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An important issue dumbed and numbed
bm31711 June 2006
I hate to give North Country a relatively low vote because this is such an important issue, and I appreciate the good intentions of director Niki Caro, and the A-list actors who no doubt took a big pay cut when agreeing to take a role.

On the other hand, I feel disappointed, a little angry, as well as insulted as a woman that this hugely important story was made into a melodrama that flattens out what really happened, and somehow manages to diminish the political nature of sexual harassment, even while seeming to highlight it.

At least 90 percent of the problem had to do with Michael Seitzman's script.

In the interview with Seitzman on the DVD, he makes clear that he didn't think the sexual harassment story was the real story. The real story, he said, was the traumatic experience Josie had in high school, and her relationship with her son.

Therefore he should have written a script for Lifetime focusing on what he felt was the "real story". He should not have used one of the most important cases for sexual harassment in legal history as the vehicle for telling this other story.

The producers should have demanded a script that more closely resembled Susannah Grant's Erin Brockovich. The sequence of victimization after victimization depicted in North Country didn't let us get to know Josie's character in any depth. We saw her slammed against the wall again and again, from beginning to end. We see that she stands up against the oppression, but we aren't taken into her sensibility, her choices, her process, her blind spots, character change, etc, etc, like in EB. Likewise, the lack of complexity in the male "macho" characters also flattens the story, and takes away from the real difficulties in challenging sexism and sexual harassment. In real life, character complexity of those who oppress or who defend oppressors is part of what makes the problem of sexual harassment difficult to fight.

I read an interview with Niki Caro, and though I think she's a very talented director, I got the sense that she didn't really get the politics or history behind sexual harassment. It seems things aren't as bad in New Zealand as they are here in the U.S. This is a foreign culture to her, and Northern Minnesota is certainly a foreign culture. I wish she would have spent more time fully understanding the issues and cultural dynamics (including the accent and mannerisms of the area, etc, which were sprinkled into the movie, but not rigorously replicated) before undertaking the project. If she had gone the extra mile to immerse herself in the issue and the region, perhaps she would have demanded a total rewrite of the script.
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Class action suit
jotix1005 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Josey Aimes, the beautiful young woman at the center of this story, has been betrayed by almost everyone in her short life. As we meet her, she is abandoning a situation that has turned bad in the home she shares with an abusive man. She packs whatever she can and her two kids, heading north to the home of her parents; she is trying to put her life on track. Josey's father still bears a grudge against his daughter because the unwanted pregnancy of the girl, who never revealed who was the man responsible for a child she decided to have.

Instead of finding a nice environment when she applies, and is accepted, working at the coal mine in Northern Minnesota, Josey becomes the one where all the men loved to pick on. The miners resent the intrusion of women in what has been a male dominated work place up to 1975, when women were allowed in the mines. Her former friend, Bobby Sharp, seems to be the ring leader who makes her life a living hell. Complaining to the president of the mine, only gets Josey deeper in trouble as the chauvinist owner tells her point blank he has no time for her accusations about what's really going on.

At the same time, all the other women in the mine, who are also ridiculed by the male workers, turn against Josey. They don't want to lose jobs that pay well, and even though they are also ridiculed by the macho men, they tolerate the situation and don't want to make waves. When Josey feels she has had enough, she quits the job that she needs badly. Glory, her best friend and ally, comes down with a rare liver disease, so there is no help from her. When Josey has tried everything, she goes to Bill White, a lawyer, hoping he would be able to help her sue the mine and get her job back.

Josey and Bill have to deal with a formidable opponent, as Mr. Pearson, the owner, has a lot of money and powerful friends and lawyers to deal with problems. The judge, who is hearing the proposal tells Bill and Josey he will consider a class action suit if at least three persons come forward, something that seems almost impossible when they start the arguments. Josey and Bill persevere against all odds to prove their case which result in a monumental defeat for the mine, clearly taking Josey's position.

During the trial, the defense introduces a witness, one of Josey's high school teachers, as a character witness. This, in turn, triggers a chain of events that no one expected. Also, Bill White questions Bobby Sharp about his role in a school incident in which he didn't come to Josey's help when the girl badly needed it.

