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Witchblade (TV Series 2001–2002) Poster


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Not great but there is a lot to appreciate
MartianMilfhunter21 September 2020
Let's be real; this show is nothing spectacular. BUT there is a lot to appreciate in this series. The environments, sets and overall aestehtics of the show looks great. It really captures that dark early 00's vibe. Nancy Butler does a good job portraying her character and makes her very empathetic. The early episodes are really strong imo, it's just too bad that it doesn't keep up that momentum.
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Could have been great!
brentstansfield20 April 2019
I finally watched this series from the beginning to the end just this year. I really enjoyed the first season and immediately started watching the second, that's were they lost me.

I think I know what they were trying to do, unfortunately you can't hold the viewers by basically doing the entire first season over while only basically rehashing the original with minor flashbacks to the first season. Maybe the entire backstory could have been accomplished with a six hour long movie. If they had made it to season 3, I think the ratings would have been better, if the watchers could get past the letdown of season 2.

I think a redo, with some better writers could be a great success with all of the interest of the "Superhero's" shows today. And it's been long enough that most that watched the original series have probably forgotten the show. Not to mention all of the kids that were to young to watch the first time around.

I know this will never happen (bummer) so here is hoe I rated it: Season one I give a 8.5. It held the audience, was suspenseful when it needed to be, and while it left me with questions, I though they would be answered in season 2. Didn't happen, they basically just showed rehashed the first season. With a few changes.

Watch the first season, if you don't believe me, watch season 2 and I believe you will agree with me. BTW, my only reason for writing this review so long after it's demise is the hope they might do a remake. It won't happen I'm sure, but it can't hurt to try.
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Regarding Yancy Butler's career...
reignfyre23 February 2008
Just to clarify for the couple of individuals who felt compelled to point out what an awful series Witchblade turned out to be (relative to the comic's success) and what a disappointment it was for Yancy Butler, some clarification is in order: While the production team was doing this show no favors whatsoever, and I'm inclined to agree that a complete overhaul of the scripting was in order, the show's troubles started from day one with Butler's advanced alcoholism. In fact, the show's cancellation had more to do with the difficulties attending work with her than it did with the troubled reception of the show itself.

And certainly the sag in her career that followed had much more to do with a well-deserved repute over her conduct than it did the show.

Make no mistake: this show was horrid. But Yancy Butler is no victim.
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I Don't Know What You Guys are Talking About
I liked Witchblade as a TV series and I was disappointed when it was canceled. If this were released on DVD, I'd gladly shell out a few bucks to acquire it for my collection. There are far too few strong female characters on TV. Plus, Yancy Butler was freaking hot.

Now I do know that it departed from the story line from the comics but I also understand that sometimes that's necessary to make the show accessible to non-comicbook nerds. It was a little frustrating how they reset the entire story line after the end of season 1 but I've been asked to believe far more ridiculous plot points on other more well respected shows.
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More women should be portrayed in action roles.
level3op15 July 2001
When La Femme Nikita was cancelled on USA, I was very upset because I enjoy seeing females in action roles. My husband told me he had seen previews of a show called Witchblade that he thought I might enjoy. I watched the movie and now I'm hooked. This show has definitely proven to be as good as Nikita, and now I don't miss her anymore. Yancy Butler does a wonderful job portraying Sara. I was disappointed to see that there are only 11 episodes in the making. Hopefully the ratings will be so high that more will follow. Thank you for giving me something to enjoy watching.
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First season was great, second season, not so much
teggeroo17 August 2022
I watched both when it originally aired (well, a few episodes of season 2). I just bought season 1 on Apple TV, so I decided to write this review. I don't know why they chose to reboot season 1 for season 2 but the quality is really bad.
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Difficulties of Crossing Genres and Uncommon Cultural References
khadimir30 June 2006
Perhaps one would appreciate the series more if one was familiar with the mythological history that invigorates its story. I enjoyed the series tremendously for this reason, and because it presented a vital alternative to the usual fare. A different story with all the same tropes of the genre would have been unexciting. Also, the series tries to cross two genres (fantasy and cop dramas) that probably don't cross well in the American cultural consciousness. The people that enjoy high fantasy and ancient mythology (to put these two together) likely aren't the same people who enjoy gritty cop dramas. That is, the audience is not sufficiently large to justify the show's continued existence.

Likewise, though for different reasons, I attribute the demise of Farscape. It was innovative in ways that a large audience did not sufficiently appreciate, though I would have thought that its audience was sufficiently large for continued production. Again, the danger of breaking conformance to cultural consciousness.
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Witchblade had it all.
tookatyhoo2 May 2006
Witchblade was like a comet, briefly appearing in the sky and then gone before you knew it. The show was stellar. The writing, acting and production values were way off the curve for a television series. The complex relationships between the characters were fascinating and raised issues beyond the stories and the story arc itself was compelling. The climax of the first season was one of the most audacious moves I have seen in a story and I couldn't wait to see how they would play out the rewritten stories and then bam(!) the powers that be started messing with the show and then canceled it without resolving any of the questions. For something of that quality, critical acclaim and following to be canceled like that and then not be issued in DVD is mind boggling. I have not watched the network the show was on since then and still miss the series.
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Thank you Witchblade
akeleven11 May 2006
How often can you say a TV series changed your life?

