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Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed (2004) Poster

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Not as bad as I was expecting. A good sequel
TheVern12 January 2005
Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed. * * 1/2 Actors: Emily Perkins, Tatiana Maslany, Eric Johnson Writer: Megan Martin Director: Brett Sullivan.

The second part of the "Ginger Snaps" trilogy picks up after the first one. Bridgitte has infected herself with Ginger's blood who has turned into a werewolf. In order to keep herself from becoming like her sister, she must inject herself daily with monkshood. After barely escaping a werewolf that has found her, she awakes in a clinic that treats all things including drug addiction. With her drugs taken away, Bridgitte can't escape what she is becoming.

I loved the 1st movie and I found the second one to be a worthwhile sequel. While the first one simmered with satire on female hormones and puberty, "Unleashed" is a straight horror film. It's too bad we don't see much of Ginger in this one, but she does turn up as a ghost who warns Bridgitte that another one waits for her. Bridgitte is a lot more confident and a lot hotter than the first one. But although this is her story, the one character that steals the show is a young girl at the hospital named Ghost. Bridgitte befriends this girl because she can help get her monkshood and I'm sure she feels a little bad that all the other patients make fun of her. There is a twist at the end of this movie that I was not expecting, but on my second viewing of it. I don't know how I could have missed it. All the warning signs were shown in the first thirty minutes.

If you haven't seen the first one you could just watch this one alone. It has a good enough story to keep you interested. It's not as fulfilling as the original, but it's a nice desert
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Excellent Sequel!!
supertom-31 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is an enjoyable and surprisingly competent DTV follow up to cult hit Ginger Snaps. The first film was dark, entertaining and witty and had a good amount of tension and scares. The sequel is good fun but lacks the wit of the original and a certain amount of the hip-ness. The lack of Ginger herself is also evident. Katherine Isabelle is back but essentially in a cameo as the ghost of Ginger while once again the angst ridden sister Bridget is the centre of the story. Following the events of the first film, Bridget is on the run, moving from town to town and constantly taking monkshood (the drug that prevents werewolfism) to stop her turning into a werewolf following the final confrontation in the first film. When she is found overdosing on the stuff she falls into a coma and wakes up in a mental hospital but soon she is tracked down by another werewolf and with no monkshood to slow down her own transformation she must fight her impending hairiness. As she has found, Monkshood doesn't prevent Wolfiness, only slows the transformation. At the institute she meets the eccentric Ghost, who is fascinated with Bridget and soon learns of her problem. When a residents of the institute start turning up dead Ghost initially suspects Bridget but they soon discover that a mate is tracking Bridget to make hairy werewolf babies with her. As well as this Ghost may not be quite as she seems. This is well shot and has some tense moments and considering its small budget it is a remarkably accomplished and enjoyable piece of work. A good and more low key Ginger Snaps movie it is. ***
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Great Sequel
claudio_carvalho24 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Brigitte (Emily Perkins) is alone, after killing her sister Ginger (Katharine Isabelle), and injecting a substance called monkshood to delay the process of transformation in a werewolf. She has an overdose and is sent to a rehabilitation clinic, where she is mistakenly taken as a drug addicted. Meanwhile, a beast is chasing her, trying to become mated with her. Ginger escapes from the clinic with Ghost (Tatiana Maslany), a needy and lonely girl that wants to be friend of Brigitte. "Ginger Snaps: Unleashed" is a great sequel of "Ginger Snaps". The participation of Katharine Isabelle is minimum and basically is limited to give her name to the credits. However, Emily Perkins has another excellent performance in the dramatic role of a young woman fighting against her fate. This sequel is very claustrophobic and also very violent, but it deserved a better conclusion. The story is better than the first one, but I was a little disappointed with the end. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Possuída 2" ("Possessed 2")
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For something that should not be, it justifies its making.
kitsune-62 June 2004
There are some films that just shouldn't have a sequel.

So, given that I firmly believe this about 'Ginger Snaps', 'Ginger Snaps Unleashed' clearly had a tough act to follow. And y'know, it didn't do too badly.

