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The Stöned Age (1994) Poster

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Underrated stoner gem
buffboogeyman2 August 2021
If you toke and need to kill and hour and a half with your friends, you really can't beat this blast from the past, with hilarious one liners that will have you and your friends sides splitting for years to come.

Roll a d00bi3 and watch this movie

"What about the bikini you bought her so you could watch her out by the pool and sport wood?"
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The Dramatic Age
pmdawn27 March 2008
The title of this movie is a bit misleading. There is only one true stoner character in this movie - Joe - and he is the unlikely star of the movie. I just wanted to make this clear, that this not a stoner movie in the traditional sense.

However, there IS a reason for the title, and that is a pun on "The Stone Age" - the characters here basically behave like cavemen in anarchy, using their animal instincts rather than reason, without adults around.

This is about two friends that are 'cruising' around town trying to find some chicks. Meanwhile, there's their 'friend' Tack, who tells them where to find the chicks, but is kicked out of the fun because of the 'ratio' (too many guys for just two 'chicks'). So he enlists an army of retards who just want to drink and get laid. Confusion ensues and it's all in one night. That's it, that's the whole plot right there. So instead of a stoner movie, this more of an "all-nighter" movie.

There are a few elements that make this movie stand out from the rest. Many jokes are repeated, making it a very quotable movie. And in spite of its silliness, The Stoned Age is surprisingly memorable. The 'Eye', the 'Ratio', the 'Submarine', the Cop, all of them are worthy of cult status. BTW, the movie looks just like it was shot in the early eighties - I was surprised to find that it was released in 94.

However, at times it gets too silly and uneven. I felt like I was watching a drama instead of a comedy. Lots of swearing too, but that's to be expected.

Joe is your decent sensitive stoner and he is the real star of the movie. He is extremely likable, but somehow always ends getting screwed in one way or another. What happens to him through the night is surprisingly realistic, and dare I say, depressing. Hubbs just wants to get laid. Tack provides some laughs, but he's no McLovin.

I think this movie is closer to the likes of "Superbad in the 80's" than to "Dazed and Confused". However this is much inferior to both, despite its good intentions. I give it a 6, but don't be fooled - I really think this is more of a dramatic movie with comedy elements.
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Dazed & Confused meets American Pie
BloodTheTelepathicDog22 February 2005
The comparisons to Dazed and Confused need to stop. Dazed was a throw back to good times and standing up for what you believe in. The Stoned Age is about a group of mindless stoners just looking to score, yet is entertaining in it's own right.

This film starts out slow and sophomoric, but has a tendency to grow on the viewer after awhile. The film finds it's groove with sensitive stoner Joe(well played by unknown Michael Kopelow) connecting with plane Jill(cute China Kantner, who under the right light, resembles Jennifer Aniston) The jokes are hit and miss, and are rather childish on top of that, yet there is a subtle charm working for this film. Maybe Renee Ammann, who is female perfection personified, has something to do with it's appeal.

Okay, but don't compare it with Dazed & Confused, because you'll be utterly disappointed.
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Sex. Talls, Weed and Rock Music
Michael_Elliott12 January 2013
The Stoned Age (1994)

