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Ugly Betty (TV Series 2006–2010) Poster


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Full of Heart & Cut Far Too Short
slave_Dancer8526 May 2010
I have been an Ugly Betty fan since episode 1 back in 2006. The minute America Ferrera's plucky Betty Suarez walked through the doors of Mode in her Guadalajara poncho, I knew I was going to love this show. I've been a faithful fan for all four seasons and was truly sad to see it go. So much so that I put off watching the series finale until today - nearly a month after it originally aired. Throughout it's four seasons, Ugly Betty remained witty and engaging. Ugly Betty knew how to play up the drama, but what made this show so endearing was its expert use of comedy. Vanessa Williams, Ana Ortiz, and Becki Newton and the rest of the cast provided constant moments of hilarity throughout the years.

For anyone who needs a good laugh, a twist of drama, and a downright feel good show to watch, Ugly Betty is the show for you. It certainly was for me. It was definitely a bitter sweet goodbye. My only complaint is that the series was cut far too short. ABC tends to do that however. They tend to not know what a good thing they have until its gone. The Ugly Betty series finale is one of those finales you will watch with a nagging pit in your stomach as you realize your journey with these characters has come to an end. But after it's over, the resolution is so perfect that you can't help but feel relieved that despite the end of your journey, their stories will continue to live on in your head.
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Funny and insightful if sometimes a little clichéd
dlee28729 October 2006
A dramedy with a lot of heart. The humor can be pretty subtle which makes it more effective and does not detract from the story line. It also has a moral point of view that shows that the consequences of behavior can be long lasting and far reaching, and that other people are affected even when you want to believe that no one else is being hurt. The fact that Salma Hayeck, who is one of the producers, is willing to make fun of herself by being shown in an over the top Latino soap opera on the TV in Betty's house that her father is hooked on also adds to the levity and fun of the show. The ongoing story thread about Fey is a good hook, since you keep watching to find out what is going on. You find out a little more about the plot line each episode, much like a good mystery.
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Great at First
AbigailCurious8 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The show started off great, with a great storyline with a fresh cast of characters. But at the show progressed it became dull and long- winded.The story line is repetitive with the same standoff between Wilhelmina slater, Daniel Meade, Alexis Meade, And Betty and her lovers over and over again.One of the rivals takes over the magazine for one episode the other takes it over and back again. In every episode, Daniel at one point gets the blues, and Betty gives him her motivational speech, and he becomes energized again. Bettys love life also follows a repetitive pattern with her falling in love with one, encounters a problem, switches to a different lover and the first lover comes back into the picture.
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Ahead of its Time
michaeledward121225 July 2018
Ugly Betty is one of my all-time favorite shows, the first season is still one of my favorite seasons, and in my opinion one of the best seasons of television ever produced. The way it blended telenovela sensibilities with the American sitcom was genius. I think the show is extremely underrated, by audiences and critics alike. The user score here is a testament to that, and while Ugly Betty might not be everyone's cup of tea it accomplished most of what it set out to do, and it did it well.

Although I think the first season and a half are excellent, near perfect television, the show floundered a bit in its third season, where a new locale and crew changed the tone and a post-writers strike group of writers took the series into new, and sometimes bizarre territory. I must say that Patricia Field taking over costumes from Eduardo Castro was extremely noticeable, and the quality was still high, but the show never matched its soap opera antics of its first season, instead it become a lighter family comedy with some dramatic elements thrown in, and it still worked.

The thing that amazes me every time I rewatch the show is how timeless it feels, how groundbreaking it was, and how it paved the way for so many shows, and originated so many trends. I don't think Ugly Betty truly gets enough credit for what it did, blending comedy, drama, heartfelt storylines with grittier elements, transgender storylines and gay youth representation, in a show centered on a Mexican-American family no less.

Today there are shows like Pose, where the cast is made up of mainly transwomen, shows like Jane the Virgin that feature telenovela storytelling mixed with comedy, and a noticeable trend in sitcoms to feature more long arc story structure and greater continuity, all while including some more dramatic elements. At the time of its release, Ugly Betty was a contemporary to The Office, 30 Rock, Glee and other mainstream sitcoms that kept the tone light and the stakes lower. Meanwhile, Ugly Betty wasn't afraid to feature surreal moments and serious stories about coming out, murder and alcoholism.