So by now we've all got the plot - Bridgit mainlining wolfsbane to not become like her sister, passes out in the snowy streets after another werewolf attack and wakes up in a rehab centre. Yada yada, this is IMDb, you can look up the plot summary earlier. But the way it develops...OK, it's no way as symbolic as the first film but it's damn logical. It all makes sense in context, right down to the *deeply* messed up ending. Which in some ways is a drawback because it's a little *too* realistic to always engage; it's a bit dull at times, just like rl. And all the characters are 2-dimensional except for Bridget, Ghost, and maybe the creepy Tyler.

But! Those three? Carry the movie. Emily Perkins is as great as she was in the first film, and Eric Johnson shows us that when it came to Smallville, *Lana* should have left on the bus to go into military. But the real find is Tatiana Maslany, who quite frankly is *terrifying* as Ghost. Which is maybe another criticism; given the ending I shouldn't have worked things out as quickly as I did, but that's not just due to Tatiana, that's also due to other clues in the film. This aside, she rocks as Ghost and it's great to see the kind of character Ghost is lead to the conclusion it does because frankly? Yeah, makes sense. And I really cannot say much more without spoiling it.

So, in conclusion. A lot of holes, not so special second time round, and too few 3 dimensional characters. But he cinematography is ace and very like the first (which makes sense given this one's director edited the first one, and John Fawcett did some unofficial second unit stuff on here too) and I think it's a film that'll grow on me. It's certainly worth a go - 7 out of 10.
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Strong follow-up
Jonny_Numb18 November 2007
"Ginger Snaps" single-handedly raised my interest in lycanthropic cinema, and "Ginger Snaps Unleashed" is a remarkably strong sequel that works for many of the same reasons. Like the thoughtful horror cinema of George Romero, where deeper human issues boil under a more obvious horror surface, "Ginger Snaps" used lycanthropy as a metaphor for puberty and its impact on teenage relationships; "Unleashed" uses it as a metaphor for addiction, with Brigitte Fitzgerald (Emily Perkins--"It"), sister of the ill-fated Ginger (Katharine Isabelle), injecting herself with wolfbane to curb her increasingly wolf-like tendencies. While in a rehab clinic for troubled teens, Brigitte forges a relationship with Ghost (Tatiana Maslany), a precocious girl whose seeming innocence unravels her secret. The new writing/directing team of Megan Martin and Brett Sullivan pick up where the previous film left off, skillfully bridging the two with a bare minimum of rehashed exposition, and the end result is extremely satisfying (though the machinations of "Unleashed"'s final third made me wish the script had tied some thematic/character arcs together better). Perkins, who is becoming a real horror ingénue, plays Brigitte with sympathy and sarcastic bite, and her relationship with Maslany comes close to matching the sense of sisterly love that provided the endearing backbone of the original "Ginger Snaps." "Unleashed" is the rare sequel that does its parent proud.
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Little sister, don't do what your big sister done.
michaelRokeefe24 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Brigitte(Emily Perkins)survives her struggle with her sister Ginger(Katerine Isabelle)and now must find a way to overcome her own infection and control the beast that is growing in her. Brigitte overdoses on her own dangerous 'cure' and wakes up in a drug rehab center in an old abandoned hospital. She partners up with a pre-teen named Ghost(Tatiana Maslany), who is obsessed with horror comic books. The young girl is excited about discovering Brigitte's werewolf 'condition', but really has no idea of the terrifying adventure that awaits her.

This intense script sustains escalating tension and presents a powerful finale not easy to forget. The idea of bloodletting, masturbation and drug use joined with various sexual content and language equals an R rating. Besides this movie is too dark and disturbing for the very young viewer. If you can't stomach the site of blood...DON'T watch! Ginger(Isabelle)only appears in a couple of cameo scenes...and I for one really missed her. I have yet to jump on the Perkins fan wagon. Most impressive is young Maslany, who plays her role with sharp wit and dry humor; but yet so damn disturbing. If this series continues, I'd like for her to appear again. Other cast members of note: Eric Johnson, Janet Kidder and Chris Fassbender. All-in-all, GINGER SNAPS:UNLEASHED proves that a sequel can generate enough power to stand on its own.
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So this is home, huh, Ghost?... Kind of has the Manson family charm.
lastliberal21 October 2008
Brigitte (Emily Perkins) is going through a transformation that she is fighting, but will not be able to stop. Just when she thinks she is close, she gets locked up in a drug treatment facility. Perkins is fantastic in her depiction of someone who is fighting her own demons while no one can possibly understand them. She makes this movie and she is really fun to watch.