*** (out of 4)

Buddies Hubbs (Bradford Tatum) and Joe (Michael Kopelow) are out driving around looking for some fun chicks when they hear about two of them. They decide to pay them a visit even though they belong to a crazed criminal and soon they're trying to score with them as well as get some alcohol. THE STONED AGE is a pretty lame brain movie but that really doesn't matter because it's a lot of fun. The cast is excellent, the director keeps things moving at a very good place, there's sex and nudity, a lot of drinking, mean pranks and a great 70's rock soundtrack. Many people have called this a dumbed down version of DAZED AND CONFUSED, which actually isn't fair because both films set out to do something completely different so it's not really fair to compare the two. With that said, this film here has so many hilarious moments that it's impossible to not really enjoy it. I think a lot of the charm comes from Tatum and the rather silly Joe as they get into one bad situation after another. Or, should I say that Joe gets into one bad situation after another and you just want to see the guy catch a break. The little journey here certainly isn't anything ground-breaking but it's a lot of fun and we get some great laughs along the way. The stuff dealing with Blue Oyster Cult is very funny and the chemistry between the two stars is very memorable and it's too bad more movies weren't made with them. I think ones entertainment level will probably be even higher if you can relate to these two guys. The driving around, looking for girls, smoking weed and just getting into trouble. The film is very innocent and oh so much fun.
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Long Live The Stöned Age
Tweetienator24 February 2022
One of those pleasures that are dumb, stupid to the core, that are based on an idea and a plot that you can write down on a stamp, and the production also is far away from being impressive. But despite all those not very promising sounding facts, The Stöned Age manages to be indeed entertaining: dumb, cheesy, stupid, juvenile but fun to watch: thanks to some likeable characters with the heart at the right spot, actors having fun, and some ideas and scenes that are just too delicious. A fine joyride - if you want to kill some more of your brain cells with a medicine named stupidity ;)
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Quiet film that's just under the radar
metalrox_200017 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
WHen Dazed and Confused made it's big splash, you knew there had to be a b level equal. The Stoned age is more then b level material, and is quite funny at the same time.

The story is the familiar two guys looking for fun on a weekend night. There are the several misadventures as they guys meet up with two chicks, who just happened to be eyed up by the competition, the recently paroled Crump.

One of the funniest part of the film belongs to the two straight laced cops who continually follow the two stars around. Both are so straight, they are funny. No matter what the situation, there's the one cop who relates it to his own youth, to show the teens that at heart, he was at one time, one of them.

This is one of the few films that China Kantner has done. She's good looking, despite the efforts to dress her down into more of a tomboy. While Hubbs is after the hot blonde Lainie, Joe is paired with Jill (China Kantner). The uncomfortableness between the two does turn into an attraction. Where Hubbs is just in it for a one night stand, Joe is a little more mature.

When Crump arrives to stake his claim, Hubbs runs form the fight, and Joe does so relunctedly, but does return. Only this time, he's confronted by the chicks father. Joe stands up for the honor of both girls has they are berated by their father. His act impresses Jill, and Hubbs returns to rescue his friend.

The ending was great because by the end, the side kick has stood on his own, and you sense the roles between Hubbs and Joe has changed for the better.

Keep an eye for cameo's by FRankie Valli, Buck Dhrama, and Eric Bloom of the legendary Blue Oyster Cult, (who themselves are a key plot element), Taylor Negron, and in one of his first roles, Jake Busey. Overall, a very enjoyable escapism flick that doesn't fall into formula.
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Too dumb to *NOT* be funny!
culwin26 December 1998
No it doesn't really have a plot, but why would a movie about a couple of stoners need one? This movie is funnier and more interesting than "Half-Baked", which actually tried to have a plot. Strangely, this movie is made in 94, but seems to be set around the late 70s, or maybe early 80s. Lots of older references here like Blue Oyster Cult, and look for the cameo by .. no I won't spoil it :)

If you liked Dumb and Dumber, Kingpin, Airplane, and other "dumb" movies, this is for you. I gave it 7 of 10.
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Better Than Dazed & Confused?
christian_griffin7 May 2021
I can't believe the audacity that the put a reference to being better than a 5 star classic like Dazed & Confused. I actually like the 90s stoner comedy flick, but the fact that the advertise it as being at that level made me raise expectations.
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Benefits from Multiple Watchings
noahk11 April 2001
If you read my review of this one from August of 99, then you have my opinion after watching only once and being disappointed by its comparisons to Dazed & Confused. The fact is-- after I rented it, I thought of this movie often. I thought of some of the funny lines, but mainly it was thought provoking in a sense; as though it worked on a deeper level than it was meant to deliver on. The characters were somehow very believable and the situations, though far fetched in a movie way, really reminded me of being there years ago. For example, while Joe's ramblings are misguided and nonsensical, it was evident that he had higher aspirations. His dialogue was like how a kid like that might talk in real life-- not like someone reading from a script might. Hubbs and Tack were classic movie characters, as well.

