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Unsatisfying latest edition to the 'graphic novel' franchise
wellthatswhatithinkanyway6 December 2009
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Undercover cop Jack Adleth (Simon Phillips) is deep into the world of gangland London and has formed a bit too close a relationship with Nathan (Danny Dyer) a loose cannon crook who steals quite a bit of money from gang boss's daughter Natalie (Ashlie Walker.) When he's interrogated for information by Natalie who thinks he's helping hide Nathan, Jack ends up making 'amends' by being Natalie's puppet, performing whatever gangland chore she wants. But a blossoming relationship with Nathan's sister provides the only shining light in his increasingly grim life as everything builds up to end in chaos.

The 'graphic novel' craze arrives straight to DVD, with a project that's been glammed up like one of the more successful entries, Sin City. In parts it tries to capture the film noir feel a lot of these movies try to capture but the outcome feels more pretentious than successful. Sadly, Jack Said just isn't exciting or tense enough to work. While it's all done competently enough, the story feels wavey and all over the place and just doesn't leave the impression it could have. Such a shame considering the talent involved, including Dyer, Phillips and familiar face Terry Stone in a supporting role. And I've only just learned it's actually a sequel, which only means I can only wonder what came before it. **
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I couldn't get any enjoyment out of this
dennysnow-8796318 April 2019
I'm sorry but I couldn't enjoy it. The film was far too boring with no value of character development and arc, or interesting story. I'd avoid if I were you!
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Prequel with references to the original
missapril7516 July 2014
Interesting that those reviewing this negatively seem completely unaware of the original and that any confusion only arises from not knowing this and not having seen the original.

As for unbelievable characters...well that's a first isn't it. No movie has ever had characters that one doesn't come across in real life. (/sarcasm)

I'm not sure it was worth a prequel, although a couple of things from the original were explained so it had its uses, not least seeing the relationship with Erin and having a better understanding of her reaction when 'Peanut' re-entered her life in the first one.

Altogether, not a bad follow up to the original.

I'm keen to see what the third one offers.
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simonpcpearson14 April 2010
Yet another cheapo British gangster flick...yawn. This one stars Danny Dyer (surprise!)as a bit of a cockney rebellious rogue..or should that be webellious wogue.

It all seems to take place in a warehouse..even the scenes in someone's flat.The characters have names like "the fixer", "the guvnor" and even the rival gang are called "the other side gang". Its like watching children playing at gangster stories..and about as believable.

Simon Phillips is an unconvincing action hero to say the least and the baddies all have bald heads cockney accents and long black overcoats.

Ashlie Walker overacts but that might because the rest of the cast are so wooden.
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Jack just didn't.
amf3312 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this film last night and just didn't get it, it just didn't do it for me at all, was truly disappointed from start to end with the story which in my opinion just didn't flow even some of the actors didn't seem at ease in their character roles, notable actors in the cast likes of Danny dyer and David o'hare, the film was cast in a noir genre which was not believable, and the flash back scenes just didn't work how the should it really made uncomfortable viewing and my partner couldn't watch the film to the end, i believe they may be filming sequels to Jack said ? but should be renamed Jack didn't. i don't normally moan about the films i watch because i choose to watch them but come on please, thumbs down unfortunately.
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Awful awful awful
PHLover10 October 2009
I am so so disappointed in this film. This had unbelievably bad acting (much of this blame must go to the director, who, after watching the dailies, must have seen what i saw? I say this because the actors (some of whom i've seen in other films - Terry Stone was quite good in Rise Of The Footsoldier) are not bad but the acting was. The lead character is too porky to be a convincing lead man in this type of role and the female gangster's 'I'm from Lahndon, me' accent was atrocious. The continuity errors were pretty outstanding too with photos being put into one pocket, only to miraculously appear in another, minutes after receiving it. I have sadly had to give this a one star rating as it's a case of been there seen that, but executed in a much much better way.
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Jack Said ? Surely a misprint.....
Greywolf9076 October 2009
While scoring the film a 2 I will say that it does however not stink as much as that score would suggest, its just that having sat through this banal attempt at noir (which is best left to the Americans)I cannot rate it any higher while I still have the pathetically unrealistic female lead characters cartoonish unconvincing nut job still in my head.

The lead character is also a lot on the unbelievable side as are all the fact...maybe this should have been made as a cartoon.

It is cheap, nasty, embarrassingly bad in places, maybe the only redeeming feature is the score.

I am sure that the film will have some appeal with 14 year olds who stumble over it but really the poor acting and ridiculous dialogue coupled with the slap inducing 'acting' of the lead female character means this should be out on DVD very soon......

Maybe I should rate it 1.
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Completely awful
Leofwine_draca27 August 2015
Apparently JACK SAID is the middle part of a trilogy, although after watching this misfire I have to say I'm in no hurry to watch the other instalments. This is Cockney gangster film-making at its very worst, a tired mess of a storyline propping up a film chock-full of bad acting and worse.