Also impressive is Tatiana Maslany (Eastern Promises, Diary of the Dead) as Ghost. She seems a little flighty at first and we really don't get to know her until the very end. It is that ending where she comes into her own with a surprising twist.

The was a good sequel to the first film, and it picked up right where it left off. Ginger (Katharine Isabelle) even makes a few ghostly appearances.

Well worth watching.
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There was one major thing missing here. Ginger.
FiendishDramaturgy13 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This should have been entitled, "Ghost-Snaps." Where was Ginger. Yeah, sure, okay she died in the first movie, but c'mon! Rename the movie or something. Jeez! They could have, at least, allowed her more screen time in the capacity in which she -was- utilized.

This was dark and edgy; as much so as the first. Emily Perkins carries her role as Brigitte quite well and with some beautiful style. Most of the major plot elements still intact, this attempt runs seamlessly. Once you discover what Ghost really IS and what she has been up to with her Aunt, you begin to see the movie in a totally different light.

On the second viewing, you see the treachery and the beguiling in those cunning little eyes, but on the first viewing, we knew there was something up with Ghost and her aunt. This was not quite as clever nor was it as fresh as the first, but then again, it was as good as it could have been without Katharine Isabelle.

That is in no way saying that Emily Perkins isn't delightful. She is bright, beautiful and capable. I look forward to her future endeavors with great anticipation. This just should have been entitled something with "Ghost" in it, as she was the main character in this attempt, rather than Ginger OR her sister Brigitte.

As a stand alone movie, it was really quite entertaining. There were some nice plot twists and strong characterization. However, as a sequel to Ginger Snaps, I found it was somewhat lacking.

It rates a 7.5/10 on the "B" scale.

That's a 5.1/10 on the "A" scale from...

the Fiend :.
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This isn't one of those diminishing returns.
lost-in-limbo28 January 2006
Brigitte now has the virus in her blood that destroyed her sister Ginger in the first film. So to prevent herself from changing into the beast she injects monksblood into her system, but after an overdose she wakes up in a rehabilitation clinic. Which now she has become so attached to the syrup and without it, the affects of the curse starts to transform within her. From the physical to the mental attributes. But also on her tail is that of a male werewolf who wants to mate with her and Ginger is keeping a tab on her by haunting her mind.

I remember when I picked up 'Ginger Snaps' I was expecting another mediocre or below-average werewolf flick. Gosh, I was wrong! Just like 'Dog Soldiers' it was more then good and added some new life to the whimpering sub-genre. And I'm happy to say it worked out again in this monstrous sequel and I was actually digging this one a tad more, though that was up until the stalling sequences involving hiding out in a house. It would've been great to see more Katharine Isabelle as Ginger too, but you can't have it all your own way I guess. I wasn't expecting anything incredibly special, but it did have big boots to fill and we all know the law of diminishing returns. Well, this sequel keeps far away form that trend and doesn't lean away from the quirky and offbeat nature of its predecessor, but it actually enhances it with a very morbid and cold-hearted appeal. It's depressing to the bone, I but I get kick out of any films that create this sort of tone! Though what made the original rejuvenating was that it had warm and natural relationships between the characters, especially between Bridget and Ginger, but also with the parents. Because of the sequel's depressing vibe, it does lack the heartache of the horrifying matter that drove the sisters even closer in the first film. Also it sorely does miss the characteristic interactions between the sisters. Although saying that they do share some screen time here, but only in small doses meaning far less impact.

The plot is an absorbing one, which doesn't break a whole lot of new ground like the original, but still comes up with enough hunger to set it out from most other horror flicks of the last decade, but also adding another dimension to the tale. Just like in the first film and like many reviewers have painted it's a metaphor for adolescent life, from angst, drugs and sex. But this cocktail is mixed with a refreshing twist involving the werewolf mythology, introducing the metaphor part of all of this. The snappy script holds up well and the story moves along pretty quickly with enough excitement initiated and the twists are far from easy to detect. No way is this story's structure predictable! The actual ending was kind of clever, but felt odd and left me feeling a little unsatisfied. The editing was swiftly sharp and potent to the pacing. It also recaptures the slickly handled production of that of the original, but it looks like it had more to work with here. That's especially because the special effects and werewolf designs were vastly better this time around and the attacks were more callous and bloodier. The isolated setting was made to great use with its cold wintry backdrop and gloomy awe. The action might have up the ante in this sequel, but so did the soundtrack by igniting itself with the Gothic and haunting tunes that made the original great. The upbeat tempo of the soundtrack bounds the mood. The spectral sound effects also worked its way into the picture and it was hard to shut out its thumping vibration throughout. The out-and-out stylistic camera-work sinuously develops some inventive shots. The direction by Brett Sullivan is above par and he hones down his skills with preciseness but adding such tautness and tension to the picture. The performances were magnificent. Emily Perkins comes out of the shadow of Katharine Isabelle here, and she made the most of it by turning in a convincing performance. Tatiana Maslany as Ghost one of the kids in the clinic provides on the humour side of things and Eric Johnson is perfectly scummy as one of the workers at the clinic. Katharine Isabelle makes some small but yet effective glimpses and adds in with some voice-overs. This production most definitely went one step bigger.

