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Out of Office (TV Movie 2022) Poster

(2022 TV Movie)

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Cast is fine
tereancedennis21 September 2022
The cast is ok but the story and script miss the mark.... There are directions in the story that could've been taken to make this a good comedy....same with the script.... Jay Pharaoh has some chops but needs to be pushed further to maximize the definitely wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen. Vayntrub was much better than expected....the movie just had so much potential that was never realized. It could've used a bit more physical comedy for effect....a couple of scenes just didn't make sense....then there was the ending....its weird to gather a bunch of comedians to do a movie that's not really funny.
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A very poor movie, but.........................
FinneganBear6 September 2022
A very trite story. A comedy with few laughs. Lots of familiar faces in an attempt to attract viewers despite the thin plot. It's difficult to imagine anyone watching this movie and feeling it was time well spent. But while I can't recommend this Comedy Central TV movie, it has the distinction of being a long overdue vehicle for Milana Vayntrub ("Lily" in the AT&T commercials).

Vayntrub carries the film (such as it is) with the lead role and does a fine job, coming off as cute, sweet and interesting. She deserves better than "Out of Office." Hopefully, this will lead to other--better--projects for this talented actress.
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Mediocre and Unfocused
Zhuge11 September 2022
Out of Office is a 2022 Comedy Central exclusive film that focuses on the reality of working from home via video chats. The film begins with Eliza (Milana Vayntrub) as she interviews with a technology company via video chat, and despite having no qualifications, manages to land the job by giving the boss horrible relationship advice. The film features an ensemble cast of well-known comedic actors -- Jason Alexander and Cheri Oteri star as Eliza's parents; Ken Jeong and Jay Pharoah star as members of the new company Eliza begins working with; Leslie Jones stars as Jeong's angry wife; and Jim Rash (Community) and Oscar Nunez (who seemed to channel Michael Scott in his role) are in supporting roles. The primary story of the film revolves around Eliza's entry into the company; the awkward connections between all of the employees; as well as a healthy dose of uncomfortableness surrounding the pasts and social lives of some of the characters.

All the comedy in the film is based on the idea of the silliness and distractions that can come from working at home. While there are certainly some laugh out loud moments (typically tied to the antics of Jeong), there are also a lot of jokes that fall flat and feel overly forced. In addition, the awkward dramatic elements (which mostly feature in the last third of the film) detract from the comedy and bring the mood of the film down quite a bit, leaving a less than satisfactory ending.

Overall, the film feels like an extended pilot for a television series that may be a bit too close to The Office to really be successful. It unfortunately also struggles with its identity a bit -- it begins as a typical comedy but ends more as a dramedy.
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Intensely Bad
bkkaz6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so if you even casually watch Comedy Central, then you've seen at least a billion ads for this "movie," to the point that you were probably sick of it before it even aired. Such is the ADHD repetitiveness of cable TV. You may even have avoided watching it for that reason. If so, wise move. Let me give you another reason to avoid watching it: It's pretty awful.

Imagine if someone was doing an amateurish fan version of The Office. It would still be better than this dreck, even though this dreck has some of The Office's alums involved. Shame on them. SHAME ON THEM. The whole thing feels like a low-budget Canadian imitation of an American show, and I apologize to Canadians, with their beady eyes and flapping heads, for having to make the comparison to this "movie."

For Out of Office (get it?), they've recycled most of the same characters, just in different form. The Michael Scott-type incompetent boss is played here by Ken Jeong, someone whose schtick amounts to the same itchy hamming and mugging as in everything else he does. The Jim character is played by SNL's Jay Pharoah, who despite being one of that show's most talented performers was somehow written out while Aidy Bryant chugged along like an icebreaker. Pam is Alina Vayntraub, whose smarmy combination of Zoe Deschanel's awkwardness and Anna Kendrick's undeserved confidence will help you understand why she's most famous for phone commercials. Dwight Shrute is Leslie Jones, both in size and attitude. There are others, too, but really, who cares.