Niki Caro, whose previous film we had greatly admired, seemed to us the wrong choice for directing "North Country". We just couldn't imagine she would be able to pull it off, working in another environment and a situation that probably presented a challenge to the way she worked. In spite of all that, Ms. Caro succeeded with this movie that even though it recalls other films about female sexual harassment that came before. Ms. Caro's film is made even better by the cinematographer Chris Menges, who is one of the best men working today. The music of Gustavo Santaolalla, plus the atmospheric popular songs in the film, work well in the context. The screen play by Michael Seitzman is based on the novel that chronicled a real case that serves as the model for "North Country".

Charlize Theron appears to love to take chances. Ms. Theron, a beautiful and sophisticated woman, doesn't mind changing some of the couture clothes she wears to transform herself as this working class woman. She gives an honest performance as Josey. Frances McDormand, who plays Glory, is only seen during the first half of the film. Sean Bean, Woody Harrelson, Jeremy Renner, Linda Edmond, Thomas Curtis, Sissy Spacek and Richard Jenkins, among the large cast, are seen in supporting roles.

Judging by some of the comments submitted to IMDb, it appears there are some people who must have hated this film. Frankly, while "North Country" could have used stronger material, especially in the court proceedings, it is an engaging movie that will satisfy its audience.
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'What are you supposed to do when the ones with all the power are hurting those with none?'
Chrysanthepop9 June 2008
I thought this would be one of those issue-based legal drama movies about sexual harassment where the main character is harassed a couple of times and then she eventually fights back. I was apprehensive about buying it. I mean I wanted to see it but whether it was worth buying was another thing. After checking, I decided to gamble. I bought the DVD and watched it and discovered that 'North Country' is about much more than sexual harassment. As the film progresses towards the end, we are addressed more important themes such as the consequence of rape on the relationship between a mother and child and how her silence is used as a weapon against her. However, while these issues are interestingly dealt with and fit the story they slightly deviate from the main theme of sexual harassment.

Niki Caro does a fine job in directing. Her intentions are sincere. Perhaps the script could have been a little tighter and the courtroom sequences could have been better handled as they are a little too dramatic and unrealistic, especially the judge letting White to argue his case that way. In addition to that, the case became more about Josey's sex life rather than the actual harassment and terrorizing in the workplace. Even though this provides a twist in the story and explains a lot of Josie's situation, it takes away from the main theme. Also most of the male characters have been caricatured. I understand the film is about Josey which may be the reason why these characters weren't given much attention but even Josey's father is portrayed as a misogynist and all of a sudden he is shown to have a change of heart. It would have liked to see this characters inner conflict as he plays a crucial role in Josey's life.

In the technical front, the cinematography is smooth and gives us some spectacular glimpse of the snowy landscape and the coal mines. The sound effect and country-feel soundtrack are quite good too.

Charlize Theron deserves all the recognition she got for giving a strong, confidant and heartfelt performance as the brave hard-working and headstrong Josey Aimes. She breathes fire into her role and, along with Frances McDormand, she's the heart of the film. McDormand performs naturally and her tragic character provides some great comic relief. She has some witty one-liners that bring a smile. While most of the guys are portrayed as nasty sleazy men, Sean Bean's Kyle is the complete opposite. Nonetheless, the actor does a fine job (quite a deviation from what the type of roles he's more famous for). Harrelson's Bill White suffers from poor characterization. His character is a bit too sketchy. Harrelson tries the best with what he's got and turns in a decent enough performance. Richard Jenkins too suffers from poor writing. Sissy Spacek has a tiny role but she has a subtle dignified presence and her character contributes to one of the major turning points of the story. Rusty Schwimmer and Michelle Monaghan are adequate.

'North Country' isn't an easy film to watch because of the explicit scenes of sexual harassment and the haunting rape scene but it is a relevant film. Not only is it about women's rights, it's about everyone's right to live a life with dignity, to work with dignity. It's about standing up against injustice rather than turning a blind eye. It's about protecting your loved ones and fighting for what you believed in. Though 'North Country' isn't without its share of flaws (it is a little preachy and sometimes too dramatic), it brings forth some important themes well enough and with the support of good direction and strong performances, it's worth watching.
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I hate you Hollywood!
CIMC27 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Through four-fifths of North Country, the audience receives a rare treat. It's a film that deals with a serious issue, sexual harassment, in a serious way. It is a compelling drama that is well shot, directed and acted. It is nothing short of tragic then, that the last fifth of the film is some of the worst put to screen this year. Screenwriter Michael Seitzman is no stranger to vastly overblown, yet flat, melodrama. One can see his Here on Earth for a sample of how ridiculous his conception of human interaction is. Yet how is it that most of the film is not only watchable, but truly exceptional, when the ending was so terrible? The answer probably has more than a little to do with director Niki Caro. In 2002's Whale Rider Caro guided another spectacular story about a woman who challenges the gender roles of her community. It was a beautiful and engaging tale and North Country starts out the same way.