After two worthy werewolf films, I wonder if the film makers can repeat this winning formula in their third flick of the series Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning (2004) or will it come crashing back to earth with a thud. The sequel is very much on par with the original and definitely well worth the look. Actually I would say it's a must-see if you seen the original.
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Brigitte Snaps
ghoulieguru1 December 2004
I wasn't expecting to like this movie all that much. I did like Ginger Snaps, and thought that it was kind a of new twist on the tired old werewolf genre... but it didn't seem like it needed or warranted a sequel. This movie went in a direction that I wasn't expecting. Rather than just doing a retread of the first story, the filmmakers chose to follow Ginger's sister Brigitte into a mental institution after the events of the first movie. It becomes more of a psychological thriller, and focuses on whether or not Brigitte is really going to turn into a werewolf or if she might just be going crazy. Granted, that may be what a lot of people don't like about it, but I ended up really enjoying the movie. It was done with a decent amount of style and the concept was eerie enough to keep me watching. As far as sequels go, not a bad one.
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Sorry Sequel to a Great Original
wwhitbeck20 April 2004
I really wanted to like this sequel to what I consider a fantastic horror flick, Ginger Snaps...but came away from this feeling considerably disappointed. The flick sorely suffered sans the sass and appeal of Ginger, the few dream sequence shots of her just weren't enough to counter the ultra-depressing Emily. It appears that the creators of this version got sidetracked mid stream - hence the creation of Ghost. In what was to be a true creature feature, this is only a distraction, and should not have been central to the plot. To have a small girl lock the creature in the cellar and keep it there is simply preposterous. After all we have already seen the phenomenal strength of the werewolf - a cellar door is not going to pose much of a threat there. Ginger Snaps 2 is a perfect example of the delicate ground that is tread upon when creating sequels - and proof positive of why you just shouldn't do it.
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rcavellero12 April 2004
You know t's such a shame that neither of these films went wide release. Sure they needed a little touching up in some places but these films are definate quality material. A breathe of fresh air in the horror films which is recreating itself once again as a truly important genre. Both of these films are good, and borderline great. they take somewhat sillacious storylines and make them somewhat believable filled with aggreassive dark humor and independent film dread. This sequel is pretty much a direct continuation of the original. It leaves the last films heroine Bridget infected and fighting her illness with the cure found in the last film. She's beginning to change when she's taken in by a youth facility and locked up for drug abuse. What insues is unfortunatly unwelcome and senseless visits from the first films title charachter but a vast mixing pool of other cringe inducing twists including the fact that a male werewolf has found her and wants to mate. A sleezy hospital guard who trades sexual favors for drugs. An innocent little girl obsessed with comic books. I wish I could truly give away the ending to you. Because it was so well done and I just didnt see it coming. And that is what this film prides itself on unpredictability. It goes in a completely opposite direction of where you though it was going and it makes sense. All in all the film has much to be successful with believable performances, especially from the film's lead Bridget, a good storyline, suspenseful direction, a creepy score all adding up to a startling refreshing take on an otherwise dying genre. Don't be fooled this sequel has major bite!
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Way better sequel to a cool original
kannibalcorpsegrinder22 June 2015
Sent to a rehabilitation clinic, a teen's growing belief that she will become a werewolf like her sister causes her to go on the run to save her fellow inmates only for the ravenous beast to follow her around.

