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This is a very impressive psychological thriller
philip_vanderveken26 February 2005
I had seen 'Kalifornia' before (must be about 10 years ago) and I still remember to be very impressed by it. That's why I wanted to see it again and all I can say is that it still hasn't lost its power, even though I'm used to a lot more when it comes to movies than that I was ten years ago.

'Kalifornia' tells the tale of the writer Brian Kessler and his girlfriend Carrie Laughlin, a photographer, who want to move to California. But instead of stepping on a plain and flying right to the state where they say it never rains, they choose to make a trip by car. He wants to write a book about America's most famous serial killers and she will make the matching pictures. But because their car uses an enormous amount of petrol, they decide to take another couple with them, so they can spread the costs of the trip. Only one couple has answered the add, so they will automatically be the lucky ones. But they haven't met each other yet and when seeing the other couple for the first time, when their trip has already started, Carrie is shocked. Without wanting to be prejudiced, she can only conclude that Early Grayce and Adele Corners are poor white trailer park trash. She definitely doesn't want them in her car, but Brian doesn't really mind to take them with them and decides to stop and pick them up anyway. At first the couple doesn't seem to be that bad after all, but gradually Early Grayce changes from a trashy hillbilly into a remorseless murderer...

Not only is the story very impressive, so is the acting from our four leads. Brad Pitt is incredible as Early Grayce. His performance in this movie may well be his best ever. The same for Juliette Lewis. She plays the childish and naive girlfriend that doesn't want to hear a bad word about her Early and does that really very well. But David Duchovny and Michelle Forbes are a surprise as well. They both did a very good job and I really wonder why we never heard anything from Forbes again since this movie, because she really proves to have a lot of talent.

Overall this is a very good and impressive psychological thriller with a very powerful story, but because of the graphic violence, I can imagine that it may not be to everybody's taste (although I don't really see another way how to portray a serial killer in a believable way). Personally I really liked this movie a lot and the violence never bothered me (it's a part of the story that's too important to be left out). I reward this movie with an 8/10.
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Killer On The Road
Lechuguilla11 July 2006
It's a road movie, with a killer on-board. Brian Kessler (David Duchovny), a sophisticated, urbane writer, wants to conduct field research on American serial killers. But, neither he, nor his girlfriend, Carrie (Michelle Forbes), has the money for a cross-country tour of murder sites, so they advertise for someone to share travel expenses. Who they end up with is a young couple, Early Grayce (Brad Pitt) and his girlfriend, Adele (Juliette Lewis), two better examples of "poor white trash" you will never find in all of cinema.

Indeed, Early and Adele are what make this film so entertaining, as they babble, cackle, confide, muse, speculate, drool, and otherwise behave in ways I haven't seen since reruns of "The Beverly Hillbillies". Early's idea of California: "People think faster out there, on account of all that warm weather; cold weather makes people stupid". That's enough to convince Adele: "I guess that explains why there are so many stupid people around here". To which Early responds proudly: "It sure does". Early continues to instruct Adele about California: "You never have to buy no fruit, on account it's all on the trees ... and they ain't got no speed limits, and I hear your first month's rent is free, state law".

But poor Early has some, well, mental problems, which become ever more obvious to Brian and Carrie as the four travelers proceed west across the U.S. As they enter the desert Southwest, with its beautifully stark landscape, "Kalifornia" starts to look more and more like "The Hitcher" (1986), and Early starts to act more and more like John Ryder, everyone's maniacal hitchhiker, whose terror seemed so unstoppable.

In "Kalifornia", the acting is uneven. Duchovny's performance is flat. Brad Pitt is surprisingly effective, despite his overacting at times. Michelle Forbes is great as the avant-garde, photographic artist. But my choice for best performance goes to Juliette Lewis. With her nasal voice and heavy-duty Southern accent, she is stunning, as the naive, highly animated, child-like Adele.

Toward the end, the film takes on a Twilight Zone feel to it, as our travelers enter a Nevada nuclear test site with a dilapidated old house full of test mannequins. The plot dissolves rather messily into unnecessary and preposterous violence, an ending that was somewhat disappointing.