Ugly Betty will forever be one of my favorite shows. And although it's never gotten the credit it deserves, its influence lives on in the risks taken by the shows that came after it, and the people who were touched by it.
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Great new show
jazzkinnison30 September 2006
I just watched "Ugly Betty" Thurs. night and I have to say that I think it is a wonderful new series.

Star America Ferrara makes the show completely worthwhile. I have seen most of the new show's that have premiered this season so far and, in my opinion, Ferrara gives hands-down the best new female performance out there. The portrait that she paint's as Betty is realistic, humorous, and makes you feel for her in everything that she does or wants to do. I doubt there is anybody that won't root for this lovely girl (and yes, she is lovely and MORE, even in the "Betty" get-up because she is such a sweet, intelligent, accomplished, and kind person).

The show as a whole is a bit formulaic, but what show isn't up to a certain degree? The rest of the characters are pretty well done (most especially the girls who become Betty's friends at the magazine), though it will take some time to make them as interesting as the main character.

My wife wanted to watch this first episode more than I did, but I'm very glad I watched with her. This will easily be classified as a "chick show" but I believe that anybody will like it once they give it half a chance. Everybody has felt the way Betty feels at some point in there life & that will be a drawing point into her world, I think.

All I can say is WATCH IT. It won't be for everyone but many will be pleasantly surprised. America Ferrara is brilliant. I think she should get her Emmy speech ready now.
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Am I Dreaming?
TxCowPatty25 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What a hoot! "Ugly Betty" follows the basic telenovela structure without playing it over the top. It is easy to see the difference, especially since "La Fea Mas Bella" is playing on Univision in my area. And finally!!!!! A Mexican-American family that rings truer to life than any I've seen in a while, pardon me George Lopez. The father is dedicated and loving (and present!), with a fierce loyalty to his favorite daughter. This shows in one scene where he threatens to go to the parents of Gina, the Book thief. Hilda (the "pretty" one) is street-wise and capable, but Betty will always be first in his heart. The scenes of the Suarez household do not take away from Betty's struggle at Mode, but serve to complement her determination to remain true to herself in a world that prizes perfection and ignores individuality.
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Always a good fun to watch
Buston51210 January 2017
After watching the first episode, I knew it wasn't going to be good show.I like the choice of America Ferrera as Betty, she wasn't well known back then and so we all see her as Betty. She played this outsider to the fashion world, she was hired as an assistant to the Editor in chief of a fashion magazine called MODE. Her boss is a play boy and his father owns the magazine, so her Creative director Wilhelmina played by the beautiful Vanessa Williams wants to take him down by siding with Daniel's brother/sister Alexa. The whole show is funny, creative and very fashionable. I love Wilhemina's outfits, i love the chemistry between Marc and Amanda, also friendship of Betty and Christina. It combines fashion with family, fun with funk. It was a shame the show was ended too early, I think it has the potential of getting better and even become of the iconic shows like Sex and the City.
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Ugly indeed
kkitt9 January 2008
I'm going to keep this as brief as possible since frankly, the abomination that is 'Ugly Betty' deserves very little of anyone's time.

In one respect, it is a remarkable achievement: I honestly can't remember when I last saw such a cliché-ridden, predictable and utterly unamusing 'comedy' series. Even your average production-line American sitcom usually bothers to include the occasional dash of humour but what have we here: hey look, Betty is walking towards a plate glass wall... anyone want to guess what happens next? Well, if you can't then clearly this puerile mess is for you.

Furthermore, the very premise of the series is itself fundamentally hypocritical: if the makers really wanted to make a point about beauty being skin-deep (this coming from a show filmed in California!) then why not cast a genuinely 'cosmetically-challenged' actress in the title role? Instead, they have supposedly 'uglified' America Ferrara by giving her glasses and a brace - I can't help wondering how many thousands of similarly-accessorised schoolgirls will be eternally grateful for that masterstroke. Overall, this "hey - YOU can be beautiful too" angle just smacks of a collective guilt-trip by misguided TV executives; personally, I find it so patronising that it makes me want to get my teeth bent and stained yellow.

