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(I) (2013)

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Consumerism criticism love story.
thebackofmyhouse10 May 2013
First of all, I haven't read the book, which I heard was good. This movie is more of a social commentary on consumerism, particularity in the advertising industry and how everything is about projecting the right image to make money.

The main story is about two advertising people are attracted to each other, but are they attracted to the image that the other is presenting or the real person behind it? There are some interesting anecdotes on the nature of marketing being presented in the movie, which I find to be the biggest draw of the movie for me. If seen from a "criticism of marketing" point of view, the movie is "deep". There are layers to the characters and story that requires a re-watch to get everything.

Overall, the movie achieves what it set to do. The story moves along at a good pace, there were no boring parts. Amber Heard's acting outshines the other actors. The not-so-big budget of the movie shows at times, but it doesn't interfere it from being a good movie.
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540th Review: Solid Post-Hipster Business Satire
intelearts19 May 2013
Syrup is a clever piece of film based on Max Barry's blacker than black novel about modern business where saying Wharton and Harvard is more important than effort and hard work. In a world where brand image is everything, everything is up for grabs.

Shiloh Frenandez plays Scat, a guy with dreams but lacking the killer instinct, that is supplied by 6, a platinum blonde who lives for marketing, well-played by Amber Heard - together they look to make a new soft drink and get involved in the ludicrously lucrative world of inter-office politics and global marketing.

This is good solid satire that just about has enough self-knowing irony to cock a snoot at what it's meant to be doing - and we, as the audience are gullible to be fooled and wise enough to know the fun is being fooled.

All in all this is a well-made and well-packaged film that doesn't quite get to the heart of the novel - but it's fun and funny and appeals to the post-hipster too cool for school in all of us.
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All Hail "Marketing!"
nairtejas17 May 2013
That's because every person involved with marketing should give it a try. A celluloid pool of genius, marketing, competition & stereotype.

The movie starts off great succeeding in creating ample suspense to hook our bottoms onto the seat. Then, it approaches genius with the lead characters showing average diligence to a somewhat good book. Screenplay is a marvel just like the music is beat. Cinematography impressed me mostly because the details were kept at bay and what matters (humour & dialogs) are highlighted.

The story, as a whole, wasn't new to me, but since it is an adaptation, I loved the 'plot.' And with the inclusion of love, sex (not much) or romance, the recipe smelled good but has ounces of sourness in it. Creating gigantic levels of deep meaning concepts, non-ambiguity, establishing marketing mantra by keeping the stereotype strong... in tandem, Syrup works for most of its part due to the sharp oration, execution & pleasurable narrative with texts and inklings. Flashbacks, pencil-drawn-animation, in-advertisements, secrets, serious competition portrayals & slapstick are the chief points.

What it lacks is an unequivocal climax. Well, it might seem tangible for a story with so curvy structure, but as an entertainer, the comedy-drama stumbles halfway into the second part, corrupts into vagueness, obliterates some of its half-baked characters & alludes hackery. However, it will be a ice-cream sherbet for marketing guys.

BOTTOM LINE: A heavy 6.9/10 for the different style of storytelling & a palpable experience. Give it a try, you may like it! This is a type of movie which puts you in a dilemma - whether to spend few bucks & watch it once or wait for sometime & own it forever.

Can be watched with a typical Indian family? YES

MESSAGE: Competitions are for sissies. And when love is involved, you better watch it out on who surpasses & who quits.

Profanity: Mediocre | Sex: Very Mild | Nudity: No | Mouth-Kiss: Mild | Violence: No | Gore: No | Smoking: Strong | Alcohol: Mild | Drugs: Mediocre | Vulgarity: No
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Seriously unconvincing lead.
sbra1922 December 2014
I haven't read the book, but reading the comments it would appear as though its fairly different so I don't think this matters much as far as a review of the film is concerned.

The main thing that distracted me through the whole movie was the casting of Shiloh Fernandez as Scat, other than maybe having the look of a sleazy marketer, he seemed massively out of place as a male lead. I didn't think there was any chemistry between him and Amber Heard at all, any attraction between the two seemed totally implausible. He'd probably be fine in a supporting role, but not as a lead. I was wondering the whole time if his father financed the movie or something to get him the role.

