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It's amazing how many people miss the point... oh wait. No it isn't.
subcreature21 June 2007
You can read all kinds of references into the world of Idiocracy. A futuristic world populated by pampered, self-indulgent morons spoon-fed by the technology of a bygone era: this idea has its precedent in H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine" and Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" amongst other satires.

Early in the film, a narrator explains the quick degradation of humanity over five hundred years, but does not fill in the gaps of where all the futuristic technology came from in the meanwhile. Most of the criticism of this very fun (and funny) film seems to surround this omission, and the resulting complaint that the world isn't "realistic". As if "realism" has ever been a necessary quality of satire. Is "Brazil" realistic? How about "Futurama" or "Transmetropolitan"? Hell, how about "Gulliver's Travels"? I thought not. "Idiocracy", while maybe not as pointed as the best of the genre, hits the same notes and generally does so successfully.

Besides, I didn't find the futuristic technology to be a problem. It is pretty easy to figure out that Mike Judge is satirizing the current trend toward automation and simple product interfaces, so that even total idiots can use them. As in "Brave New World", the society in the film seems to have reached a point of automated self-sufficiency at some point in the past (apparently created by the now-extinct 'smart people' in order to placate an increasingly stupid populace), leaving the remainder of humanity free to indulge all the worst, most selfish impulses they can come up with, and grow even stupider. The film just happens to take place during the last gasp of humanity, as everything begins to fall apart for good. It may still be "unrealistic", but if so, it's a remarkably well-presented brand of unrealism.

The stupid people take up most of the screen time, of course, but they're just the victims -- they don't know any better. Mike Judge saves his real hate for the intelligent people in power who are dead by the time the film begins, but who are very much alive right now, in the 21st century. People like scientists who chase "hair growth and prolonged erections" for no other reason than the possibility that they'll turn a profit on their snake-oil treatments. People like politicians who let corporations simply purchase the FDA and FCC. People like media executives and their yuppie stooges who promote stupidity -- who enable the destruction of all culture, morality and health to make a quick buck.

After all, who is really to blame, the Morlocks or the Eloi? The Paris Hiltons of the world, or the brilliant executives and advertisers that put her on TV and lowered our cultural standards enough to leave her there? This is all implicit in "Idiocracy", though. A line here, a hint there (witness the hilarious auto-doctor which literally does all the work in the health care system). It's one of the few aspects of the movie that's NOT pounded into the ground by the unnecessary narrator. It's just there for the viewer to pick up, or not, but it is one of the most interesting themes in a movie that's much smarter than any other comedy of the year.

Pity that so many people will leave the film thinking it's just an excuse to show rear ends farting and people being hit in the groin. Not that that stuff isn't funny too, and maybe it IS a little pandering. But in "Idiocracy", it's just not as simple as it seems.
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Required Viewing, Particularly Now
larrymerchant6 April 2020
I don't understand low ratings for this movie. Know that the studio didn't want it and didn't like it. I think most of the voice-over is studio-added because they didn't think the audience could understand the movie without help. Please watch it, even pay for it over free movies with your service. I'll be surprised if you don't thank me, surprised and disappointed.
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The scariest movie I have ever seen
booneh1 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Idiocracy" is the latest film to come from Mike "Office Space" Judge, and it certainly follows a similar theme of that film in the fact that it is an observation of stupidity and how mediocrity can overcome adversity... relatively speaking. It is a story about Joe Bauer (Luke Wilson), who is, quite literally, the most average guy in existence. Joe, and a prostitute named Rita (Maya Rudolph), become the test subjects for a military project of a hibernation chamber. They were to remain suspended for only one year, but due to lack of oversight, Joe and Rita are forgotten about and accidentally wake up 500 years in the future.

Here's the scary part: This film explains, in a very realistic and plausible way, how the entire population of 2505 became absolutely retarded. With no natural predators, the evolution of the human species does not necessarily favor the quickest, smartest, and strongest people for progression of genes... just the people who breed the most. Unfortunately, those people happen to be welfare-sucking, trailer trash idiots who breed like rabbits. This abundant reproduction of the stupid people has caused an adverse effect on societal growth and now Joe and Rita are the two smartest human beings on the face of the planet. If it helps, imagine the entire population as just a hybrid of rednecks, jocks, cholos and hoochies. Seeing this nightmarish dystopia, Joe learns of and attempts to track down a time machine to see if he and Rita can get back to when they came from, and that's basically the whole plot.