Witchblade, the wonderful cast, writers, crew came together to forge an unforgettable event. A TV series with soul. And for at least one season it was free of management interference. The second season was a valiant effort in face of great odds. But all good things must be crushed by the relentless interference of American managers. When something is perfect they can't let it be.

Thank you to Yancy Butler for her wonderful portrayal of a real heroine. Thank you to the photographic skills of the crew and thank you to the people who choose the unforgettable music.

And thank you to Warner Bros. for setting me free. Forcing me to give up on American TV and look for entertainment someplace else. From the TV series I looked to the comic book, and while I was in the comic store I discovered manga and eventually anime. Now, coming full circle the Japanese are airing an anime version of Witchblade. Sweet revenge. I don't need you anymore Warner Bros.

Isn't it about time WB released Witchblade to DVD? They have made money around the world even after destroying it. Let new American viewers rediscover it.
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Witchblade 2001, Season 1 and Season 2
dieselbear30 April 2006
Witchblade 2001, Season 1 and Season 2: One of the most intelligent and intriguing TV series I had the pleasure of viewing in years.

The acting was fantastic. The Actors: Eric Etebari, Anthony Cistaro, Yancy Butler, Will Lee, Lazar, David Chokochi and John Hensley were a pleasure to watch. Professional and believable in their roles.

It was a unique, well written, intelligent, and suspenseful and it was a completely different type of cop show rather than the same old tired cookie cutter shows still on the air.

The music was well thought out and exciting. Overall the entire show from the writers to the filming and directing, to the unique style of all of the actor's was fantastic. No episode was dull or boring and the actors brought their characters to life.

Why it was canceled is a mystery.

Why it hasn't been made into a TV series DVD set for purchase yet is also a mystery.
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Been a Witchblade fan for years and TV series Awesome
luvuian200125 February 2006
The actors and actresses were fantastic. Hemmecker and Oakie wrote some fascinating episodes... Comic book lover since the series and can't wait for the Movies!!!

Sara Pezzini wields the Witchblade and is the balancer just like the picture of Justice with her scales. The series symbolism was ahead of its time. It does have a matrix kinda feel...but more realistic.

Some of my favorite episodes dealt with Ian Nottingham and his dilemma. Love and protect Sara or break his loyalty to his master Kenneth Irons

Kenneth Irons the intriguing puppet master who also loves Sara but he loves the Witchblade more...

The series was ahead of its time...
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Excellent escapist fantasy rooted in contemporary reality
bob-35016 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the series when it initially aired on TNT, and I found it fresh, exciting and captivating. The combination of pure escapist fantasy and cop drama worked well in this incarnation. Yes, it was strange, but strange doesn't mean that it wasn't entertaining. By juxtaposition of an ages-old metaphysical history against Sara Pezzini's attempts to cope with that in the framework of her contemporary physical world, it created a whole new universe for the writers to dabble in. I believe that people who enjoyed "Sliders" "Farscape" and "Quantum Leap" would have enjoyed this show, as well.

All good drama contains conflict, and in this case the conflict was manifest in Sara's efforts to reconcile the mundane and the metaphysical. At first a hard-bitten cynic, we see Sara slowly and begrudgingly grow spiritually and emotionally as she begins to accept and embrace her destiny as the current bearer of the Witchblade.

I was introduced first to the TV series, and then I want back to check out the comic: yet I found the series more accessible. At points during the series you were left wondering along with Sara if she was hallucinating or having visions of events that actually happened--which helped build tension in the storyline.

I also didn't object to the ending of the third X-Men movie, even though it strayed from the comic-book lexicon. The important thing is that within the context of that story, it made sense, and helped move the plot forward effectively. It makes no sense to attempt to bring comic-book characters to the big screen, if all you're going to do is regurgitate the comic-book legend exactly as it appeared in print. An effective re-imagining actually takes old characters and makes them fresh and relevant again, as in the re-imagining of the Superboy legend in the Smallville TV series. I've read the Superman and Superboy comics growing up, which were mostly kind of corny. Smallville has taken the development of young Kal-el and made him contemporary and interesting again.