Other than that the movie was OK, it did seem to be trying to hard to be cool and edgy and didn't really pull it off. Sure it had a tiny budget, but if anything doing things on a shoe string should make a movie more cool and edgy, but it wasn't at all. Everything that was meant to be cool seemed forced and cliché.

On the positive side, I thought Amber Heard was great as 6, as was her character. I can see why the ending left a few unhappy, but I think it was better to do what they did than just some by the numbers rom-com ending.
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Not an ordinary romantic comedy
Gordon-117 March 2014
This film tells how two marketing executives sell their soft drinks by using the right image.

It's not every day that there is a film about the world of marketing, so for me "Syrup is very interesting". The characters use their marketing knowledge to sell their products and even themselves, and the twists and turns are quite fascinating to watch. Six is sexy, intriguing, seductive and yet beyond reach, which is a very successful portrayal of a career obsessed woman who cannot tell between reality and her self created image.

Though the romantic comedy is relegated to the side, it is still very engaging and fun. There are quite a few thought provoking moments too. "Syrup" is not an ordinary romantic comedy, and I enjoyed it.
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Surface tension
cekadah2 January 2014
An odd take on the image we present ourselves as and how product is brought to our attention. Surface tension has no strength to remain the same.

Everything isn't what it seems to be or is everything exactly as it is? Either way all things change in an instant. Just like the relationship between Scat and Six, product is presented to the public one way and then suddenly another.

Something we love to buy today is off the list soon. No matter what the change is it's still perceived as the same thing. Once the syrup is gone we loose interest.

Welcome to 'Syrup'.
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Very very poorly written
dupamiaza20 January 2019
This is one of the most poorly written movies I've ever seen. The characters are totally undeveloped. They don't have any personality traites. All we know is just that some characters are good and other are evil. They don't have a background. They don't have a story. They don't grow, nor do they develop in the movie. Nothing interesting happens in the whole movie. It is so so boring. It is not smart, it is not funny, it is not tragic. It is nothing. Worst of all is that the movie is pretentious, although it has zero interesting ideas. Although the acting was OK and the directing was good, the extremely bad script made this movie unbearable. I didn't read the book, so I don't know if it is as bad as the script.
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not so much a comedy as a satire
tmz_9925 February 2014
I suppose satire is a form of comedy, but if you're expecting laugh out loud moments, you're watching the wrong movie.

Syrup is a well written, somewhat edgy drama/satire/romance based in the cut-throat world of marketing. The characters are lost, afloat in a world where image is everything, where their very selves are naught more than a reflection of marketing thrust upon them by multinational corporations.

The crux of the irony in Syrup is even though the characters work in marketing, and play with the lives of others, their own lives are being driven by the same market forces.

This makes for a poignant, thought provoking and oftentimes tragic movie. The acting is fairly solid, with the leads putting in convincing performances. It does seem (to someone to hasn't read the book) that some themes are left abridged and not fully explored but this doesn't detract from the fact this movie is a good watch.
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Has the same problem when it comes to what this tries to make fun of
KineticSeoul14 April 2014
This one tries to be cool, slick and witty. But it just comes off as dumb and superficial. Sure that maybe the point of this flick, but not when you don't believe what the narrator has to say most of the way through. This movie has problems with what it tries to make fun of. It's all style and image, but has no substance or intelligence to it. Although not believable but at least it starts out somewhat intriguing, but quickly loses it's flare and just becomes redundant. It's like watching a fairy tale version of the marketing world, which is fine but like I said this movie is boring. The humor is flat and just about everything about it is forgettable, including the dis-likable main characters. In another words it tries to create a image of it being professional, but underneath it all it's amateurishly done. At the end of it all, nothing seems to be resolved and far from it being satisfying.

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Something a little different and thats okay but just okay
Robert_duder10 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this for one reason and I am perhaps ashamed to say it but it was because I think Amber Heard is gorgeous. She isn't always the best actress (though I think she isn't bad) but I just have a huge thing for her. What surprised me was that this little indie romance/dark comedy was actually okay. It was far from amazing and didn't blow me away but honestly I watch so many truly awful indie flicks that I don't make it half way through and this wasn't awful. In fact, it was a unique and well developed concept with some very dark humour and the spin on it using marketing as a driving force and lesson in morality was really well done. The pacing of the film isn't great and often drags just a little bit. The chemistry between our lead stars isn't perfect, it isn't bad but there is some spark missing. I also am not sure they knew what direction or genre they wanted to take this film in and it feels a little jumbled at times. I think with a better director and perhaps screenwriter they could have honed the picture just a little better and made it more impressive. However, for what it is it was fun and worth watching if not mostly forgettable.

