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Pure funny in this witty comic movie.
[email protected]12 March 2003
Sometime we need to a movie where the only object is spend 90 minutes in totally unengagement and funny. This is the case of `Celtic Pride' a movie purely comic, where the laughter have a principal character in that. The story is that two friends Mike(Daniel Stern) and Jimmy(Dan Aykroyd) fans of the league Boston Celtic abduct a players of the against league for allow of them Boston the victory. All of that accompany a electric lyric `Play the Funky music' and a lot of laughter and hilarious also thanks to two great comedy actors : Stern and Aykroyd that succeeded to create a wonderful odd couple with a harmony truly surprising and funny, but two professional comic actors this is that who wait you, complete the cast a justly arrogant and disagreeable Damon Waynes in the character of the basketball players abducted. For all people that want laughter without thinks. My rate is 6.
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Nice little comfort watch.
tylerkirks0815 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is something I could watch once a year, but I don't really know why. Stern/Aykroyd do a great job as Celtics fanatics and Wayans pulls off a somewhat believable NBA superstar (Kind of a Marbury or Gary Payton-esque player). Anyways, the plot is absurd and direction is weak. Some funny bits of conversation during the hostage holdover at Aykroyd's apartment. Stern is really funny at times with his courtside yelling and intensity. But what a lazy piece of plot this is. How they stretched this to 90 minutes is beyond me. The ending is ridiculously bad with the two mains despite their lifelong commitment to the Celtics, pull for Utah and celebrate with the Jazz as happy ending climactic music plays out! That is awful!!

Overall i'll watch it again because it's a breezy comfort comedy, but it is objectively not a good movie and the ending was poorly conceived.
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A Good Idea but a Bad Movie
caspian197825 October 2004
Celtic Pride is a good example of a movie that is doomed to go straight to video and cable. Although it did play in selected theaters, the public wasn't aware of the movie until it found itself on the shelves at the local video store. The idea about the Boston Celtics and the Garden is great. Then again, the idea alone is not going to carry a movie. Damon Wayans, Daniel Stern and Dan Aykroyd star in a movie that is only half funny. To say this is a great comedy is a mouthful. A nice movie with some laughs, sure, but overall, the movie falls short for anything timeless. Stern and Aykroyd are good actors but are not stars. They alone can not carry a film. While Wayans is one of the only funny things about the movie, the story fails to have him as a major part to the story. Stern and Aykroyd are good supporting actors when they team up with other actor like Billy Crystal and Chevy Chase. Alone, or even together, they do not have the chemistry that makes comedy teams. A nice little movie that can be found in the bargain bin and the video store or on cable television at 2 o'clock in the morning.
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trashed by critics,but i thought it was funny,and very entertaining
jaws!27 September 1999
i really like this movie. it's funny,and very entertaining. it was trashed by critics,but who cares it's good! i watch it very often,and never really get tired of it. some of the wisecracks wayans' makes at stern,and aykroyd are very funny. it's just a very fun movie! i give celtic pride *** out of ****
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Deserves To Be Dunked In The Dumper
ccthemovieman-125 April 2006
As a Celtic fan for a number of years, I was looking forward to this film, only to be a victim of the filmworld's incredible bias. This tape got slammed-dunked in the garbage pail, where it belongs.

I was totally offended at Dan Ackroyd making several out-and-out extremely bigoted anti-Christian statements, designed for cheap laughs that would never be permitted had he been denigrating any other religion or race or group. If that wasn't enough, we get a guy holding a sign with Scripture reference acting rude and then getting beat up....for laughs again. Incredible. This movie doesn't stop there. We also see a black guy yelling racist remarks that a white person would never get away with saying, and rightly so.....but in Hollywood, these double standards still exist.

It turns out the only funny thing in the movie was the parody of fans who take sports too seriously. That was the idea behind the story, so why all the religious cheap shots?
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I always liked this crazy 90's Comedy & a nice teaming of Aykroyd & Stern!!!
lukem-5276022 July 2018
"Celtic Pride" is a silly & wacky sports comedy from the 90's & I've always liked this crazy flick & mainly because of the fun pairing of Dan Aykroyd & Daniel Stern.

