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A big surprise
Leofwine_draca22 February 2014
I'd put off watching THE SOCIAL NETWORK for a time, suspecting it to be a dry and slow-moving film. After all, it was about the guy who founded Facebook, so how much fun could it be? I didn't much like the idea of watching a film based around people sitting on computers, so I was in no hurry to see it.

Now I've watched it, and things have changed. Because THE SOCIAL NETWORK turns out to be one of David Fincher's best films, and that's from a director whose filmography is littered with gems. This is a hugely entertaining and thoroughly gripping story of success, defeat, lies and deceit, and I was so caught up in the narrative that the two hour running time flew past.

The joy of THE SOCIAL NETWORK is that it focuses on the conflict between the various parties involved with the founding of one of the world's most popular websites. It's bam, bam, bam, with barely time to breathe, let alone get bored. Good performances are given across the board, particularly from Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield, two actors I'm normally disposed to dislike, both of whom are excellent. Technical values are, unsurprisingly, absolutely spectacular, and it's clear that Fincher is in his element, making a mini-masterpiece out of the premise. Splendid stuff.
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Amazingly directed, Greatly Scripted, and Impeccably acted. What more can you ask for in a movie?
Loving_Silence18 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big of David Fincher's work, when I realized he was going to make a film about the creation of Facebook, I was really excited. I came in the movie with huge expectations, and hopeful that it would turn out great. I have to say, I was impressed, my expectations were not only met, but they were blown away. The Social Network easily rivals Fincher's previous works like "Fight Club" or "Se7en".

Aesthetically the film is very beautiful, its very "Fincher". It has a very perversely attractive appeal, a glimmering awfulness, as it was lit from within. David Fincher deserves an Oscar for Best Director, he is extremely underrated by the Academy. Hopefully this film will finally bring Fincher in a new light.

The actors did an amazing job, they should all be recognized for their work in this movie. Jesse Eisenberg did an amazing job playing Mark Zuckerberg. Hopefully he will not be known as the next Michael Cera anymore. With this film, he established himself as a serious actor and he will have a bright future ahead of him. Andrew Garfield also did an amazing job as the co-founder of Facebook and the best friend of Zuckerberg. He deserves an Oscar nom and I hope we'll be seeing more of him in the future. The rest of the cast did a fine job and also hoping seeing them in the future.

I recommend this movie to everyone, it deals with betrayal and greed. The movie definitely deserves an Academy award for Best Picture. It is extremely revalent for our times and many years to come. I consider this movie is a fine piece of modern filmmaking and probably will be considered as a classic in the future. So if you're not doing anything tonight, you should spent an evening in theaters to watch The Social Network.
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The Power Of Great Direction
mwatt8920 January 2014
So there I was, sitting in the cinema waiting to see 'Inception' greeting every belated trailer with a groan, each one prolonging the time till I could finally see one of the most anticipated movies of the year and there it was, I turned to one of my friends "my god..a film about facebook?!.." To say I was skeptical for those few moments would be an understatement, I was almost angry, like a footballer who releases an autobiography 5 years after he starts his career I just didn't understand the timing of it, who cares anyway?

"I think this is Finchers new movie actually"

"DAVID Fincher? He's made a film about facebook?!"

Almost immediately 'Social Network' became a movie that I needed to see. David Fincher is one of the true masters of delivering some of the greatest films of the past few decades. The gritty 'Se7en' and the intelligent 'Fight Club' had been two of my favourite movies growing up, the latter of which I had the privilege of studying in college quite in depth and although I missed 'Benjamin Button' (only god knows why it took me until 2013 to watch!) I had thoroughly enjoyed the enigmatic 'Zodiac' as well.

'Social Network' became my favourite Fincher title almost immediately. It is one of those rare works that feels so effortless in its brilliance which is due to the incredible work from both Fincher and Sorkin in creating this modern masterpiece, the way I see it the film relies heavily upon three aspects which are executed with perfection.

First of all, the score for this film is sensational. I've always been a huge fan of Trent Reznor & Nine Inch Nails but with his partnership with Atticus Ross and his ongoing collaborations with Fincher (also see 'Girl With The Dragon Tattoo') I can only see them becoming the most formidable artists in the industry, every minor note resonates perfectly throughout the film and creates a beautiful texture on top of an already excellent piece of work.

Secondly, Sorkin's razor sharp screenplay is something a director can only dream of receiving, the dialogue never falters and it is always witty, sincere and hilarious all in one (which can also be attributed to the performances of the actors involved)

But most of all, the atmosphere that Fincher is able to create visually is stunning, huge credit must also go to long time collaborator Jeff Cronenweth, together their formidable partnership and undoubted perfect understanding of each other's work is clearly the factor behind this film being one of the best movies of the past decade

Great performances from Eisenberg, Garfield and Timberlake also help this movie stand head and shoulders above most and as one of the most promising young actresses in the business, Rooney Mara is given her first chance to truly show her quality in a small role.

It's difficult to say where 'Social Network' will stand when we look back on Finchers body of work but one things for sure, if it isn't seen as one of his truly great masterpieces then he is sure to become one of, if not the most powerful director in the industry for years to come.
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Nice movie about psychopathic facebook founder
perica-4315125 July 2018
Fast paced and interesting, this movie tries too hard to portray Zuckenberg in a better light than he deserves. He was not a good coder. He was much more exploitative than movie suggest, as his later love affair with CIA and selling personal data of facebook users for nefarious purposes proved. This guy is far less charismatic than portrayed (and he isn't portrayed as particularly charismatic to begin with) and far more calculating, menacing and Machiavelian than described. The only thing the movie did show worse than it was was Zuckenberg incel situation. Zuckenberg was dating a Chinese golddigger/smartdigger/Harvarddigger the whole time and they got married.