Overall, however, "Kalifornia" is an entertaining film, thanks to a clever concept, great scenery, especially in the second half, good cinematography, great dialogue, and that wonderful performance by Juliette Lewis.
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Gripping and disturbing.
theskylabadventure25 September 2007
I had seen this film many years ago and it had made a lasting impression on me. Alas, I have hardened to many films over the years and did not expect to be impressed by 'Kalifornia' upon watching again recently. I am pleased to say that it is every bit as unnerving and watchable as it was ten or so years ago.

There are two things which really give this movie its power. The first is its cast. We have a staggeringly disturbing turn by a young Brad Pitt as Early Grace. Knowing Pitt, as we all do, as one of the most enduring heart-throbs Hollywood has ever had, it is refreshing to see him play such a vile, unattractive character. Pitt pulls the show off without resorting to white-trash cliché or parody, and manages to remain genuinely terrifying throughout the movie.

Juliette Lewis is equally impressive as Grace's tragic girlfriend, playing the character like a ten year old girl with a forty year old's life experience. Lewis manages to evoke pity (for her character's station in life) as well as contempt (for her naivety), but she underpins her performance with the kind of subtlety rarely seen by an actor so young. Personally, I think it's a tragedy that neither Pitt nor Lewis were nominated for any awards for their performances here.

David Duchovony and Michelle Forbes are both perfectly cast as the yuppy couple who unwittingly end up travelling across the US with Pitt and Lewis. Duchovony is aptly geeky and naive, and Forbes seems emphatically cynical and shut-off, but both actors manage to convincingly portray their characters' changes as they are equally intrigued, repulsed and strangely attracted to Pitt.

The fine casting and uniformly brilliant acting aside, this film really grabs us by the proverbial balls through its flawless pacing. At the time 'Kalifornia' was released, Hollywood was releasing a slew of nice-character-turns-out-to-be-psychotic movies ('Single White Female', 'Pacific Heights', 'The Hand That Rocks The Cradle', 'Deceived', 'Sleeping With The Enemy' etc). Most of these movies followed the same formula, the only variation being the nature of the relationship between good guy and bad guy. 'Kalifornia' doesn't really stray too far from this territory, but its first two acts are the perfect example of the slow-boil thriller, and we are kept on the very edge of our seats waiting for the tide to turn.

When the penny does drop, and Pitt is let loose to play the maniacal bad guy, the film shifts gears completely and the last twenty minutes don't quite live up to rest of the movie. That said, the action is thick and fast and the resolution is suitable cold. The fight is over, but the scars will always be there.

Much of the narration (provided by a somewhat whiny, pre X-files Duchovony) is a tad contrived. Of course, it's meant to be from the book the Duchovony's journalist character has written, so one could argue that the self-conscious narration is meant to be a nod to the kind of sensationalised style in which most journalists write.

The film is largely a success and is certainly a cut above 90% of the thrillers of the past twenty years. Highly recommended, but not for the weak of stomach or mind. This film is disturbing on more than one level. But then, it's meant to be.
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Fascinated With Amorality
bkoganbing17 October 2008
In 1990 Brad Pitt and Juiliette Lewis did a TV Too Young To Die where both played the almost the same kind of parts that they do in Kalifornia. I have no doubt that is what led to their casting in this big screen film.

Kalifornia finds aspiring writer David Duchovny and his girl friend, art photographer Michelle Forbes on a rocky relationship of sorts due to Duchovny's obsession with writing a book and getting in the minds and souls of serial killers. In fact he's got a most unusual odyssey planned, he wants to go cross country and visit the sites of several famous serial killers. But he and Forbes are flat broke.

Fate intervenes in more ways than financial with the arrival of Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis a pair of strange southern types who agree to split the cost of gas on this cross country trip. It turns out Pitt is a serial killer himself and he decides to do a little research on his own, delving into the mind of someone who is fascinated with amorality.

Kalifornia is not the type of film I usually go for, but in fact the acting ability and charisma of Brad Pitt make it work to a large degree. Pitt is the walking definition of an inbred Gothic refugee from Deliverance. But better than he is is Juliette Lewis who once again is playing these low self esteem types which she seems to do well. Watch her scene with Forbes as she does her hair and Lewis describes her sad and pathetic life. Lewis's dialog and Forbes's reactions ought to be shown in acting classes around the country.

