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Why should the Brits have all the fun???
garrard21 July 2006
Thank God that AMC saw the light and, in conjunction with the BBC, allowed us "Yanks" to view one of the coolest shows to come on the scene in decades. When AMC initially aired trailers for it two years ago, I intended on checking it out because of Robert Vaughn, a actor that I've admired since his "Man from U.N.C.L.E. days and the sole American in the cast. However, its airing and my schedule could not get "in sync".

It was until this third season that I started watching the show and what a pleasure each and every installment has been. The cast is flawless: Adrian Lester is authoritative and classy as leader "Mickey"; Marc Warren brings the right persona as "Danny," the "eager beaver" neophyte; Vaughn, of course, is perfect as "Albert," the senior grifter of the group; Jaime Murray holds her own as the sole female member of the quintet, providing the sexual allure but equally adept at the art of con; and Robert Glenister's "Ash" is the group's "jack of all trades," the one that stages and sets up the elaborate situations and locations for the respective "stings".

Major kudos must be given to creator Tony Jordan, as well as Bharat Nalluri for providing the idea.

The story lines are enthralling and the occasional "winks" at and asides to the audience are brilliantly executed, adding to the "tongue in cheek" flair of the show.

The cinematography is such that London has never looked better and hipper. The wardrobe budget must be astronomical because each of the principals gets to "dress to the nines."

It's too bad that because the show is an "import," it's not likely to be eligible for Emmy consideration.

It is truly deserving.

For those of us old enough to remember, there was a short-lived American show in the 60's called "The Rogues," starring the stellar cast of Charles Boyer, David Niven, Gig Young, Robert Coote, Gladys Cooper, and a young Larry Hagman.

Not since that show has "conning" been such fun...until "Hustle"
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Everybody be cool. You be cool.
Embridioum28 September 2004
Here in Sweden the second chapter will be seen this evening but from only have seen the pilot I must say that "Hustle" is very, very cool.

A couple of gentlemen thieves fraud rich people who really deserves a lesson and can afford to lose some money :-). Nothing is (or was in the first episode anyway...) as it seems, except for the brilliant acting and cool surroundings. The perfect league of anti-heroes lead by Mickey "Bricks" Stone, a criminal master-mind. The best in what he does. Teamed up by old friends good at different things which complements the group perfectly. I know what I will do the coming Tuesdays!
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When it's good, it's very, very good...
giraffe17310 July 2006
but when it is bad it is trite, clichéd, and reminiscent of something better. I enjoy this show. The characters are fun, the twists are (usually) good. When it is at its best, you never see the turns coming. You get inspired and might even want to try a con yourself. I love the way the characters wink at us, the observers. I like the interactions and the relationships that they have built. But occasionally I watch and I know that I have seen this con before, in some movie or book, where it was done better. And occasionally the writers have tried so hard to come up with a surprise twist that you cannot help but see it a mile away.

So, when it is good, it is very, very good. And luckily this is most of the time, because this show is fun, and I enjoy enjoying it.
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One of the best shows on the box
caswelll23 January 2005
I must say I absolutely loved this and did not miss one episode.

I know some people will think it is just a waste of time but I enjoyed the fact that not only did they only single out the rich and the greedy, I now know some things to watch out for so that I don't get conned.

I loved the freeze frames that enabled them to explain what was going on, it meant that you didn't lose the thread by excessive dumbing down but you got the inside facts.

I have recommended this to many people and am looking forward to this years series.
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lopezpatricia-061394 February 2022
How do the writers come up with these intricate stories. Glamorous and slick. The marks are all well deserving as they are cretins for one reason or another.
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Hustle is a spicy update of the 1960's Mission Impossible
suzena125 June 2011
"Hustle" is a rush! It borrows heavily from the 1960's American television, "Mission Impossible", but it was a great formula 40 years ago, & it is a great formula today.

Instead of running a con to bring down a corrupt foreign government or rescue a Cold War spy like Jim, Barney, Rollin, Cinnamon, Willy & Paris, the "Hustle" crew selects a corrupt, evil or just plain nasty wealthy mark and plays a long con to rob them of a piece of their ill gotten fortune. Robin Hood would be proud of this London based crew.