But despite being more positive towards its subject than they would warrant, the movie manages to capture part of the psychopathic nature of facebook and its founding. Artistic liberties were taken in order to humanize these monsters, to make us care and for plot not to be boring. In that it succeeded, but humanizing monsters like Zuckenberg or Hitttlerr is never a good idea in a movie. However, you at least get an idea about the depths of the cutthrooat depravity that was only confirmed by the fact that facebook abuses the trust of its sheeple all the time, and a movie is fun to watch, and deserves a praise even if it is an idealised/sanitized/overseksed version of the sorry reality this movie is based on, and as a movie is well worth a watch, but keep in mind the reality was much darker and more boring at the same time.
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A timeless story of friendship, loyalty, greed and betrayal
Monotreme0228 September 2010
I just want to get this out there right away and put the cards on the table so to speak: When I first heard about it, I had very little faith in this project. I was stupefied, confused by the thought of what attracted all this talent to this seemingly trivial story to begin with? Why would David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin possibly be interested in the story of the founding of Facebook? Surely they could have found something more important, more meaningful to apply their efforts to. After seeing the film, though, I realized that, of course, Fincher and Sorkin knew what they were doing all along. And furthermore that labeling this as "The Facebook movie" is really an insult to what Sorkin and Fincher were trying to and have succeeded in achieving with this film.

First and foremost, I have to take a step back and admire this film as a technical achievement. Despite seeming to be a departure for Fincher in terms of content and subject matter – which it is and then again isn't – the film is very clearly and undeniably a Fincher film. Re-teaming with his Fight Club director of photography Jeff Cronenweth, Fincher manages to create and capture that really unique look all of his films have. The cinematography is absolutely gorgeous – once again, Fincher proves that he is probably getting the best results in digital photography out of any other director working in that medium, and this film, shot on the RED One camera, looks absolutely beautiful, from the framing to the camera movement to the lighting and on to the look and the feel of the depth of field the RED captures.

Sorkin's script is also an impeccable achievement and showcases, once again just what a genius this man really is. From a structural standpoint it employs a very effective use of a framing device – the Zuckerberg lawsuit depositions, which introduce the various characters and lead into "flashbacks" of the events being discussed. It really lends the film a Rashomon air and intensifies the mystery behind the Zuckerberg character and what exactly transpired in the creation of this phenomenon, Facebook. Sorkin also demonstrates an acute awareness of character construction, and manages to create a loathsome protagonist we hate and are frustrated by but yet we still end up sympathizing with. Most of all, though, it's a showcase of Sorkin's impeccable writing style and knack for writing dialogue with a very unique sound and rhythm. I saw Fincher refer to it as "Sorkinese" in an interview, and this is a really good description – it is certainly very unique to Sorkin and the scripts he has written, and it is also certainly a completely unique language – one which normal people in our real world do not speak, but that just sounds great on screen. The rapid-fire, overlapping dialogue remains one of the highlights of the film for me, and the script is certainly a shoo-in for Oscar consideration.

The film is also a rare showcase of pure acting prowess, and features a very interesting and eclectic cast of young actors stepping out of their comfort zones and delivering some truly phenomenal work. The casting of the film is quite a departure for Fincher, who has enough clout to gather the biggest names working in the business. Instead, he opted to go for a cast of relative unknowns or up-and-comers, and really make stars out of them. First and foremost to be mentioned is Jesse Eisenberg, an actor I have personally been a fan of since The Squid and the Whale in 2005 and one whose work I have continued to enjoy since then. However, no matter how good he was in those previous films, none of his previous performances compare to his amazing achievement on this film. Stripping away his signature goofiness and neurosis, Eisenberg plays Zuckerberg as a cold, calculated and determined genius who knows what he wants, is very confident and forward-looking and will stop at nothing to get it. His counter in the film is Saverin, played brilliantly by Andrew Garfield, a name we will be hearing a lot more of of in the next few years: Saverin is a far more sympathetic character, more warm and inviting – these traits only increase the impact of the tragedy of Zuckerberg's betrayal of their friendship.

Many pundits and commentators have designated this to be the "film that defines our generation", and truly a "product of its time" in the most literal sense of the word. However, I'm not sure I like this designation, especially since once you watch the film, you very quickly realize that this isn't a story about the founding of Facebook; it's really a story of friendship, ambition and betrayal, a character study of this fascinating individual whose actions in the film happen to depict the invention of an online social networking site that gets out of hand and puts all of his relationships, especially that with his best friend and business partner, in jeopardy. All of the themes mentioned above are universal and can be applied to a number of fantastic films and works of fiction over the centuries, and that, I think, is the greatest achievement of the film.
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It really shouldn't work
rogerdarlington20 October 2010
This is a film which simply shouldn't work, but it does - magnificently. A story centred on a teenager who becomes the world's youngest billionaire, a web site that reaches a million users in two years, and a cast of real life characters with names like Zuckerberg and Winklevoss just shouldn't be possible. A convoluted tale of raw conflict on the origins of a new type of web site should not lend itself to an expensive movie as opposed to a television documentary. It succeeds because it is not about the technology but about creativity and conflict and about friendship and betrayal. It succeeds because of a magical combination of accomplished direction, scintillating dialogue and superb acting.