Unable to get the film out of my head, I decided I had to own it. I ordered a copy and watch it about once a month or so, howling with laughter each time. My point is that my initial impression was not nearly as favorable as it is now, partly based on certain expectations. If you realize from the outset that you're watching a B-movie and just enjoy it for what it is, you may find the hidden gem that I found.
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One of the dumbest movies ever made...and that's kind of cool
This movie is soooooooooooo dumb, like one of the most braindead feeling movies I have seen, but it seems pretty likely that it was done on purpose? Honestly, you can't tell, and that's partially what makes the viewing experience somewhat mystical.

This used to be on basic cable TV programming (either TBS or USA, or something like that) pretty much weekly in the mid 90's, so I'd watch bits of pieces of it over and over and over as a kid. I'd always keep it on for a bit whenever it was on, and dug it, but, I was like, 10 years old.

The main thing I've learned upon this revisit and am taking away from it is: wow, James Marshall (Twin Peaks) is one smart guy for wifing up the absolute smoke show of a babe from this movie, Renee Allman, and starting a family. Underground 90's icons much? I thought she was a fox as a 10 year old boy, but upon review as a 36 year old man, she is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY outstandingly beautiful. Her presence is still loud, powerful, and fully demanding in this movie.

Overall, very little happens in this movie and it literally feels dumber and dumber as it goes, but it's such a crucial piece of low budget, not-quite success that only could have gotten made in the 90's, in a way it's kind of a quintessential piece of the floppy side of 90's culture. The director only got to direct one more movie after this and that was The Jerky Boys movie, which is also generally referred to as "bottom of the barrel" media while simultaneously feeling like a staple of the 90's. The one way it is effective is in the sense that it is a pretty loyal nod to what life truly is like as a college age burnout. Nothing happens - you just look for "chicks" and get inebriated every night - I would know cuz I did it for about 4 years from ages 18-21.

I would only recommend this to hardcore stoners who want to watch something that requires the lowest level of thinking or feeling, or people interested specifically in burnout 90's vibes. The pacing and acting just seems to get worse as the movie plays out, and a lot of the plot devices make almost zero sense (the eyeball lasers, and the whole 2001 segment...). Honestly, Dazed & Confused is one of my least favorite popular movies ever, and though this movie is terrible, I still prefer this. Some of you may rather "get pounded in the nards" than sit through, but the right person will appreciate it.
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Sign's of a REALLY BAD movie
NolanSorrento4 January 2001
The cover for the Video box claims it to be better than another movie, a movie shouldn't compare itself to another in hopes to up sales.

You question yourself on when the movie is supposed to take place, everybody looks very buttrock 80's but you get the impression it's supposed to be the 70's but you see a VW Jetta of the 90's in the background.

it scores less then 6.0 on imdb

The Director has never worked since.

Fans of this movie tell you that it's the type of movie "where you should just turn off your brain and just watch"

My opinion:

I really hated this move, and I'm a fan of stupid humor but this one really bottomed out. If I had payed to have seen this movie, I would've requested my money back, some free rentals and requested the video store to stop carrying it. This movie was dumb.
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A hidden gem
burnzyburns30 September 2020
Don't you just love movies like these? The ones where no one can ever tell you about, you just have to find it yourself? Browsing through Amazon Prime, I came across The Stoned Age and I gave it shot and now I'm throwing out a solid, hard 9/10 rating.

This movie is extremely self aware of what it is and what it wants to be. There are little to no backstories for most of the characters, instead, we are brought along on this ride of 2 dudes looking for some chicks and quite frankly that is basically what happens, but through the journey of the night we get a story that is oddly compelling and we start to feel sympathy for Joe. I would argue that if Joe wasn't in this movie it would lower my rating. The striking resemblance he casts on other people watching this movie was done nearly flawlessly.

The writing, setting, acting is a wild enjoyable ride. The work put into this movie is REAL and can be felt. We have relatable stoner type humour mixed in with a surprisingly strong realistic story of irony, that I did not see coming at all.

I went into this with zero expectations and I was blown away. This is a very well done movie of its type and it's very smart in what it delivers.