For those who like their slasher flicks, they don't come better than Kalifornia.
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Brad Pitt stand out performance
SnoopyStyle27 October 2013
Brian Kessler (David Duchovny) writes true crime stories. His girlfriend Carrie Laughlin (Michelle Forbes) is an edgy photographer. They consider themselves liberals and decide to drive cross-country visiting crime sites. Sharing the ride to California are criminal type Early Grayce (Brad Pitt) on parole, and his waitress girlfriend Adele (Juliette Lewis).

Juliette Lewis is playing her traditional flaky white trash girl. David Duchovny and Michelle Forbes are playing straight characters. Brad Pitt plays the more volatile unstable Early. It's Pitt's performance that stands out. It's his best early work. Lewis' innate innocence actually raises the tension. Everybody does good work here. It's a tense suspenseful thriller that we know will come to no good.
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To the actors of Kal-ee-for-nee-a, I say...
Twins6530 October 2003
Nicely done! (pardon my Arnold Schwarzenegger)...

This movie was completely ignored when released back in '93, and that's a shame. It's a great, suspenseful two hour road-trip that certainly opened my eyes to see that Brad Pitt was indeed an actor. He looks like he took took the 'method-acting' thing seriously, as with his appearance in TRUE ROMANCE, I doubt he took even one shower in 1992.

Duchovny & Forbes were also fine as the normal half of this "ride share from hell", but I'm guessing Juliette Lewis' naive "jailbait" turned off a few people (see NBK or CAPE FEAR for further proof). Just ignore her grating & whiny delivery, and go along for the wild ride all the way to KALIFORNIA.
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"I just took a dump, it's wall to wall stink in there." Dark psychological serial killer thriller.
poolandrews17 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Kalifornia starts in Pensylvania where serial killer expert & author Brian Kessler (David Duchovny) decides to gain inspiration for his current book by taking a road trip through Arkansas & Texas to California with his photographer girlfriend Carrie (Michelle Forbes) stopping off at the sites of famous murders along the way. Low on money & gas Brian advertises for a couple to go with them & share the expenses, the advert is answered by real life serial killer Early Grayce (Brad Pitt) & his child like girlfriend Adele (Juliette Lewis) who wants to escape the state because Early has killed his landlord. At first things go alright but as Early leaves a trial of bodies behind him Brian discovers the truth at which point instead of writing about serial killer victims he looks likely to end up as one...

Directed by Dominic Sena & coming after The Silence of the Lambs (1991) but before Se7en (1995) this is another film to focus on America's morbid curiosity about serial killers & is a hard film to categorise, is it a drama, is it a thriller, is it a road trip film or is it a horror? I suppose it's all of those things, Kalifornia is an unconventional film with an interesting premise that works very well & draws you in but the script by Tim Metcalfe is a bit long & certain sections of the film run out of steam. The majority of the running time of Kalifornia is an absorbing & brilliantly written character study of a serial killer & an author who writes about them, it's a great concept that makes for a great film & I really enjoyed it. It's over an hour before Early is exposed as a serial killer & up to that point Kalifornia had been a bonding type film as two seemingly mismatched couples travel across the isolated desert highways, then it turns into a dark thriller as Early holds Brian & Carrie hostage at which point all the character development becomes worth it as you can really feel where all the character's are coming from, what they must be feeling & actually sympathise with them. The character of Adele is brilliantly written & portrayed as it Early with Brian & Carrie also excellently developed as people. However despite trying to be very clever & say something about the fascination we have with serial killers the film in the end offers very little in the way of motivation & doesn't really come to much, in fact the overriding feeling I got was that Early was a serial killer because he could be & because it felt good as he actually says at the end. Kalifornia is still a great film though, an absorbing, offbeat & fascinating film that I enjoyed although at almost two hours in length it's maybe a bit long, maybe not quite enough happens & I seriously doubt it's a film I'll ever want to see again despite liking it.

Director Sena does a great job here & together with cinematographer Bojan Bazelli gives the film a really stylish look, the scenes in the rainy Pensylvania at the start are darkly lit by shafts of light & look very moody & atmospheric. The scenes of Brian & Carrie walking around the old factory as it pours down outside look wonderful, there are plenty of cool angles & shots & they give the film a really harsh isolated feel once it hits the desert. In short Kalifornia looks fabulous. It's not what I would call scary (although it can be chilling at times) & there's not too much violence, someone is stabbed in a toilet, there are a few gunshot wounds & Early is badly beaten at the end otherwise this is pretty tame. There's a couple of sex scenes as well although nothing anymore graphic than in other Hollywood flicks.