The direction comes from David Fincher who has had variable success, all the way from "Alien 3" to Se7en", but here he is right on form with a flashy, but tightly structured, presentation that never fails to command your attention and interest. The all-important, sparkling script is courtesy of Aaron Sorkin who gave us "The West Wing" - the best television series ever - and yet apparently does not do social networking.

At the heart of the movie is a brilliant, Oscar-worthy performance from Jesse Eisenberg as the 19 year old Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg, the genius behind "The Facebook" (the social network), the unsympathetic anti-hero of the adventure, a borderline sociopath variously described by women characters as "an asshole" and someone "just trying so hard to be" one. Andrew Garfield is excellent as Zuckerberg's Harvard roommate and co-founder of the site Eduardo Savarin; thanks to the wonders of CGI, Arnie Hammer manages to be terrific as both the twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss; while singer Justin Timberlake is a revelation as the Napster founder Sean Parker. This is a testosterone-charged fable with room for women only in minor support roles - ironic in that getting girls was the impetus for the Facebook project.

The film opens in 2003 with a breathlessly wordy encounter and closes in 2009 with a poignantly wordless scene. In between, the story zips along at the frenetic pace characterised by the business itself. Adapted from Ben Mezrich's book "The Accidental Millionaires", the framework for the fascinating narrative is not one but two courtroom dramas or, to be more accurate, pre-trial hearings (both resulted in out-of-court settlements which tells you a lot). Clearly you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
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An Acceptable Form Of Horror
roastmary-14 December 2010
Maybe I'm too old. No, not maybe, I am. I saw this characters as aliens of sorts. I know they represent today's landscape, brrrrr. The film as a film is one of the best of David Fincher but the universe it explores gave the chills. A world approaching its end, fast. The youth of the characters made it even more sinister. I couldn't detect their soul or any evidence of its existence. In a way they represent the worst of the previous generations. Roman Emperors or Wall Street. Profit is the name of the game and the ideas come out of boredom of longings to get laid. Love and friendship, loyalty and/or honor as obsolete as good manners. Jesse Eisenberg is chillingly perfect as the humanoid that started it all - or did he? - Justin Timberlake keeps surprising me. Good, very good and Andrew Garfield, the most recognizable of the characters is a victim of sorts and he'll be destroyed no matter how much money he gets. How I wish this was merely a science-fiction film.
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anthonydapiii20 July 2020
As Quentin Tarantino said.....this is one of the best movies of the 21st Century.

I believe that for the sole reason of the foundinh story and the captivating storytelling of the pioneers that forged a completely new age for the new generation.
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A modern classic
TheLittleSongbird2 April 2011
I heard a lot of promising things about The Social Network. And you know what, I agree with the positivity this film has received, for it is my idea of a modern classic. With an intriguing concept, it is for me one of the defining films I have seen recently, one of the best movies of 2010 and relevant in its themes of greed, betrayal, class tension, friendship and loyalty and concept.

Production-values-wise, The Social Network looks wonderful. The cinematography is incredibly skillful, and the editing is crisp. In fact, I'd sure The Social Network is director David Fincher's most stylish film since Se7en. I have heard a lot of mixed feelings on the score, while it is not my favourite of the year not like Toy Story 3, King's Speech and Inception, The Social Network's brooding, smooth and quite sexy score is very memorable and fits well with the film's occasionally quirky tone.

The Social Network is very well directed too. Fincher directs with an intensity and focus that makes The Social Network tied with Se7en as the best of his movies in my opinion. Another strong point is the screenplay which is very smart and sharp, while the story making the most of this intriguing concept is constantly snappy and engaging.

Also, all the characters are very well written and assembled, for me they are among the best-written characters in a Fincher movie. It also helps that the acting is as impeccable as it is. Jesse Eisenberg is very commanding as the titular character in a subtle sort of way, while Andrew Garfield also impresses as the "voice of reason" character. I was surprised in a good way by Justin Timberlake, while the weakest of the three leads, he does have a cocksure swagger here that he actually pulls off really well.

In conclusion, a wonderful film and one of the best of the year. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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A very good but flawed film.
technofunkie2 October 2010
"You're not an asshole, Mark. You're just trying so hard to be one." This statement, uttered by a lawyer, played by Rashida Jones, describes David Fincher's The Social Network quite well. It is not a great film, but it is trying very hard to be one. That being said, it is certainly a good one. When it was announced, people reacted to the idea of a film about Facebook similarly to a Transformers film being made. For the most part , all the write-ups about the film were filled with cynicism and negativity. To people's surprise Aaron Sorkin would write and David Fincher would direct. Following its premiere, mountains of praise were heaped on the film, which for the most part was deserved.

To me, this film is hard to review. On the surface, there is much to praise. Fantastic performances, great cinematography and direction, with some great writing, yet, I come out of feeling nothing. There was an emotional disconnect between the film and me - something was lacking. The film is exceptionally well made, it has great style, and Fincher deserves a lot of credit for what he has done. However, the problem I had was I didn't care about the characters. Mark Zuckerberg, played by Jesse Eisenberg, is not meant to be a hero, in fact he is portrayed as a prick. Someone constantly condescending due to his insecurity and superior intellect. We are not given any characters that we can attach ourselves to, which isn't always a problem but the story was told in such a way that it didn't suck me in either.