Presenting a fictional account of the nonfiction book Class Action: The Story of Lois Jensen and the Landmark Case that Changed Sexual Harassment Law, North Country begins on the stand with Josey Aimes (Charlize Theron) being grilled about her sex life. The film then goes back to Aimes' hiring at the mine and the problems she and the other female workers faced there. The harassment was pervasive. It wasn't just catcalls and sexist utterances, though it was those. It was in many cases more or less sexual assault. When Josey felt able to complain about it, she could do so in the Human Resources office, with a pinup calendar staring back at her. It was the type of openly hostile workplace that really makes you wonder, as Josey's dad (Richard Jenkins) does, how is it that so many men can behave so badly? They wouldn't act towards women the same way at a company picnic so why do they do it at work?

Josey's struggle is not made easier by most of her female coworkers. They need the high- paying mine jobs as much as she does and the repercussions for speaking out have been well-illustrated. Unemployment and hungry families are not welcome ideas when there is no reason to believe your complaints will be acted upon. Or at least, acted upon positively. Josey is subjected to degrading and brutal reprisals as are some of the other women despite having not complained themselves. Particularly disgusting, though it's hard to pick out the worst from so many choices, is an instance where Sherry (Michelle Monaghan) finds semen in her locker.

Josey finally gets to court only to have her sex life put on trial. That this is done is no surprise. In the actual case Jensen vs. Eveleth Taconite the women were subjected to detailed examinations of their personal lives after a judge granted the company's lawyers access to their medical records. Where the film begins to falter is when it tries to defend Josey's sex life. Josey's sex life is not the point and never was. By focusing on that it focuses less on how she and her coworkers were routinely terrorized at work. Though her lawyer Bill White (Woody Harrelson) does an adequate job in rebutting arguments, the arguments are ones that need not be addressed. All the court scenes deal with only this.

The struggles of Aimes are based largely on the events of Lois Jensen's Job-like struggle. Where the film fails though, is by trying to rearrange them neatly and add "Oscar moments". Many of the actions, even the ones that seem over the top, actually did happen. But they didn't happen like they do in North Country. Particularly regrettable are a courtroom confrontation between White and Bobby Sharpe (Jeremy Renner) and a surrogate father-son talk between Kyle (Sean Bean) and Sammy (Thomas Curtis). The awful Hollywood legalisms and almost absurdist melodramatic conclusion is a tremendous letdown after a great start and middle. It's worth noting that the missteps happen where the film strays farthest from the true story, the Michael Seitzman coming through maybe. That's not to say that it isn't worth seeing or that is doesn't have brilliant moments, such as Sissy Spacek's one woman wife-strike, it's just that a halfway decent ending would have made this one of the year's best films. Instead it abandons an important and well done story for the sake of, what? Oh well, at least it was better than Disclosure.
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a very good movie
xxwang-5194723 July 2020
Once again, reality is far more cruel than movies. When sexual harassment becomes commonplace, when they must fight against commonplace, their hardships and sadness can be imagined
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The Class Action.
hitchcockthelegend18 July 2009
Josey Aimes (Charlize Theron) leaves her abusive husband and returns to her hometown in Northern Minnesota. After a prompt from her old friend Glory (Frances McDormand), Josey now a single mother with two children to support, seeks employment at the town iron mine plant. Predominantly employing men, Josey is expecting the work to be hard and gruelling, what she wasn't expecting tho is the mental and sexual harassment that the women and herself are expected to tolerate. Finally having enough, she starts to speak out about her treatment, but she finds that there are few allies both at work and at home. Her career, her life and her family are all sure to be affected as things reach breaking point.

North Country is inspired by the 2002 book Class Action: The Story of Lois Jenson, which details the landmark case of Jenson V Eveleth Taconite Company that changed the sexual harassment law.

