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It all happened these last 10 years.
mad_men24 June 2007
If you are not a Spice Girls fan or if you expect something serious you are not gonna like this movie for ovbious reasons. People just want to slag them off cos they were huge and they made mistakes but don't care for what they represented, marketed or not.

But if you are a Spice Girls fan or like them you must have noticed that a lot of the things from this movie have become true, therefore it is really funny to watch it now a days... and find this hidden things.

Also if you've followed their solo carrers you must know that, they respected everything they used to stand for. This movie is full of good messages presented in a way for the young fan base that they had back then, people that now have grown up believing in good values that should come back.

Are they gonna make it in time for their performance?? We'll find out soon. ;)
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Completely unremarkable in every way, shape and form...
Howlin Wolf10 October 2001
... but that statement alone immediately makes it superior to any number of "Wannabe" (Arggghhhh!) Oscar-winners that are actually pretentious cr*p. I know it's a cliche, but this film has a clear idea of its place in the scheme of things, and it knows it's not got a shot of toppling "Citizen Kane" from the public's affections, so it just sets out to have fun. Whether the audience will be doing the same is a different matter entirely. If you can stomach random sequences strung together with barely an excuse for a plot, and countless jokes that can most kindly be described as of the 'hit & miss' variety, you should be alright. Hey, if you watch this movie of your own volition and STILL feel you are justified in complaining that it's awful, you deserve everything you get. Myself, I think it's churlish to overly criticise such a harmless piece of fluff that is obviously desperate to be liked. So I won't. It's about as good as could have been reasonably expected. (There I go, damning it with faint praise!)

Incidentally, of the girls, only Victoria shows the ability to at least deliver a line adequately. Having said that, don't expect her to be appearing in a Scorsese movie anytime soon (There I go again... !)

We'll just ignore the fact that numerous actors belittle their art in various cameo appearances. (Grant, Hoskins & Cumming, I'm looking at you!) Notice I didn't include Roger Moore in that group. I didn't think it appropriate. After all, this is just his level.
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Worst movie of all time
rekley16 May 2002
A couple of friends and I rented this movie because we had nothing to do. After the first five minutes we just had to turn it off. Not even a five year old girl would like this movie. I dont know what they where thinking when making this movie
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In a league of its own
TheEoghShowOld30 October 2019
I'm not even kidding, just think of any adjective and it probably accurately describes some aspect of this movie. That's about the only input I can possibly give, because describing it in any other way would portray it as "good", or "bad", or "somewhere in the middle", when really it isn't on that spectrum at all; it just is what it is, and that's that.
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Only movie I've ever walked out on
mm6416 December 2002
I went to see this film with several friends in the winter of 97. My only comment is that this movie is the only film I have ever walked out on. It is, without a doubt, the most waste-of-time move I have ever seen! This, coming from a person who generally likes tacky "B" movies.
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cossallpsycho23 January 2002
Oh, what has the world come to. I'm worried for the sanity of everyone who has watched this and even more worried for those who haven't seen it and are going to...For the sake of mankind don't do it. This is quite simply a terrible movie. It's not funny in the slightest, after approximately 20 seconds the girls become unbearable and make me want to break something. I know that this movie is not really about the acting but trying would have helped. Admittedly I am not exactly the biggest Spice Girls fan but I am extremely open minded but it doesn't matter how open minded you are, it is close to impossible to enjoy this big, ugly, embarrasing piece of film. I hope to God that they don't do a sequel.
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Had to see it for Richard O'Brien and Meat Loaf, felt sorry for them.
sgtdraino12 February 2005
Had always heard this movie was NOT good, and was never a fan of the Spice Girls, so until now had avoided this one like the plague. But my buddy insisted that it is one of those movies you can enjoy BECAUSE it's bad, a la MST3K.

And then I heard that this movie had both Richard O'Brien and Meat Loaf in it, two stars from Rocky Horror Picture Show. I was interested to see those two actors together in a movie again, so I decided to give Spice World a try.

I do not exaggerate when I say Spice World was one of the most horrifying and painful viewing experiences I have ever witnessed, and that's even accounting for the fact that I was able to (thank you Lord) skip through the millions of vacuous musical numbers using my tivo.

I don't think there was a single good performance in this movie, not even by the real actors in it. Meat Loaf and Richard O'Brien are, of course, wasted. Few speaking lines, no musical contributions, really just cameos.