With a supposed budget of about $9,000,000 this had a decent amount of money spent on it, it's certainly well made with good production values. The acting is superb from all involved & they really bring their character's to life with all sorts of little mannerisms so you actually care for them, Brad Pitt is fantastic in this & was paid $500,000 apparently & he is virtually unrecognisable under a thick beard & Southern accent before his role in another excellent serial killer film Se7en, Lewis is amazing while this was an early role for David Duchovny just before he played Agent Fox Mulder in the hit sci-fi series The X-Files (1993 - 2002), they all really carry the film & no-one else matters that much.

Kalifornia is a great serial killer thriller, it's a little offbeat & maybe not for everyone but I found it both fascinating & absorbing with some terrific performances from the main cast & it's got bags of style too. Maybe a bit long & a bit slow at times but still great in my opinion & well worth a watch.
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One of Brad Pitt's most memorable roles.
Anonymous_Maxine8 December 2004
In the same vein as Natural Born Killers, another movie that was not so popular with critics because of its excessive violence but that I also loved, Kalifornia is a movie that clearly glamorizes violence, but I like to think that it turns that around in the final act. Kind of like how The Basketball Diaries glamorizes drugs at first, but shows the bad side by the end of the movie, which is far worse than the good side is good. David Duchovny plays Brian Kessler, an artistic yuppie with an even more artistically yuppie girlfriend, who is into that violent sexy black and white photography generally reserved for, I don't know where, places where nudity passes for art. Maybe it really does and I just don't understand it. At any rate, Brian and Carrie (Duchovny and Michelle Forbes, who fits the role flawlessly), make the perfect couple to go on a documentary tour of famous murder sites. Brian, the writer, will write the book, Carrie can take the pictures.

Being artistic types, Brian and Carrie are not quite financially prepared for such a trip, so they put out an ad for someone to share gas and travel expenses, and are contacted by Early Grace and Adele Corners (Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis). Early is on parole and assigned to janitorial work at the local university by his parole officer, sees the ad on a bulletin board, and decides to leave the state for a while, violating his parole but also leaving the scene of his landlord's murder so he won't have to deal with a pesky murder investigation. Two birds with one stone, you know.

The movie has a curious ability to portray two stereotypes, the artsy yuppies and the greasy trailer trash, without resorting to clichés or even ending up with caricatures of either type. Brian and Carrie are artsy liberals, but while Carrie catches on to Early and Adele, Brian is fascinated with Early's status as an outlaw, as seen in the scene where Brian shoots Early's gun. Never having fired a gun before, he's as fascinated as a little kid. While Adele and Carrie are back at a hotel and Adele reveals such things in her childlike way as the fact that Early "broke her" of smoking and that she's not allowed to drink (Early doesn't think women should), Early and Brian are out at the local bar. Brian reacts nervously to a drunk trying to start a fight with him, and Early first gives advice to Brian on what to do and then steps in and dishes out a quick lesson for the guy. "Hit him, Bri, it's comin'." This is one of my favorite scenes in the movie, partly because it's so funny what Early gleefully says as the guy's friends drag him away, bloodied and battered, but also because as it is intercut with the girls back at the hotel, we learn so much all at once about the two couples, their differences, and the conflicts that are likely to come up because of them. And besides that, because Brian benefited from Early's actions and Carrie is appalled by what she hears from Adele, it also illustrates the different way that Carrie and Brian react to Early and Adele.

Clearly, by now, you can tell that this is not your typical odd couple type of thriller, where the city folk run into the country folk and all sorts of stereotypical mayhem ensues. On one hand it seems a little too convenient that Brian and Carrie go on a tour of murder sites and just happen to be accompanied by a real life murderer, but on the other hand it's a great way to counteract the glorifying of murder that is inherent within a cross-country trip designed to bring fame to murderers and their crimes. While studying the actions of past murderers, Brian and Carrie ultimately find themselves face to face with the very material that they are studying, and realize that murder is not as pretty or morbidly fascinating when it's in your face as it is through disconnected studies of murders past.