On the whole this one turned out to be a surprisingly decent effort. One of the better elements here is the film's rather entertaining way it handles her growing and oncoming transformation early on, with the film working nicely due to the circumstances present. The process of staying at the rehab clinic makes the oncoming process all the more chilling by wanting to keep it from infecting the others as this one goes about her process with the different body-parts becoming more wolf-like, the slowly-appearing fangs and claws and then the deformed features that begin developing, which along with the rapid healing provides this one with a healthy and chilling beginning to show of the transformation. Likewise, the finale here is quite a blast with a lot to like as the previous attacks set-up a fantastic sense of tension with the early preparation measures and tactics that play out nicely in the home while the scenes move through the various rooms of the house which is quite fun. From the gore to the twisted logic within and allowing for the great werewolf make-up having a chance to really shine here, these are enough to hold off the few flaws in here. One of the bigger problems here is the rather low amount of werewolf action actually put into this one as there's just not a whole lot of here where it really gets to attack. The only early attack scene is plagued by haphazard editing that really makes for a troubling time, which is all this has in terms of werewolf action until the finale anyway so that can wear on some viewers. That is due also to the film's other big flaw in that the first half is once again filled with scenes that don't really make this all too interesting as the scenes in the rehab clinic just don't have anything for them by tying in the change in lycanthropy to a drug relapse. This is similar to the original which tied it to burgeoning femininity, and while this one does manage to come off a little better at doing this, once again the novelty is off-set by the sheer boredom it brings out. Otherwise, this one was quite enjoyable.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Brief Nudity, drug use, violence-against-animals and a scene of group masturbation
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Aside From A Good Performance From Emily Perkins, This Is A Mediocre Movie
sddavis6314 February 2017
Some years ago, when I watched "Ginger Snaps," I thought it was one of the best werewolf movies that I had seen in a long time. So perhaps it seems pretty strange that I've avoided watching this first sequel - but I've seen enough disappointing sequels that somehow I was reluctant to risk spoiling my memory of the first movie. Well, I finally bit (pun intended) and watched "Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed." It didn't exactly spoil my memory of the first movie. It's not a bad movie. But it's nowhere near as good as the original.

I found the first movie had an interesting way of approaching Ginger's transformation into a werewolf, setting it in the context of female puberty and the beginnings of menstruation. In a weird sort of way it was a coming of age movie. It was a fresh way of approaching the whole werewolf idea. That was all missing in "Unleashed." This is a much straighter take on the concept. Ginger, of course, is gone - although Katharine Isabelle does take up the role again as a sort of ghost, I guess, who periodically visits Bridgette. Honestly, while it was nice to include her, the presence of Ginger even in this limited way wasn't really necessary. Emily Perkins is again in the role of Bridgette. She does well with it. She's now being stalked by a werewolf, and she's attempting to prevent her own transformation, injecting herself with monkshood - but it only seems to delay the process, and there is a gradual transformation taking place. Things get worse when she ends up in an institution for drug addicts, and is not allowed to have her "medicine."

All that was working well enough. Not as imaginative an approach as the original, but Perkins was doing well carrying the story, and there were enough edge of your seat moments and things that made you jump to make this a decent horror movie. But things do fall apart just a little bit. I personally did not like the character of Ghost, played by Tatiana Maslany. She just didn't appeal to me, and she was too front and centre in the movie, when really Bridgette was the only character in the whole movie that I particularly cared about. One somewhat irritating character aside, this movie did (mostly using the setting of the rehab facility) try to inject some humour into the story. The original was a very successful blend of humour and horror, but this one wasn't able to pull that off. Most of those attempts revolved around Dr. Brookner (Patricia Idlette) - some sort of psychologist or psychotherapist at the centre. But, to me, they didn't come across as funny. Silly more than anything, and forced - often without much connection to the heart of the story. The ending didn't really resolve too much, although it did set up another potential sequel. Strangely, though, the third movie in the series was a prequel of sorts - "Ginger Snaps Back" (which I haven't seen) being set in the 19th century, but still focusing on Ginger and Bridgette.

As I said, this isn't a bad movie, and it has some good scenes and a good performance from Emily Perkins. But overall, I'd still call it mediocre at best. (4/10)
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A dark reflection of the first ...
Poe-1716 May 2004
This is a genuinely creepy film, with creepy plot, creepy filming and creepy story with several creepy scenes. A sequel inspired by but not a thematic continuation of the first. With most sequels you walk in expecting an extension of the first, all the things that worked in the first film delivered in the second. Seldom does the sequel collect the audacity to march off in a different direction.