For those who like bad movies (i.e. enjoy making fun of them MST3K style), this is still NOT a good movie for you. I think that's because the movie is already supposed to be a comedy. For some reason, it's difficult to crack funny jokes at a bad comedy. Maybe that's why MST3K never used comedies in their show. The bad humor cancels out your good humor, somehow.

Anyway, a movie to avoid at all costs. Zero stars.
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''spice girls forever!'' well at least until weve made enough money!
liam-tully12 April 2005
Well i cant blame them.They made pop ''careers'' without beein able to sing,so i suppose it was only natural for these squawking unintentional anti feminists to assume they could make a movie without beein able to act!Bad script,worse songs and terrible acting aside,this film SUCKS on one major factor-the ridiculous ''we're all pals''image thrown in our faces by all of the girls.This movie is even worse in hindsight because now its more obvious than then that all of this was fake,the girls were a manufactured band and some of them actually hated each other.Although its not possible to score this film zero anyway,i would still score it one point for one thing,at least appearing in this crap and exposing a SEVERE lack of talent,has meant that there is no risk of Victoria Beckham being offered a movie role.Be thankful for small graces!
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Every bit as good as their music . . . unfortunately.
adam b1 February 1999
I was actually pretty apathetic of the Spice Girls until I saw this movie, but this is too much. This is the first English-speaking movie I've seen that requires English subtitles so you can figure out what the little darlings are saying. Fortunately, there's no plot, so you just treat it like a 90 minute long music video. For an added challenge, see if you can resist the urge to keep from clawing your own eyes out of their sockets while protecting your ears from bleeding while the gals sing and prance their way into your spleen. A spice world is a cruel world, indeed.
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have you never been afraid?
SteveNo963 April 2001
I actually was forced to watch this by my cousins at the time. This movie made me want to gag but at the same time, these kids who were 9 to 11 years old enjoyed it immensely. Now they've all moved onto bigger and better bands and I still have bad memories that will probably stay around forever.
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Great girls, worthless movie
matrix2922 July 2000
The Spice Girls deserved the brutal fall from grace for this cinematic blunder. Although the girls are talented and have full personalities they are buried under tons of lousy plot twists. It starts great and then comes the moronic "drama" moments with Roger Moore (what a waste of a greatly talented actor) then the other "drama" with Bob Hoskins & Mark McKinney which serves only to irritate and detract. Every "drama" scene drains the movie of any fun shown before. Half way into the film it becomes really bad. Frankly I felt the director said, "We got their money, who cares what they see next?" Then the film becomes a cheap montage of lousy sets and action. What is truly sad is that the Spice Girls do have talent and actually interesting personalities. They deserved a good movie to showcase their skills. And this movie dragged them off the stage. I was a fan and I felt exploited and insulted by this worthless film. I hate the Spice Girls because of this film. It bluntly stated, "We feel our fans are idiots. They'll gladly buy any cheap item we drop in their laps." This movie has made me disgusted with the Spice Girls. They obviously care as little for their fans as they did with their careers. The only movie that I ever walked out on (and I've seen some unbearable stinkers in my time).
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Is it REALLY a 10/10
briparker8 July 2022
Is it REALLY a 10/10 But for pure nostalgia, goofy fun, and to counteract the grouches who hate fun, I'm giving it a 10. Girl power, b*****s.
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passthepopcorn621 December 2004
When I was seven and this movie came out, it was the biggest thing around. Everyone wanted to be the Spice Girls. After they split up and weren't cool anymore, everyone forgot about the movie. But ho, ho, what's this? Years later, here I am cleaning out my old Disney and Barney videos and stumble across my old friend that I used to watch everyday. Even at my old age of fifteen, never failed to crack me up.