Daniel Stern is hilarious & a comic great in his own right with films like his City Slickers 1&2 & Home Alone 1&2 under his belt. Stern plays panicked & stressed so well in his films & stole the show doing this in the hilarious & twisted black comedy "Very Bad Things" & here Stern plays a stressed-out school basketball coach who lives for sports but especially Basketball & is an obsessed Celtics fan & is Boston through & through, along with his equally obsessed best pal (Aykroyd) they hatch a plan to kidnap & restrain their opposing teams best player (Damon Wayans) so their Boston team has a chance of winning the game. It's silly, wacky & alot of fun.

Aykroyd & Stern are hilarious as obsessed fans lol & take it all to another level.

NBA antics & goofy humour all the way but always entertaining.

Aykroyd is hilarious as Stern's best pal & they capture NBA star Wayans & keep him at his apartment that is like a mini museum of sports memorabilia & it's Awesome!!!

Now, Dan Aykroyd is one of my most beloved actors of all time. Aykroyd was probably the first actor i recognised & loved when i was young along with Schwarzenegger, as i constantly watching both Ghostbusters films non-stop, all-the-time & it was Aykroyd's Ray Stantz that i just loved. There's always been something about Aykroyd that i clicked with. Maybe it was his child-like innocence of his characters? Or the way he played the everyman with his natural "dad bod" & nice charm that i related too? Or simply the fact that i grew up watching Many of his hilarious films on video, such as his Ghostbusters 1&2, Trading Places, Dragnet, My Girl, Spies Like Us, The Great Outdoors & Coneheads. Aykroyd's films were in constant rotation growing up & i always thought he came accross much nicer than his pals Chase & Murray (yes I'm a huge fan of both) but Aykroyd always had that childish-charm & super smart wit & knowledge & i just dug his ways & still do in 2021!!!

We will never get another Dan Aykroyd.

Celtic Pride is fun with Aykroyd & Stern bringing the chemistry & Daman Wayans (The Last Boyscout, Mo Money) is also good fun here as the captured NBA player & he turns the tables & causes plenty of craziness with his captors. This will probably never be considered a "CLASSIC" comedy or even a "Cult Classic" but i grew up through the 90's & watched this lots on video, so i have a soft spot for it.

Hey it's still a Decent comedy & light entertainment.
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Lame sports comedy
Boyo-226 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Review contains spoilers...

Two immature Celtics fans orchestrate an impromptu kidnapping of the star of the Utah Jazz in an effort to give the Celts the advantage in the deciding game of the NBA Finals.

When he escapes, he promises he will turn them in if the Jazz do not win. So these two moronic Celtic fans have to root for the Jazz in order to stay out of jail! When the Jazz win, they are happy..


But the audience is not. I am not a Celts fan, but if I were, I would be insulted by this movie. First of all, its called "Celtic Pride", which in an insult to the word 'pide', secondly, THEY LOSE THE NBA Championship, and third, over the final credits, we see Boston Garden be destroyed by wrecking balls! YAY!

To make it all that much worse, the kidnapped player happens to be an obnoxious, ball-hogging player, but through his adventures, He Learns Something about Friendship, Team and the Things that Matter the Most.

Spare me. Movie is a crock from start to finish. There is maybe a laugh or two to be had over the superstitions of a sports fan, over the over-exposure of an athlete, but they are few and far between. 3/10.
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Entertaining effort, non-sports fans be cautious.
mysticspiral0029 July 2004
Two die-hard Boston Celtic fans go out of their way to mess up the star player before game 7 of the Finals, and then accidently kidnap him. Not deep, but it doesn't have to be.

A movie that a good sports fan would find as humorous, but a movie fan would only find forgetable. Akroyd, Stern, and Wayans all turn in entertaining performances, but the true star of the movie is....

Christopher McDonald. He made me laugh my head off with the "Uhhhhhhh I hate my life" line. Akroyd doing the "Shakacon" thing was hillarious, as was his dream.

Overall, it was enjoyable, but proceed with caution.