There is always a danger in film land that serious, based on facts topics get too much of a Hollywood sheen. So shall it be with Niki Caro's (Whale Rider) interpretation of this most important part of American law. The impact is there, very much so, but in the need to keep the audience on board, one feels they are being force fed drama when really none was needed. Having a beauty like Charlize Theron playing your lead hardly helps cast off the glossy feel of the production. "Rightly" nominated for Best Actress (she has gusto in abundance), Theron is however miscast as regards the nature of the piece, her aura and star bank-ability his hard to ignore during the more dramatic moments. As the New York Times review noted on its release, "it's a star vehicle with heart," and it's impossible to argue with that astute summary.

Still there is much to enjoy here. In amongst the annoying contrivances put our way to further the emotional aspects, there beats a serious and dramatic heart. Coupled with a more than competently handled court case finale, and aided by McDormand's highly effective performance, North Country makes its valid point in spite of its obvious problems. Though the film didn't make back its budget of $30 million, it got people talking about the topic at its core. Putting the revolting issue of sexual harassment back in the public conscious can never be a bad thing, so with that, North Country achieved its aims. If it's as impacting as its cousins, Norma Rae, Silkwood and Erin Brockovich is debatable, but it is potent and it is acted with aplomb from its principals. It's just regrettable that one can't quite shake off knowing it's all a bit too glossy for its own good. 7/10
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A Powerful, Compelling Movie
tabuno23 January 2019
30 December 2005. North Country is "Erin Brockovich" times five. This is a powerful, compelling movie that is solid, hard-edged, and penetrating to the core of important social issues today. From domestic violence, sexual harassment, to sexual stereotypes, to dysfunctional families, to parent-child relationships, this movie is one of the most incredible movies to come out in many, many years. If it had been nominated for best picture in 2000 when "Erin Brockovich" lost to "Gladiator," it is likely that it would have an good chance of winning. This is a superlative movie with great acting, strong performances, and wonderful, intimate, and emotional tough script that powers home. Except for a weak and unnecessary final scene, this movie seems perfect in all its elements. Nine out of Ten Stars.
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Courtroom Scenes are Flat Out Ridiculous
[email protected]6 January 2006
Dramatic license is certainly forgivable but this film would have been much more effective if not for the beyond-Perry-Mason touches in the courtroom where the plaintiff's case is rescued at the 11th hour and 59th minute by antics that wouldn't pass muster in any courtroom in America, unless the defendant's attorney (Linda Emond) was utterly incompetent and the judge was a blithering idiot. Surely it should have been possible for a competent script writer to bring the drama to its conclusion in a more believable way. The manifest absurdity of the last 15 minutes of the movie undermined (for me) what was otherwise another excellent performance by Charlize Theron and the usual outstanding work of Frances McDormand. For those who haven't seen her on the stage, this may have been the first time most movie goers will have encountered Linda Emond, who plays the defense attorney. She is a gifted actress who deserves better than being asked to stand by like a cigar store Indian while the plaintiff's attorney (Woody Harrelson) commits every procedural violation that could possibly be conceived. Don't blame Harrelson, however. The one-time goofy bartender of "Cheers" actually does very well in the scenes outside the courtroom. Frankly, I wish this film had stuck more closely to the facts and avoided the phony fireworks at the end.
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Should be required viewing.
James_TheMan11 August 2020
Everyone should watch this to get a reality check on what women have to go through to get a fairer deal. Every country has a history of sexist oppression. Notably, every atrocity in this film was taken verbatim from victim accounts. According to the filmmakers, they didn't have enough time in the film to display all of the insults. As a movie it's powerful, emotional and uplifting.

It's not accurate to the events its meant to be based on, but I don't care about that. It's the message that's important.
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Uneven handling alternates between sympathetic, heavy-handed and mawkish...
moonspinner5510 May 2006
In the iron mines of Northern Minnesota circa 1989, a single mother of two with a shady-lady past goes to work as a miner and encounters personally degrading harassment from the mostly male crew. A compassionate and sensitive rewriting of a true incident--one that took some 10 years to resolve in the courts--but possibly overcrowded with too much melodramatic content. Supporting characters (like Frances McDormand's dump truck driver and Sissy Spacek's salt-of-the-earth mama) do not get enough quality screen-time to completely validate the time which they do have. The overripe finale is also questionable (were these filmmakers ever in a courtroom before?), though it does provide the audience with the emotional release it needs. In the lead, Charlize Theron gives a finely-wrought, gripping performance; she shows her guts, fear and bravery, but I'm not sure how convincing she is as mother to an older teenage boy (it seems a little soon for Theron). Does the film show all sides and give both the men and the women a fair shake? Probably not, but it's surprisingly not a man-haters movie, either. Told from the female protagonist's point of view, the emphasis is on her endurance against a certain group of men, taking a stand and speaking up for herself. It's inspiring, if a little corny. **1/2 from ****
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Tony-Kiss-Castillo10 January 2024
NOTRH COUNTRY is stark proof that truth is stranger than fiction!