The aforementioned Amber Heard is the cutthroat Six. She has spent years creating her image and is a power hungry and emotionally void marketing manager. Heard is decent in the role. It isn't her best performance but she does it well. Shiloh Fernandez is okay in his role as Scat. He is supposed to be a brilliant marketing genius who is scatter brained and disillusioned with the advertising world. The problem is that he looks too young and isn't quiet believable in his role. He comes across as someone who just lucked out on a good idea. The chemistry with Heard is again, okay, but could have been much better. The supporting cast includes Kellan Lutz in a darkly comic role as Sneaky Pete. It isn't exactly a tough role but he does it decently. Brittany Snow shows up in a role so small if you sneeze you'll miss it so there isn't any point in even mentioning her. Everyone else plays their role decently but no one really stands out as worth mentioning.

Syrup is a satire and there is very few films that do satire well. This does is well. The problem is the potential is really great and it drops the ball frequently. Aram Rappaport is very inexperienced and this film needs a director with more style and vision. I was surprised to see that author Max Barry who wrote the novel the film is based on also co-wrote the screenplay with Rappaport. The entire movie just needed more experience. Now pleasure understand I enjoyed watching it, it just felt unfortunately forgettable. Still it was unique and a good story and the voice over narration scenes breaking the fourth wall worked very well. It was an average flick that showed a ton of potential. I have no doubt the book was exponentially better. 6/10
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stephanydillon16 March 2014
This movie was so awful I felt compelled to write a review. Do not waste your time or money on this movie in any way shape or form. Even if someone offers to give it to you and pay you to watch it... don't.

I don't know if the acting could be any more terrible.. the cliché voice overs, stereotypes, and just plain wooden acting of all of the actors and actresses in this movie are a total turnoff from the opening moment. The funny thing is that Amber Heard and Britney Snow are actually pretty descent actresses so it was kind of painful to watch them in this.

I finally shut it off about 2/3 through because I couldn't care less what happened to any of the characters.
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john-138-90490812 November 2013
Ahhhh IMDb reviewers what is wrong with you people. I sat down to this after reading the reviews (5.5 average) and thought maybe its just another romcom flam which will fill in the evening, it will be nothing much.

But what I got was an original storyline and an engaging non cloned romcom I never seen before which zinged with ideas and concepts which I am still thinking about 2 days later, that is very rare with films these days.

As the film went the main protagonists have a great on screen chemistry, the story is an in-depth look at shallow marketing and it does that brilliantly. I really don't have to say more.

People have a look at this film and don't trust the reviewers who have read the book. I am sure the book is better, but as a standalone film this is very enjoyable. I have just bought another of the authors books as I am eager for more of his views of this time we live in.
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A movie on Marketing world portraying its real beauty and dark side
fani_info3 August 2013
Syrup <3

This movie is such an amazing piece of art, especially in regards to the marketing world, despite the fact that it can be considered a bit unrealistic or exaggerated image of reality. The fantastic part is, they have portrayed this segment about marketing in such an artistic way that it can be sold as a movie too, cool isn't it? :P

Another amazing thing is that if you really watch the movie for real, not just to kill time, not only you will get its real essence, but so many new ideas too about how things should work in this part of the business. You will also understand what are do's and don'ts of a particular business campaign, which they don't typically write in the books.

This kind of stuff you can only learn by the implementation of such ideas in a systematic, cooperate way and you should always be ready to face all kinds of circumstances. Smarter move would be to float these ideas which are feasible, all things considered. Don't just throw an idea on the table just for it being cool or catchy without really considering other factors.

I guess I have said too much about the movie, must be sounding boring to you guys, but one thing is sure that you will be willing to watch the movie right after you watch the trailer!

That's marketing ;)

Moral of the story, image is an image even if you deeply and madly in love with an image or a person with an image, it's not real love it's just an image.