If a film or TV adaptation of a story originally told in graphic novel or comic book format stays true to the spirit and intent of the character, and changes are made to improve the dramatic flow in that direction, then those changes should be embraced as a welcome improvement, and not dismissed offhandedly from the dogmatic perspective of it straying from the comic, or being too different.
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My Hopes For This Show Are Fading Fast
dwfreeman14 June 2001
The movie that premiered last year for this show was decent enough. I did not expect it to live up to stature of the comic book, but it did live up to my expectations.

However, the first episode of the series did not keep my attention. I found myself channel surfing off and on throughout the show. My expectation for the show was that it would start to develop the characters and start giving more clues as to what the Witchblade can do and its purpose.

The show also employs some of the freeze frame techniques popularized in "The Matrix". But, where the that movie creates fluid action with this technique, Witchblade seemed to use it heavy-handedly making the action scene boring and idiotic. Besides that it also used the same scene in the movie, where Sara phases in and out of the suit of armor. If I wanted to watch the same action sequences reused I could have just as well rented a "Sailor Moon" video.

In the end, if this is all the Witchblade can do then this show is not going to last past its first multi-episode commitment with TNT. Until then I can only hope it gets better than what I saw in the first episode.
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It's Witchblade re-imagined
ingra8816 January 2019
This is a great series, that requires you to sit down and take note of what's going on. Based on the TopCow/Image comic book, if you've read it don't expect the TV series to mirror the effects of the Michael Turner artwork. TNT just gave the series a small budget which is why it's effects are low quality but makes up for in the great story lines. The Gauntlet Yancy Butler wears looks more like it's just been pulled off a suit of armour than a symbiotic organic alien like glove. If anybody remembers the bloody horrific end scene of "Silent Hill" that's how and what the Witchblade effect should be like, organic twisting and evil looking! The Characters are great and some of the episodes I have noticed are loosely based on the comic book it derived from.
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I disagree with the hours wasted comment
Gioie31 October 2006
I had the good fortune of watching the whole season in one day on TNT while at a friend's house. I lucked out and got to do this with both seasons.

It was just like having the DVD's only I had to suffer through commercials. The story flowed well and the plot lines were excellent.

The spinning back of time was Very Convenient, but showed that aspect of the Blade in the telling. Interestingly, I have missed only two episodes in both seasons, both dealing with Concubar. I wish the season had been able to run longer so there could be some completion of that thread. It would have been interesting to see who the next threat to the universe would be once Mr. Nasty in such a great way was taken care of in the second season. The DVD's can be had for about $150 for both seasons at It is interesting that they quote the normal price at $100, but they are charging $119.99 and $20 s/h. The only way to get them on Ebay is to bid on pirated copies from England. Excellent show. I wish they could bring it back. - Gioie
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New Lifee
mblanks-9524416 February 2022
I really like this series and its a shame that it was only two seasons. I think that since so much time has pased, that it should be given a New Life for a new generation with more than just two seasons.
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mkingma-25 July 2002
I have seen many comic-adaptations, but never have I seen taken such liberties with the original concept. It was as if I saw a totally new show, with character-names from a comic. I have nothing against Yancy Butler as such, but as the comic-Sarah Pezzini she was totally miscast. She doesn't come near looking like the paper-Sarah. And what was it with Danny Woo appearing as a ghost? Who came up with that? It was like the writers thought they could do a beter job, than the comic-writers.
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Witchblade on TV: Extreme Creative and fun
starvision2 August 2006
If you have seen the 2001 and 2002 TV-series Witchblade, you got a whole new idea about a comic adaption. Yes, it is less about sexy suit but no it is not a lousy show. If you have the change to watch it, forget about the comics and just enjoy. IF you have seen it and felt disappointed... Look again!!! Because you didn't see and feel the excitement, fun and creativity which were inside! You didn't see the charm, felt the mystic energy and heard the wonderful music. I really pray that the two seasons will be on DVD soon! Please! Please! I really pray that there will be a third season. And yes, give me a big movie with a budget of Spiderman and the director from the first two X-men. Trust me... Witchblade will be the talk of the town. Mothers, keep your sons away, because fury got a new alliance.
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TNT Original Series Combines Cop Drama w/ The Supernatural
ecummins8626 June 2001
I have to be perfectly honest. I'm not into the new reality shows that are popping up everywhere now like Fear Factor, Boot Camp, The Weakest Link, Temptation Island, and Big Brother. I'm more of a Cop Drama TV show person. So when TNT premiered their new show "Witchblade", mere words couldn't describe how happy I became. The series, which combines that of the cop drama element with the supernatural, is centered around Sara Pezzini a New York Homicide Detective who has a chance encounter with an armored gauntlet known as "The Witchblade" while in a museum fighting a henchman of a very clever criminal mastermind who killed her father and sister awhile back. Her ultimate goal was to avenge both of those deaths by bringing down this criminal mastermind; however, before she could achieve that her partner was killed by the very same person, this time right in front of her as she watched her friend and partner lying in pain on the floor of the Rialto Theatre. She ends up getting her revenge by using the "Witchblade as a threat to him if he should ever step out of line again. Ultimately though, he ends up committing suicide out of fear of Sara and her new supernatural powered weapon.