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The very funny satire on sports fanaticism becomes unfunny half way through.
Art-227 March 1999
Sports fanaticism is rampant everywhere, as we see on TV riots at soccer games world wide as well as antics of fans at all the major sporting events in this country. It was very funny to see the diehard Boston Celtics fans, Daniel Stern and Dan Aykroyd, switch seats to bring some luck to the Celtics, get the other fans to leave their seats and stand in the aisle, kick a friend who came late out of the arena because he brought bad luck, etc. I suspect everyone does things like that, perhaps on a smaller scale, while rooting for a favorite team. I remember a ritual I had while rooting for the New York baseball Giants as a kid and I'm convinced I helped them win the 1954 pennant and World series. So the opening basketball sequence had me rolling in the aisles. But once they "accidentally" kidnap the best Utah Jazz player, Damon Wayans, in an effort to help the Celtics win the championship, the comedy loses its steam. It somehow reminded me of the horrendous scandals involving skater Tanya Harding as well as that of Monica Seles who was actually stabbed by a fan wanting her to lose. Nothing was funny in the second half of the film. It took the wrong direction and hit a dead end.
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Wonder how they'd feel about them Lakers
StevePulaski13 August 2011
Celtic Pride is essentially a one note comedy film, yet the pairing of two likable comedy men, an original plot, and some heavy jokes make this film more than average. This is a different kind of sports comedy where the excitement isn't coming from the players, but two rabid fans of the Boston Celtics.

Dan Akroyd and Daniel Stern play Mike and Jimmy, two hardcore fans of the Boston Celtics. The Celts are in the finals with the Utah Jazz and their star player selfish, ballhog Lewis Scott (Wayans). After losing game six, it's on to game seven where either the Celts or the Jazz will become the champions. So Mike and Jimmy go to a nightclub after the game, and get drunk with Scott, before they wake up in Mike's basement with him tied up, and no recollection of the events that took place the night before.

Mike and Jimmy find out from their cop-buddy (Guilfoyle) that kidnapping is kidnapping no matter what time they let the victim go. So they think they should show something for it, and hold Lewis till after game seven so the Celts have a good shot of winning. Their plan goes awry when the cad starts playing mind-games with the two in order to disassemble their longtime friendship.

This is one of the comedies you have to search under the bed for. Even with Akroyd, Stern, and Wayans on the cover this film is usually lost in the dust compared to Akroyd's others like The Great Outdoors and Ghostbusters. This isn't better than those two works of comedic gold, but they do present the same feel-good aspect and have a warm, fuzzy, classic feeling to them.

The pairing of Dan Akroyd and Daniel Stern wasn't unlikely at the time, and they do a good job at being the two buddies. The funniest stuff is from Damon though as he continues to play games with Mike's head saying that "you're his bitch" and consistently taunts him. Thankfully, the movie isn't just made up of these games because if it was, I don't think we could call this a buddy comedy.

Now that it's 2011, I was surprised to see Judd Apatow's name all over this film as producer, story creator, and writer. The current generation knows Apatow for making heartfelt, with an essence of raunch and silly comedy-drama premises. In the nineties, he was more about the laughs than the drama. Celtic Pride can also serve as a time capsule of a different time in a film-maker's life.

Celtic Pride doesn't over-shoot or overstay its welcome. It runs for a comfortable ninety-one minutes, and it goes by quickly. A different side of sports comedies adding flavor and a good amount of heart, Celtic Pride has green and white blood pumping thru its veins.

Starring: Dan Akroyd, Daniel Stern, and Damon Wayans. Directed by: Tom DeCerhio.
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Too American
Theo Robertson13 September 2003
A question for all the Americans out there : Do you know who is world snooker champion ? The answer is Mark Williams . I bet you never knew that

Do you see the point I`m making ? No one in America is interested in snooker and I doubt if few people outside America are all that interested in basketball so what`s the chances of a comedy featuring The Boston Celtics becoming an international blockbuster ? CELTIC PRIDE has limited international appeal

As a Scotsman my interest in basketball matches matches my interest in polo ie zero interest , but that shouldn`t stop me from disliking this movie out of hand . The reason I disliked it was almost entirely down to the performances of Daniel Stern and Dan Akroyd whose idea of comedy acting is to pull funny faces , wave their hands around and talk very loudly and very fast . They`re not funny I`m afraid , and I don`t know if it`s the fault of the script or the director but there`s a somewhat episodic feel in locations. I thought most of the movie was going to take place in a basketball court , but it doesn`t . Then action then moves to a nightclub which led me to believe most of the story was going to take place their , but it doesn`t . The action then moves to a kidnappers house which led me to believe the rest of the story was going to take place there , but it doesn`t which had me noticing that the changes in location had a rather strange feel to them . Maybe it`s just me

Don`t watch this unless you`re interested in basketball in general and The Boston Celtics in particular because you`ll find little to enjoy
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Very Underrated Movie
chlupgfx15 March 2016
Celtic Pride is about two die hard Boston Sports fans who after their beloved Boston Celtics lose game 6 of the NBA Finals, they go and accidentally kidnap the star of the opposing team.