I am constantly amazed at Brad Pitt's versatility as an actor. Consider, for example, his roles in movies like Kalifornia, 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, and Ocean's 11 and 12. Pitt is like Tom Hanks in that he can change his appearance drastically or just enough to fit a given character, and is completely believable. Incidentally, I tried in vain to be Early Grace for Halloween this year, but just couldn't get the hair and beard right. I even got the hat right, which initially I thought would be the hardest part.

It's easy to understand why a lot of people disliked Kalifornia or why they think that it glorifies violence and murder, but I think that whatever glorifying it does is done with the intention of clarifying the audience's understanding of its subject matter. A film that didn't glorify violence, at least initially, could never be as effective as Kalifornia, but the movie structures it perfectly. The glorification is all embodied in Brian's and Carrie's fascination with the idea of murder and the auras of the places in which is happened, but their realization, and ours, is embodied in the real thing, which they encounter with Early and Adele. The movie's very purpose is to describe that difference between idealizing violence and seeing the horror of it up close and for real.
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botfeeder31 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's actually hard to do a spoiler because we know who the bad guy is right from the start, and there are no twists or turns in the plot, it's all just a very predictable progression of bad guy gets increasingly worse until things completely blow up.

While the story is one-dimensional, the acting is good, especially Brad Pitt's portrayal of an absolutely total psychopath.

5.5 stars, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and round up to 6.
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So slow, so painfully slow...
symbiophoto12 June 2018
I had high hopes for this movie, it had a good plot. Could have been a great movie, especially considering the actors/actresses . However this movie was just SO slow, almost nothing at all really going on until the last 3rd of the movie. I really like Juliette Lewis so I got this mainly because of her, and the plot sounded promising but boy was I wrong. Besides the painfully slow majority, the "southern" accents are absolutely terrible, I live in the south. It doesn't sound like that. And the weird noise Pitt's character makes, and the "doors" he yammers about ...what on earth is that about?! Oh and let's not forget Juliette's child like goofy bs....overall just a crap movie.
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Adrian-3210 May 1999
"Kalifornia" is one of my all-time favourite movies, and it easily could be labeled as one of the best psychological thrillers of the 90`s. The film has a very stylish surface to it, but behind that are a lot of disturbing and honest depictions of homicidal maniacs and the terrifyng violence they inflict upon others. One of the film`s strongest aspects is it`s performances, Brad Pitt is startlingly great as a trailer-trash psycho named Early. Pitt potrays his frightening character almost flawlessly. Juliette Lewis is equally as good playing his naive girlfriend, her innocence is almost heart-breaking. "Kalifornia" has a very simple plot to it, that goes steadily and slowly forward for about an hour, but it suddenly plunges into a harrowing spree of murder, as Pitt unleashes his psychotic personality. There are alot of shocking scenes, and it all mounts to a power-house climax that will haunt you for days. "Kalifonia" is a film that should really be watched for it`s intense look at how monstrous a human being can be, and not only for it`s violence and gore.
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Seeing This 25 Year Old Film For The 1st Time Thru 2018 Eyes
gkjranch27 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The way it began, I didn't expect much. Actually, I didn't expect to remain awake but within the 1st 15 minutes or so I was drawn in. I like the narration as it served to solidify the story line. David Duchovny's character was so very naive for someone writing a book about serial killers but I kind of fit for someone who has lived thus far insulated by position and college from the ugly side of life. He had yet to develop that second sense to alert a person to danger and the ability to detect when thing are just "not quite right". His girlfriend, however, sported an edgier persona highlighted by her appearance & her photographic works. She correctly sensed that there was something disturbing about their traveling companions but was persuaded by naive Duchovny that Pitt's character was harmless even as 1 red flag after another appeared. One small detail. which was a big deal to me, was Early calling Brian "Bri" which would express comfort & familiarity rather than someone you just recently met and don't know at all. But serial killers are often cunning and manipulative and Brian should have known this. The first killing in the gas station bothered me since Early could not have committed such a violent knife attack while remaining relatively clean. I think he could have committed the murder in a more believable fashion without sacrificing the horror of it all. The suspense still manages to ramp up with each now predictable murder. Really, one of the most chilling scenes is when Carrie sees, thru the lens of her camera, Early & Adele having sex in the car. Early sees her watching and the eye exchange between the two riveting. If you weren't sure before that Early is a psychopath rather than committing crimes of opportunity, it is now apparent. Though Adele's child-like character, up until now, has been softening the horror that the viewer knows about Early, it can no longer do so. She might be a little girl in an adult body but even little girls can connect the dots at some point. Although she does so later, it is too late for her. Typical of most films, the display of violence is somewhat over the top or is it really? I was asking myself at the end of the film, did this really happen or did Brian create a work of fiction rather than a study of serial killers. I didn't expect to like this film but actually found it quite compelling.
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If it's not good enough for the lead actor ...
Shan-1223 December 1998
In an interview, David Duchovny said he hasn't been able to watch even the first hour of this film - and neither should you. The scene where he asks the owner of a house where a murder was committed if he can look around - change the name he gives and he could had lifted his performance from just about any episode of the X-Files. He's on autopilot for the whole film. Brad Pitt overacts appallingly.
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First rate psycho thriller Road Movie.
Infofreak10 September 2002
I really liked 'Kalifornia' the first time I watched it several years ago, and seeing it again the other day it has stood the test of time. Director Dominic Sena unfortunately went on to make dumb action movies which don't do his talent justice. The four leads are all equally good. Brad Pitt is a superstar now, but has made some interesting and adventurous choices in the past such as the wonderfully deadpan 'Johnny Suede' and this, possibly his best acting to date. Juliette Lewis has certainly never been better than here. Her only subsequent performance to equal this was in the much maligned 'Natural Born Killers'. Pitt and Lewis steal the movie, but David Duchovny shows in his pre-Mulder days that he has acting chops to spare. Finally, Michelle Forbes is impressive as Duchnovny's snobby, pretentious girlfriend. Why she never became a major star is beyond me. The only minor gripe I have about 'Kalifornia' is the unnecessary and sometimes intrusive narration. Other than that it is a taut, involving thriller, and one of the most underrated movies of the early 90s. Highly recommended.
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Predictable road trip movie
Floated210 May 2021
As a film this gets off to a relatively slow start but does pick up a lot within 35 minutes or so. The plot of this film is quite silly and doesn't make much sense but it's more about the journey and of course the performance of Brad Pitt. He may be supporting but he most definitely upstages the lead actor as he delivers a great performance as a serial type killer.