Obviously, this isn't meant to be a contender for Oscars. Anyone can see that. But I can't find much to hate about a movie that's practically the visual to go along with the song "Girls just wanna have fun." That's all it is, fun. And a lot of good fun at that. It's just a guilty pleasure, and it's so much fun to watch it with old friends singing into hair brushes and wearing feather boas. You just need to keep in mind that it was publicity for their new record and it's not meant to be one of those heavy movies you over-analyze. Recommendation: This movie is much funner when you watch it jumping up and down on a couch like a seven year old.
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Well, at least I didn't go blind.
sapienza11 January 1999
I went to see Spice World on opening night with some friends (no, I am *not* a 12-year old Girl -- I'm a 21-year old College Student), fully expecting to see a 2-hour long commercial for the Spice Girls. The only other people in the theater with us were some teeny-boppers dressed up like the Spice Girls and some gangsta wannabes, who were probably hoping that there might be a flash of nudity. By the end of the movie, the wannabes had thrown all their drink ice at the movie screen and were booing it out loud. This is one reason not to watch this movie, even on video at home. There is a chance the ice you throw at the tv screen may somehow harm it, and your booing will wake the neighbors.

The teeny-boppers were not impressed with everyone else's responses to the film (violent vomiting, painful spasms), but I'm sure they've seen it another 40 times on video, alternating it with viewings of Titanic.

In short, this is a bad movie. A very, very, very bad movie. If you have read Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", then think of it this way: it is only slightly better than a Vogon poetry reading.

I wouldn't advise you to see it, but if you do, look out for:

1. The suits the tv guy wears. He's a pretty spiffy dresser.

2. The bus-jumping scene. This was just kitschy enough to *actually* be funny.

3. Roger Moore. Pity him. He was once a Bond.
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Entertaining silly fun
vchimpanzee2 May 2006
I've liked the Spice Girls for years, but I'm not sure why. Ordinarily, I don't care for their brand of dance-pop fluff, but somehow they make it sound good. Regardless of what anyone says, they are talented singers and dancers, and they show that numerous times. They're also pretty and most of them wear outfits that show a lot. And while they're not accomplished actresses, they are simply adorable.

I don't think anyone intended this movie to be taken seriously. It's just good clean (well, slightly naughty) fun. Roger Moore comes the closest to giving a good performance, in a role that appears to be spoofing Bond villains. Just in case we don't get the joke, he pets a long-haired cat.

One of the funniest scenes has the girls complaining about people thinking they fit the stereotypical image people have of them. Of course, Emma says this while on a swing in a three-year-old's fantasy world.

The girls actually show they have intelligence. Or do they? I thought Melanie B was the one with brains. She's no better off than the others!

Another humorous incident: Victoria can't make up her mind whether to wear the short black Gucci dress or the short black Gucci dress. Emma suggests she wear the short black Gucci dress. Problem solved!

Of course, the girls are being harassed by the tabloids, whose top personnel are shown being evil.

And then there are the guys pitching their idea for a Spice Girls movie. Some of what we see is supposedly their imagination. Including a Dukes of Hazzard style incident with a bus, which was done so cheaply it's obviously not real.

In the closing credits, the girls are actually more talented delivering dialogue because they are being themselves, not merely playing exaggerated versions of themselves. I've never seen communication with the movie audience quite like this!

It's not for people looking for Shakespeare. But if you want to laugh and hear music that is bubbly and upbeat, this is pretty good.
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bek-128 December 1998
My God, this is a Truly Horrid Movie. All this movie has going for it is some good looking girls (and the music, if you like their music, which I don't). The acting is horrible, the plot is infantile (at best), and the dialog is stupid. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

An interesting side-note... almost everyone either voted 1 or 10. I suspect the people that voted 10 will mature in a few years and block out this embarrassing portion of their childhood.
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claudja77731 December 2004
Without a plot. Without any idea of cinema or common sense. Impossible to watch without feeling embarrassed for them.Can Roger Moore deal with the fact he was in it? It's not even enough funny- or better, is not funny at all- to become a "cult".It's just filthy garbage who can be justified just with the fact that some actors in the cast -and the "director" too- probably needed to pay the rent. a LOT . And the girls? "like to shot on the red cross".Left me so speechless I can't even fill the ten lines ,maybe I should just report the reactions of the public-age average:15 years- who started to shout and to destroy the sits of the theater like not even on that scene of "Ed Wood",which movies were,compared to this- pretty good .
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make the pain stop!
Brade25 January 1999
Could it be the worst film ever? Possibly.

Could it be used to extract information from even the most dangerous of spies? Definitely.