This is a great movie that is very underrated when it comes to the great movies that came in the 1990's, and Daniel Stern and Dan Akyrod are a great duo then most people would think. If you are a Die Hard Sports fan, like myself, you will love this movie, I could relate to the dedication Daniel Stern and Dan Akyrod's character show.

For this movie to get a 5.2 makes me question the reviewers on IMDb, This is a movie that will put a smile on your face, and is very Underrated.
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"I believe that without that nice looking car you have no chance of getting laid, and that's a real tragedy"
JulesWinnfield1523 June 2018
This movie is damn funny. I've seen it plenty of times and always laugh my ass off. Akroyd, one of the greatest comedians in film of the 80's and 90's is fantastic. Stern is good as he usually is. Wayns probably steals most of the scenes he's in and you ended up liking him when you don't want to. And on a final note as a sports fan, I hate the Boston Celtics. But I love this movie.
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I Will Never Get This Time Back
gavin694210 September 2006
Dan Ackroyd and Daniel Stern are two die-hard Celtic fans. When their superstitions begin to fail and the Celtics lose, they devise a plan to kidnap the star player of the Utah Jazz (Damon Wayans). Then it's hi-jinx of an unprecedented proportion. No, that's a lie... it's just another bad film.

Daniel Stern has never been a strong actor. He's still best known as the guy from "Home Alone" (besides Joe Pesci) who gets the tar beat out of him. He will never live that down, especially making disposable films like this.

Dan Ackroyd is hit and miss, making some brilliant films ("Ghostbusters", "Gross Pointe Blank") and some really stupid films ("Coneheads"). This one is a miss. Maybe in Canada this sort of thing passes as comedy, but where I come from this is the equivalent of a producer flushes a few million dollars down a toilet after lighting it on fire.

And Mr. Wayans... with a long track record of making horrible films that are supposed to appeal to the youth market, particularly in the urban sector. You might impress teenage girls with a serious drug habit and failing grades in English, but you're not convincing me. I would be hard pressed to find one Wayns film that I could actually consider pretty decent.

That's all you need to know about this movie: it has these guys. If you agree with my opinion of them, you'll agree the movie is a waste of time. If you think I'm being too harsh, give the movie a chance. But friends shouldn't make friends watch "Celtic Pride". It's so much worse than "Juwanna Mann".
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funny,light,entertaining comedy
jackpurvin12 May 2003
dan aykroyd great as crazed,fanatical celtic fan, teams up with his celtic fan partner daniel stern(of home alone fame). both are crazy,funny, and natural. damon wayans adds to the cast as utah jazz basketball player. street smart comedic wayans(from brooklyn) is just right for the part. deion sanders is great as is very entertaining and was underrated. better than the critics said.
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JUST OKAY - (5 stars out of 10)
Honest-Abe-Reviews22 April 2019
The stage curtains open ...

"Celtic Pride" may appeal to anyone who is passionate about their team. Just how far would you go to help your team win a championship? Well, for these two desperate fans, just about anything! Just like our two main characters, this comedy movie tries too hard to accomplish its goal, and with limited success.

The NBA Finals are in full swing with the Utah Jazz squaring off against the Boston Celtics - but when the Celtics lose Game 6 at home, forcing a deciding Game 7, fans Mike O'Hara (Daniel Stern) and Jimmy Flaherty (Dan Aykroyd), find themselves in a position where they can directly affect the outcome of the game when they decide to kidnap and hold hostage the Jazz's star player, Lewis Scott (Daman Wayans). However, when Scott manages to escape, the two botched kidnappers find themselves cheering on Scott and the Jazz - because if the Celtics win the Finals, they are off to prison.

With the NBA Playoffs happening right now, I decided to revisit this 1996 comedy film and found it to be rather plain and stale. I remember watching it once years ago and enjoying it - but now, over 20 years later, it just doesn't seem to have the same appeal and entertainment value as it did back then. Stern and Aykroyd seem to go all out and have fun with their roles, but Wayans (much like his character) really didn't seem to care and turned in a mail-in performance. The idea of the movie is better than the finished product here - it just doesn't resonate well.