Although some great moments. Kalifornia is all too predictable and it's climax doesn't reach the heights of it should have. Also left with a disappointing ending.
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Nothing special
redkiwi2 February 2003
If this is supposed to be a portrayal of the American serial killer, it comes across as decidedly average.

A journalist [Duchovny] travels across country to California to document America's most famous murderers, unaware that one of his white trailer trash travelling companions [Pitt] is a serial killer himself.

Rather predictable throughout, this has its moments of action and Pitt and Lewis portray their roles well, but I'd not bother to see it again.
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Brad Pitt is Fantastic!
dacmoviebuff10 May 2021
I saw this movie for the first time today, 28 years after it was released. Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis are absolutely amazing. Their characters are polar opposites, and are played with such skill that you forget how young they were at that time. David Duchovny and Michelle Forbes are the perfect yuppie couple in contrast to Pitt and Lewis. Yes, the movie is violent, but it's with a purpose - the message of the movie - Fantasy and reality are quite different.
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Brad Pitt can act . wow.
shadowman1238 August 2005
Before his angelina Jolie banging days , Bradf Pitt was actually a very good actor and to honest with you people here is the proof . His take on as a mentally unstable killer is GREAT !! and lets not forget the accent which was also great . Ms.Lewis also puts on a great performance as Pitt's rather disturbed girl-friend and David D shows us how good he was also before his X-files days . However the film has several flaws in it and i found my-self comparing it to natural born killers a bit and i found it also to be a bit tight and rushed in some places . I mean it would of been great if we could of been told how Early Grace came to be the madman that he was . All in all a weird and scary road trip into hell and i would recommend people to check it out .
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Between the huge flaws are some huge talents, and amazing moments
secondtake7 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Kalifornia (1993)

Juliet Lewis rules on this one, and Brad Pitt is right behind. The two of them make one of the most memorable outlaw couples ever, believe it or not. Lewis is the clueless girlfriend, willingly abused by Pitt, the knee-jerk killer. The two have to leave the state and they get a ride in a big old convertible with another couple, smart and styling and at first disdainful of this hick pair they are suddenly driving cross country with.