This is neither the biting satire it thinks it is nor the heartwarming comedy it tries to be. It's a bad soap opera that relies on one-dimensional characters, recycled slapstick set-pieces and dialogue that's about as sharp as a wet sock in order to take pointless potshots at the media and fashion industry (shooting, fish, barrel etc.) I could go on but I've probably already spent more time writing this than the writers of 'Ugly Betty' spend on their scripts. Enough!
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A show worth the watch
oh_lala4 February 2007 I am from the UK and have cheated a little, got my American friend to send me all the first season of ugly Betty and I love it :)

When I first heard about ugly Betty I thought...yes a show about a girl who isn't drop dead gorgeous - forgive me for being so clique - but I felt I could relate to her. Although point 1 Betty is NOT ugly, sure she has glasses, who doesn't now a days? braces, with the most perfect teeth I have ever seen and some questionable eyebrows but who cares? To me Betty is not ugly! Let's just get that out the way.

This show is one of the best American show I have seen in a long time -apart from DH which I very much enjoy. The characters are fabulous, Betty a sweetheart who everyone would love as a friend, Daniel some eye candy, Willamina, I was surprised how much I have grown to like her over the season. Amanada and Marc are a fabulous double act, can I join please? Christina :D:D being a Scot myself I love her and even though some characters make fun of her being Scottish, like calling her "braveheart" I love the character and the jokes about her accent :) The show to me has everything, and I am not just saying this but in the very first episode I laughed, I cried (at people laughing at Betty) and overall I was left with a warm feeling, that my dreams are possible and that beauty is on the inside also I was left wanting more.

The only one thing "bad" I have to say about it is that the message "beauty is on the inside, your dreams are possible" is smacked a bit too much in the audiences face, I think it was at least once an episode - we get it.

Overall, Ugly Betty is an enjoyable sitcom, that although people may be put off by its warm side has a great storyline with most of the central only request for season 2 more Christina
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Entertaining, if perhaps patchy
miss_lady_ice-853-60870017 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers

The Writer's Strike really signalled the end for Ugly Betty. The massive gap in that season, plus erratic scheduling meant that people simply stopped watching the show. It was one of those shows that are entertaining to watch when they've got a regular time slot but when the scheduling starts changing, you don't have the energy to keep up.

The premise is that the publisher of a fictional fashion magazine called "Mode" is tired of his son getting it on with his PAs, so he hires a girl that the son won't want to sleep with. Enter Betty Suarez. The premise is a little offensive, perhaps mildly racist although the son does have a fling with Bett's beautiful sister.

The turn-off for me is the bullying that Betty is subjected to. Even though this is sadly realistic for a high-flying company of beautiful people, pretty much the entire run of the show consists of characters making fun of Betty. Even if it turns out okay in the end, this doesn't really give out a good message to "ugly" people.

It is also a little unbelievable that Betty would not make an effort to fit in to the industry. All of her "ugliness" is simply cosmetic (braces, bad hair, glasses) so it's not a big mountain to climb. I realise that the moral is about Betty being true to herself but if you wanted to work in the fashion industry, you'd have a much better sense of fashion than that. Dressing her plainly would be plausible but dressing her so hideously? I don't buy that.

America Ferrara does a good job with playing Betty. Although the character can be very annoying at times, the conflicting feelings is perhaps true to life. Her various romantic tangles were a bit dull, but then her love interests were dull. Vanessa Williams is great as villainess Wilhelmina and Eric Mabius is touching as little-boy-lost owner's son Daniel.

I liked all the outrageous plots. The show worked best when it was being ridiculous and typically melodramatic, rather than being "heart-warming".