I don't think I laughed once, and while I'm kind of a tough crowd when it comes to comedy, it's rare that I don't even chuckle. This is a show for people who not only like the familiar -- you know, like The Office -- but laugh more because they're supposed to than because anything is really funny. The jokes here fall into one of two categories: 1) The obvious, 2) The nonsensical.

And I'm not talking about funny and satisfying nonsensical like, say, Bill Murray's da-da-istic routines or Mitch Hedberg's droll stoner observations. I'm talking nonsensical like how do comic book shops stay in business or Shia LaBoeuf having a career. This is a "movie" where people do things merely because the script says so, like taking a dump out a window in broad daylight when the bathroom is down the hall. See, that's supposed to be funny, so just roll with it.

If this "movie" is meant to be a pilot for a TV series, maybe it will get better. I can't see it getting worse. The production looks like it was filmed with an iPhone on location, so it couldn't be costing much unless they're paying the cast millions. In that case, SHAME ON THEM.
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Awful. Don't waste your time.
stanfunky6 September 2022
No plot, bad acting, feels like an overlong sitcom episode or a backdoor pilot for a potential series. The characters do nothing to move it along. Ken Jeong is especially grating and nowhere close to funny in this. Jason Alexander is present, but gets too little time and has nothing to do when he's on screen. Milana Vayntrub of "Lily AT&T" fame is somewhat miscast as the lead, would be better as a supporting character. This suffers from lack of story and bad acting all around. Don't bother watching, it's nothing more than another Comedy Central attempt to get a series and capitalize off a few 'names'.
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Waste of production money
Moe_Wishah16 September 2022
Why would any company waste even the smallest budget on a movie like this? I mean you wasted people's time instead of entertaining them!

I really don't understand, are they high while commissioning this? From storyline it self to the script or the horrible acting and cast.

I know i sound like I'm smoking this movie but this is the truth, America has to understand that there's a whole world outside of USA where they can get inspired from or even consider when making a movie.

I can't forgive the fact that you made me sit through this thinking that someone might actually pull off an entertaining movie about "working from home" since its such relevant topic these days.

I feel sorry for the money wasted on this.
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funnier than it should be
SnoopyStyle8 July 2023
Eliza (Milana Vayntrub) gets fired. She can't keep a job. Her parents are concerned. She's living with them and they're selling the family home. She gets a new Zoom-based job run by Kyle (Ken Jeong). He has a contentious marriage to Ally (Leslie Jones) and Eliza has all the wrong advice.

This is a Zoom-based comedy that seems to come out of the pandemic. It has no rights to be funny, but Ken Jeong is unrelenting. He's the Michael Scott of this company. It helps that he's paired up with Leslie Jones. That's comedy dynamite. I wouldn't do number two, but number one could be more hilarious if he pees on the neighbor. Emily Pendergast and Chris Gethard are the next funniest. Jay Pharoah is playing the straight man. This is a bunch of sketch comedy people coming together. I want more Ken Jeong and staying with his marriage. That's the comedy with the best potential. The best comedic moments come from Eliza giving bad advice to the couples. The coq au vin is hilarious. That's a fun screwball comedy concept. Eliza should be paired up with Kyle. That's the pairing I want. They would try to save his marriage and maybe the Rocks... the Roqs... the Revers... the Rs.
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A typical, unfunny "Comedy" Central mess
LawnBoy-416 September 2022
Nothing like casting a third rate AT&T commercial "actor" on a third rate excuse for a "Comedy" network for a lackluster, disjointed mess of a "comedy" feature. Pretty much right on brand for a once good network that has become so lazy in their programming that it is nearly impossible to tune in at any point in the day and not see tired "The Office" reruns.

This was just an abysmal failure and "Lily" simply cannot act to save her life. She has no more business in a film or show than that talentless dolt who plays Flo in those annoying Progressive ads.

Not a funny moment in the entire thing, despite the fact that it featured the normally funny Ken Jeong. Please do not waste your time with this garbage.