BUT FIRST... Let us FOCUS on the Title´s Content and Context:

The Director, New-Zealander Niki Caro (Whale Rider), perhaps a very apt directorial choice, being a woman, yet at the same time, precisely not being American! In the mines of Minnesota in 1989, only 3% of the workers are women. There is a whole confluence of constantly orchestrated pressure applied against all female miners intended to get them to resign.

Charlize Theron (Who won the Oscar for best actress in MONSTER in the role of the only female serial-killer in U. S. history, Florida's Aileen Wuornos) as expected, is absolutely magnificent as Josey Aimes, a woman whose only motivation is wanting to provide a better life for her two children. The fight is quite a tough one for Josey. At first, everyone seems clearly to be set against her. Neither her friends, nor his parents, not even her own children give her their support! But Josey is a very stubborn human being who does not permit anything or anyone to discourage her.

Gradually, her unshakeable character, her unparalleled courage and the enormity of the injustice committed against her finally begin working in her favor.

NORTH COUNTRY at times does exhibit some rather lethargic moments, but the cast and the quality of the story are so outstanding that is easy to overlook this minor flaw!

Frances McDormand (1996 Oscar winner for FARGO) also shines in the multifaceted role of best friend; coworker, representing women's interests among union workers and victim of one of the worst evils occasionally affecting mine workers: Lung Cancer! Woody Harrelson (Natural Born Killers) is convincing as the ex-football player town hero turned lawyer who takes on Josey's case. Sissy Spacek (Carrie: original version) as the dutiful Mom and Richard Jenkins (Six Feet Under) as the skeptical dad.

Almost everyone who works or has worked recently in the United States knows that the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace is something that is taken extremely seriously. This is thanks, in large part, to Josey Aimes, and the struggle she was forced to wage against that Minnesota mining company 30 years ago! It is really worth traveling to NORTH COUNTRY to see both Charlize Theron's and Frances McDormand's Oscar Nomination performances!


Any Comments, Questions or Observations.... in ENGLISH... o en ESPAÑOL... are most Welcome!
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A very acceptable melodrama that focuses on the fight against gender discrimination.
filipemanuelneto17 July 2017
This film addresses the first case of success in which a group of female workers won the firm in court in a class action of harassment and sexual discrimination. Everything happens in the mines of Minnesota but, over a real case, director Niki Caro and screenwriter Michael Seitzman decided to create a deeply melodramatic story centered on the figure of a young woman, mother of two children from different parents and with a past marred by rape and a bad marriage. She becomes the main target of the jokes, obscene gestures and provocations of the miners, who feel that women are stealing jobs from men. The story is very emotional but works well anyway. An interesting point is that, even when things are tense, the two sides are not defined by their sex, that is, even in those moments there are women who are not in favor of complaining, just as there are men who don't approve of the rude and coarse attitudes of their fellows. This allows the public to understand that the issue is not men vs. women, goes far beyond mere sexism.

Charlize Theron is a good actress but seems visually too young for the character sometimes. Anyway, she managed to shine. Richard Jenkins has been OK but acts in a predictable way. Frances McDormand did very well, especially in the final half of the movie, where she really shows talent. Jeremy Renner manages to be truly despicable as the villain. Technically regular, it's a good movie and it deserves to be watched.
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Nothing unexpected
Ric-726 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
You won't encounter any surprises in this well-intentioned and mostly well-acted film. The script was the problem.

The extent of the very real indignities endured by the women workers could have been established in much less time. About an hour of this film was devoted to piling one horrifying incident on another. It appeared as though no male worker was uneasy about any of this, and no supervisory personnel were at all uneasy about something they obviously knew was going on. No one had a crisis of conscience. The supervisory personnel ignored the problem because they, too, were sexist pigs, rather than because they were afraid to change anything by challenging a bureaucracy they were a part of.

