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Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV Series 1987– ) Poster

Marina Sirtis: Counselor Deanna Troi



  • Ensign Ro Laren : [the ship is in danger of exploding unless the Bridge separates from the stardrive section]  You can't let wishful thinking guide your decisions, Counsellor. It's time to leave.

    Counselor Deanna Troi : [firmly]  We will separate the ship when I decide that it's time and not before. Is that clear, Ensign?

    Ensign Ro Laren : [Ro doesn't like it but relents]  Yes, perfectly.

    [Troi sits in the Captain's chair with a new resolve] 

  • Commander Riker : [Riker's about to turn down a ship of his own to command for the third time and he doesn't even know why]  What am I still doing here? Deanna, I pushed myself hard to get this far. I... I sacrificed a lot. I always said I wanted my own command and yet... something's holding me back. Is it wrong for me to want to stay?

    Counselor Deanna Troi : [a typical psychologist's response - answering a question with a question]  What do you think?

    Commander Riker : [musing it over]  Maybe I'm just afraid of the big chair?

    Counselor Deanna Troi : I don't think so.

    Commander Riker : [he doesn't think so either]  The Captain says Shelby reminds him of the way that I used to be... and he's right. She comes in here full of drive and ambition... impatient... taking risks. I look at her and I wonder what happened to those things in me. I liked those things about me. I've lost something.

    Counselor Deanna Troi : You mean you're older... more experienced...

    [chooses her next words with care] 

    Counselor Deanna Troi : ... a little more... seasoned.

    Commander Riker : [but not careful enough for Riker's taste]  Seasoned? That's a horrible thing to say to a man.

    Counselor Deanna Troi : I don't think you've lost a thing, and I think you've gained more than you realise. You're much more comfortable with yourself than you used to be.

    Commander Riker : [she may have hit on something there]  Maybe that's the problem? I'm too comfortable here.

    Counselor Deanna Troi : I'm not sure I know what that means. You're happy here... happier than I've ever known you to be. So, it comes down to a simple question... what do you want Will Riker?

    [what indeed?] 

  • Dr Beverly Crusher : [Picard, Riker, Crusher, LaForge and Troi have all gathered in the Observation Lounge to discuss Amanda Rogers, an intern aboard the Enterprise who mysteriously contained a warp core breach with sheer force of will]  She's a little shaken up, but she's gonna be fine.

    Commander William Riker : You said she was adopted. Could she be an alien?

    Dr Beverly Crusher : She's human. There's nothing more unusual about her. Not that my instruments can detect.

    Capt. Picard : Commander, have you been able to determine the cause of the warp breach?

    Lt Commander Geordi LaForge : No, Sir. Everything was normal and then suddenly it's like the laws of physics went right out the window.

    Q : [Q materialises in one of the empty chairs wearing his usual Starfleet uniform]  And why shouldn't they? They're so inconvenient.

    Capt. Picard : [a collective air of dismay suddenly descends on the room]  Q!

    Q : Mon Capitan.

    Capt. Picard : Are you responsible for this incident in Engineering?

    Q : [surprisingly upfront about it]  Of course. I needed to find out if what I suspected about the girl were true.

    Capt. Picard : That being?

    Q : That she's a Q.

    Counselor Deanna Troi : Amanda's a Q?

    Dr Beverly Crusher : How is that possible? Her, her parents... her biological parents were human.

    Q : Well, not exactly. They had assumed human form in order to visit Earth, I suppose for... for amusement. But in vulgar human fashion they proceeded to conceive a child...

    [he winks at Beverly who looks thoroughly insulted] 

    Q : ... and then like mawkish humans they became attached to it. What is it about these squirming little infants that you find so appealing?

    Dr Beverly Crusher : I'm sure that's beyond your comprehension, Q.

    Q : I desperately hope so.

    Counselor Deanna Troi : What happened to Amanda's parents?

    Q : They died in an accident.

    [that gets Picard's attention but keeps it to himself for now] 

    Q : None of us knew whether she had inherited the capacities of the Q but recently they've begun to emerge and er... as an expert in humanity... I was sent to investigate.

    Commander William Riker : You? An expert in humanity?

    Q : Not a very challenging field of study, I grant you.

    Lt Commander Geordi LaForge : Are you saying you created a core breach just to test this girl?

    Q : Uh huh.

    Counselor Deanna Troi : What would have happened if she couldn't stop it?

    Q : Then I would have known she wasn't a Q.

    Dr Beverly Crusher : And now that you know - what do you intend to do?

    Q : Instruct her. If this child does not learn how to control her power she may accidentally destroy herself... or all of you... or perhaps your entire galaxy?

    Capt. Picard : I find it hard to believe that you're here to do us a favour.

    Q : You're quite right. I wouldn't. But there are those in the Continuum...

    [raises his eyes skyward] 

    Q : ... who have an over exaggerated sense of responsibility. They think that we need to take precautions to keep the little dear from running amok.

    Dr Beverly Crusher : And once you've taught her... then you'll go away?

    Q : And leave her here? Of course not. She'll come back to the Continuum where she belongs.

    Dr Beverly Crusher : Wait a minute! You, you can't just come in here and take her away from everything she's ever known!

    Q : [laughs that off]  I assure you I can.

    Dr Beverly Crusher : She has plans for herself. She wants to have a career and a family.

    Q : I'm rescuing her from that miserable existence.

    Dr Beverly Crusher : That miserable existence is all she's known for the last eighteen years. You have no right to take her away from it!

    Q : [bored with the turn this conversation has taken]  Mon Capitan, I really think that we need to speak privately.

    [Q transports them both to Picard's Ready Room] 

    Q : Well, there, that's better. Crusher gets more shrill with each passing year.

  • Counselor Deanna Troi : [to Riker, when he would rather hunt for Picard's alleged killers than hold a memorial service for him]  Do you think you're the only one in pain? That you have a monopoly on loss?

    [getting upset] 

    Counselor Deanna Troi : Well, I've got news for you. We're all hurting... we're all angry! And like it or not, you've got a responsibility to this crew! And you can't just indulge your personal desire for revenge!

See also

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