This could have been a great movie, a classic. Lewis and Pitt are so convincing, and so original, really, playing with humor and without grandiose notions, which inflate so many other films. Individually they carve out chilling, and yet also warm, pictures of who they are, real people, and unexpected ones. The mannerisms that Lewis pulls out in every scene, her dumb looks, her surprise, this is all virtuosic.

What drags them down is the other couple. David Duchovny is especially wooden. You can feel him wanting us to think he's a likable, even-keeled, handsome hunk. But he's just plain dull, and he is ostensibly the main character. It's his voice that comes in like a bad bad film noir narrator now and then, giving some perspective to the events. It's unnecessary monologue, to boot, and straight out of screen writing 101. For some reason Duchovny's character, a struggling writer working on a book about psycho killers, is given the most mundane and overused lines. His girlfriend, a slightly touch looking photographer played by Michelle Forbes, has to work through her part at first, but eventually comes into her own, with knowing glances and a growing sense of fear.

The other true star, beyond Pitt and Lewis, is the cameraman, Bojan Bazelli, working with some great sets and with a director who sets him free. In some scenes, the arrangement of characters just talking, is filled with such space and layer and light, or with such audacious rain, you want them to hold it longer so you can get it all. For all the ugly things that happen, this is a beautiful movie. The director? Dominic Sena, a music video shooter. That's probably why it looked so good and had some stumbles in the bigger vision.

If you go into this expecting something profound, forget about it. But the two performances are worth the admission alone, and even though it gets increasingly violent, which I'm not into, it gets increasingly interesting and gripping as it goes. The set up in the first half hour is groaningly bad at times, but once the four of them hit the road, look out.
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Worth a watch just for Pitt's performance
ForVirg1 October 2012
Kalifornia would be just an OK movie, were it not for the performance of pretty-boy Brad Pitt. In this film, he is anything BUT pretty. In fact, he's so convincingly creepy, it makes my skin crawl just to think about this role.

Whether or not he took on the role to battle type-casting is unimportant, because he does, in fact, show his acting chops amazingly well as the poor white trash monster. It's rare to see any actor take on the persona of a character so convincingly.

The idea of this film is a good one, and executed fairly well, but could have been done better.

In particular, Michelle Forbes character, Carrie, is extremely grating. Hers is a character who will fit into L.A. culture very well--bitchy, superior, and judgmental. I know I should sympathize with Carrie's correct assessment of the situation, but I just hate her too much to care. Of course, I could argue that without her bitchy superiority, there wouldn't be a story.

On the other hand, Juliette Lewis' character, Adele, is charmingly endearing, and I found myself wishing for Adele and Duchovny's Brian to wind up together.

Were it not for the cast, this movie would be unremarkable. But with the performance of the cast, I find myself watching it again and again over the years since its release. That must count for something!
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hicks with funny accents
peterbillionaire10 December 2007
This film is never credible, not for one second. You never believe in any of the characters. You never forget that you are watching beautiful Hollywood actors giving performances.

David Duchovny and Michelle Forbes are boring, generic actors, although they sure are good looking. Juliette Lewis is an interesting actor, but annoying, too. Brad Pitt is fun to watch whenever he is on the screen, but he over does the accent.

So many holes in the plot. Brian and Carrie need to find people to share expenses? -- although they wear stylish clothes, have expensive camera gear and live in an apartment the size of a football field.

Butts! You get to see two, both male: Brad's and David's. But you will probably want to use the pause function, as there is just a flash in both cases. You get to see one single female breast.

As usual in a Hollywood road trip, there are no interstate highways, no chain hotels and no chain restaurants. Everyone travels by back roads and eats at diners and stays at motels which appear to be from the 1960's.