"Comedy" Central should just combine with MTV and VH1 to form one unfunny and unwatchable network.
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Falls apart almost exactly halfway through
dooley_14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie feels like it was envisioned as a TV show. It starts out pretty strong and then starts to stumble hard about halfway through. It is a little bit of a cartoon, some of it was pretty goofy. Probably needed another pass on that script to make it a movie, a bunch of stories get shoved together, but layered haphazardly. The A story of Vayntrub's character appears to just crash into the makings of an unhealthy relationship, while being driven by the B story of Ken Jeong's abusive relationship with Leslie Jones as the aggressor. Every marriage is portrayed as extremely toxic, with the exception of the couple that has Ken Jeong dress up as Sherlock Holmes and watch them bang. Vayntrub's character is funny and charming and she portrays it well when the script allows. A lot of this is pretty funny when it can hold the line between cringe-goofy and plot points that are confusing because the characters aren't developed enough. Falls off a sharp cliff at the end, no real conclusion. Nobody learned much of anything, every married character in this would be happier with a divorce,and in the end not much really happens. Should've been better with the actors on board.
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ckarvanek21 September 2022
Nothing about this movie was funny. I don't think I've ever been so bored from a movie. Just kept waiting for it to go somewhere. Or at least be somewhat funny. The comedy is beyond childish. Having had to work from home I can say from experience. That not a single thing about this movie is close to real life work communication. Yes I get it's suppose to be a little far out but this crosses the line. Getting "strikes" on her first day.. etc. Like others have said, it looks as if it was filmed on an iPhone. Watched it twice just to be sure I wasn't judging too hard the first time. But was just as bad. I just can't imagine all the actors sitting there and saying "yep this is great". The AT&T girl was better in the commercials. Which sucked as well. I hope she doesn't think this is her big debut.
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zyuranger6 September 2022
I don't understand the negative reviewed. It's a hilarious movie featuring a lot of familiar faces and side-splitting humor. It's an hour and a half of fun and distraction. You will not be sorry that you watched it. Ken Jeong and Leslie Jones steal every scene they're in. Jason Alexander makes some appearances and it's hard not to see an aged George Costanza. The gags and physical comedy are noteworthy as well. It definitely wreaks of the pandemic out-of-office live we were all forced to endure for so long. Some may not like it because it's smartly written with slapstick humor and a limited plot. It focuses on several individual stories co-mingled. Still - it's great. Have some coq au vin and enjoy. ;)
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Cute and fun!
momontherandom7 September 2022
I laughed out loud multiple times. It was cleverly written, quirky, and a fun watch when you need something to pass the time. There were many recognizable faces, whether they had small parts or not, they worked together well.

Definitely better than a lot of the other streaming options lately. I didn't even know if I had Comedy Central, but apparently if you have Hulu Live, you do, so there ya go.

Also really liked the girl that played the lead (Eliza) and didn't realize she was the chick from the AT&T commercials. I'd like to see her in more stuff. Why is it so hard to get to the required number of words when I don't have anything left to say?
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Comes off like a long pilot
fluffchop5 June 2023
The movie is about as good as it's going to get within the first 2 minutes. That's what the whole movie is like. Disjointed, all over the place and just a bit like a long pilot for sitcom on TV. It could very easily just continue on as a series. Maybe one day they will do it. As a movie it's very weak. There is no overall story arc other than vaguely being about the end of a marriage that was so toxic it was better to end it. The lead is a lovely character that brings joy into everyone's life, even a kettle that burns the office space. I liked the movie, it was light hearted entertainment and I think it's watchable but seriously don't expect too much from this. It's a sitcom that goes longer...
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Probably the worst follow-up
ph_sorin17 June 2024
The Office US was a tremendous success, the first 7 seasons anyway.

It had a creative juggernaut in the sleeve and a performance juggernaut on the screen. It was also done in simpler times, where the creative process wasn't hindered or even worst, battered, by the PC mob.