But despite how one-dimensional I may make it sound, this movie is higher brow than you can fathom. Nuances are everywhere and anyone can see glimpses (warning signs, if you will) of modern day dumb-ciety permeating facets of everyday life and turning it into the train wreck on display in "Idiocracy." The film has some truly awesome showcases of realistic retardedness put on a pedestal. I don't want to give anything away and ruin jokes for you, but let's just say that it is pretty thorough. I can see how some would say that it is just a lot of toilet humor, but it, odd as it may seem, has a purpose; to show how dumb and crass these people are.

This film, unfortunately, is destined to see the same fate as its predecessor, "Office Space"; no one will see it in theaters, but everyone will brag about discovering this awesome/funny movie when it comes out on video. My only complaint for the film would be that the flow of the narrative sometimes gets broken so they can do a Hitchhiker's-Guide-to-the-Galaxy type exposition on how things got to be where they are, but it is a necessary evil and is implemented better here. Other than that, good characters, funny jokes, and better-than-average social commentary wrapped up in a funny bow.

Final Note: If seeing our youth becoming gang-banger wanna-be's, acting like redneck/ ghetto trash and being proud of it... if you are educated and cultured in anyway and can see how our country is spiraling out of control into an abyss of stupidity, for god sakes, watch this movie.
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Too soon? or, too late?
gortx30 July 2022
IDIOCRACY (2006). When this film came out, it was looked at as a broad satire of how infantile our culture could become. Now? Events may already overtaken it and made it seem too mild!

Mike Judge's tale is a riff on Woody Allen's SLEEPER where a man from the present ends up in a future he doesn't recognize. An "average Joe" (Luke Wilson) circa 2005 wakes up centuries in the future to find a world so dumbed down that he's the smartest man around! Joe meets up with Frito (Dax Shepard) and Rita (Maya Rudolph) and they end up in the orbit of the boisterous President Camacho (Terry Crews). Together they try to upgrade the intelligence of the American public - good luck with that!

Judge and Etan Cohen's screenplay is a bit scattershot at times, but it is fitfully hilarious too. The most popular show on TV is "Ow! My Balls!" about the various way a man's marbles can be whacked. Costcos are the size of cities and junk food is not only king - but, often the full meal. Again - is this really "centuries from now?". The supporting cast include Thomas Haden Church as Brawndo's CEO and uncredited bits by Sara Rue and Stephen Root.

Fox was so scared of the film it was barely released. Even when theaters requested the rights to show the movie, they were often denied. Of course, this only made the cult surrounding it only that much stronger.

Now, sit back, take a big swig of Brawndo and enjoy the future! Er...the present....? Past?
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With a 2018 perspective...
egasulla25 January 2019
... it's impossible not to see that this "fantasy" movie was, sadly, prescient.

Mike Judge placed the action some 500 years in the future. Looks like his clock ran free for a while -for it's been only 12 years, and we're almost there... Suffice to say, if a real life Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho ever runs for President, I'll have to give him a minimally serious consideration.

But no electrolytes for me, thanks.
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It's not about the fart jokes...
[email protected]2 September 2006
As social satire, Idiocracy is just as good as Office Space, but with a wider scope. To criticize this film as too puerile due to potty humor is to kind of miss the point, I think. There are certainly fart jokes etc., but they're not really intended to be funny to the audience - they exist to define the state of "culture" in the world of 2500 AD visited by Joe, as a background to the bizarre state of affairs in which he awakes. The real humor of the film lies in the many sight gags and attitudes present in this future society that are just a shade off of what we encounter in our daily lives, and which should serve as a warning. My personal favorite is the depiction of Fox News. The subtle brilliance in the film lies in the fact that it also digs at "smart" people, and average Joes like the protagonists. Note the times in the film when Joe and Rita almost subconsciously conform to the idiots around them, and you realize that Idiocracy is not created to pick on any group of people in particular, but on the culture of idiocy in general. I don't know what to say about the "made for conspiracy theory" behavior of Fox in releasing this film, but if it's not playing in your local theater, demand it. We all need to see this film, if not for the social commentary, at least for the fart jokes...
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Are we there yet?
kosmasp29 January 2019
Was this a missed warning sign? The current climate in America is kind of portayed here. Though some would argue, that it doesn't depict all of America, not even just the one side who seems to have a glutton for punishment and seems to like to vote against their own interests. So while there is some relevance to current events, this go far out.