This isn't a bad movie, and for the 90 minutes you invest into watching it, it's okay with some funny moments. But I wouldn't recommend it. Not even to the sports enthusiast, since the film is more about what is going on behind the scenes than the actual game itself. I've seen better, but I've seen worse.
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For Celtic fans + Dan Aykroyd's my favorite comedian
Schaffino215 October 2006
Celtic pride: I think that the tittle means everything about the film. Two Boston Celtic fans doing what ever it takes for their teem to win. Even if it means kidnapping the enemy. This movie is for Celtic fans especially. Lary Bird, Robert Parish, Kevin Mchale, Dennis Johnson, and Danny Ainge the best starting 5 that was ever put together are not it but it's still a good representation of die hard Celtic fans.

Dan Aykroyd is the man possibly the best comedian that ever lived. It goes back to 1975 on Saturday Nigt Live in its early prime years Elwood Blues, Mr. Conehead, Fred Garvmen Male prostitute, and more. on the show e=h e proved he was the funniest man of the 70's, 80's and 90's He also made a good New England sports fans Celtics and Bruins, and with his awesome voices he does an awesome imitation of Marv Albert. This is a movie for a New England comedy fan.
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Ho Hum
willrams17 August 2003
I'm not too great for basketball pictures, but I say it on the tube today, and it looks all right. Two guys, one of them Dan Akroyd and his buddy, kidnap the winner of the team,played by Michael Jordan, but release him, after having second thoughts about what they are doing. Just a boisterous film with plenty of basketball. 5/10
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Worth Watching
pmtelefon27 May 2023
"Celtic Pride" might not be the high water mark for everyone involved but it's still a pretty good movie. I'm not sure if I really laughed that much but I was smiling quite a bit. The three leads, Dan Aykroyd, Daniel Stern and Damon Wayans, are all very likeable. The three of them all do a nice job. The three of them make "Celtic Pride" a very easy watch. The movie tells its story well. There is very little downtime. The locations all look good. There really isn't that much that's bad with this movie. It just doesn't standout that much either. (Now I have to ramble on a few minutes because of IMDB's 600 character minimum. Ok, I'm finished now.)
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Fantastic Movie, Very Underrated
zoki_1919 October 2017
This movie is in my top 10 favorite comedy movies. I am not a Boston Celtics fan, but man, damn this movie made me laugh. The from the mid 90's, the golden era of comedies, and for me this is a must see. Best hostage movie of the 1990's :) I found this to be a hilarious movie and wholly recommend it.
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2,500 reviews I chose to rent this awesome movie
UniqueParticle2 August 2023
I loved watching this when I was younger back then I had no clue Judd Apatow co wrote it before he directed numerous great movies. Shame this has a 5.3 rating I absolutely love Celtic Pride the main cast make it so good! Probably been over a decade since I watched I forgot how much I love the smooth scenes, kinda bizarre the director barely did much. I'll say it's about 2 obsessed Celtic fans that have so much energy, one of them is a sports teacher for a school along with not being good at keeping relationships and the other is a plumber both great actors Daniel Stern and Dan Akryod I love them in most anything especially before they got a lot older. Very enjoyable gem to me!
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What would YOU to ensure your teams' success?
Hey_Sweden19 February 2017
Farcical sports comedy about the outer limits of rabid sports fandom stars Daniel Stern as Mike, a Boston Phys. Ed. teacher fiercely devoted to the Celtics basketball team. As our story begins, the Celtics are facing off against the Utah Jazz for the championship, before Boston Gardens is due to be demolished. One night, Mike and his tagalong pal Jimmy (Dan Aykroyd) encounter Lewis Scott (Damon Wayans), the selfish, egomaniacal star player for the Jazz, in a bar, and the three of them get just drunk enough that Mike and Jimmy are able to successfully kidnap Lewis. They figure they'll hold on to him long enough to ensure that the Celtics win, but naturally things go completely awry.

Written by Judd Apatow, based on a story by him and Colin Quinn, this does take some pretty hard and amusing digs at sports fans. Not that it's an especially witty screenplay, though; it's really the cast, who give it 100%, that make it work as well as it does. Wayans is a hoot as the sports superstar who isn't exactly lacking insight into his schmucky abductors. Stern and Aykroyd are well cast; Stern is a comedic ball of fire as always. Gail O'Grady does alright with a clichéd role as a fed up wife. Paul Guilfoyle is entertaining as a Boston cop. Christopher McDonald has some funny moments (especially "I hate my life.") as the coach of the Jazz. Darrell Hammond has a small role, while various real life basketball celebrities have cameo roles. (The cameo by a certain football star at the end is hilarious.)