The performances are great across the board, and most surprisingly, the stand out for me is Justin Timberlake, who disappears into his role. He plays Napster creator Shawn Fanning as a slightly delusional, paranoid entrepreneur.

Aaron Sorkin, like David Mamet or Quentin Tarantino, has a very stylized way of writing dialogue. It either works for you, or doesn't. Fortunately, it did work and some very enjoyable exchanges are present in this film. The problem isn't with the dialogue, but with the way the story is told, constantly cutting forward in time to his meetings with his lawyers and the people suing him. This gives the film an almost procedural feel, and leaves me cold.

Fincher has made some very good films, but never has he made a truly great one. They never emotionally connect, and I blame this on his style. The film is beautifully shot, but it is the way it is shot that I had the most problem with. It is too clean, too composed. It is style versus emotion, and style wins out. It is quite obvious he started his career as a commercial and music video director in this film. This is certainly not always a bad thing, but on this film, which needs us to connect with at least one of the characters, the lack of emotion keeps me from really loving this film.

I will say that the final scene almost made up for it, it is humorous yet strangely disturbing. Unfortunately, the ending came out of nowhere. There was no build up, it appears as if several scenes were cut leading up to the ending. It, instead, uses text during the final shot to clear up all of the loose ends, which there are many. The film doesn't care about its characters, and this proves it.

It may come off strange that I will still recommend the film, but I do. It is very good, and interesting. Certainly better than most of the films released in the last couple of months. That being said, it has flaws, significant ones, and for that it fails as a great film, but succeeds as a good one.

For more reviews and articles about film check out my blog: The Deleted Scene
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It's less about Facebook, more about Humans.
tarekshabana6 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Returning to Fight Club's cinematographer, Jeff Cronenweth, David Fincher delivers one of his films' most engulfing cinematography. The lighting, the shots, the camera movement all have you dwelling into the movie and more importantly into the protagonist, Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg). This is what I found most brilliant in The Social Network, the way it's cinematography, soundtrack, screenplay and acting blend in together through perfect directing to harmoniously engage you emotionally.

The fast paced dialogue with the soundtrack gives you a rush and leaves you, not keeping up but rather dragged behind the storyline (on first viewing at least). This rush, or thrill from the fast paced dialogue and soundtrack pull you into the aura of Zuckerberg. The screenplay is also very well structured and moves along very nicely with three dimensional characters and character development.

I found the severing of the friendship between Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) and Mark Zuckerberg to be very interesting. It's easier to believe that it was greed or whatever is more "evil" than just envy or jealousy that led to Zuckerberg's betrayal because it's hard to believe and no one will admit their ugliness and deep down jealousy of others even the ones they love, even best friends. But it's only social standards that hold some of us back from acting on these ugly emotions or at least publicly acting on them. That's not to say that Zuckerberg did this just because Saverin got into the Phoenix club, but I believe it has a larger influence than many believe.

I don't mean to be cynical, but I do believe that we must acknowledge that we innately have these emotions, and that we do not control the emotions themselves but we can control how to act on these emotions. And this is what I love about cinema, or what I think makes a great movie, when it takes someone who seems godlike or other worldly and portrays him in the same humanity as the rest of us.
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I'm thinking of deleting my facebook account, don't know if that's what the movie was aiming for
Smells_Like_Cheese16 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, seriously, last year I thought I was robbed because I didn't get to see The Social Network in the theater. The way some users were describing this film as "the defining movie of our generation" I thought I was missing the next "Godfather". I was trying to wait to buy the film on pre-view over at Blockbuster because again with the hype I assumed I would probably love the film, but I caught it on a movie channel this morning and have to say while it's definitely a good movie, I really hope this isn't the defining movie of my generation. The Social Network is loosely based on the rise of Facebook, the world's most popular website and IMO the fall of society. I'm sure it had good intentions in the first place as it was awesome to keep in touch with my college friends back in 2004, but it's gone down hill since then. But to the movie's credit, we are blessed with some pretty good actors, fast editing and a really interesting story. I think that's what really saved this movie from being just another addition to this hot trend.

In 2003, Harvard University student Mark Zuckerberg is dumped by his girlfriend. He returns to his dorm drunk and writes a scathing blog entry about her. This inspires him to create an on-campus website called Facemash which allows users to rate the attractiveness of female students using photographs pilfered from various university systems. FaceMash's popularity and the fact that Mark created it in one night while drunk brings him to the attention of Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and their business partner Divya Narendra. Mark approaches his friend Eduardo Saverin and tells him of his idea for what he calls "The facebook", an online social networking website exclusive to Harvard University students. Eduardo agrees to help Mark, providing $1,000 to help start the site. Starting the rise and rise of the popular social network site Facebook.

Jesse Eisenberg as Mark I thought was what really stepped the film back from being a perfect film, he's a good actor, but doesn't have the charisma to make Mark likable and talked way too fast for average movie goers to understand half of what's going on. That does damage in reviews, because if people understood it, they automatically mark that as they are intelligent, not to go onto that rant, but just a pet peeve of mine. I read The Accidental Billionaires and Mark seems like a very nice guy who wanted to create something very good and seems like a pleasure to meet in real life. Jesse plays him off too much as a shy nerdy jerk who's just too greedy at times. Justin Timberlake playing Sean Parker, he's good enough, he seems to really enjoy playing what I would assume Sean to be like since he almost took down the music industry in the 90's. Justin plays him cool and really proved to that he can both talents in the music and acting industry.