The composition of the crew is similar in both shows; a handsome, charismatic & ultra intelligent leader, a femme fatal, an electronics expert & a man on the street. Quick change artistry abounds!

"Hustle" is a delight, & the occasional break of the 4th wall with a glance or wink to the television viewer lets us know that we are a welcome part of Mickey Stone's crew.

The dynamics of the crew keep the energy flowing. Elder statesman Albert (played so well by Robert Vaughn) has passed the torch to Mickey who has Danny nipping at his heals. Everyone loves Stacie, & Ash keeps the ball rolling with quick location transformations.

"Hustle" is what television used to be when there were quality actors & writers on the small screen. "Hustle" gives one hope for the future of television!
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Sad it's ending, best show that's been on TV for ages!
animalmad917 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Hustle had me drawn in from Series 1 right up until the very last episode of Series 8, It's one of the very few shows that hasn't had an episode that i didn't like. Very few TV shows on at the moment has gave me that feeling.

Every episode has a well thought out plot, and the con itself can sometimes leave you thinking "How did they do that?", which i always like. You never thought it was fake. As well as all the business end of things in this show, there's always the idea of humour to be added in, and it is applied where possible, and where it is applied it is excellent.

The characters in my eyes couldn't have been cast any better. Robert Vaughn and Robert Glenister were my personal favourites, but full marks to Adrian Lester & others for keeping me entertained over these past few years, Yes, that includes Eddie the barman as well. What i also liked about the characters is that they all got equal parts, which you don't always get in these types of shows where the main characters are in some kind of group or organisation, an example is Primeval, Series 1 & 2, where Stephen hardly ever got any story lines, apart from his affair with estranged Helen Cutter. It's different in Hustle, throughout i think every character got at least one episode that revolved around their life.

Overall Hustle is one of my favourite shows that's been on TV, and i'l sorely miss it. Well Done producers, well done.
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Makes Oceans 11 look like a joke
copperncherrio13 March 2011
There are 6 episodes per season and each episode (although not congruent with one another) are made to a movie caliber. There's some amount of wink, wink and hint, hint at the cameras, breaking the forth wall. But it's subtle and not overwhelming. The pace and chemistry of this crew is electrifying and addicting.

There's not much of an overall story plot, other than a con per episode and there isn't too much of a background on all of the characters, but you will learn to love them within a nick of time.

The cons are justified although not like freaking Leverage where there is a sappy scene giving the money to the less deserved. No this crew is after the money among other things, and do not make excuses for their own gain. However, they are so charming, smart, and yet humane that you learn to love them and watch them as they take down the greedy. Take note, that they do not go after those who have always wronged others, but just those whose greed leads path for this crew to take their money away.

Hustle is my favorite "fun" TV show by far, because you just learn to love the con as well as the characters. Also the plot per episode is just so smart and outside the commonality of the con plots that it is astounding that this show isn't the number one show of all time.

Also, I love Jaime Murray (who plays Stacy), I think she's puts sexy, smart, and beautiful all into one character and person.

Lastly, they all have British accents. Just the notch that you need to bring you head over heels about this show.
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I thoroughly enjoyed this series!
happymaryellen22 January 2014
I have watched almost every show of this series and I LOVED it!! Seeing Robert Vaughn has been a treat (I am old enough to remember him in the Man from Uncle), and Adrian Lester is spot on for this role. Every show I am waiting to see who they will con, usually bad guys, and how it goes. The show is cleverly written, well acted and directed. It is not typical by any means. Not something you can multitask and watch either since they have twists and turns in it you do NOT want to miss. I like the addition of the brother and sister following losing the first gal (who was also brilliant)...but bringing in the newbies and showing them the ropes was cool. Also, if you watch the series and get to know the cast, be SURE to watch the last show at the end, it is SUPER. I will miss this show, glad for reruns, for sure! Good job cast!!
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Glossy, snazzy caper.
g-hbe19 March 2020
We greatly enjoyed this show, which followed a gang of grifters as they ripped-off anyone and everyone who deserved it. Intriguing and often very funny, and always with a 'quality' air about it. However, the writers seemed to get through their best ideas quickly in the first series and the second series was noticeably inferior. The downward trajectory continued until we weren't very interested in the final one. It seems to have been based on 'The Rogues', an American TV show of the early/mid 60's with David Niven, Gig Young and Charles Boyer starring.
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Slick, shiny, and over-processed
catjoescreed3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This series feels distinctly American, and I don't mean that in a good way. I far prefer the tougher, grittier dramas that the British are so good with. This one is just confectionery, and not especially good confectionery at that. You'll be hard-pressed to remember any episodes clearly after you've watched several.