Still if you feel uneasy watching this, it doesn't mean something is wrong with you. Quite the opposite is the case, everything is right with you. Quite ridiculous at times, it is there for entertainment purposes ... no really! They weren't trying to do a documentary! All kidding aside, this can be viewed as fun - no matter what your political background is.
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Satire on exactly what the studio did to it
mgmax2 September 2006
A lot of things in this futuristic satire are more theoretically funny than actually funny (though it does have some laugh-out-loud moments) but a lot of that is because it seems to have been cut by the studio to better appeal to exactly the idiots it's mocking. Many situations aren't allowed to develop, there's obvious overdubbing of expository material, and worst of all a narrator explains EVERYTHING (most of which needs no explanation), probably because some preview audience didn't understand what was going on. In other words, a movie about dumbing down has been... you guessed it.

One hopes that a longer, better version of this comedy will eventually surface on DVD, and it will become the cult fave it deserves to be, but even in this mutilated and somewhat comic- spirit-diminished form it's one of the more memorable films of the year-- a screech of disgust against our culture and all the ways it's become trashified, stupidified and uglified in the name of appealing to the yahoos. I watched it right after Land of the Dead, George Romero's latest milking of the single idea that consumers = zombies, which is basically the same point Judge is making; yet where Romero's counterculture viewpoint (now zombies = underclass that needs to revolt against the rich) seems hopelessly out of date, Judge's take is fresh, dead-on and far more disturbing. Just listen to the yahoos in your movie audience whooping it up for President Camacho's State of the Union just like their counterparts on screen, and you'll know that we're all doomed.
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Better every 5 years
bneff-0393622 May 2020
Seriously the more time passes, the better this movie becomes. It's just slightly less of a comedy and more of a documentary every few years.
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A worrisome horror movie.
moonsong-814-10218427 December 2015
If you watch An Inconvenient Truth and Idiocracy I bet the next film you're gonna watch is "The Final Exit" by Derek Humphry.

This horror film depicts the future in a way not even Orwell or Huxley have considered. Far more dystopian than 1984 or Brave New World. Not even Fahrenheit 451 could have made me so worried about the future.

It haunts my nightmares now and I keep a defibrillator nearby all the time. I learned a better way to use it watching the last season of Breaking Bad.

Watch with caution. Don't let children watch it.

Very scary. Not for the faint of heart.
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tony-9716231 March 2021
Who knew that when this movie was made, the writers were actually looking into the future with an uncanny ability for accuracy?
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No longer a comedy...
mickekarlsson197418 August 2020
I saw this sometime back in 2009-10, and thought it was kind of fun, but completely over the top and ridiculous. It felt like a wafer thin plot used to run one cheap joke after the other, all based on roughly the same premise. That humanity's race towards stupidity, in 500 years time, has reached maximum peak.

Well... Guess what...

It is now August 2020 and I just saw this again, for the second time in my life. It turns out Idiocracy has transformed into some sort of Kafka'esque nightmare! When watching those first ten minutes after Joe wakes up in 2505, when he's walking around trying to get his bearings in the sea of morons, getting assaulted because he sounds smart, I wasn't thinking "this is beyond ridiculous" (like I did 11-12 years ago). Now I just couldn't help feeling totally frustrated about the whole situation, and empathetic with Joe. My wife, who was seeing it for the first time, reacted with a blunt "This is a total nightmare!".

Don't get me wrong now. This is still a great comedy, it has just gone from an over-the-top ridiculous one, to a prophetic piece of commentary on current society. It was of course just that even back in 2006, but it was just NO WAY to imagine how far (or low) we would have come in a mere 14 years. I think Mike Judge's estimate of 500 years is far too generous. We'll reach Idiocracy in no more than 100 - unless we manage to blow ourselves up before that, which actually seem far more likely.
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You can tell this movie is accurate by following the reviews by date
sbere29 October 2021
You can tell this movie is accurate by following the reviews by date. The earlier reviews are much more intelligent and well written and lengthy than the more recent reviews. This proves that people are getting stupider and stupider as time goes on as is mentioned in the movie. I can even feel it happening to me.
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Should have been polished, not discarded.
ajfuller10 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Mike Judge is incredibly talented, with a proved track record of making successful television shows and one bona fide cult film. So, of course, he cannot be trusted.

That seems to be the message from Fox which apparently took over this movie and cut it the way they wanted to, then dumped it with absolutely no fanfare or promotion.

First, the bad: The film is uneven and looks like it had a budget less than, or equal to, the money you could shake out of my sofa.

A narration has been tacked on that explains in painful detail, exactly what you are watching on the screen. The special effects and set design are awful and the jokes are extremely repetitive.

The story centers on the fact that America is becoming dumber by the year because stupid people breed faster. An average solider becomes part of a cryogenics project and is supposed to be frozen for one year. A female hooker is also chosen for the project, which is specifically looking for people that won't be missed by anyone.