Is The Social Network the best film of 2010? Depends on your taste, my favorite contender is still The Black Swan. However, this film does deserve it's praise mainly for David Finch and his vision. His fast pace with the film was what kept it going and his passion for the story was what really grabbed me. Though I know not to take this for a biography, I don't see why they couldn't stay a little more true to the story, though from what I understand, Mark is a very private man…ironic. I would recommend The Social Network, it will be apart of film history to describe our era in computers, however, I don't think it's our generation's defining film as many have described. Just don't believe the hype, I found it good just to watch it once.

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Like The Lead Character, The Social Network Misses The Important Ideas
Michael-702 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There is something wrong with this film like it was put though a filter of some type to remove any real humanity, unless that is the point. I'm not a psychiatrist but Mark Zuckerberg as portrayed by Jesse Eisenberg in the film seems to suffer from some kind of emotional agnosia. . .and so does the film.

I was looking forward to this film and I had fun watching it, but as I thought about it afterwards, all I could remember were the squandered opportunities the film had to actually tell a moving story about friendship and loyalty that got wrecked by a cool business venture that became much too successful way too quickly.

Both Aaron Sorkin and David Fincher have both said The Social Network is not really about the "Facebook saga" with Sorkin even being so bold as to claim the basic story goes all the way back to the Greek dramatists. He has a point, so what do you think, would Aristophanes have been a MAC man or a PC user?

Truly, you won't find a better emotional core to build a drama around than the relationship between best friends Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) and Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield). That bromance is the heart of The Social Network and the film kept getting close to this emotional territory but then it would crash like an overloaded network and flit to other characters not important to the main story.

For example, the machinations of the Winklevoss twins are comic relief elevated to main story arc status. The self-righteous anger they feel and the lengths they go to seek revenge play like Margaret Dumont fighting with Groucho Marx.

It's very satisfying to see these overly entitled, great white hopes become dismayingly angry that things didn't go exactly the way they wanted them to for probably the first time in their lives. The Social Network develops a sharp edge to it in these scenes from their characters genuine feelings of an entitlement snatched away from them by a clearly undeserving cretin and the actors play it for all the high comedy they can.

But the main bromance is tested when the sexy, charming, persuasive entrepreneur Sean Parker (played to paranoid perfection by Justin Timberlake) comes in well over an hour into the film and starts finding ways to turn Facebook into a mega-money making operation all the while charming the pants off Mark Zuckerberg; much to Eduardo's sad eyed jealousy.

At this moment, The Social Network could become an ancient Greek drama in more ways than one.

But it doesn't. Instead, we just get more back and forth cutting between depositions and lawyer meetings, which are interesting and could have provided clues into the characters, but don't. These scenes were the biggest missed opportunities in the film.

Another squandered moment, why can't we see the scene where Zuckerberg goes into an investment banker's office in his bathrobe and slippers to deliver a Sean Parker bird-flip? Will Zuckerberg realize that making good on revenge for others is totally unsatisfying? And why was the tough talking Parker too big a wuss not to do it himself?

If the scene isn't going to advance the plot or inform about the characters, why have it?

Witnessing Parkers pathetic attempt at a put down of Andrew Garfield by offering him a check for $19,000 and then totally being made a fool of showed exactly what kind of man Saverin was and what kind of useless blow-hard Parker was.

As a secondary theme, the idea that money can ruin almost anything good like friendship, loyalty or love, even here, The Social Network does not convince. It seems that it was the fact that Facebook made tons of money that this story even has an ending that did not end in suicide or death. If Sorkin or Fincher sees anything ironic or even noteworthy in this, they sure don't indicate it in the film.

Remember, people would even have excused a horrible sociopathic bully like Alex DeLage in A Clockwork Orange if he had only made a billion dollars for someone.

As it is right now, The Social Network feels way too long and there is no emotional payoff. I didn't feel a sense of relief or fun or even sadness when the end credit titles listed what happened to the various characters.

The Social Network had glibness and a flow that only indicated a surface look at the deeper themes, but nothing else.

Fincher generally likes to make fast moving films because he seems to fear depth. He probably disagrees with the saying that "still waters run deep" and thinks that still waters are the ones that turn stagnant.

Well David, that's true, but stagnant water can still be deep water, and shallow water is never anything else.
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Excellent dialog. Superb directing job by Fincher.
sug276324 September 2010
I went into this film with little or no hope. By the time the movie was over, with the Beatles' "Baby, You're A Rich Man" playing over the end credits, I had a huge smile on my face. I literally cannot wait to watch this again during it's wide release.

The lighting and camera work here is beautiful, every scene and sequence is a joy to watch. If Fincher hasn't already proved himself time and time again with his great films, this one might be the one to seal the deal for him. One sequence in the middle of the film features a boring rowboat race. Fincher sets up the photography so beautifully, that it feels like you're watching a painting come to life.

All the performances are excellent. Jesse Eisenberg plays Mark Zuckerberg as a fast-paced, nerdy, kind of jerk-ish attitude, and Andrew Garfield is his best friend, Eduardo, who at the beginning didn't mean much to me, but I found myself rooting for him by the end. Justin Timberlake is easily the weakest one of the three, but he still does a decent job.