P.S. The character of Six reminds me of my boss. I was laughing at remarkable resemblance between both, related to approach, working style and behavior in the office :p
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A Reeking Crap & A Waste of Time
ikeybabe29 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was not a good time. In fact, this was pretty difficult to get through. But I suffered through every moment hoping it gets better. But, the whole movie reeked! The script, the talking to the audience, the BS plot twists, the dumb ass villain who didn't speak - it was all so painful to watch. In fact, as a member of the human race I was a bit insulted. Sure there was a lesson here about advertising and marketing and the fickle public that'll buy into anything, but the delivery could have been way better. The acting was all right, but how hard can it be to repeat stupid lines from a stupid script. Overall, this was a waste of my time.
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Trying to Be Clever But Falls On It's Face
plasticanimalz11 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, when I saw the trailer this film did not look good but I was curious if it had anything of interest to say...but doubtful. Being that it's free on Netflix, no loss other than time for watching it. Right away, I really got the sense that someone wrote what they thought would be an interesting script based on what they learned in their Marketing 101 from college, and then picked a rather mundane subject like an energy drink. First of all, the film is fairly ridiculous and unbelievable, which is why you get the sense that this person barely survived Marketing 101, then switched majors, and thus it seems the writer has little sense of the marketing world, other than it's cut throat, which, who doesn't know that? The main character is completely unlikeable which really makes it hard to follow him. He's kind of like this small, elven schmarmy guy who wants to get rich without much work, and is really into some hot seemingly unobtainable girl. Other than that the main character has no other character development, and is mostly annoying and unlikeable. His roommate somehow manages to steal his idea and take over a huge corporation in a matter of months (that's right, months) but doesn't speak, which just adds to the complete unbelievability of this film, as do many things.

The main elf first tries to break into the Addy beverage company to try and sell his idea. When he's thrown out he pulls the fire alarm. Moments later everyone comes out drenched? When does pulling a fire alarm result in sprinklers going off? You begin to wonder if this was just a weak ploy to get Amber Heard wet. The elf then tries to pitch to her on the street, and she brushes him off as if this is a daily occurrence? I wasn't aware that New York beverage companies were a hot spot for espionage and skullduggery but dually noted. Elf gets screwed over by his buddy who even though he was selling his man juice for rent money, and getting stoned all the time (and doesn't speak), manages steal the elf's idea and take over the Addy beverage company. Amber Heard then lets elf talk himself into sleeping on her couch until he comes up with an idea to get back at his nemesis (that seems super likely). After an angry fit, elf drops beverage machine on himself and comes up with a brilliant commercial which is two young guys shaking a machine and it falls on one of them. I know, you're asking yourself how this would ever get approved and allowed to be put on the air. The Addy company isn't worried about lawsuits? Of course, some kid pulls the machine on himself and dies. Then the only people at the funeral are the kid's parents...and people from the Addy company. I mean, we're just snowballing into stupid and unbelievable at this point. And rather than the Addy company getting sued, the only result is the elf feels ready bad and decides to get up during the funeral and make an even more unrealistic and stupid speech about how marketing has power and they abused it, and that's wrong. At that point I had to just shut it off before it snowballed any further.

Really, no redeeming qualities in this film other than a Kirstie Alley scene, and pretty much pointless. It really made me wonder how people actually get money to make these low-budget films. Obviously, a wealthy relative 'cause I can't imagine who else would invest money into this trite schlock.
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Predictable with bad acting and even worse directing
dianaschleisman28 January 2024
Amber Heard is horrible overall. She shined only when she had to speed out lines very quickly. At those times she wasn't striving to act and so she did better.

The main character was tepid. At the end I didn't care about him or what happened to him - if he turned out successful or lost everything if didn't matter. His shameless idiocracy was incredible.

The plot was predictable, the characters unbelievable, and the directing focused more on Heard's figure than her lack of acting ability.

Forced banter and dull chemistry made the dialogue worse.

This unsuccessfully tried to mimic the fast paced 80s movies like Michael J Fox in The Secret of my Success.
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Great trailer, silly film
siderite29 April 2014
This film seems like the low budget version of Branded. It also features a pair of people working the marketing system, a soulless thing designed to make us like what we don't need and suffer for not having it. Unlike Branded, though, Syrup does not try to make it all surreal, quite the contrary: it shows in select moments of the film the inner workings of advertising, both from a personal standpoint and from a theoretical one. Unfortunately it does feel so, surreal I mean, when the lead actors, lacking any visible or believable chemistry, start spouting wooden and pompous lines that make little sense.