However, this show is the opposite of everything that made The Office great. It might be produced by some of the same people, but its worse in every way possible.

Secondly, its a Comedy Central creation... which despite the name, CC doesn't recognize comedy even if it smacks them on the head in broad daylight. They are the worse.

I feel bad for some of the cast members that proved themselves as comedic performers, but without a creative side, it was all doomed to fail.
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I Smiled All The Way Through
hailtotheredskins25 September 2022
I saw the ratings. I don't agree. Yes. It was a bit over-the-top but it's a COMEDY or sitcom. Michael Scott was over-the-top.

In a word, the movie was pleasant. It has nothing to do with The Office. The characters liked each other just like in The Office. People are flawed. Relationships are difficult. Because this was a movie, things were expedited. Milana was wonderful. Most of the characters were interesting and there is a desire to know more about each. Again, it's a sitcom and I can't think of any show in this genre where characters aren't a bit unreal at times.

There is potential here. It should be a series.
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MAke it a tv series
GridoulovesTO13 September 2022
I had to pinch myself a few time to remember I wasn't watching the last sitcom released. It has so much potential for a tv series. Sort of the office version after covid time. It's fun, light, there so much interesting characters to explore.

The movie is about this new hiree and how she navigate her life both personal and with a new team. She is a solid main character

I spent a really good 1h40 and I don't understand the haters. I've started appreciating things for what they are and not what I wished. So for a low budget movie I found it really good and entertaining. No big actors here, but potential. They all played really well and I can't wait to see them all in other venture.
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Don't take this movie too seriously. It's funny !
rayjenks8 September 2022
If you're looking for a compelling plot , then you will disappointed in this film . If you accept this comedy as just that , a comedy, then you will enjoy some good laughs and find this movie to be fun . An A-list cast brings us a familiar but new face to comedy film , Milana Vayntrub . Milana is bubbly and delightful in her role which surprisingly blends well with the cast around her . The characters in this movie are definitely exaggerated but I believe that just adds to the fun of the film .

The premise of the film is something most of us can relate to , especially post pandemic when most companies resorted to remote work. Even though the movie loses some of it's premise by the end , it still provides a satisfying conclusion .

Remember, don't take this film too seriously. Enjoy it casually and you will not be disappointed.
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Relatable, Fun and Refreshingly Optimistic
Sharpharp9913 September 2022
I really enjoyed this! It a very solid character-driven, quirky, small (in a good way) comedy.

This movie's humor comes from a real & relatable place. Being a human is hard. Interacting with other humans can make it easier and more uncomfortable. Now, try doing it all over zoom. The bits are ramped up for effect (of course) but not so much that it feels silly.

The cast is great all around. They commit to the humanity in their characters- which makes the more absurd moments land harder (and funnier). Everyone, even those with less screen time, has a moment that made me laugh out loud.

Given just how much content is out there- it feels like everything tries to be big for the sake of standing out. Big jokes, big plot, big twists - I like that this one felt comfortable living in those smaller, relatable spaces. It didn't make it any less funny or fun to watch.

Last thing- I really appreciated that the overall outlook of this movie is optimistic without being saccharine. Everything isn't tied up in a bow but you walk away feeling good. Haracter-driven, quirky, small (in a good way) comedy.
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The best comedy I've seen this year.
joaopeixoto11 September 2022
If you like explosions, car chases, murders, shootings, and dense plots, you can probably pass this movie. It's not in those categories.

If you want to pass a very nice evening that leaves you with a smile at the end of the movie, then yes, this is the movie to see.

Some say there is no plot. LOL. What??? This is not a thriller or a drama. It's a comedy. It has small plots like in real-life situations. It magnifies the little things that make the movie fun ;) It approach some sensitive issues, very lightly. I remember again, this is a comedy not a drama but could go that way if the writers wanted. They preffered to focus on the comedy part. If you love Seinfield, it's impossible not to like this movie.

This is a movie that I recommend to my friends.
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