And oh, man the soundtrack. Trent Reznor deserves some kind of recognition for this. It is amazing. A lot of people say the movie sounds boring. They cite "The invention of facebook" as an uninteresting topic. I say don't believe that talk, and check out this interesting, funny, thrill ride by Fincher and co.
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Fincher's best since Fight Club
Stevendcravens20 September 2010
I have been a fan of David Fincher ever since I saw Se7en when I was 13. I saw all of his films the following week and not one of them disappointed me. That was back in 2003. I loved Zodiac and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button as well, but he really knocked it out of the park with this one. I was fortunate enough to see The Social Network at a screening on 9/16/10 for my college. Eisenberg, Hammer and Sorkin were there and did a Q and A after the film. It was a GREAT experience. All of them seemed excited about the film and rightfully so. The film brilliantly tells the story of college students who go through hell with each other over the credit for Facebook and the damage that comes to all of them because of it. The acting and dialogue were flawless. Eisenberg, Garfield and even Timberlake churn out performances that should get them serious attention come award time. Fincher's direction is also perfect. you can always tell a Fincher film when you see it because his visual style is so striking and The Social Network is no exception. When this is released, please go see it and watch a film that defines a generation and what the world has become.
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As complex as a David Fincher movie can be, and probably the movie that defined this decade.
joesiegel27 January 2020
When this movie ends tells us that Facebook has 500 million users, this was the figure in 2010, 10 years later this figure was tripled and now there are more than 2 billion people registered in this social network, it can be said that this film talks about the theme that defined this decade of 10s "social networks" although its height began in the 2000s, it is obvious that its frenetic growth happened during this decade, it could also be said that The Social Network defined the decade, as Fight Club defined the decade of the 90s, touching issues of importance and relevance of the time, both making an accurate and deep portrait of their respective generations.

David Fincher creates a film as intelligent and cold as his main character, although the story can be reliable and not yet, since Mark Zuckerberg himself has said that the most accurate of this film is the use of his character's clothes , the other characters in the story and even Sorkin and Fincher indicate otherwise, The Social Network is not a documentary, it can be taken as a work of fiction that recreates a situation of betrayals and pure frivolity, does not give us information that we should take as totally correct since it has a certain tone of the famous Rashomon effect; which is that several people testify to a fact until the original version is so eclipsed that it is impossible to find a truth among so many points of view.

This movie is undermined by pure irony; Harvard's least associative boy with no knowledge about human relationships creates the greatest source of communication between people today, and the film ends with the creator of Facebook himself waiting that his friend's request to be answered. The direction of Fincher and the script of Sorkin make this film look like a thriller, a dark thriller, when in one of its many layers it is a film about envy and teenage immaturity, one of the greatest qualities of the films of Fincher is that they are very complex, and can cover as many topics as they want.

The Social Network with Se7en, Fight Club and Zodiac joins the list of masterpieces created by the hand of David Fincher, one of the artists more prolific of the seventh art.

Although I almost never talk about such repetitive themes as the interpretations in my reviews, since it is obvious when the performances are good and not, and most of the reviews say the same about that, but this time the young actors who keep this movie afloat deserve a line of recognition or more.
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All films written by lawyers are really about lawyers.
Pedro_H4 October 2011
A bright social misfit (Mark Zuckerberg) becomes a billionaire by coming up with a new and radical way of communicating with friends and colleges through the internet. But was he the complete and total author?

Before I even saw this film I congratulated David Fincher and his production team for even touching this theme. So recent a piece of social history. The protagonist has the deepest pockets imaginable - so the film is clearly guided by lawyers and legal advice. The usual flashback he said/she said bomb-proof air-raid shelter. Mostly based on court deposition.

(Not only was the film virtually written by lawyers they feature on-screen more than they need to. Loyalty-free parasites - all of them!)

I don't think many people will want to see this product twice and over time the (high) IMDb rating will shrink. Why? Because the soup is too thin. We know he did it - what we may not know is how he did it. Once this is learnt (in the broadest who-do-you-believe strokes) then there is not a lot to return to.

Credit Jessie Eisenberg for playing a slightly autistic virgin loner who clings to the wall at parties, but clearly untrue. He not only had a girlfriend before his life went bang, but he is still with her today. Movie convention dictates that all programmers are geeky social misfits, usually wearing glasses held together with sticking plaster.

(They stopped short of this here - but cliché is not avoided.)

Programming is a slow business. Like working in treacle. To show his skill he hammers away like a speed typist. But most of programming is debugging. He never got it right first time. Although, to be fair, only programmers know this and the audience has no interest in such nuts-and-bolts.

Quality acting by lead Eisenberg and especially good support from Justin Timberlake (as theft-is-good Napster "founder" Sean Parker) who really is quite adept at playing flash character roles. Lost a lot of weight to make himself look younger.

The movie contradicts itself is when it claims that Zuckerberg has no real interest in money. Especially when most of his actions show that he wants to cut the cake more-and-more in his favour and, earlier, makes himself scarce rather than having to lie. Cowards lying. Like Bill Gates (featured in cameo) I don't envy him because he is not cool and in reality money (above a certain level) cannot improve your life. Not unless your only ambition is to build a hospital in the Third World.