If someone would seriously make a full feature film from the trailer of Syrup, it would be great. To be fair, Amber Heard did a great role, given what she had (and I don't just mean a smashing wardrobe and a beauty to match, I mean the script). Her counterpart also tried his best, although that clearly wasn't enough. No, the problem were not the actors, not even the story, but the script. One would be hard pressed to even consider that it is based on a book, but it is! I haven't read the book, but from reviews I've read it's gotta be a lot better than what the writers did with this film.

Bottom line: the very definition of pomp is that it tries too hard to show something off and it fails exactly in that respect. In the case of Syrup, it tried to seem smart and it came out as really dumb. Some bits, mostly the ones you see in the trailer, were remarkably good, but the stuff in between was excremental. Given that this is inspired by a book, I have to consider it a failure.
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This movie is 180 degrees from cool
realvedmak8 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Basic premise of this movie is that ads and hype sell products regardless of quality of actual product.

If you are trying to make a quick buck and never get to sell anything ever again that would work. However, with almost two decades of experience in marketing I can tell you that there is a solid reason big companies spend billions on developing flavors, and that is that people might buy crap, but people will not continue to purchase it.

But I digress. This movie is pretty stupid. Girl that was supposed to be 'hot' is more along lines of girl next door type, so miscast in my opinion. Yet everybody is supposed to want her. I just did not buy that.

Main male actor is kinda weird looking too. Not interesting weird in a likable way, like Steve Buscemi, but strange weird like Elijah Wood in his role in Sin City. Honestly, guy like that would never make it, no matter how good his ideas were, he'd just get used up and tossed away. Considering his character acts conceited and pushy entire movie, and girl is supposed to have attraction for him, I really did not buy his character at all.

Finally, no company would treat suicide the way they tried to portray it in this movie. They would deny responsibility and NOT fire people admitting guilt, as that course of action would open them up for class action lawsuits.

All in all, this movie is less realistic than a Disney movie. It is better than that crap 'Branded' but still far cry from any good.
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Way better than I expected. Please give it a chance!
x_onceuponatime11 May 2022
I went into this thinking it was going to be an average movie that I wasn't going to enjoy all that much. I'm not a big movie person to begin with because I need interesting, layered characters and rarely get them in film. However, I decided to give it a go. It didn't take long for me to enjoy the concept, but especially the banter between the two main characters. It's quick, like Gilmore Girls quick, and I love that kind of stuff.

Even then, I never expected to actually feel anything for the characters but I soon found myself very attached to and caring for Amber's character. She somehow captivates your heart without you even knowing it's happening. She's done this to me in other films. The woman is amazing.

Somehow this movie became a sometimes serious, sometimes emotional, romantic dramedy. I have no idea how that happened, but I am glad it did.

Give it a chance and it might surprise you.