Sheer torture does not even begin to explain this film. Obviously you should like the Spice Girls if you hope to enjoy this movie, but how can any sane person appreciate such a contrived group of utter fakes? Those who are manipulated by our society's every whim, that's who...
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Even the popcorn sucked!
marctillerman16 January 2000
Bad, horrible, awful, waste of time, useless, and brain-numbing. Even theses words do not accurately describe this modern day masterpiece. If you are thinking about seeing this movie, then do it!! The taste that it will leave in your mouth will be enough to remind you to NEVER see one of these teeny bop movies again. If you are as stupid as I to be hooked into a FREE showing of this movie, I would ask for a refund!
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Can you say ego trip?
Gosunkugi9 February 2003
I have no idea what the point of this movie was, but something tells me it was just one big ego trip (Or ego TRIPE?) for the Spice Girls. They made a movie that made no sense, was just one stupid joke after the other, and... well, it sucked. That's all you can say about this trash.
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being stabbed is much more enjoyable!!!
movieboy-69 January 1999
I can't believe I actually confess to seeing "Spiceworld"! I was once a fan of the girls, sadly to say. Then came this wretched and loathesome piece of s**t. It had no plot and was nothing but a publicity stunt for the Spice Girls. It wasn't even a good publicity stunt; they could've guest starred on Lamb Chop and had a better outcome. The thought that I actually paid $4.00 to see this undescribable crapfest makes me want to sit down and weep! If you are masochistic and enjoy inflicting pain upon yourself, go see "Spice World"; trust me, it hurts. Worst movie ever made. F- (if there were anything lower, this movie would get it)
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Vanity, thy name is Spice....
planktonrules8 May 2009
I'm not even sure if you can call SPICE WORLD a movie, per se. That's because instead of having actors and a plot, the film plays like a giant advertisement for this prefabricated "super group". In other words, the cynical folks who brought us this "film" were basically trying to squeeze every last drop from the franchise and sell more records. Fortunately for the world, the group was already on their way out and the film made much more of a fizzle than a sizzle at the box office (thank God).

As with other vanity products, the actors really cannot act and have the charisma of cheese. While I know this may sound like sacrilege to some, this is a lot like Paul McCartney's vanity opus, GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADSTREET. Like this other film, lots of glitzy locales, special guest stars and noise were all used to try to hide the fact that the singers were not all that talented as actresses. Had all the glitz been removed, you would have been left with...well...nothing. So, instead there are a billion costume changes, crazy sets and pointless cameos--all to hide the utter vapid nature of the film.

Overall, a total waste of time for anyone but a Spice Girl zombie-fan. I saw it because I am a masochist--otherwise, don't bother.
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Have Fun with it
elfgirl_amek18 June 2007
It was made to be silly. There's nothing in this movie that's meant to offend anyone. It's a silly, fun-loving, harmless movie. I enjoyed it when I was 8 and I still do now at 18. Anyone who takes this movie seriously, needs to relax, have fun, enjoy the goofiness. This movie is one you can enjoy with your friends, family and young children DON'T have to be sent out of the room for inappropriate action.

It's silly, remember that. It's supposed to make you laugh!

All the girls are young, and the band still together. A few years later, everything fell apart for them. Enjoy the youth and laughter while you can.
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Made me wanna zigga zig, ah!
Smells_Like_Cheese11 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
To be a teenage girl when the Spice Girls were around, there was no better time to be 12. I admit it, I was such a fan of the girl power group. How could you not be? Admit it, you say you hated them, but secretly you had a poster of Ginger Spice in your closet. They were cute, they were fun, they were talented and before you knew it they were gone. But for 2 years, it was nothing but girl power! So out of the height of their fame we naturally had to see if the Spice Girls were good for something else and that meant a movie! The Spice Girls made a movie, to show how crazy their lives were at the time and let them just have fun with it and they did spice up our lives real good.

The Spice Girls are enjoying their fame, but they become dissatisfied with the burdens of it. A sinister newspaper owner, Kevin McMaxford, is trying to ruin the girls' reputation in order to cash in on the headlines, and even dispatches a photographer to take pictures and tape recordings of the girls. Annoying film director, Piers Cuthbertson-Smyth, who stalks the band along with his crew, hoping to use them as documentary subjects; at the same time, the girls' manager, Clifford, is fending off two overeager Hollywood writers, Martin Barnfield and Graydon, who relentlessly pitch absurd plot ideas for the girls' film. Amid this, the girls must prepare for a concert at the Albert Hall, their biggest performance yet. But between all this craziness, would they even want to continue to sing at the price of their friendships? You'll have to see, but I'm sure you could figure it out.