Like many I came to this film looking for information and what I got was mostly opinion and spin. At worst it clinks and clangs in its ball-and-chain. However I was entertained for a couple of hours and that is - really - all we should ask of a film.
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Can the "Facebook movie" be one of the best of the year? Yep, it sure can...
tsquared22616 September 2010
"The Social Network" was an incredibly engaging film that, while mainly revolving around the invention of Facebook (and all the problems that the creators encountered both before and after all was said and done), really focused in on ideas and feelings that can be (and are) universally felt through all people, the primary example being trying to fit in. Everyone wants to be accepted (I for one have never met a single human being that has wanted to be a loner), and some will do whatever it takes to get that sort of attention (which tends to lead into bad consequences). In a year where movies have received some of the lowest critical ratings (as well as box office earnings) in recent memory, "The Social Network" was, while haunting, truly refreshing and ultimately a triumph in all aspects, whether it be considering the acting, script, or directing. It was a fantastic movie that shouldn't just be among the best of the year; it's so much more important than that. It defines the entire social networking generation, and that is one hell of an accomplishment. Everyone can relate to it one way or another, and that makes it one of the must-see pictures of the year.
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Overrated, But It Stays With You
TruthSpeaks2 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film has been the subject of breathless reviews. The media response has been hot and heavy too. Is this an event movie? Is this going to change the way anyone looks at anything, or is it a Vanity Fair article that got made into a feature film? I don't think this movie really lives up to its publicity. For one thing, the cinematography is almost incompetent. Many scenes are poorly lit and murky. There's a cold, gritty washed out look to a lot of the footage. The soundtrack can be somewhat invasive. It sounds like an African tribe performing "Flight of the Bumblebees" while on tranquilizers. Although there's a lot of money at stake, the story is fairly simple: a maladjusted, insecure male does various things because of unresolved feelings, especially about women. He just happens to invent a social network that goes on to include half a billion people.

Although the movie has its good points, I suspect that the breathless response by the media is related to substantial ad revenues.

Jesse Eisenberg turns in a compelling performance as the founder of Facebook. There is also a wonderful scene where then President of Harvard Larry Summers is unbelievably arrogant and pompous. In it, he predicts that Facebook will never amount to anything, based on his opinion as a former Secretary of the Treasury. Most of the performances are good. I didn't really buy Justin Timberlake as Napster founder Sean Parker. I've never seen Sean Parker, but he is supposed to be a hacker/programmer. Although he eventually started to date models, snort coke and hang out in nightclubs, I don't think that someone like Justin Timberlake has the type of presence that a hacker would have. Nerds and musicians definitely inhabit their bodies in different ways. I've never seen the character Justin was playing, so I could be wrong.

I wish the movie explained how Facebook came to be valued at 25 billion dollars. During the time period covered by movie, the company seems to have no revenue stream except for loans. For the most part, the unimaginable wealth Jesse Eisenberg's character is supposed to have attained is not depicted. Those seems like significant holes in the story.

If you were looking for some kind of vicarious joyride, this movie isn't that. It's more of a balanced look at the good and bad. The movie also contains a lot of misogyny and objectification of women, stemming from the characters' behavior. If this is popcorn movie for you, then I would consider these factors.

In spite of its flaws, I'm still thinking about the movie 24 hours after I saw it. This is a picture of what's wrong with our time: insecure, inadequate males who don't know how to deal with women. Their unresolved feelings can do wonders, or destroy lives--sometimes their own.
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You don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies.
moviewizguy2 October 2010
On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history...but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications. (Sony Pictures)

THE SOCIAL NETWORK is not about Facebook. It's about Mark Zuckerberg and the people associated with him and the consequences that arise with the evolution of Facebook. In an even broader sense, it's about friends being driven apart due to money and betrayal. Because of this, it's no surprise that many have already compared this to CITIZEN KANE. And it's not just the similarities in themes that are astounding, it's the quality as well.

What makes THE SOCIAL NETWORK so good is the masterfully written script by Aaron Sorkin. The film is filled with impeccable dialog that just sucks you in. It would be no surprise if the film won an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay. Director David Fincher also does a great job keeping the audience captivated through and through with a consistently fast pace. Really, you'll probably be drawn to the film's opening argument between two characters than any other scene this year. All right, I'm exaggerating, but you get the point. It's not Fincher's best work, but it's in the top 3.

Jesse Eisenberg and co-star Andrew Garfield are the driving force behind this film. Eisenberg does a terrific job delivering the lines as he did while Garfield brings in an emotional aspect to the film. Although both are quite excellent, Garfield's performance is Oscar worthy. Rooney Mara is quickly getting up the ladder after having last seen her in the remake of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET in the beginning of the year. She's just in a few scenes, but she's great in them. I would have like to see her more in the film, though. Apparently, Armie Hammer played two characters as twins in the film, which really blew me away when I found out because I thought they were two different actors. He really distinguished the characters really well. Oh, and if you're worried about Justin Timberlake, don't be. He's really good in here. I also loved Rashida Jones in the few scenes she was in.

With terrific performances from the cast all around, a brilliant script, some fine directing by Fincher, and an engaging score by Trent Reznor, it should be no surprise that THE SOCIAL NETWORK succeeded the way it did. Although it's a 2-hour dialog driven film, it absolutely engrossing to watch. If anything, this is probably the closest modern version of CITIZEN KANE that we will ever get in a long time. THE SOCIAL NETWORK is easily one of the best films of the year.
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Geniality and Arrogance Associated to an Absolute Lack of Ethics and Respect
claudio_carvalho26 February 2011
In the Harvard University, in the Fall of 2003, the arrogant nerd Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) is an outcast student that shares his room in the Kirkland House with his only friend, the Brazilian Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield). When Mark's girlfriend Erica Albright (Rooney Mara) breaks with him, he blogs infamies about her in his Facematch and breaches the security and hacks the files of the female students of Harvard in a competition of who would be the hottest. His blog has 22,000 accesses and Mark is loathed by the students and gets six months of academic probation. However, he calls the attention of the twin students Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss (Armie Hammer) and their partner Divya Narendra (Max Minghella) that are preparing a social network and need a programmer. Mark steals their idea and invites Eduardo to be his partner in the social network Facebook. Sooner Mark becomes a millionaire, betrays Eduardo and faces law suits from his former friend, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and Divya Narendra.