I first bought the DVDs back in 2006 or so, strictly to watch the episode with Lee Ingleby - I'm a fan, and he does a great job here, as expected. But this episode is a good one for pointing out the exasperating inconsistencies of the show's premise.

The first inconsistency is the oft-repeated "You can't cheat an honest man." Ingleby's character, Trevor Speed, actually makes his living by going through the obituaries in order to target the grieving spouses of the recently deceased. (Shades of Paper Moon, by the way.) There is never any indication that these grieving spouses are dishonest, hoping to "get something for nothing" (another oft-repeated phrase). Indeed, they are vulnerable, and it's this very vulnerability that makes them easy to cheat. Unfortunately for Trevor, one of the persons he targets is the grandmother of grifter Danny, and this is why the group goes after him.

Another person targeted in this episode is a bank employee who annoys grifter Stacey by hitting her with an overdraft fee after the group empties their bank account. Never mind that this is an employee - someone who follows company rules but does not set them. Stacey is so outraged by bank policy that she decides to take her anger out, not on the bank, but on the employee. This, on a much larger scale, is the equivalent of stiffing a waitress because the restaurant overcharges for steak. Yet somehow we're supposed to be charmed by her, and be on her side. (He is, admittedly, a bit of a jerk, but this isn't why she goes after him.)

Worst of all, and this happens in episode after episode, is their continuous cheating of the barman, who certainly seems like an honest man. However much the grifters natter on about "honor" and "ethics," they can't seem to resist making this poor fellow look like an absolute boob as they perpetrate con after con on him in order to drink free. The camera adores showing us this, and it's obvious that we're supposed to be charmed, just as we're supposed to be charmed by Stacey's constant smirking and Mickey's sanctimonious blathering about how ethical they all are.

One begins to wonder, after watching a few episodes, if we are the ones getting conned. Did we "want something for nothing" when we sat down to watch this show? Are they spinning things out in order to see how long it takes us to realize we've been lied to, and cheated out of solid entertainment? This would actually be a fun twist - maybe that's the big "reveal" in Season 8, but I won't be sticking around to see it.
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Awesome series
ernestine211441 November 2006
This series is refreshing, engaging, thought-provoking and just plain fun! I haven't looked forward to a television series this much in many years.

The chemistry amongst the cast members is apparent, and seems so natural and unstilted. The players are well drawn out by the writers, giving them depth and personality. The plot lines are excellently written with the solution not becoming apparent to the viewer until the end of the show. The background music is perfect. This show has just the right balance of humor, mystery and intrigue, and yes even humanity. I appreciate too the lack of brute violence that seems all too prevalent in many television shows these days.