This one bravely does and creates and entirely different film, a much darker one spun cleanly from the first.

Apologies to all the nay sayers but this is dead solid perfect.

A cult niche and maybe a lesson on how to do sequels ... get creative people on board to use the engine of unexpected popularity, or expected popularity, for inventive film making.

I'll own this one and the original.

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A worthy sequel.
BA_Harrison24 December 2015
Infected by the blood of her werewolf sister Ginger, runaway teenager Brigitte (Emily Perkins) attempts to fight off her own inevitable transformation into a slavering, hairy monster through the repeated injection of wolf's bane (also known as monkshood). After suffering a bad reaction to the serum, she collapses in the street, and wakes to find herself a patient in the Happier Times Care Centre, a home for recovering drug addicts. Now, unable to access her wolf's bane, Brigitte gradually begins to exhibit signs of wolfishness. Cursed with increasingly pointed ears, haunted by ghostly memories of her sister Ginger (Katharine Isabelle), and hunted by a male werewolf that intends to mate with her, Brigitte puts her trust in weird blonde girl Ghost (Tatiana Maslany), who is fascinated by her condition.

The original Ginger Snaps used lycanthropy as a metaphor for puberty, and this follow up continues the theme, Brigitte's gradual transformation into an uncontrollable beast a metaphor for unbridled teenage lust. It's not a particularly insightful or compelling subtext, nor is it all that original—The Company Of Wolves did the same kind of thing twenty years earlier— but it does allow for one of the most unexpected scenes in the history of werewolf cinema, in which Brigitte dreams that she is taking part in an all-girl group masturbation class. Other off-kilter elements that ensure Unleashed is still worth a watch include Ginger's occasional hallucinatory appearances, the film's creepy rehab setting, Ghost's eccentric behaviour, and a bizarre industrial soundtrack.

6.5/10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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manitobaman816 September 2014
The late Ginger's sister Brigitte, now a werewolf herself, must try to find a cure for her blood lust before the next full moon while hiding out in a rehab clinic from a relentless werewolf. The screenplay is intelligent and clever. I enjoyed this film, mostly because of the convincing characters. I am aware of the criticism around this movie, claiming it is bad and not worth it. To all those who have said these things, I have to ask: What film were you watching? With charm and humor to spare, this film was among the top echelon of movies from 2004. At the end of the day, it's an entertaining film. Wonderful movie, and I should know.
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Interesting werewolf movie.
atinder7 March 2010
I have yet to see the first Ginger snap or any other Ginger snaps movies in the series.

I saw this when it came on TV once, all i knew about this movie before I watched it, was that it had something to do with a werewolf.

Brigitte seem to be haunted by her dead sister, who a was werewolf too and she will become too but she then takes a deadly second dose of monkshood, which would stop her of changing into werewolf. Jeremy with her library books at her door and he see that she has taken drugs and then is about to take her to the hospital but is attacked.

After that She wakes up in rehab clinic for drug abusing girls. she locked up and a little girls know about this and then helps her out to get more drugs to help her not to turn into a werewolf.

This was really interesting werewolf movie, I didn't find IT boring, which i thought I would, but it was really entertaining movie,They had some really nasty bloody deaths in here too and i did like how the werewolf looked, it was little scary.

The acting from the main girl was really good, the rest of cast was just okay but the little girl acting was really poor.

I give this movie 7 out of 10
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Was a Pleasure? Not Really...
princessdestiny21 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved the first movie. I was so impressed that after I'd hired it 5 times I decided to go and buy it. I thought this was the most original werewolf movie that I'd ever seen and the fact that it was based around a couple of teens was a bonus because we got to see their daily growing up teen problems as well as the werewolf dilemma. Ginger's transformation was very believable. utterly delighted as I was to see the Sequel on the video store shelf, I have to say I was very much disappointed in it. The pace was great, as well as the storyline-up to a point. What sort of ending was that with poor Bridget ending up as some psycho-girl's pet? And the male-werewolf stalking her to be his mate seemed as an almost after-thought. It would have been good if he'd been in it a little more. A couple of deaths, one encounter where he's showing his intentions and then she's killing him at the end. A little lust on her part wouldn't have gone astray. She's turning into a female werewolf after-all and must also have the mating instinct.