Speaking personally, I didn't feel that the pacing was all that bad. At least this watchable if uninspired movie only runs about an hour and a half.

Six out of 10.
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Now This Is A Great Movie
slimm30 August 2002
This has to be in my top 10 favourite movies of all time it is great, The performance laid down by Damon wayans is one of Oscar nomination quality and although it wasn't a very recognised film that doesnt stop it from being an excellent film.
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Amusing and a nice idea – somewhere inside Celtic Pride is a better film trying to get out
bob the moo1 September 2003
It's game 6 of the NBA playoffs with the Celtics 3-2 up against the Utah Jazz and seemingly about to win the title on their home court in Boston. Lifelong fans Mike O'Hara and Jimmy Flaherty may have personal problems but these are put in perspective opposite the dream of catching the title. However Utah's best player, Lewis Scott, is carrying the team and responsible for most of their points. When he destroys the Celtics in game 6, things look bleak. Bumping into him in a bar later that night, Mike and Jimmy plan to get him so drunk he'll still he weak in several days time when game 7 is played. However when they wake up beside him the next morning they kidnap him and plan to hold him until after game 7 has passed. However things are harder than they imagined.

Being a basketball fan I'll give anything that involves the game a try, whether it is more serious films like Blue Chips and He Got Game or comedies like this or Eddie. This film had potential and, opening with a funny sequence where Mike fails to pass on his passion to his students, it looked like it was going to be good. The plot is filled out by poking fun at the excessive sports fans and also taking a more serious look from the point of view of the players themselves (as represented by Scott). However, where things fall down a little is in the delivery.

Marketed as a `wacky' comedy of sorts, the film wants to be that (hence the presence of Aykroyd and Stern) but this means that the more interesting side of the film is ignored and allowed to fall into disrepair (before finally collapsing in the final `7 months later' shot). As a comedy it is entertaining without ever being very funny – I didn't laugh out loud very often but I found it passable and light hearted. It never really gets any better than that sadly, but I felt that this lack of consistent laughs could have been covered if the darker side of the fan/player relationship had been brought out more.

Unfortunately this side slides for the whole of the film until nothing of interest is really left. There are imaginative touches that suggest a better film, but overall the lack of an effective dramatic streak to the film (no matter how secondary it would have been) is a problem. Without it the plot seems trivial and makes it harder to hold the audience's interest. This isn't helped by the fact that the film feels quite cheap and quickly put together. This is shown throughout the film but is clearest in it's portrayal of the basketball action. I wasn't expecting them to have the feel of a big stadium or have total realism, but the games are such a joke (in terms the play) that it made me realise how little effort was put into some aspects of the film.

The cast is OK but the names suggest that a more `zany' comedy was expected to be the outcome of this film. Aykroyd plays a lesser role but has some good dream sequences, Stern is left to lead the film and he appears to lack the confidence to do it well. Wayans is the real star here which is a worrying thing. His character is the strongest and also has the most to say as he is not just a comedy figure in the way the other two are. He leads well and is actually OK but his basketball scenes are poor. For He Got Game, Ray Allen coached Washington so he'd look the part, it appears no-one saw the need for that approach here.

Overall this is a wacky comedy with few laughs. Because it seems to favour the `zany' knockabout side of it's nature, it neglects the darker more interesting side and suffers as a result. This film never made it to the cinema in the UK and barely made an impact on video – there are reasons for this.
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Wait... This was a flop?
itsabacus200927 September 2022
This movie is so underrated that it should be a crime! I'm not a sports fan(or a sports movie fan, really) but this was still a great movie! Stern and Dan at their best! Seriously, why so many negative reviews? Did they even watch this movie? Or are they just not Celtic fans? Well I'm no Celtic fan, but I still like this movie! It's an awesome movie. It has drama. It has action. It has basketball. It's funny and a delightful to see. So why so much hate? Why was this a flop? Is this why Daniel hasn't been in a major leading role for years? Because of this movie? He's one of the greatest actors of all time! Seriously, if you haven't seen this movie, please watch it! What do you have to lose?
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