I can't wait for AMC to air the next season in the series! I feel like I have a thirst as yet unquenched!!
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Hustle- BBC drama
churwinj26 August 2006
A British show about a group of lovable con people, this is just another caper series. Kudos, the production company, raves about the originality of it (perhaps the biggest con of all?) for there is little that is original. The characters are engaging but all stereotypes that we have seen many times before. The scripts are among the weakest part of the show- the writer Tony Jordan obviously took The Sting apart before 'creating' this show. The Adrian Lester and Marc Warren characters are clearly versions of Newman and Redford. Identical scenes from The Sting appear in the first two episodes of the first series (plus a line lifted directly out of Robert De Niro's mouth in Heat!). The concept of these engaging con men who are really nice guys screwing some really nasty people is also taken from that movie. The Sting itself probably owes more than a little to the excellent USA 60s TV series The Rogues which also boasted the idea of lovable types doing society a favor. Production company Kudos claims that the freeze frame special effect is another original first, but this type of nonsense was pioneered in The Man from Uncle (and really makes that show look dated now) and must have been consciously employed because Robert Vaughn appears in both shows. Hustle also has a great similarity with the UK 60's hit show The Avengers in both ethos and production values. Other criticisms of the screenplay evolves around getting from A to B in the plot. This is often disposed of in gratuitous fashion so when the ingenuity of the con is finally revealed to us we find ourselves saying "hang on, how did they manage to do X when Y was...etc." If the ingenuity of the plot isn't entirely transparent we end up thinking that we have been... well... conned! Screenplay apart, the series does have great production values. London looks good. The acting is great. Even Robert Vaughn isn't bad- though I suggest his inclusion is only to make people think of Hustle as the new Man from Uncle (and also to make the show sell in the States; some of the script actually uses American English which is bizarre for a BBC show!). A younger more energetic performer than Vaughn would surely have added more? Jamie Murray is eye candy and Adrian Lester is adequate- a kind of smooth British version of Blair Underwood- but rather wooden. The two real stars are Robert Glenister and Marc Warren. Most of the humor comes from them and they both play 'wide' infectious street types barely on the right side of the law. Marc (Band of Brothers) Warren is probably going to be a superstar. He has the face of a psychopath that looks not unlike the young Malcolm McDowell. Warren has it all- a great acting range, comic timing and spine-chilling evil when he wants to turn it on. So yes- the show is fun and worth watching. But original? Kudos- do me a favor!
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Likable, silly, and utterly flawed
solminafya6 March 2022
I started watching Hustle based on the vastly positive reviews on IMDb. I haven't learned the lesson, which is never to trust high ratings!

Hustle is barely likable "light watch", with close to zero plausibility and sophistication. Twists are highly predictable, sometimes counterproductive and can produce a tangy aftertaste

What really annoys me most is the way they demonstrate the conartists as highly moral ethics abiding Robbin Hood'ishs who only con those who are greedy or overpowered. Well, WTF! I'm not advocating moral purity in drama, I'm only saying that it sounds like a ridiculous children tale!

Moreover, characters, specially Stacey, do not have consistent mannerism that we can relate to. They just play "charming antihero" each in his/her own way, which create a lot of dissonance in any barely functioning brain!

I'm almost done with Season 2. Most reviewers say it went downhill after Season 3. If what I saw is its peak then thank you, I'll stop here!
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A Breath of Fresh Air For Television Viewers
BoyFromOz15 January 2006
After only two episodes on AMC, this spunky show has already added itself to my must-see TV list. This innovative BBC show, created by Tony Jordan follows the charmingly malevolent capers of five con artists in swanky modern London. The rogues gallery includes Mickey "Bricks" Stone (Adrian Lester), a charming debonair "inside man" who has never missed on a con, with a perfect record of 49 successful jobs, before being jailed on an unrelated charge. Now he's back on the streets and ready to get to work again, calling together the rest of the team. The other team members include Albert Stroller (Robert Vaughn) a charismatic older con man who serves as a mentor to the young group, Ash Morgan (Robert Glenister) the quirky, yet charming technogeek who is to Hustle as "Q" is to James Bond, Stacie Munroe (Jaime Murray) the alluring female component that is necessary for every caper, and newbie Danny Blue (Marc Warren) a sarcastically charming down and out master of the short con who learns of Mickey Stone and his infamous team through a mutual friend. The acting is terrific, and each team member works to make the ensemble a cohesive and chemistry rich whole. Not to mention a jazzy, eclectic atmosphere which exudes a neo-1920s-esque level of cool. With hip jazz infused music, elegant and suave art direction and scripts that crackle with wit, HUSTLE proves to be an enrapturing and entertaining instant hit!
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The Con Is Done
Mr Bad Guy26 February 2012
I think the one mediocre season people are referring to may well be the one when Adrian Lester took a break and Ashley Walters stepped in as Billy Bond for that season. I personally never took to him as a character but then in fairness to him, Mickey "Bricks" Stone was a tough act to follow both character and actor. Maybe they are referring to the first series without Danny and Stacie (Marc Warren and Jaime Murray) who were also very hard acts to follow. Again I never quite warmed to Emma and Sean Kennedy (Kelly Adams and Matt Di Angelo) although she was very VERY easy on the eyes. Not as easy as Jamie but easy nevertheless.