(THIS NEXT PARAGRAPH IS A DISCUSSION OF THE SHOW'S ENDING, SO DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE SHOW ALL THE WAY THROUGH) To be honest, we were all waiting for the outcome of the original South American soap the show is based on and the main cliché in a show of gleeful clichés- for Betty to finally get together with her boss. Not enough romantic chemistry was established, certainly none on Betty's part, so when Daniel does sort of ask her out in the final episode (no big romantic love scene unfortunately), it's a bit of a damp squib. I know that it's meant to be a role reversal- that Betty is the one that Daniel has to play to get- but it just isn't romantic enough. It's too ordinary.
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I love the series
jegharikkeemail31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
But the ending was terrible - I hate the not sure ending - it would have been better if they either kiss and find love or find out that they are amazing friends But nothing is not ok I would love to see them kiss
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AndyLianB7 June 2023
Oh, words cannot express how much one actually loves this series! Like I was a teenager when this came out and since now I'm in my early 30's and have just finished watching it for the millionth time and revel in how iconic it is..... anyways...

Vanessa Williams - my god what an unbelievably talented, amazing, sensational actress she is. I mean her performance is utterly sensational. Credit to the rest of the cast they did a great job too.

I cannot fault anything with this series, the only negative thought about the show is that it ended so prematurely, after only 4 seasons.

So yes this show is legendary!
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Gave it a 10 initially, dropped to 7 for the last season
md-maria29 March 2021
I saw Betty la Fea, so when I heard there is an English version, I was super excited. If you saw the original too, you can notice some similarities and overall Betty (in both versions) just make you feel warm on the inside and have you rooting for her episode by episode. Without giving any spoilers in case anyone here is looking for the next quarantine tv series, Ugly Betty is just a super perfect choice. However, while I found the first 3 seasons entertaining with a super positive, non realistic, oh come on but still so cute, message; the last season annoyed the heck out of me. She gets what she wants and also overly irritating. So from 10 to 7 in just one episode. I can deal with the life is beautiful , we pull a magical solution out of thin air, so adorable I could hug her but after she becomes an editor and once Matt disappears, she is just insufferable! And don't get me started about her sister... her nephew and Marc are just awesome. Even Daniel warms up on u and Wilhelmina love to hate her... but Betty goes from "aww bless her heart" to "oh give me a break" ... still a go, but glad they didn't continue (Though I am all in for more seasons without her !!)
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Not a great show, loved it at the beginning though
amazinggrayling5 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The reason I watch this show anymore is because of Chris Gorham.

At the beginning, I found it to be very funny. But the same type of jokes get very old. The recent episode about Mark's coming out to his homophobic mother was pretty corny.

It's a matter of taste but I feel like the show has gone too far into the dramatic realm. It need to remember that it is a comedy first and foremost.

We, the audience, can get plenty of the "important issues" stuff elsewhere, where the "important message" (about homophobia, "inner beauty" etc etc etc) is not so compromised by the show trying to be funny and please everybody.

Vanessa William's bitchy character was also quite riveting at the beginning. But the same goal again and again? Forever scheming for Betty's boss' job and her plans getting more and more ridiculous? Looks to me like a lack of respect for the character.

Rebecca Romjin seems like a lovely person. But her acting skills are not up to her character. She's the one that really stands out among the generally stellar cast for awkward delivery.

So, please go very light on the "issues". It's not effective and ends up being very awkward to watch when the tone is first and foremost comedic. And please don't do the American thing to the character and completely kill her by having her do the makeover thing or have her "outsides match her beautiful insides", even very slowly. "Inner beauty", right?
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Wonderful and heartwarming!
Mrs2142 October 2006
Okay, so "wonderful" and "heartwarming" are typical clichés. I did not want to get addicted to another show because it always seems the shows I enjoy end up getting canceled (anyone remember that little gem "Arrested Development?").

Ugly Betty is a great show. I figured when I saw the teasers for it that all the funny scenes were in the commercial and there would be nothing left in the show, but I gave it a chance. I thoroughly enjoyed watching. Salma Hayeck was hilarious in her cameo. Vanessa Williams is E-V-I-L! She seemed to relish in her role! America is amazing as Betty. She plays the part with sensitivity and does not make Betty seem cartoonish, which would have been very easy given the "ugly girl" costume she's wearing.