The project goes wrong and the soldier and hooker are actually frozen for 500 years. Waking up only when a trash avalanche propels them into Washington D.C.

The satire is pointed and funny (the top show is, "Ow, My Balls" and the top film is simply called, "Ass.") but I kept getting the feeling that the film was not shaped the way Judge intended.

The choppy story suggests that many scenes were deleted or never filmed and the narration I mentioned earlier seems to be nothing other than an attempt to both make up for those missing scenes and explain the movie to those with IQ's lower than the residents of 2505.

The jokes are scattered and the second half of the movie completely falls apart, with an over-reliance on WWF style theatrics that are amusing at first but drag as they go on, and on.

There is a great story in here. There is a very funny movie that could have been made from this material, but we just aren't getting it here.

I am really hoping that a Director's Cut becomes available eventually. I would love to hear what Mike Judge has to say about this film. There is no commentary track on the DVD, which really should not come as a surprise considering how Fox botched the handling of this film.
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Fantastic documentary on the year 2020
b-825-442864 December 2020
It turns out that Idiocracy was not actually a Sci-Fi, Adventure Comedy movie but rather a documentary about the year 2020 by a time traveler.
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Prophetic foresight!
malik-khalid-ejaz31 March 2024
"Idiocracy," a satirical masterpiece by Mike Judge, is a film that was truly ahead of its time. Released in 2006, its portrayal of a future society plagued by anti-intellectualism, rampant consumerism, and a general decline in critical thinking skills seemed like a far-fetched exaggeration. However, watching it today, the film's satirical commentary feels eerily prophetic and uncomfortably close to reality.

In an age where misinformation spreads like wildfire on social media, and political discourse often devolves into name-calling and ad hominem attacks, "Idiocracy" hits uncomfortably close to home. The film's portrayal of a society where entertainment and spectacle are valued over knowledge and critical thinking serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of apathy and intellectual laziness.
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Documentary on the future
ivanconradie-3997221 May 2022
This live action documentary depicts what humanity's future might look like if we continue on our current path.

If we look at society today we can see, this documentary might be on to something. Most tasks are starting to become automated, Universities are more focused on gender and race studies, than actually doing useful things. (Obviously this is hyperbole)

Great watch, comedic and yet insightful.... and the moral of the story is read more and do something with your life contribute to society wherever you can.
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Science fiction turned into a sad reality.
tom-5371728 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film is now considered a documentary.

Here in Hungary, we didn't have to wait until 2505 for the population (mostly Fidesz-Kdnp voters) to be like in the movie.

This is due to the fact that for Fidesz, churches are more important than education or healthcare.

The pro-government part of the population is completely stupid.

They repeat mantras of a few words without being aware of the meaning of the words spoken.

He can't even describe it. I have a herd spirit. They go after the shepherd.

There are no teachers.

The difficulty of school tests is slowly reaching the same level as the IQ test in the movie.

"Hungary is moving forward, not backward" or they just don't know where the "forward" is.
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Mike Judge is the king of satire
fistofgonzo11 September 2022
Idiocracy paints a picture of the world that is at once uproarious and eerily prophetic. As society gets more and more comfortable, knowledge and ethics become of less value. Everyone mispronounces words, food is unhealthy trash, diplomacy is non existent and no one cares, everyone is obsessed with sex and guns, and a professional wrestler is elected president. What I give Judge the most credit for is his fearless takedown of advertising and how it has infected the zeitgeist. Business names are unchanged, and painted in a very negative light. It might all seem ludicrous, but it's a hilarious take on the path that our culture is walking and I give Mike Judge and company a lot of credit for this one.
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It's coming true, but earlier than predicted!!
rocknrelics6 August 2020
A wonderful film that really takes the Michael out of a future dumbed down society, but that sad fact is, so much of today's society can be seen in the movie, and we're not that far off the levels of stupidity portrayed in the movie, and it was supposed to happen 500 years hence!! A movie truly deserving of the world cult, it'll only appeal to those who can see the madness of it all, and I can't recommend it highly enough.
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Demented and hilarious. Deliberately superficial
Pandaemonio11 September 2022
Hilarious, intentionally stupid and demented film. The actors are convincing in a surreal setting where human stupidity is explained and shown the best this story could tell. It is not a challenging film; it is not a film that wants to make a mark. It is likeable, meant to be a pastime for those who enjoy demented humor. The plot is simple, straightforward and effective: An average soldier, average in every way, deliberately chosen for this characteristic of being in the middle, is frozen for a top-secret experiment. A prostitute will also be chosen to save on the budget, and both, to have no emotional or parental ties, will be perfect guinea pigs for a year of freezing. Thus it begins, because of the military's contacts with the prostitute's "pimp," the program will be eleminated and all staff who knew about it jailed. The two poor guinea pigs will be forgotten and left hundreds of years abandoned while the world falls apart. Smart people will not have children, aware of the responsibilities and costs involved. Idiots, on the other hand, will expand their families, an offspring of people with low IQs growing out of all proportion leading mankind to regress mentally and not even be able to formulate complex speeches and use complicated words.