The lead actor here, Simon Phillips, is undoubtedly the worst thing about this production. Watching this chubby guy wandering around attempting to do 'presence' and 'attitude' is frankly an embarrassment. His supposedly quick-witted humour is even worse, and I was hoping one of the other characters would lamp him before long. Needless to say that they never do.

The narrative is all over the place. Danny Dyer features heavily as a friend of the lead, but is off the screen for long periods of time and doesn't really contribute much when he's on it. Instead we get the usual low-rent gangster hokum nonsense, and whoever decided to put Ashlie Walker as the main villain needs their head examined; an average episode of HOLLYOAKS would be a better fit, I think. At least David O'Hara has the sense to only appear in a scene or two of this nonsense.
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Impressive British Film Noir
Knarlinggrimbob26 September 2009
I saw this last night at the cinema and I'm glad it's out on DVD soon as I'm going to get it and watch it again. I thought for an independent low-budget feature, this was a considerably impressive effort. It may not have the money of Sin City – which is clearly an influence for the graphic novels and the films – but they have worked with whatever they had to achieve great production values.

The opening is a massive nod to its graphic novel roots before bringing us into a slightly more recognisable setting but still retaining its noir elements. Scot Simon Phillips is perfectly cast as the everyman-leading man. It's a nice touch that the "name" in the film, Danny Dyer, supports here rather than leads and the predominantly un-famous cast means that we're seeing characters rather than actors laying characters. That said, the two big names, Dyer and David O'Hara, put in often scene-stealing appearances.

Larger that-life in some parts, the characters are clearly based on the graphic novel approach where everything can be in your face, and it works. Ashlie Walker impresses as the sexy psycho seeking to usurp Daddy and Terry Stone is a combination of menacing and funny as the Guv'nor's second in command, 'The Fixer'. It's also impressive that we've finally seen a British gangster film with very strong female characters. Rebecca Keatley and Rita Ramnani provide the "good" to Walkers "bad" and achieve convincingly naturalistic performances.

There are certainly elements of other gangster and noir films. References to the Big Combo, Reservoir Dogs, Sin City, Pulp Fiction and Get Carter abound, but nothing seems lifted, more occasionally treading were others have already tread (thought this isn't always a bad thing). The plot's MacGuffin – a box with mysterious and never-explained contents – is a film staple seen in Ronin and Pulp Fiction, but this is merely a device to propel events forward. The voice-over is of course classic noir – but it's refreshing to hear it as we see London streets rather than American ones.

I can't think of another British film that has even attempted noir in recent years, let alone adapting elements from a graphic novel, and this is a very worthy effort.
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Classic Brit crime thriller
trifstar24 March 2011
I loved this film and would have to say it's one of my favorite movies of this genre. Absolutely riveting film about Jack, an undercover cop who has to find his way into a family the police have been trying to get close to for some time. Jack has to make some life changing decisions about how to deal with a predicament he finds himself in as a result of getting too close to the crims he's supposed to bring down. Lots of plot twists. Well written, well acted and a credit to the genre.

Time is spent giving the characters depth so you either become attached to, or despise them. It's got all you could ask for. The moral dilemma, the love interest, the loyalty to job or friend, betrayal, revenge - and it works.

It's the sort of movie that leaves you stunned at the end with lots of questions about the morality of the police. Well worth watching.
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Harsh language, blood and guns ...Brilliant stuff
leahrockstar9 February 2012
This the second of the "Jack" movies and was an improvement from the first "Jack Says" with more detailed skyline shots of London and better camera angles maybe the increased budget was helpful. The Acting from Simon Phillips just gets better and better and is a fast rising star who will one day be a household name, I just hope he doesn't get stuck in an Eastenders character as he has a lot to offer. OK, he's notably put on a little weight in this movie compared to the first "Jack" movie but fortunately it doesn't spoil his character so that doesn't matter. There are lots of twist's and turns but you find your way as it goes and I got hooked and can't wait to see the third "Jack Falls" as there is unfinished business that I and Jack need to know. It's a unfortunate Mike Reid and Rula Lenska weren't here or unable to be there as they were so good in the first movie but this movie does hold up on it's own without the big guns although Danny Dyer does a superb job working with Simon. This is a raw gritty London movie relatively very low budget class movie compared to Hollywood films but is the sort of film production that is a great change from the usual gloss. This movie has it's own style with it's dark "Noir" mixed with some dark colour, harsh language, blood and guns quite a violent series well worth a visit for some great escapism ….I loved it.
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This was a great movie for all to enjoy
tesssmith21 April 2021
Thought that the screenplay was excellent. Paul Tanter and Simon Phillips has done it yet again!
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