In light of all of this black-and-white posturing, the last minute conversions of everyone seemed a bit unbelievable. The high school boyfriend-turned-sexual-abuser decides to become honest on the witness stand, finally becoming a person rather than an abstraction of evil. Why did he suddenly decide to do the right thing, after being a near-rapist himself? Why did he go from being a high school friend to an arch-enemy? Dad's conversion when Mom left him is similarly swift and unexplained--he showed absolutely no affection for his daughter before that. It would have been nice to know the source of his animosity, so that we could see why it was changed. And the director sabotages Dad's conversion, during his speech to the Union, by panning away from him to his daughter for her reaction, when they were standing so close a two-shot could have shown both faces.

Similarly, the teenage son--why does he automatically believe everyone except his mother? I couldn't see why--particularly because he would be in a position to know whether or not his mom is a slut--she seemed to have very little of a social life. And how does a simple conversation with the kid suddenly change everything? Personally, I found the mother-son relationship, including what caused it and how it would be resolved, to be a more interesting theme than the movie's actual theme. Laws may be passed to address sexual discrimination, but poisoned family relations cannot be remedied by legislation.
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Feels familiar,VERY familiar,among other problems
KUAlum265 March 2008
When divorced,single mom Josey Aimes(Charlize Theron,who's definitely NOT afraid to get dirty or uglified for a role)begins work in the rural Minnesota Taconite mines--where her father(Richard Jenkins)has worked a long,secure job--even she isn't prepared for the kind of mental,verbal and physical abuse she and her fellow women receive from the fellow miners who(surprise!)don't cotton well to ladies working in the pits with them. She soldiers on for a number of years before she finally has had enough and decides--after being already ignored by management when she complains--to quit and bring a class action suit against the company,fully aware that she is almost alone in this pursuit,save the somewhat reluctant help of a local lawyer and former hometown sports hero(Woody Harrelson).

I wavered on what rating to give this show for these reasons: the acting and visual direction of this film IS,I must confess,quite good. Credit practically the entire cast for the former,and director Niki Caro and cinematography of Chris Menges for the latter,but the overall tone of this movie is 1)very familiar stuff tot the point of reeking of "TV Movie" material, 2)manipulative by a mile, 3)hits on each emotional note--from the sort of "Girl POwer" quiet assertions of the film's script to the overt nastiness displayed by nearly all of the males working the mines--almost in a perfect cue; 4)the fictionalizing the stories,then mixing the time-lines from the actual case the movie and the book it was based on (namely,Jenson v. Eleveth Mines,filed in 1984,settled in 1998;whereas the film is set in 1989 and almost instantly flips to Septemeber 1991,circa the Anita Hill/Clarence THomas hearings,with the events-to-case trial time relationship murky at best);and 5)the sort of "feel good" third act denouement where the town,once boorishly stubborn against the idea of women working in the mines to being stirred by Ms.Aimes' case. An extra storyline of Aimes being raped in school and thus affecting,at least partly,her condition as being a troubled single mom who has a murky knowledge(or lack thereof)of the paternity of her equally troubled son is probably the most emotionally authentic storyline in this movie,but it feels mixed in for purely embellishment sake in this story,thus calling into question just how much this movie truly represented the true events being retold.