I will definitely continue to watch Ugly Betty. I am looking forward to seeing what kinds of situations Betty gets into in the future!
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Ugly Betty: A Diamond In The Rough
bondgirl678128 September 2006
I fell in love with this show! Executively produced by Salma Hayek and starring the always lovely America Ferrera as Betty Suarez, a young woman who breaks into the fashion industry as an assistant to the editor-in-chief of Mode magazine Daniel Meade (sexy Eric Mabius). Betty is sweet, smart, and always on top of things, but of course she is not the most beautiful girl, but when they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder they were not kidding. Squaring off against Daniel Meade is the conniving Wilhemina (Vanessa Williams...I smell Emmy) who covets the title of editor-in-chief. I just saw the pilot episode and this show is a winner and I hope it stays on the air because of America Ferrera who is lovely and spirited as Betty. She is without question the female heroine that all young women need in times where women are expected to be sexy and beautiful under superficial means.
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Y'all are too harsh - it's sexy, witty and only a little bit manipulative
McGuffen1 October 2006
Okay, yes, the theme is kinda like Bridget Jones's Diary. I got that from the title and ads. I'm sure you did too, so don't go wailing that you're SO disappointed, or that it's a ripoff. Does having one plot point in common (overweight girl) make a show a ripoff? A majority of Americans are now overweight. Is breaking the taboo against depicting someone overweight so out of the ordinary that it's derivative? But I digress...

Salma Hayek is behind this, and she clearly wants us to like this Latina girl and the show. So I'm sure she'll hire dialog coaches for those who have poorly feigned foreign accents. But other things that would otherwise have taken me out of the pilot didn't happen. Surely you thought they were going to do something trite and cliché with her idea, didn't you? But they didn't. People behaved like real people. What a concept.

The menace and intrigue they allude to in the future is kinda one dimensional, but I'm going to give this show a chance.
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Show being ruined by product placement!
kyrat8 December 2007
I love this show but if they keep inserting product placement (aka Heroes - the hour long Nissan commercial) - I will stop watching.

The episode where they tried to drum up business for Wicked the musical was bad enough. A few episodes later they tried to drum up interest in a movie soon to be released (I won't give them the satisfaction of more publicity by naming it.)

I was really enjoying the episode and didn't really think about the fact that Betty kept repeatedly talking about some random film coming out and frankly when her friend started talking about how much she loved James Marsden - I got confused and thought she was talking about the guy that played Spike on Buffy. So it wasn't until the commercial break where they played an ad for a movie with James Marsden in it that I realized I'd been thinking of the wrong actor. I then realized the ad was for the same movie they had just been hyping on the show.

To me this is unforgivable. I'm watching the show for the great plots and great characters, but when I know that dialogue is written just to sell something it ruins the entire show for me. So yes, great Betty White part, interesting Henry v. Gio - but I'm not going to watch a show that's using the plot/characters as ads instead of entertaining characters.

I actually do consider writing an TV to be a form of artistic expression - so anyone willing to whore themselves out and compromise themselves is not worthy of my viewing time or respect.

I could even have accepted it if at the beginning there had been an obvious message saying "this episode sponsored by X movie" - so fine, at least we know there was an obvious exchange of script lines for cash. Instead they tried to pretend this was a spontaneous expression of Betty's real taste in movies. Now I wouldn't believe anything that came from her character's mouth because I'd believe her opinion has been bought.
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Doesn't know what it wants to be.
NotorietyH6 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Ugly Betty is a very frustrating show following 'Ugly" Betty Suarez's foray into the world of fashion working as an assistant to the Editor of high fashion magazine Mode.

There's enough potential for a pretty engaging television show and it is watchable. However there are many problems. Mainly that the creators and writers don't seem to know what kind of show they want to make.