I think a lot of people are a little too harsh on this film, the girls gave it a genuine try. You can tell they just had fun and wanted to do this for the fans. I think there were actually some really funny parts, like when they went through the spice boot camp. The whole last scene where they are going through their action scene in London, it's so random and just a good time. See, what I liked about this film was it's harmless nature. It was made for the fans specifically because we loved them so much. I admit that I'll watch it every once in a while still just to go back down memory lane and it still brings a smile on my face. The songs are so darn catchy, I can't help it. There are some very fun cameos that get a good giggle. The story is very predictable and the movie is over the top silly, but that is what makes it fun. I'm here to defend the film, I think people over analyze things way too much. Sometimes, you can't explain it, but you just want to let go of the real world and spice up your life a little bit. The Spice Girls may never win an Oscar, but they won the world's hearts for 2 short years, the girl power may have fizzled a little, but I'll take a trip down memory lane any time for Spice World.

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Oh dear lord...
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews25 September 2004
Let's just be brutally honest here; this is a Spice Girls vehicle. No doubt about it. From the biggest hater of the film to the biggest fan of the girls, everyone might as well admit from the very beginning: this film was primarily (and, in the opinion of many, purely) made to promote the Spice Girls as well as their then-new album. The moment you realize/accept that fact is the moment that this film gets easier to sit through. However, it still is very, very hard to sit through, and the majority of the people I know wouldn't be able to sit through the entirety of this mess of a film, not even to satisfy the most basic human instincts of curiosity by finding out what happens in the end. The film pretty much plays like a 90-minute promotional video, or a compilation of music videos with pointless plot in-between each performance to keep the music from getting to be too much. Newsflash: the people who would willingly watch this would most likely be just as happy with a 90-minute compilation of music videos or live performances; they don't care about the film itself. I'm not saying that every single Spice Girls fan hated, or even disliked the film itself(I'm not even claiming that one single fan didn't enjoy seeing the girls being "themselves"); what I am saying is that they wouldn't have cared if this feature was a 90-minute long music video, instead of the barely coherent mess that the movie is. But, back to the point I was trying to make; the film is a Spice Girls movie. Not a comedy, or a music movie, but a Spice Girls movie. Made entirely for the fans. This, of course, means that the movie is exclusively enjoyable for the fans... and now that the girl-band is no longer a hot subject, and it's no longer "in" to like them, their fan-base has been reduced to a minimum. Therefore, now, only seven years after the film was made(or a few years ago, for that matter; ever since they stopped being popular) the film will only appeal to those who are still fans. As you have probably figured out by everything I've written up to this point, I am not, nor have I ever been a fan of the girls. They are charming, sure, their songs are catchy(admit it, even you've hummed along one or two of their singles when it came on the radio), and they are, undeniably, quite attractive, but that's all there is to it... and that's certainly not enough to carry a feature film, once they're no longer famous. Of course, the director probably didn't think about that, and merely made the film to capitalize on their popularity. Oh well. The film now belongs in the same category as one of those films made about some famous guy/girl/group of people that people no longer care about... probably all inspired by The Beatles(unless someone came before them... I'm not sure if they were the first bands to do feature films). The thing is, The Beatles not only were popular back when they made their films, some 30-40 years ago; they still are popular. The Spice Girls aren't. They were merely the newest of the popular teen-bands... and they didn't last much longer than most others. Now, that's enough for the analyzing, on to the review. The plot is barely coherent and poorly paced, constantly throwing new characters into the story, that appear for a few minutes only to disappear again, as well as introducing subplots that are never used to full advantage. The acting is atrocious. The characters are tired stereotypes. The cinematography is forgettable and unimaginative. The humor is British humor at its worst(I think, at least; I haven't seen enough British comedies to determine if there is a lower level than this). All in all, the film have little to offer(apart from one or two clever references and some good self-parodying in one or two places) to anyone but Spice Girls fans. I recommend this exclusively to Spice Girls fans. It's to painful to sit through for virtually anyone else, even if it's just to laugh at the pure stupidity of it. Everyone but Spice Girls fans: Avoid at all costs. 1/10
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