A famous saying says what good intentions pave the way to,but I think in this case good intentions pave the construction of a film that is underwhelming and somewhat disappointing. The story of the Eleveth mine workers and the discrimination case they eventually won absolutely deserve3s being retold,but this movie seems to be only interested in invoking it,then crafting an artificial story to frame it,as if for fear that audiences WOULDN'T get this story in the raw. On it's own,this movie's story works enough to interest most viewers,myself included, and the sincerity behind it is true I'm sure. But this film's over-familiarity and manipulation dilute the potency of the message. More entertainment than enlightenment,it's intentions are good but tough to take to heart. WAtch it for the performances,and one should feel better about it,at least marginally.
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What an underrated film
tiphaniecheng11 October 2021
This is a film that you can repeat watching multiple times and still have different impact in your mind. It is disturbing, touching and moving. Charlize Theron's top-notch acting/ performance is always impactful and somehow soothing. It was the most bizarre & unfair box office fail, given that numerous cretics and audiences rate this film very high score. I would say North Country is the most underrated movie in the era of 2000s.
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Is North Country in my Country?
capunk244110 November 2005
The movie "North Country" was an interesting movie claiming to be "based on a true story." I am not pig headed and insensitive to women's rights or any other human's rights, but these type of movies always have the tendency to get carried away. Many times they are portrayed to take place so long ago I cannot verify whether its correct or not. I was in my teens in the nineties, and I'm sure there was some questionable activities going on in some parts of the country, but there is no way that this would have been able to fly anywhere in our country. If you like sympathetic movies that make you feel sorry for the main character, go see this, its right up your ally. However, as for me, I enjoy the art of film making and creativity, and not of that of GI JANE. The acting was great in the movie, and will probably be up for some Oscars, but it just ain't my cup of tea.
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Austin Movie Show review...
leilapostgrad23 October 2005
This is the kind of drama that breaks your heart over and over again without a moment to recover. It's NOT an easy film to watch. But that's what makes North Country so extraordinary. Charlize Theron plays Josey Aimes, a young mother who leaves her abusive husband and returns to her hometown to start a new life and support herself and her two kids. Almost immediately, we learn that this is a woman who has been judged, criticized, and ostracized and called a "whore" ever since she became pregnant in high school. Josey takes a job at the local mine because it's the best paying job she can find, and she's determined to give her kids a comfortable life. She and her female co-workers are reminded every day how unwanted and unwelcome they are at the mine. They are physically, verbally, mentally, and sexually abused on a daily basis. After being physically attacked and threatened, Josey quits and starts to fight back by suing the company for sexual harassment.

I was finally pushed over the "tears threshold" when Josey's dad stands up at the miners' union meeting and defends his daughter for the first time in her life. After that, I was sobbing on and off for the entire duration of the film. While the entire cast is perfect, I believe the Best Supporting Actress Nomination must go to Frances McDormand who injects some much-needed comic relief into this bleak-but-brave story. Movies about rape and abuse are never easy to watch, but North Country is such an important story to hear. We as women need to be reminded that women before us suffered and fought for what we take for granted today.
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Read the book CLASS ACTION.
fanonagrace29 August 2021
2 hour fictionalized version of the story & case doesn't do this justice. Read the book CLASS ACTION.
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Great movie
fahry-3926821 December 2020
A great drama which lights on about struggle of women in the workplace.
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Rough and Meaningful
Zac_La_Porte5 April 2022
Charlize Theron is neither over-the-top or any less than ideal in this rough but moving sexual harassment drama. The real issue is how the exceptional talent is alined with the undersupply of the courtroom sequences this movie really seemed to assure. North Country follows Josey Aimes, a mother who experiences ranges of sexual harassment perpetrated by her male co-workers when she begins working in a mine.

This movie is simply never boring, despite the fact that some of the content wasn't totally necessary and could've been cut from it. There are probably too many demonstrations of it to suit as perfect, but the story clearly portrays Theron as a woman dealing with the sexist issues at work and also having trouble with her relationships with her kids and parents. She's pretty convincing throughout all of this, and she's not hysterical for the whole 2 hours.

Again, this movie could really use some more lengthy scenes in court and it should depict the courtroom action in a more lifelike fashion. Throughout the film, there's very short popups of the court sequences, but it's mostly saved towards the end. It could've chosen to cleverly jump back and forth between the previous plot themes and the court sequence, but it just doesn't. Anyway, that doesn't stop it from being a fine viewing. It's moving story of justice for sexual harassment in the workplace and the power men beheld.

If you liked this review, check out the full review and other reviews at aussieboyreviews.
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A Brilliant Movie About a Brave Woman
view_and_review11 December 2021
"North Country" was a fictional dramatization of a true story. It was about the first successful class action sexual harassment suit against an employer. The real woman who went after her employer was Lois Jenson and the real employer was Eveleth Taconite Company.

I want to thank the good men of Eveleth Taconite for being such pigs that they drove a woman to sue the company for sexual harassment, thereby setting a nationwide precedent and getting sexual harassment laws put in place. Take a bow men of Eveleth Taconite Company.

This dramatized version of the event starred Charlize Theron as Josey Aimes. She was a single mother of two who'd just left an abusive relationship and needed to earn money to take care of her kids. Her friend Glory (Frances McDormand) told her about Pearson's Mines that was hiring. Though women had begun working in the mines in 1975, by 1989 (the time period of this movie) there existed a very chauvinistic, foul, and dare I say, toxic male culture.