Maybe because I can relate all too much, and I may be incredibly bias in my review. You can take it like a grain of salt, but if you can relate then you'll see why a 9 is a deserving rating.
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Average, unintelligent entertainment
thahirkhan-1924120 February 2021
Not too much happens in this. A few decent jokes. Mainly a movie about brain dead wasted guys.
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not a weed movie, just a horny guys movie
diamondeyes61622 September 2022
This movie is not about marijuana, the drug is only mentioned a handful of times in the entire film. I'll admit there is a scene where two characters smoke from a can pipe. This movie is about a bunch of guys drooling over any female being they see. The quote used in the marketing is inaccurate and baseless. While dazed and confused is a well crafted piece of cinema, this flick struggles to achieve what d&c did in portraying pothead culture. This movie is dazed and confused with lazy writing, bad performances, forgettable characters, and more misogyny. Not to get political about a movie from the 90s but it's not ignorable. The women in this film are objectified left and right, they are quite literally mcguffins that drive the main characters' "quest" forward. Don't waste your time, smoke your bowl and watch something else.
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Tack you Cack
needsamuse18 November 1999
Well.. I'm a 'chick' and.. I love this movie! Its been a fave of mine for a long time now. If you're the kind of person that doesnt take things too seriously, you'll probably like this movie (or maybe not. who knows). Its super cheesy, and constantly makes fun of itself and its characters. The scene stealer of the movie, was Tack for sure. Which I'm sure any other fan of the movie can agree with me on. Tack holds many inside jokes for my best friend and I... and to this day whenever either my best friend or I have a new man in our lives.. our response to the other is always "allright! get you soooome!" ;-) ... If you're too stuck up to get the goofy humor of this movie.. get drunk and watch it or something... you just might laugh :-)
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An unintelligent movie, with a few laughs
thahirkhan-1924120 February 2021
Mainly a movie about brain dead guys. One attractive women in the movie, but there is no real storyline.
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It misses the mark
pmtelefon4 March 2023
I've seen "The Stoned Age" a few times now (including last night). It's okay, I guess. The biggest problem with the movie is that there aren't any likeable characters. The best ones are okay, the other ones are kind of annoying. "The Stoned Age" starts off alright but after a while interest starts to wane. Renee Allman is dreamy but her character isn't that likeable. The rest of the cast is fine (I guess) but they have the same problem, uninteresting characters. The music on the soundtrack is a highlight of the movie. Oh by the way, the fantasy scenes don't work at all. Despite a few laughs early on, "The Stoned Age" is a less than satisfying experience.
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Clearly the funniest movie ever.
hollywood_habib21 March 2002
This is one of those movies that most people will never get to see which is a damn shame because this movie is similar to, but better than Waynes World. The film is about two guys, Hubbs and Joe on a quest to get drunk stoned and laid. If I lived in the USA every night of my life would be like this. There are plenty of moments in this film that will have first time viewers crying with laughter and also more than enough hilarious pieces of dialogue to make this worth watching over and over. This deserves to be watched by anyone who likes Dazed and Confused, any of the Porkys style comedy films or just about any film fan. Awesome.
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An 8.0!!! Something is terribly wrong here...
emm2 February 1999
8.0!!! Is it really THAT good??? Judging by what was seen and experienced in THE STONED AGE, the answer provides pure and simple honesty in telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That answer is NO!!! It appears we still have much to celebrate over the 70s, which is why this earned a very high rating. The replicas are true in form, except that it's too indistinguishable between now and then. Make no mistake, but this comes VERY CLOSE to the no-end, dead-end entertaining value of BIO-DOME! The vulgarity doesn't make this cool, especially when it takes up most of the spoken dialogue. The film also lacks comedy, only to be replaced by nonexistent acting and alcohol drinkers. Best idea ever devised: urinated ice cubes! Mark my words, everybody! Anymore movies like this will have all of us getting STONED! Final score: 3.0.
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The ultimate party movie!
aerosmithandwesson13 December 2002
After seeing this movie, you may never drink a short can of beer again! (I know I haven't) This film is sure to evoke memories of your greatest moments, out on the town and on the never ending quest to get "drunk, stoned and laid". The characters are perhaps the most real and well developed in the history of cinema. The repellant, yet vulnerable and sympathetic Tack is the archetype of dude who will always be wormed out of his chicks, and Joe is the ultimate antihero on the path to personal discovery and inner strength. Maybe I'm delving a little too deep....but this movie is a source of inspiration in an otherwise bland and meaningless era of moviemaking (the 20th century). Do yourself a favor...grab a load of tall cans, gather your buds and watch this movie. You'll never regret it.
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Did this movie even have a plot?
Taiyo21 October 1998
How many more movies are they going to make on what little plot this has? "Boy sees girl. Girl wants something from boy. Boy gets it. Girl is happy. Boy gets girl."