Now armed with the "Witchblade", which grants her the ability to deflect bullets, to use it as a sword, and strike fear in her enemies by transforming into a fully armored knight, Sara is "reborn" to find out what her true destiny is and has become a new kind of law enforcement and justice to the city of New York.

Again what I love about this new original series is that it combines the cop drama with a supernatural element. Sara Pezzini is no ordinary women or Homicide Detective. She is tough, yet still somewhat a vulnerable person, although she would never openly admit it to anyone except those close to her. She is also very aggressive and bold, letting bad guys know that when she wants answers she means business.

I love the fighting sequences with the weapon when she uses it and when she and another person are combating or chasing one another from on their separate motorcycles. By using the techniques used for digital and visual effects used in The Matrix, Witchblade has been given an added edge to it's gritty and powerful plot and compelling characters.
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Witchblade the Series
ianrashidone18 July 2006
I have to be perfectly honest, I'm not into the new reality shows that are popping up everywhere. And do not like shows in which the main character has some type of strange quirk. I love watching Witchblade it is wonderfully written and the actors and actress truly made the story come alive. I love the Irons and Ian interaction. The writers did a great job developing each character. It is a shame that the show was canceled and that they have decided for whatever reason not to do a third season or release it on DVD. I have seen some of the shows out there now and can't believe that just after one season it is out on DVD and yet this interesting and different show is not. What has to be done to get Witchblade out on DVD?
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Technical Excellence
amazon-wolf13 October 2005
In addition to the wonderfully detailed plots and excellent characters, Witchblade was a triumph in technical performance. The sets were consistently excellent. The crew took chances (and succeeded) with different styles of lighting and camera angles. Time lapse photography and stop action were used to good effect, and yet they did not jar the viewer. The soundtrack was recognized with award nominations, and rightly so. The dialog was extraordinarily well written, and stayed fresh throughout the series. Editing was tight and crisp; there were very few lags in tempo and yet was not too fast either. One of the best production teams in years! Witchblade is a real treat to watch!
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Short lived
emmajewel10 August 2021
"WITCHBLADE" is a seriously intense drama about a female cop, Sara Pezzini. She discovers to her dismay that she is a reincarnation of a bewitched medieval knight with a mystical supernatural power. And Sara dedicates her renewed life force to fighting injustice. Based on the popular comic book heroine, this series is a world-class quality production in every aspect.
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For the time, superior comic adaptation, under-rated
A_Different_Drummer11 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One of those productions that just flat-out got lost in the shuffle. Butler caught a lot of eyeballs in the 90s counterpointing JCVD in Hard Target, but this oddball production (filmed in Canada, BTW, to keep costs down ... DUH!) may end up being remembered as the high-water-mark of her career. To do a proper job playing the female cop that accidentally dons the sacred relic, the witchblade, you need to be equal parts action-hero, stunt woman, romantic lead, and just plain sassy. Butler delivered the goods. The production values were very high for an off-the-books indie, and there were some standouts in the casting, especially Anthony Cistaro as a super-villain who made the most bizarre requests seem reasonable (in the tradition for example of a Bond baddie) and Eric Etebari, who used as especially soft-spoken delivery (like Stephen Amell in Arrow) to contrast a predilection for action. The short-lived series also features one of the greatest "resets" ever seen in a TV series, a sort of time travel riff which allows the hero, Butler, to undo all the damage done in the first season by invoking the witchblade, and essentially start over. Never saw that one before, but it was memorable.
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my fave show of all time
frankie-smales20 October 2016
I thoroughly enjoyed this show but was upset at the SCI-FI network for cancelling it after season 2 the show was well crafted and casted and it came at an great time when actresses started dominating in larger action roles including Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft the tomb raiding goddess and Milla Jovovich kicking zombie butt to cap it all off the star of drop zone and hard target Yancey Butler playing an detective by day and superherione by night as detective sara pezini who comes to terms of her new found abilities to wield the awesomeness of the witchblade an ancient artefact that magically found its way on to her wrist that each generation an new witchblade warrior is born and blending bullet time the effects used in countless of film and television commercials before Butler honed the role and I was impressed with her performance in the show and the soundtrack was amazing I am giving this an 20/10 .

frankie holtzmann smales

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I wish I had those hours back
jfg115 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Witchblade with great hopes as there is not much in the way of really good Scifi/Fantasy on TV these days, but I was sorely disappointed. Nothing ever got explained, everybody got killed off, and then "They" said "Oops, sorry", and went back to the beginning. Yancy Butler was very good as Sara, and the rest of the cast was worth watching, but all in all I wish I had those eight or so hours back. I could have read a good book.
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