I think I would have liked to see Bridget running free as her new self and wreaking havoc on the world. We would have gotten a good Sequel perhaps. I know we have a Prequel, which I have yet to watch, but it seems to have little to do with the other two movies.

Call me dark if you like, but just ONCE I'd like to see someone embrace their werewolf side as Ginger did and LIVE at the end. One sister dies and the other becomes a pet...

Over-all, the movie was fantastic. It's dark and supernatural, had a great plot and I was delighted to see Ginger in the form a ghost to torment her sister. Well worth a watch if you loved the first movie, but yes, the end was a great disappointment.
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Standing Up Her It's Own, and so does the film
BlueDragon2112026 May 2005
This is the only sequel I have seen that could be considered an improvement on its original.

I'm a great Fan of Ginger Snaps and was really excited about this film when i first heard about it, unfortunately when it arrived at the cinema I was to young to see it. I'm sure its always a gamble for people and film fans alike to buy movies on Tapoe/DVD with out viewing them first and for me this was a first. It was well worth the risk of my cash as I loved the film, the casting was especially good this time around ( the DVD showing the auditions in all their glory ) As far as the films go Emily Perkins takes her original part and runs with it, totally convincing the audience that she is trying to break away from her sister and the ghosts of the past.

The special effects and make up are of course grander this time around which enhances the horror side of things, but I my self view this more as a Drama that a Horror film. The suspense is really edgy and makes you want to fast forward to the next scene to see what happens next. As well as the stand allow story of Briditte's new company 'Ghost' making you want more as the plot continues. Even as a sequel this is a hard one to beat. I whole heartedly will you to see it, even if you have not yet view the first one.
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Dr. Brookner, if she doesn't shut up, I swear I'll make her drink her p*ss... again.
lastliberal-853-25370826 October 2013
Brigitte (Emily Perkins) is going through a transformation that she is fighting, but will not be able to stop. Just when she thinks she is close, she gets locked up in a drug treatment facility. Perkins is fantastic in her depiction of someone who is fighting her own demons while no one can possibly understand them. She makes this movie and she is really fun to watch.

Also impressive is Tatiana Maslany (Eastern Promises, Diary of the Dead) as Ghost. She seems a little flighty at first and we really don't get to know her until the very end. It is that ending where she comes into her own with a surprising twist. T he was a good sequel to the first film, and it picked up right where it left off. Ginger (Katharine Isabelle) even makes a few ghostly appearances.

Well worth watching.
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No, Brigitte snaps. Ginger's dead.
Anonymous_Maxine14 December 2004
Ginger Snaps 2 starts off with Brigitte landing herself in a rehab clinic after she is discovered overdosing on the poisonous drug that she has to take in order to prevent herself from turning into a werewolf like her sister. As is to be expected, the guy who finds her lapsing into unconsciousness immediately concludes that she's overdosing on heroin and takes her to a hospital. I really liked that twist from the original film. Brigitte infected herself with her sister's contaminated blood to prove her determination to help her find a cure, which they never found. Ginger was killed, and Brigitte was never cured. A nice premise that is used to segway into a thriller that takes place in the old hospital setting.

In a display of the level of help that is to be expected from the hospital where Brigitte is being kept, she is quickly diagnosed as a lesbian by one member of the hospital staff. Excellent work there, lady. Before too long, Brigitte learns that a young girl named Ghost (who apparently lives in the hospital) is her only friend, but who reads so many horror comics that evidently it's normal for her to say things like "When you close your eyes is it hell you see?" Here's an odd thing about this character - she looks to be about ten years old, but is played by 19-year-old Tatiana Maslany.

It seems that Ghosts grandmother was horribly burned in a fire at home, which landed her and her granddaughter in the rehab facility featured in the movie. Why an accidental fire landed her in a rehab facility is a mystery that is thinly explained later in the film. Most of the tension in the movie is derived from the fact that Brigitte is being held in this hospital to be rehabilitated from a drug that she needs in order to prevent herself from turning into a werewolf and killing everyone in sight. Needless to say, it is not taken very well when she explains that if she is kept there, people will die.