There are elements of over-the-top bordering on surreal comedy, cutting satire, family drama, conspiracy drama. All these elements can't possibly work in a television show. It really stretches any suspension of disbelief when in one episode you can have a ridiculously over the top and unrealistic slapstick/surreal comedy even be followed by a situation where a father admits to his daughters that he killed a man years ago and could be deported. It's ridiculous. The over the top comedy takes from he satire, the satire takes from the over-the-top comedy, the satire and comedy take from the family drama and then to top it all off there is a huge conspiracy and cover-up plot line which takes from everything else. This makes Ugly Betty a very scrappy show that seems to be unable to decide which outfit it likes best, so puts on every item of clothing it owns, which as we all know, doesn't work. How's that for a metaphor?
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Everything old is new again
pegala142 November 2023
Watched this show when it originally aired (I'm old) and watched it again this last month. Thought it was great then and still do. The ugly duckling Betty wants to be a writer and ends up working at Mode, a fashion magazine. It's not the ideal job, she's awkward and has very different "style" than all the people she works with, but her zest for life and innocent ambition eventually wins them over. She has a loving family that supports her and the warmth in their home is glowing. Betty grows in confidence while encouraging her boss to do the same. And the characters from her city life all seem to learn a lot about family when they interact with her Queens life. In the end, seems like all those character come out the other side as better humans through their interactions with Betty. Oh, and Betty does pretty good too in the end.
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Actress Who Plays Titular Character Really Pretty In Real Life
shelbythuylinh11 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not just in the making her less attractive to focus on her acting and that over in the character that has in the wanting to focus on inner beauty.

Despite the naysayers and mean snide comments there. She does not let it get to her. Slowly yet surely she really grows on people when they look back at her kind heart and not the looks.
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cannot live up to what it promises
damlaozd17 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched the first season of this show, in search of a feel-good comedy series. I was not even expecting them to be sensitive about the gender stuff (and they should nevertheless have been careful about that). But that issue has been covered by many previous reviews, so I will look through a more different window.

This show has only two funny characters: Mark and Amanda. And they are marginal characters compared to the Suarez family, Meades, Wilhelmina and Alexis. These two are the only watchable thing about the show. The rest is crap. Vanessa Williams is a victim of the bad screen writing, but the actress who plays Alexis is just plain awful.

The central character, Betty, becomes more and more annoying in time. At times, her actions and lines make you want to punch her, really hard. (Her acting gets worse in time as well) It is not about her looks. She is such a drama queen. As the main character in an "ugly duckling" story, you expect her to be good, nice, adorable, smart. She is not. She goes after someone else's boyfriend, cheats on her own boyfriend, never fails to be the most annoying smart-ass, has her own prejudices against others...the list goes on.

And the cliché plot line bores you to death. The story is so shallow. You cannot find anything interesting about the father? Make him a murderer. And don't even mention that issue for the next 10 episodes. You cannot find any more inventive evil plans for Wilhelmina? Make him sleep with Bradford, who of course suddenly falls in love with her but yet loves his wife in jail still. Such brilliant screen writing.

If a show makes you hate the main character, then that show is not worth watching it anyway.

Bottomline: Don't waste your time watching this.
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Ugly Betty
dakotamike555521 December 2006
This is one of the best programs on television. Its such a refreshing break from all the other garbage that is on t.v. today. What I find funny is the title "Ugly Betty" In spite of her bushy eye brows, braces and glasses and the way they dress her....when she gets treated so badly by all the beautiful people, it turns out that Betty is the beautiful one and all the others are Ugly. What a wonderful team of actors. I do hope this program will be on for a VERY long time and I hope the show sweeps the Golden Globes. I think the first season should come out on DVD now so I can add this program to my library. Two BIG thumbs WAY up on this one.
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It's so predictable, it's great
snowtiger-948361 August 2019
I found after watching the first few epesodes that this became quite adictive, each person plays an essentail role to balence out there lives. This is a very predictable show but still, it was quite fun to watch.
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This show sucks
loripinklady14 January 2007
I cannot believe that this show is getting rave reviews. I must be seriously missing something because I just don't get it. It is not funny,the acting is poor and the story line is lame. This show sucks big time. I hope this show gets cancelled right away because I don't even want to see a preview of this piece of garbage! I usually can get a laugh out of almost any comedy but this one did not even get a chuckle from me. I like Salma Hayek but I think she is terrible in this. Ugly Betty is so unrealistic, it is really a stretch to think that anyone would choose to look this way and even more unrealistic that anyone would hire her even discourage the guy from sleeping with her. This leads to the assumption that you would have to be attractive to have an office affair and believe me there are plenty unattractive people getting their groove on.What a shallow, insulting show.
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