2002
I've always loved this film. No matter how absurd or stupid it can be, it just wreaks of campiness and cult superstardom. If I'm not mistaken, that was the whole intent of the film. I wouldn't doubt it when one looks at the production value. I mean, how can you see creatures from the 8th Dimension with some plastic and bubble wrap? One of those silly little movies I'll hold in my heart forever.
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Campy, funny, and full of faces
general_jihad2 November 2006
If you do not like Sci-fi movies, cult films, or movies with ensemble casts, you should stay away from Buckaroo. If, however, you like the type of weird flick that used to come on Sunday afternoons on the off channels, this movie is perfect! You can see many future greats get their early starts in this movie. Peter Weller has almost always played strange roles, and Buckaroo is no exception. Buckaroo Bonzai is a Brain Surgeon, Daredevil, time-traveling musician scientist playboy, who just may save the world. The John's are trying to take over our world, led by the great John Lithgow. Bit characters are abound in this wonderful 80's cult fave.

Grab a bucket of popcorn, kick back on the couch on a Sunday afternoon, and enjoy this little slice of the 80's.
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This movie is a lot of fun and does a great job of not taking itself too seriously.
kevin_robbins6 January 2023
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984) is a science fiction gem that I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a futuristic society where aliens are attempting to take over planet Earth. Buckaroo Banzai and his band of friends will use their unique skillsets to try and stop them. Can Buckaroo Banzai save the world?

This movie is directed by W. D. Richter (Late for Dinner) and stars Peter Weller (Robocop), John Lithgow (Ricochet), Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park), Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future), Ellen Barkin (The Fan) and Clancy Brown (The Shawshank Redemption).

The storyline, characters, attire, sets and settings for this picture are so unique and well done. The storyline has several good twists and turns and some classic 80s elements and cheese. The villain is excellent and the perfect amount of ruthlessness to offset Buckaroo Banzai. The cast is awesome and play off each other perfectly. Peter Weller delivers a strong lead performances and John Lithgow and Jeff Goldblum deliver tremendous supporting characters.

This movie is a lot of fun and does a great job of not taking itself too seriously. I would score this a 7/10 and strongly recommended.
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"Monkey Boy" just isn't all that funny
Snootz22 October 2019
Despite raving reviews and ardent fans insulting the intelligence of those who don't acclaim this as an undying classic... seriously, it's just not that great.

Weird? Yes. Unusual? Campy? Nutso? Yes on all counts. But major chunks of plot are evidently left to the telepathic abilities of the audience, and performances are either wooden or seriously over-the-top. John Lithgow is the saving grace of this film, and his role is totally insane.

From a cinematic and production viewpoint, this is not top-shelf. From a story line viewpoint, it's silly. Not that there's anything wrong with silly... if it's good silly. But this is camp that intends to be camp and fails. It's humor that sometimes kinda works but usually doesn't. It has one truly memorable line... and even in that "No matter where you go, there you are" just isn't all that funny. I'm sure some folks find it hysterical. Hey, to each his own, monkey boy.

There are many, many viewers who consider themselves some sort of elite group because they "get" this film and if you don't agree, you're just clueless. The truth is some people are going to love this... and a whole lot more won't even bother writing a rewiew. I love campy films, and sci fi camp more than anything-- if it's well done. This isn't well-done camp. The directing is disjointed and inconclusive. Overall it just sort of hits the end and... ends.

The supposed "secret references" are often fictional. (One reviewer drooled over the supposed subtle hilarity of them using bubble wrap as a prop. Ha ha.) For Easter Eggs, try Ready Player One. Truth be told, most of the supposed "hidden jokes" in this film are more viewer imagination than reality.

I really don't know why this became a cult classic. There's no denying that it did, nor that many people absolutely breathe this film. That doesn't mean viewers *have* to love it... or that anyone is stupid in declaring it "not the best movie ever made"-- because it really isn't (not by a long shot).

If someone loves this film... good on ya and more power to you. That doesn't mean that people who dislike this film are idiots. It means they demand a bit more in cinematic experience than "let's throw stuff at the screen and see what sticks". This *could* have been a great film. With a bit better script, a bit less cocky directing, and a bit more story this could have been an all-time great. Unfortunately it falls significantly short of that. Be a starry-eyed fanboy all one wants, this one needed a bit more polish.

Some people think a man running around in a rubber Godzilla suit is the height of movie history. Other people... not so much. Doesn't mean that either one is wrong. It means that Buckaroo Banzai may prove to be an acquired taste... or one that is unpalatable.
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This Movie Is Great! Or is it?
tzer08 July 2004
You will either love or hate this movie. If you get it it is a barrel of laughs. If you don't get it, you say . . . What the hell is this nonsense? It has been said that it's a comedy with all the punchlines removed. But they are there, you just have to read between the lines. It's kind of like one of those Magic Eye Puzzles. You have to look at it with the right kind of eyes. Otherwise you'll just see it as a crappy 80s sci-fi spoof. But trust me, there's more there than meets the eye. Some of the jokes aren't obvious on first viewing, or the 100th for that matter. You may want to consult the DVD extras or Pinky Caruther's 10,000 little known facts. With a bit of research, you can find out the reasons why that watermelon is there!
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A cult classic.
Peach-217 November 1998
When I first saw this movie I didn't know what to think. I still really don't know what to think of it, but it is pretty original. Check it out and see what you think for yourself on this one.
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Excruciatingly boring
pninson22 January 2010
This a love it or hate cult film. Either you force your date to sit through it, or your date forces you to sit through it. Perhaps, if you're lucky, you will both hate it or you will both love it. The last person I dated loved it, and of the handful of uninteresting films I sat through for her sake, this took the cake. 103 grueling minutes of stupid, unfunny jokes, nonsensical plot, this is an incoherent, muddled collage of random non sequiturs, and is painful to sit through. This is the kind of movie that makes you want to get up and wash the dishes, just for a little excitement. Dull beyond belief.