****SEMI-"SPOILER"*** I loved everything but the ending. But I can overlook it.
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A film that keeps getting in its own way
solojere21 October 2020
On the surface, Syrup has an interesting enough premise as it explores the competitive and deceptive world of advertisement. However, whenever this movie started to get interesting, it would always do something to kill the tension. Most of this can be due to the fact that there are really two plots. The story of Scat trying to make it big and Scat's love story with Six. The problem is these two stories don't work well together, and whenever the film switches its focus, the movie suffers. This, in part, could be attributed to the fact that Six is a rather flat character. I can appreciate trying to keep her mysterious, but since we never know her motivation (or if what she says was her motivation at the end was true), it's hard to connect with her character. Furthermore, the characters kept trying to explain the plot to the audience, and while this information was interesting, it didn't add a lot to the story or the characters. I do have to say there were some great one-liners. Also, Brittany Snow's was great as Three. Although her appearance in the film is rather short, I think the character had a lot of potential, and her scenes were some of the best in the film. I would have loved to see her and Six go head to head. Sadly this isn't a movie where women get to be complex. Really no one is too complex in this film. In the end, this is probably one of those stories that is better as a book.
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Great Choice!
busymalecat4 December 2018
Normally these romantic comedies have the typical storyline: boy meets girl, girl plays hard to get, boy/girl fall in love, boy/girl split up and boy wins the girl, roll the credits. But this movie tries to explain the storyline from a marketing perspective which is fresh and doesn't carry the typical romantic comedy storyline. This makes the movie a 7 out of 10. But the shortcoming is mixing a realistic boy with a unrealistic girl which it normally would never take place in a romantic comedy, but I suppose that's where the movie tries to make its point about the marketed relationship. Much respect to Amber Heard for making six as believable as possible.
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fleesaflea21 November 2020
I couldn't watch all of this movie. I found the premise to be dull and the attempt at romance was just cringe.
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A very funny & entertaining movie that really makes a statement about brand marketing. I really enjoyed & highly recommend. I say A-
cosmo_tiger22 August 2013
"Looking at a billboard is supposed to feel like love at first sight but it's not real, it's just marketing and without it you wouldn't even know who you are." Scat (Fernandez) is fresh out of marketing school with no prospects on the horizon until he comes up with an idea for a new energy drink. When he brings it to the attention of Six (Heard) he is excited at the prospect of becoming rich but a double cross changes everything. With the job I have I pretty much watch everything no matter what it is. I usually don't watch the trailers for the movie because I don't like when they give too much away. Doing it that way makes what I watch real hit or miss as far as how good it is. What I have noticed is that the lower budget movies that I haven't heard of are 99% of the time better then the "studio" movies. This is a perfect example of that. I don't know if satire is the right word but the movie to me shows how the marketing industry will do whatever it takes to sell a product and how gullible the public is when it comes to branding. The movie does get a little dark at times but that proves it's point all the more. The movie is entertaining and funny but to me this is more of a statement movie. I could also be reading way too much into it though. Overall, a huge surprise of a movie that I highly recommend. I give it an A-.
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The sexy Amber Heard isn't enough. It lacks substance and depth
callanvass18 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is nowhere near as clever as it believes it is. It is hip to a certain extent, but they overdo it in a big way. Marketing energy drinks with names like "Fukk" is clever and funny at first, especially with all that jokes that come along with it, but it gets stagnant rather quickly. There is plenty of stereotyping and sexism as well, along with breaking the fourth wall with some admittedly clever inner monologue. The story isn't strong enough, so they try to be as cool as possible. The first half isn't half-bad. It's cool, sharp, and even clever at certain points. I was kind of digging it to a certain extent. Sadly, it runs out of fuel in the second half, and turns into a mortality tale that is filled with ethics. It becomes overly serious, and it turned me off to be honest. It doesn't help that our two leads are as selfish as can possibly be. As sexy and fun as Amber Heard is, the "enigmatic" character of hers got on my nerves. I was able to put up with it, because Amber is so gorgeous, but her character is needlessly childish. Heard manages to overcome it all with sheer talent, and her galvanizing presence, but her character does her no favors. She didn't feel like a human being at all. Shiloh Fernandez is a tad on the blind side. His smug performance wasn't exactly endearing. His character angered me. He's a bit of a slacker, and manages to achieve success. It sent the wrong message in my opinion. His chemistry with Heard wasn't that great. Brittany Snow is always a welcome presence, but her cameo felt out of place and otiose. The worst thing about this movie might just be the ending. It tries to distinguish itself from fantasy and reality, and I didn't buy it. Overall, this movie was cold. I was left wondering what the point of it was. Everything about this movie is cold. I didn't care for it at all. It never bored me, but more substance was needed. It's just too unlikable and crass for it's own good

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If we would be future and we would have dictionaries with dynamic images to display meaning, Im pretty sure this movie would be under the word CRAP.
sergiusergiu155 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After watching a third of this movie, I couldn't contain myself not to express my thoughts for the first time ever in a review.

If we would be future and we would have dictionaries with dynamic images to display meaning, Im pretty sure this movie would be under the word CRAP.

Don't take me wrong, apart from the 'FUKK' thing and 'wouldn't you die for a 'fukk'' and 'sneaky Pete' and 'wearing sunglasses at work makes me somehow cool' and 'my hair is wet but for some bizarre reason nothing else' and 'it suddenly hit me under the rain that I'm not a good person' and every second detail about this movie, it has something to offer. Still, besides some basic marketing theories that are blown way of proportions, not much.

The most terrible thing is that the idea is there, but this film failed to reveal it.
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