This movie has two redeeming qualities -- a high-caliber cast, and an excellent soundtrack. But even that's not enough to save the movie from being another flick obsessed with teenage drugs, sex, and violence. If the characters in the movie aren't drunk or stoned, they're trying to be. And the sole goal of all but two characters is to sleep with as many of the other characters as they can.

Thanks, but no thanks. Because of the cast and soundtrack, I can't give this movie a zero, but it doesn't pump it up to more than a 2.5.
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Great movie!! But think about why...
Shogun-1023 March 1999
This is an awesome movie, but the reason why is pretty subtle (or maybe not so subtle). It is one of the few movies of this genre (rock n' roll pot smoking, sex, adolescent mayhem) which actually takes the audience seriously enough to bother putting in a plot, and a character -- Joe -- that is interesting, I mean, he's a nice guy who doesn't want to be a "worm," unlike his more-popular friend Hubbs, but he keeps getting cheated out of "his" chicks! I think this movie was cooked up as a studio marketing idea, that is, "Hey! Dazed and Confused is so popular right now, let's cash in on that craze and make a '70s kids-smoking-pot movie!" but the writer/director actually bothered to write something interesting instead of mindless eye-candy. Like a character in the movie says, "At least you've got something going on up there!" I also have to say that this is one of the few movies I've ever seen where metalheads are portrayed as the heroes. Too often headbangers in movies are shown as thugs, bullies or morons, but this flick dares to have heroes and sympathetic characters headbanging to Black Sabbath and Blue Oyster Cult. A 10, definitely!
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A total waste of time
isotope211214 June 2002
Several years ago, I rented this movie because of the "Better than Dazed and Confused" statement on the box. Maybe it was the booze, maybe the weed, but I never thought to ask who had made such a lofty statement. I learned a valuable lesson that night: Never make decisions while wasted. This movie was completely moronic, and not in the funny "Airplane" sense. It was just plain stupid. Weak plot, weak dialogue, and apparently no continuity to speak of. It also suffers from forgettable actors, and substandard filming.

Save your money kids... 2/10.
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The Schnappster *ping*
blackknight27319 July 2009
It's sad that many people who commented on this gem, either didn't get it, nitpick over it's faults (yes they are there but all movies have them), or want to compare it to Dazed and Confused. They are two different movies altogether. For one the kids in Dazed and Confused were essentially the 10% - rich, athletic, and popular kids in school partying it up. Then of course there was the rest of us.

If you were an average teen in the late 70's or early 80's, driving, drinking, and smoking whatever you could afford then you got this movie for sure. Smoking skank weed out of a crushed Shlitz Malt Liquor tall can - been there, did it. Driving a vehicle that was a barely moving invitation for the cops to bust you (try a brush painted green Chevy Luv pickup for nasty)- did that too. Getting wasted and crashing the rich kid/jock kegger with your friends - did that more times than I can count.

I especially liked how the writer/director portrayed Joe and Hubbs - for once long haired, hard rock listening, beer swilling, stoners weren't turned into violent sociopaths. There was no nannying Lifetime style message about drug and alcohol use. These were good kids, who while on the wild side, would more than likely grow up to be pretty responsible adults - like most of us did.

It's sad there was never a follow up to this one. I liked the characters enough that seeing them in later years (can you picture both Joe and Hubbs being the father character, dealing with the hip hop listening punks of today - I could)would surely be worth seeing.

This a great, nearly forgotten gem that deserves the 10 I gave it. Crack open a tall OX 45, light up some lumbo and enjoy
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riotgirl753 August 2002
This movie a cheap rip-off of Dazed and Confused. I don't know what anyone was thinking when they participated in the making of this film. I would rather be poked in the eye than suffer through this movie ever again!! Save your time, effort and money and never see this movie.
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