"The Social Network" is the true story of the creation of the Facebook, by Mark Zuckerberg, who is described as an arrogant, unethical, outcast, douchebag nerd. His geniality and arrogance associated to an absolute lack of Ethics and respect makes him an unbearable and despicable character. Fortunately I do not have Facebook. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Rede Social" ("The Social Network")
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lyndalfannigan29 September 2018
Who would have thought this was the history of Facebook? well - I'm sure it's heavily dramatized. The director did an amazing job here as did the main cast. The music by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross set the tone so well (and is great music to work out to, incidentally). As I'm sure facebook will be around for a long time, so too will the legacy of this movie.
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genie-sammons2 October 2010
I have mixed emotions about this movie. I can't say that it was bad. It was well written, well directed, and the acting was much better than I expected. I can't zero in on any huge flaws in that respect. However, I didn't find it entertaining. Interesting, yes, but I was bored. There is no one to root for. All of the characters are assholes and douche bags, so it makes it hard to care while watching the movie.

I take that back. I liked Rashida Jones' character, but her role was too small for that to matter.

A random tidbit...

Justin Timberlake's performance was great. I didn't like his character, but he was definitely a scene stealer. I liked that the previews did not reveal who he was. The reveal was a bit of a wow moment.
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Am I the only one who was angered by this movie?
n_peart_21129 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was good for what it represented, and in terms of direction, it is a beautiful piece of work as always from David fincher. I can not be clearer, it is a well done movie, and the cast is stupendous. But i couldn't help but hate everything about our central character of mark zuckerburg and everything that he stands for. What makes it worse is that this is based on true events. So lets recap for a moment...

A narcissistic, and morally bankrupt mark zuckerburg decides he doesn't stand out enough in life even though he has been admitted into one of the most well known and prestigious academic institutions in the entire western hemisphere. So he decides after a little quibble with his girlfriend, he acts like a complete child and puts the rumour mill into full swing in order to avenge is insulted honour by posting humiliating things about his ex girlfriend on the internet. Afterwards, he decides to set up a minor internet site that rates the attractiveness of female Harvard students. (I'm sure i don't have to mention the shallowness of these actions, but I feel I must all the same). Then, two twin Harvard athletes decide to ask him to design essentially a myspace for Harvard students, and piece by piece from the input of many other people from the school, zuckerburg pieces it all together with the help of his colleague Saverin. As they watch their idea flourish and grow, the twins decide to take on zuckerburg in a legal battle, and also try to insight a breach of Harvard's code of conduct (neither of which are upheld for reasons i can't abide). Further on, with the help of the dipsh!t who has taught the world how to single handedly destroy the music industry, zuckerburg then turns around to cut his friend and first investor, Saverin, out of his share from 34% to .03%. And now after countless legal battles, Zuckerburg has become the youngest billionaire in history.

So what have we learned...

we have learned that society rewards people who are so deluded on their own over inflated self worth (like facebooks opening stock price), that they steal, lie, cheat, and worst of all, betray friends and loved ones for the almighty dollar. Why didn't anyone take care of him when they still could!!! If I was president of Harvard, he would have been out on his a$$ the minute he violated the code of conduct and never been permitted to even mop the floors of Harvard university. If no one upholds the code, why have it? I sincerely hope this class action lawsuit against Zuckerburg falls through, and he loses everything and spends a few miserable years in prison for his alleged insider trading. If he has openly admitted the accuracy of this movie and that he indeed did backstab and cheat his way to the top, I have no reason not to believe he wouldn't commit insider trading.
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The Social Network
kindigth1 October 2010
Let's start with the script. It's great. Written by soon-to-be-best- adapted-screenplay-nominee/winner Aaron Sorkin, The Social Network's writing is intelligent and demanding on multiple levels: most obviously, the story is cleverly structured across dual lawsuits, but there's an equal amount of sophistication to Sorkin's character work--Zuckerberg is never quite capable of maintaining a dialog, Eduardo always stops just short of explicating his emotions.

Those two characters are wonderfully played by inevitable acting award nominees Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield--Eisenberg owns the brisk pace of the film while Garfield brings most of the humanity--who anchor a terrific ensemble--SAG best ensemble, perhaps? The film's score is a perfectly atmospheric concoction of electronica from edgy dark horse best original score nominees Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, and it's all united under the name and vision of David Fincher, who did not win an Oscar for Fight Club or Zodiac or Benjamin Button.

All of this is to say two things: this is a really great movie from a phenomenal creative team, and also there are times when the film feels somewhat calculated for accolades--never in the repugnantly safe, crowd- pleasing, middle-brow Benjamin Button sense, but in the sweetly transparent sense of a kid who did all his chores and is suggesting that he might deserve a cookie.

You know what? Give David Fincher a cookie. The Social Network is thoroughly intelligent and engaging as a modern biopic and as an examination of evolving cultural currency, and it's also one of my favorite films this year. -TK 10/1/10
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