Our protagonist will awaken in a world now far from the one he remembered and turn out to be the smartest person in existence.
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Beavis and Butthead repopulate the earth
view_and_review21 January 2007
This is the first non-animated work of Mike Judge I've ever seen. It wasn't bad. Mike Judge explores the idea of the future being a place overrun by dolts as opposed to being the technologically advanced place that most books and movies depict. It is only natural to believe that the future would be dominated by technology & science as we've steadily advanced towards such a future since the beginning of mankind. But what if intelligent people became a dying breed due to their decreased reproduction coupled with the rampant breeding of idiots? Mike Judge writes a comical work about that very idea.

I found the movie to be humorous but still not that funny. It was definitely a lot more vulgar than I anticipated. As absurd as the movie was, there was a small bit of truth to it; and that was in the commercialization of everything. In this future everything was either fully or partially owned by some big brand company. Even the government was bought out by big businesses. But still, I would say the best thing about the movie is its brevity. At less than 90 minutes, Mike Judge did understand that a movie about complete buffoons could not go on too long.
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Idiocracy is a hilarious and biting commentary on Society
local_man23 August 2007
I had never heard of this film when a good friend recommended it. I trust this friend's taste, so I purchased the DVD. My wife and I sat down to watch it with no knowledge of what it was about. I thought it was the funniest film I have seen in a long time, mainly because I saw the truth in the satire. I strongly recommend this film to all my friends.

This is not a film for everyone. Some people will see the crass humor and aura of stupidity, and find Idiocracy to be one of the stupidest movies they have seen. What these people don't seem to understand is that the crass humor is there, not to amuse the audience, but to show what appeals to the morons in the future.

Luke Wilson is well cast as an "average Joe." He is mainly there to be a foible for the biting commentary about society that is spread throughout this film. Many of the funnier bits are in the background, so it is easily worth seeing several times. What makes the movie even funnier, and more scary, is that I see elements of it in every day life, in people I meet or on the media. Then, I go back and re-watch Idiocracy, and realize how good it is.

The few people who have seen and enjoyed this film are able to be part of an elite club. I'll see an advertisement for some product with some breakthrough new ingredient, and turn to my wife and say, "It's got electrolytes!" She knows exactly what I am saying.
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Beware the future
phillas4 March 2020
This is quite the warning. Hilariously so but still, the world should watch this and consider what they are now seeing from their celebrities and politicians because the world of Idiocracy does not seem 500 years away. Maybe more like 5 on a certain continent. Possibly as little as 1. The good news is that we can learn from this supremely comedic swipe at our prospective evolutionary path and take steps to avoid it!
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Like being punched in the brain
thekarmicnomad16 August 2008
This is a small budget Mike Judge film (who we all know and love) making a light hearted statement on how stupid we are all becoming, concentrating mainly on the MTV nation. At first it seemed quite daring and exciting for Mike to take a bite from the hand that has fed him for so long. But it was not to be.

The film is actually written for the moron audience it is trying to mock. An annoying narrative runs through the entire film with tedious exposition. At one point it actually explains to the viewer why you can't grow "flowers" in a glass of coke. The humour, rather than lampooning people of diminished intellect, is actually aimed at them. There are a few chuckles at exaggerated points of modern day pop culture but after about twenty minutes in, the film suggests it is cool to be a complete idiot and anyone who thinks otherwise should sit back, take a chill pill, chase it with a bottle of bleach and become one of the trendy mindless hordes.

The concept is excellent and there are some clever ideas and some funny scenes, but the whole affair is just pretty silly. A weak plot line about the main characters decision to take the reins of his loser existence is clumsy and inconsequential.

Some token middle weight actors appear, the production is low budget (never been a problem for Mike before in the past) and surprisingly the sound track is also rather poor. Plot and dialogue are negligible

Some people have commented that this film is very clever and you need to look below the surface to see what is actually happening. Maybe this is true and perhaps it is my failing in not seeing this. But that is like putting yourself through 2 hours of electro-shock therapy to build an opinion on the evils of torture. It really isn't necessary to actually experience the pain to know it is bad. Like a torture victim I was praying for unconsciousness but the brashness of the movie kept stirring me awake.
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