Despite all these changes I continued to watch because it was such a fantastic breath of fresh air with great stories, likable characters, brilliant writers and exceptional acting. The other reason to stay with it was of course the A & R Team of Ash and Albert played by Robert Glenister and Robert Vaughn respectively. Until this show I had always really disliked Vaughn. He was a smarmy git in Man From U.N.C.L.E. and a nasty cowardly git in The Magnificent Seven although he did redeem himself at the (pun intended) death. Who would have thought that he would pop up in Britain's most famous street?

Then there is Ash, my absolute favourite character throughout the series. He was just great to watch all the time and one got a sense that if push came to shove he would be the first to take a bullet for the others. Remember the blow fish scene in Eddie's bar? Also, I am a great lover of actor consistency in shows and the fact that the A & R Team were in the series from day one to day done was a biggie for me.

One has to give a nod to Rob Jarvis who played dear old gullible Eddie. Can't really call him the comic relief because the show was intertwined with humour anyway along with the action, drama, mystery and sometimes great suspense. Eddie was simply the backbone of the gangs social life from the start. He was their one constant, solid safe haven and perfect straight man for the tricks and itsy bitsy teenie weenie playful mini scams they played on him. They all loved him intensely though, which was clearly evident in a very subtle and touching dialogue from Ash in the final episode. If not for Eddie's bar I think they would have split up years ago so can I get a big Amen for Eddie?

A couple of things I did miss were the way all the action would freeze and members of the gang would freely walk around through a motionless scene and talk directly to you and me. Whether to show us something we may have missed, tell us what was going on or just simply for the pure hell of it THAT, was a great part of the show for me. Also the way every now and again one of them would just give a subtle smile and or facial expression directly at the camera when something was afoot so to speak. Oliver Hardy would do that and it made me smile EVERY time. These little directorial gems were halted in the early years of the series although those looks and smiles did thankfully return in the final. I loved that style of direction in "Alfie" (original with MC) and loved it more so in "Shirley Valentine" but not as much as I loved it when Mickey, Danny, Stacie, Albert or especially Ash did it. It felt like this look or smile was just for me and I believe some of the shows charm was lost when that stopped. Ah well, each director to his/her own I guess.

So the Con is Off or the Con is Gone. The great Hustle is done am I.

This was supposed to be a couple of sentences but as you can see, I got carried away.......or I should be.....carried away that is.

Okay, Bye.

P.S. Great theme tune as well.

P.P.S.......Just kidding.
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Breaking the law never looked so good
bajan_gem11 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I watched Hustle I was hooked. I love how everything comes together at the end, and how the picture freezes and the characters talk to one another or to the audience. Sometimes the characters look directly at the audience so you feel that you are a part of the picture. It is so refreshing.

My favourite character is Mickey Stone played my Adrian Lester. He always seems so calm and collected which is a complete contradiction to Danny Blue, a headstrong young man and prefers the 'short con' whereas Mickey prefers the 'long con'. The other three, Stacey, Ash and Albert, compliment the picture totally. Albert is called upon whenever they need a distinguished, rich-looking gentleman, Stacy is usually as distraction because of her stunning beauty and Ash is just an expert at everything.

I wonder when they will stop tricking the bartender (I can't remember his name).

My favourite episode so far is "The Henderson Challenge". Both Mickey and Danny were tricked (Danny was tricked twice). My favourite con in that episode occurred when Danny stuck a sign on a ATM reading "OUT OF ORDER. PLEASE GIVE ALL DEPOSITS TO THE SECURITY GUARD". He stood next to the ATM in a security guard uniform and eagerly accepted the deposit envelopes. That was hilarious. And also the fact that Mickey won from the quarter that Danny gave to him while showing off.