Josey found herself the frequent victim of verbal and physical abuse as well as lewd and vile behavior. The more she complained, the more the attacks would increase upon her and the other women at the mines. Her complaints only fell on deaf ears, even when she went to the owner of the mines, Mr. Pearson (James Cada). Eventually, Josey lawyered up and got to suing.

"North Country" was a spectacular movie that showed, yet again, the importance of courts in a society. There will always be bad actors and as long as there is a recourse through the legal process, wrongs can be righted without bloodshed. But even with the legal system we have in place, it takes brave individuals like Josey Aimes to take that bold step towards that arduous battle against the perpetrator(s) of that wrong.
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Hollywood schmaltz blights an important message
katinka19699 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I found that this film was a bit too Hollywood for my liking, especially the about-turn in the father's regard for his daughter. Plus Charlize Theron, though a terrific actress, looked way too beautiful, luminous, clear-skinned etc. to convincingly play an overwrought mother of two who'd been regularly beaten by her ex-husband.

Having said this, I think the reviewers who slam it as being out of date, irrelevant etc. are missing an important point. Films about subjects such as this are in my view essential to remind us of just how far we've come in terms of equality in the workplace and in life generally. The 80s is still a relatively recent decade, which makes it even more horrifying that this type of abuse was at best ignored, at worst encouraged. Add to that the fact that all of the episodes in this film happened in real life, and there were apparently scores of others that could not be included, given the constraints of a two hour film. It is very easy to forget that many of the rights and privileges we enjoy today were hard-won, often by horribly oppressed people who had little more than sheer determination driving them to take on the seemingly untouchable powers-that-be.
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Pure torture
filmfanjen3 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, this is a very gripping film - because it's basically two hours of watching Josey Aimes (Charlize Theron) be tortured.

Everyone is against her, her friends, son, and father, as well as her enemies. Almost the entire film plays one note - her being horribly abused and unjustly accused and blamed - over and over and over again.

And that's not my idea of entertainment. If it's yours, then you'll love this film! P.S. I found her father's sudden reversal at the end completely unjustified (although certainly welcome). Ditto the other women in the plant 1) being completely against her and blaming her, and 2) then flipping just in time for the magical upbeat ending. This film has it both ways. It melodramatically exaggerates both the abuse and the miraculous happy ending.
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a meaningful story weakened by the script's shortcomings
Special-K8815 January 2008
Set in the late 1980s comes the story of Josey Aimes, a small-towner and single mother of two with a sordid past that she's tried for years to put behind her. Living with her parents and wanting to make things better for herself and her children, she takes a job at a thriving Minnesota iron mine where only a handful of women work under constant oppression and harassment from their lascivious male co-workers. Despite her degrading reputation, the possible consequences, and a working staff that seems unwilling to help, she files a lawsuit determined to reclaim her dignity and bridge the gender gap. Although well-crafted, acted, and based on true events, this oddly never convinces; the plotting and characters are set up far too easily, and the intended dramatic climax doesn't pack any punch. Theron is quite good, so is Jenkins as her stern, conflicted dad, surrounded by a capable cast, but the story fails to rise above the level of convention. **½
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Great Acting Makes for Stirring though Manipulative Film
WriterDave1 November 2005
"North Country," like other recent films ("Capote" and "Proof") is the type of movie you go to see for the performances. Everyone here is acting like they are in something very important, and the story that inspired this fictionalized account is indeed important. The class action sexual harassment lawsuit brought against a Minnesota mining company was the first ever of its kind and forced every major employer in the US to adopt strict sexual harassment policies that are designed to protect everyone. While the story is indeed one of grand intrigue, the direction and screenplay are extremely manipulative (there are so many Oscar-bait scenes in the courtroom and at union meetings), and so the viewer gets the most rewards out of watching the actors and actresses give it their all.

Charlize Theron is absolutely fantastic in the lead role. You can see the anguish and heartbreak in her face and body language. She's one of the few actresses these days who throws her whole self (both physically and emotionally) into a role, and it is amazing to watch. Of the supporting cast, Frances McDormand shines the most (she does this in almost every role she does now you often forget what a really great actress she is). The nicest surprise is Woody Harrelson, who gives a powerfully low-key approach to the reluctant lawyer/friend taking on the case that services the story very well. He never seems to be grand-standing, and he adds some much needed subtlety that is largely lacking in Niki Caro's direction.
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