Ginger makes occasional appearances as a vision of her former self, usually showing up to give Brigitte some useful insights into the changes that are taking place in her body, reprising the satire on female adolescence covered so well in the first film. My favorite example of this in the first sequel was when Brigitte presumably falls asleep during one of her meetings and dreams that the instructor is telling her and the rest of the girls to masturbate. When she wakes up, she runs to the bathroom and taps on one of her eyeballs, which seems to have turned to glass, and notices thick skin and hair on her palms. I knew that masturbation gives you hairy palms and makes you go blind, but I didn't know that werewolves had glass eyes. At least the metaphor worked halfway though.

We gradually see Brigitte's transformation into a werewolf as she constantly tries to find ways to stop it (usually ways which include things like slicing off the new growths that she doesn't like, like her pointy ears). Pretty nasty, but at least it's logical, right? What other choice does she have? Where the movie makes serious lapses in logic is in the setup of the hospital. Ghost has no reason for being there (except for one big reason, which we find out later but which no one in the hospital knows about), and the residents are locked down at night but allowed to wander outside at other times. One patient sells her body to one of the orderlies, who does this regularly, so that he will give her some narcotics, and when Brigitte walks in just after it happened, the girl offers her some. You think coke addicts have sex for drugs and then offer to share them?

Given that so much stock is put into the character of Ghost, it's amazing how badly written her part is. They tried to get her to fit into what they wanted her character to ultimately mean to the story, but had no idea how to make it happen. That's why you have this little kid living in a hospital, evidently sleeping in a chair next to her all but mummified grandmother, doing things with comic books that no kid does, especially not a girl, and talking about them like she's a professor of philosophy. She also sees the world as though it were a comic book, which is in keeping with the fate of her character, she even narrates occasionally, describing situations as though she were reading them off the page. I actually liked the speech-bubble narration that she prattled off occasionally, although sometimes it goes over the top. What, for example, is a "reign of moral terror?" Does that mean, like, terrorizing people who believe that homosexuals should be allowed to marry?

The end of the film was fairly good, I especially loved what became of the orderly that made a habit of forcing the girls in the hospital into sex acts with him, a practice which he indulged in so regularly that it is astounding he was never caught. There is an odd scene near the end when a deer has to be put out of its misery despite being completely eviscerated and on FIRE, but overall the ending was one of the stronger parts of the film. I had a hard time getting through the first half, but probably mostly because I still wanted to watch Halloween IV, Jasper, Texas, and the original Time Machine before the end of the night. Fans of the original should enjoy this, but if you had enough with part 1 you can skip this one. It's not any better.
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good sequel, cool new character, lots of great movie references
uncola197927 January 2004
I liked it a lot, in fact even more than the first movie. I loved the character of Ghost and all the comic book shots and her third person lines. Good ending. One thing they could have done was make the identity of the werewolf clearer. Also when the sister appeared it was kind of forced.. it didn't seem like she was a delusion
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Lacks the drama of the first film, but is still gory fun
tramsbottom9 April 2004
Kudos to the makers for trying to make a sequel (or sequels as it happens) that actually develops the main character from the first film. Sadly character quickly takes a back seat to a heavy plot that leaves little time for the relationships that made the first movie different from all the other B-movie horrors.

The director (who was editor on the first movie) can't create scenes that take the time to tell the story. He just chops and moves on in a workmanlike fashion that leaves you uninvolved to Brigitte's plight. Plot points are left unclear (who exactly is following Brigitte? We must assume it's the idiot boy from the first movie) and at times the film looks very amateurish and cheap.

But overall, as far as sequels go, this isn't that bad. It has its moments and the ending is suitably dark. Let's hope Ginger Snaps 3 reignites the magic with both Brigitte and Ginger returning (Ginger has a rather pointless cameo in 2 as a ghost).
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Doesn't have the same intensity as the original.
Shopaholic351 January 2015
I must say I was a tad bit disappointed with the sequel to Ginger Snaps. It was missing the fierceness and bloodlust that was so prevalent in the original. Also there was very little Ginger in this movie and too much Brigitte. Unfortunately Brigitte is still the weird girl who doesn't possess as much charisma as her sister. Together they were well balanced and kept things interesting, when they're apart there's no sisterly conflict to add drama. It still is an alright movie but it is more subdued than the original.

I'm also not a big fan of the psych ward setting. It alienates the real world and makes you not care as much what happens to the resident crazies. They're already living in their own version of hell so who cares if you add another element to it. I just didn't find it as engaging as I would have liked. It's still not a bad movie though.
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