The show has comedy and drama. In a nutshell.....WATCH IT AND DO NOT MISS AN Episode. I haven't.
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The con is on
Tweekums18 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When this series started eight years ago I'd never have guessed it would have lasted eight series; the stories were fun but I feared they'd lose what made them special once we'd got used to their tricks; thankfully I was wrong. The series follows Mickey Bricks and his crew of London grifters; they specialise in the long con and only target those they think are most deserving of losing a few hundred thousand pounds. The general plot of each episode is the same; they find a target, think up a scheme whereby they offer him, or her, something they really want but can't get legally then reel them in, Typically it will appear that things have gone wrong then we'll be shown how it was all part of the plan as they walk off with the money and as often as not the sucker thinks it was just bad their money was lost so not come after them.

The strength of this series is the fine cast; Adrian Lester is great as Mickey and is ably supported by Robert Glenister as Ash Morgan and veteran actor Robert Vaughn as Albert. In early series the crew also includes Jaime Murray and Marc Warren as Stacey and Danny; they were equally good but eventually left the series to be replaced by Kelly Adams and Matt Di Angelo as siblings Emma and Sean; at first I wasn't too sure about their characters but grew to like them over time. Mickey also left for a series but thankfully he returned; the series really needed his character. Every episode has a decent number of laughs although the drama is just as important; half the fun is trying to work out how they will get away with it before the final reveal.
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Con-Artists Who Out Smart Themselves
whpratt127 April 2006
Recently viewed this TV Series and enjoyed the great acting and story about a bunch of con-artists who are extremely smart to the point they actually out smart themselves. Veteran actor Robert Vaughn does a fantastic job of acting and his facial expressions are the true characteristics of a silver fox Con. The professional cons are always willing to let newcomers into their group and sometimes these newcomers give them a run for their money in more ways than one. The gals are very sexy looking and in this TV Series, the gals do most of the background work and play rather low key roles. This is a great show and in many ways, these con-artists are only doing what most big business perform on a daily basis.
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Everyone loves a great con.
iamazad2412 March 2012
Hustle is one of the best TV shows that exists at this time. Its an honest opinion from someone who have seen 24, Homeland, Chuck, Prison break,Sherlock and many more. However, each TV series has its pros and cons. But in this show you can find absolute fun and not a boring moment. You will love Marc Warren without any hesitation. I have seen 3 seasons in a row and missing Adrian Lester and I don't know why he is not in the show. This TV series has wit, lots and lots of tricks, a whole bunch of teasing which anyone will find absolutely hilarious. Robert Vaughn gets loads of respect for his presence in the show. He plays the big daddy who has experience in conning almost anyone. Glenister is dazzling as a technical genius and the truth is whatever he is expected to do in the TV series is believable. He not only does the computer, he has to act and react to convince. Jamie is like a filler in each episode and later I believe she has gained a reputation of being very important. This show reminds me Oceans movie big time. Its my second British TV series and I have become a fan of their accent. If you haven't seen it, just take a ride with the first episode. Trust me, every one loves a great con.
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Something Great From The UK
brianmurphy999-19 September 2006
Well, with so many great TV shows coming from the US it is great to finally have one of our own, if you have the chance to watch the BBC'S Hustle make sure you do, each season is superb, great acting, great music, great stories.

The photography and scripts are of film quality and the great thing with the show, is the scripts, the writers ability to make it unpredictable, trying to guess who is going to do what and how they are going to do it just extends the shows enjoyment value.

When we finally get a black James Bond, Adrian Lester must have great shout, he is cool, smart, yet capable of a complete range of personalities and acting styles.

Skillful comic performances don't come much better on TV than that shown by Marc Warren, a film actor of the future for sure, beauty and superb acting from a female lead done come any better than the wonderful Jaime Murrey, you may not know the name now, but you will, not only is she gorgeous she can really act, with her father also an excellent TV actor I guess it runs in the family.

The cast is rounded out brilliantly by the experienced and ever popular British actor Robert Glenister and the acting legend that is Robert Vaughn, Hustle is genuinely a quality UK show, it's available on DVD so if you have not seen in make sure you do.
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Below My Expectations
kian0124 April 2020
After having watched Live on Mars and Ashes to Ashes, iMDb had recommended Hustle as a similarly great series.

I was so disappointed in the nondescript characters and bleak plots. I gave up after the second episode, feeling that I had seen everything in other films years ago. I mean, years before Hustle started in 2004. From a 2020 point of view it looks even older.