And the worst I did to her was make her watch ROCK AND ROLL HIGH SCHOOL.
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Witty Sci-Fi Spoof
lonevector20006 June 2005
W.D Richter's Buckaroo Banzai succeeds on many levels, thanks to a wonderfully droll sensibility and inspired casting. Peter Weller lends a perfect, dead-pan seriousness to the very 'out there' proceedings, while John Lithgow chews up the scenery as the fiendish Dr. Lizardo. Ellen Barkin is particularly fetching as Penny Priddy, while Jeff Goldblum stakes out his turf with an engaging feverishness that is all his own. Christopher Lloyd takes a relatively low-key approach to his role and does well for it, allowing for Lithgow's extravagance. Welding the pieces together is a delirious, kinetic script by Earl M. Rauch.The film, although essentially a spoof of science fiction films and comic book superheroes, remains a delightful, inventive enigma of eighties cinema. The look of the picture is quite good, and (considering it's meager budget) highly-digestible. Given that the film never found a mass audience, it is surprising that so many individuals seem to remember it as vividly, and as fondly as they do. I can only hope that after everyone has gotten their fill of a certain "galaxy far, far away", that a return to the more substantial basics of storytelling and characterization is deemed imperative. Meanwhile sit back, relax, and laugh yourself silly with a charming, 'little' film that tends to be so much more.
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The Right Stuff Comic Book Style...
higherall721 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a prime example of Comic Book aesthetics displayed in Cinema. This odd, quirky, derivative brand of David Bowie meets Doc Savage is the heart of what Super Hero adventures are all about. Naturally, there is an audience for hero stories that explore the dark sides of human character with the necessary gravitas, but an obvious point continues to be skipped and missed.

Comic books and Comic Book movies are for FUN!

'The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Fun Dimension' would have been just as appropriate a title. There is a latent chuckle behind the introduction of every character and every outrageous situation. Besides that, more Pop Culture references that you can shake a Marshall McLuhan at in any medium.

This is a visual feast calling all geeks and nerds front and center and to stand to post along with the Hong Kong Cavaliers. The plot is deliciously convoluted and complicated to the point of absurdity which is just the point. Buckaroo Banzai plays it straight while driving his Jet Car through a mountain with the aid of the 'oscillation overthruster' he and his mentor Dr. Hikita, admirably played by Robert Ito, have finally perfected. He inadvertently passes through the Eighth Dimension before coming out of the other side to Public Fanfare for his scientific breakthrough. Meanwhile, before you know it, Dr. Emilio Lizardo at the Trenton Home for the Criminally Insane becomes aware of his success and the battlefield is readied for the Red Lectroids versus the peaceful Black Lectroids.

Penny Priddy is kidnapped when the Red Lectroids invade Banzai's headquarters after being tracked down to Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems in New Jersey. Priddy is tortured to reveal the whereabouts of the overthruster and in the end must be revived by Banzai applying the Kiss of Life. Our hero and his men succeed to avert World War III by foiling the machinations of Dr. Lizardo and John Bigboote', while the music rises to a cheesy swell on cue thanks to the musical score of Michael Boddicker.

Peter Weller does a grand job as Buckaroo Banzai in a John Glenn sort of way, and Ellen Barkin delivers plenty of emotional fireworks as Penny Priddy. John Lithgow goes way over the top chewing the scenery as Dr. Lizardo, while Christoper Lloyd is suitably, fiendishly histrionic as John Bigboote'. Rosalind Cash makes an authoritatively hilarious John Emdall, leader of the Black Lectroids, as Carl Lumbly struts his stuff as her messenger, John Parker. The Cinematographers Fred Koenekamp and Jordan Cronenweth give the visuals a bright storybook feel, while Damon Hines as Scooter Lindley, son of Casper Lindley as played by Bill Henderson, leads the growing cast of heroes on a triumphant march through Sepulveda Dam, Martin Luther King style.

While the end credits roll, we make a mental note that next time it will be BUCKAROO BANZAI AGAINST THE WORLD CRIME LEAGUE. We cross our fingers and hope we will have earned a place by then in the march.
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It hurts the concept of a cult movie
Chrstnvctr28 August 2003
I can't understand how people can find this movie even watchable.

The presence of a few good actors (John Lithgow, Jeff Goldblum), is not enough to make this mess even a little bit interesting.

I understand the idea of appreciating a movie without taking it seriously, but there is nothing here to appreciate! Just a bunch of boring characters parading around trying to advance a plot that doesn't make any sense.

Some movies are so silly that end up being fun - this one is just plain silly.

All it did for me was make me sleepy.
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