The only good thing about the film is the two white-trash characters. They can be funny, when the film doesn't try to make them dramatic.
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one of Brad Pitt's best performances plus Juliette Lewis doing what she does best
christopher-underwood27 October 2017
It's more than twenty years since I last saw this and I didn't really remember anything. Not even how violent it was, not even that it had a serial killer theme. I just remembered that it was a film to watch again some time because it was great. And so it is. Clearly not for everyone, this is one hell of a violent road movie with Brad Pitt in crashing, cruelly uncaring and at time even incoherently hateful and his little lady by his side, Juliette Lewis. We have seen her do her Southern, waif like kiddie stuff before but here she is allowed to go full throttle and so we have the most disturbing couple. Wild and horrific Brad and 'he only whips me if I deserve it' Juliette. Not an easy ride then but David Duchovny seems not too put out, certainly at first. He's already started up the Red Shoes Diary machine, about to become a real star through X-Files and Brad Pitt freaking out isn't going to ruffle his feathers, well at first anyway. Possibly a tad long, some have criticised the prolonged and crunchingly violent ending but if you fancy an off the wall road movie featuring one of Brad Pitt's best performances plus Juliette Lewis doing what she does best and then some, you can't do better than watch this mini classic
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Good thriller with a fantastic early performance from Brad Pitt
dworldeater14 January 2020
Kalifornia is a pretty solid thriller that showcases Brad Pitt's talent as an actor early in his film career. David Duchovny of X Files fame and his girlfriend Michelle Forbes hit the road for California and on the way stop at murder sites to collect information and photographs for their book about serial killers. To make the trip affordable, they put an ad out for someone to accompany them on the trip and share the costs of travel. Earl responds to the ad and brings his girlfriend Adele(Juliette Lewis) with him. Knowing nothing about their new traveling companions, Earl turns out to be one of the psychotic killers Brian(David Duchovny) is writing about. Pitt, known as one of Hollywood's most hunky pretty boy actors gives a tremendous and convincing performance as a southern fried, trailer trash psycho killer. This is very similar to Oliver Stone's film Natural Born Killers which came out a year later and also starred Juliette Lewis, whose character in that film is also similar, but much more passive in this. Natural Born Killers is a better film, but is much different in the way it was approached. Kalifornia is told in a much more straight forward manner and is less stylized and devoid of the black humor and satire that was prevalent in that film. With that said, I still like this film and Kalifornia is a solid thriller that is underrated and worth checking out.
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Pitt overacting in a mediocre thriller
JMaekelae14 August 2020
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Brad Pitt very much as an actor. But I can't really understand the praise for his performance here. Naturally the script portrays him as a nutjob and probably he does just what the director wanted, but he still comes off trying way too hard. Eccentric - yes. Believable - not so much. After all, this aims to be a serious movie, judging by any other aspect. If someone's convincing here, that's Juliette Lewis. And her character is also the only one you really care for.

Unfortunately, Kalifornia lacks in every department. There are some nice shots and brief gripping moments, but for most parts it's just very generic. There's absolutely zero tension and too much predictability. Not much for a psychological thriller, really.

4/10 (Watchable)
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Sweet psychological thriller
Aw-komon16 August 2000
Pay attention to this one, it's got a lot to say. It's film noir and social criticism mixed in one. In fact, this film was probably the (unacknowledged) inspiration for the entire 'X-Files' series (which I hate), and there are a hell of a lot of similarities between them. The spooky, dark atmosphere of dread is very much the same though much more effective here. Duchovney's character--a liberal writer--does everything he can to accomodate and relate to the Pitt character (Early) and still ends up in deep trouble. The characters are all realistic and almost everything that happens is believable (as opposed to 'Blood Simple' where to achieve a few sick laughs you're asked to suspend disbelief). Pitt's performance is effective on its face as well as hilariously camp simply because of the huge star he has become since (his tongue-in-the-nudie-picture scene in the unrated version is funnier than hell). But all that's okay, for the film as a whole works on many levels and can withstand more than a few unintentional laughs to go with the intentional ones. The most touching scene is the final one, when the tape recording of Adele confessing her loneliness and deep need to be accepted humanizes her tragically and emphasizes the contrast between her (who never really had a chance) and these two yuppies (Duchovney and Forbes) who shared a portion of her tragic journey. Even after a first hand experience of true evil has tempered his liberalism and made him kill to save his life, he will have to hold on to a large portion of his original theory simply because of the overwhelming pathos generated by that final tape message.
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