Life on Mars, having been shot only 2 years later, is so much more captivating, even from a 2020 point of view. I guess my disappointment is partly due to the high expectation set be the two series I watched before and iMDb recommending this as similarly exciting.

Still, 6 stars for effort. However, I only watch films and series rated 7 and above.
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Classy and Slick
mailme-4223 July 2007
Well, BBC Entertainment finally got this series to India. Its probably the best crime drama i've ever seen. Classy and Slick makes you feel like you should be one of em. The music is awesome, shots, color grading, everything is EXCELLENT. Saw two episodes and ordered the DVDs from Amazon. Do not miss this. If you've not even seen on episode, buy the whole DVD set. God I'm a fan...... Absolutely love it.....

I loved the crown jewels episode where they steal a diamond. Though stealing a diamond is one of the most stereotype heists, but the way they fooled the police was amazing....

The other cool episode was when they pull a long con on this property dealer who tries to run ahead of con men. Well not Mickey and his team. Hats of to Bharat Nalluri for the concept. Now stop reading this and go watch Hustle....
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Great for the first three seasons
zombiemockingbird20 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely loved the first three seasons, and would have given it 10 stars, but season four onward took a nose dive. The stories were entertaining and fun, enjoyed the characters who were all likable, the crew had a good chemistry, everyone worked well together, it was a great show. Then we hit season four. I was sorry to see Mickey leave, but I didn't think of him as the "main" character, so was pretty sure the team would still work well without him. Then Danny became an a**hole (and originally, he was my favorite character). Suddenly, he was the "leader", his ego exploded, everything was his way, he told everyone what to do, and they weren't a team anymore. It wasn't fun anymore; the whole dynamic of the team changed, and it didn't seem like they were having fun either. It became hard to watch. The new kid, Billy, was okay; he was really just kind of a non-entity. I was about to give up, when season five arrived and Mickey came back. This, however, was at the cost of losing Danny and Stacie; I still liked Danny, and was hoping for redemption, so I was sorry he left. Stacie I could live without. She was always my least favorite character, because she lacked personality. Everyone thought she was sooooo beautiful, which supposedly made her sooooo wonderful somehow, blah, blah, was just tiresome. And now Emma and Sean arrive. I like Emma, and she fits in well, and seems to be more than just a pretty face; the team dynamic seems to be repairing itself, except for Sean. Dear God, Sean is a moron. No way this guy has been pulling off cons for any time at all, even with Emma leading him by the nose, he's a complete idiot. He constantly screws everything up, flies off the handle about things because he's so stupid he doesn't seem to understand they're part of the con, and is just completely unlikable. Why would the writers create a character that doesn't fit in to the story line at all? I'm almost done watching season five, and I'll probably start season 6, but if things don't improve I doubt I'll bother watching further. Too bad. It was a good show until they changed everything. They should have left well enough alone, or ended it on a high note.
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Naive,childish,not practical at all.If you want to become a hustler,avoid this,or a 9 year old might catch you
raztvi31 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After reading some reviews and seeing its awards I really thought "Wow,this might be my next TV Series to watch." The name "Hustle"just makes you think this has some tricky stuff and might be fun to watch,but also might force you to be focused in order to understand/anticipate what they want to do. After watching the first episode I realized everything I expected crumbled.Characters are presented very fast,no history,they are thinly sketched. Moving on,once the "gang "reunites and talks over their plan to scam the old man,police already knows Mickey wants a last hit,they know at what hotel they stay,they know who's the target and so on.This means the scammers are not the best at what they do (in fact,the handlers of this case state that they are in another league).They manage to become friends with the target just because they had a scotch together.I won't continue with the spoilers,but the tricks they pull seem pretty naive and I didn't bought a thing from them.The only thing that might be mentioned is how they managed to trick the ATM by drawing with a marker a line over the visual sensor where they money come out from the ATM(I am not sure this is how it works though),but then again people want to get money from ATM,it doesn't work,the money get stuck in the machine and instead of making a complaint,calling police or something they just walk over.Not sure how this TV series managed to go all the way,maybe they have 10 years old fans .
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