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Nowhere (2023) Poster

(II) (2023)

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Clicked for background noise but stayed to watch til end
hazard11129 September 2023
I wasn't expecting much from this film just something to make noise while I do other things but I got pulled in by the actress Anna Castillo. I ended up being entertained and even shed a tear.

Is it totally realistic? No lol, then again I never expected it to be with such a premise but it gave me a good thrill which is probably the aim for movies like these. There's also this heartwarming element watching a mother push to survive for her baby. It may have been predictable but the ride towards it was rocky enough to not be boring.

We're outsiders so it's easier to nitpick what she should be doing so a good point for me with these type of films as well is for the main character not to be doing too many stupid things just to create some tension and they didn't do that a lot here. She had her moments for sure but her real schemes delivered well. Plus she's not being annoying and overly dramatic to sell the point. I'd believe someone in that situation will do what she did.

Overall a good survival thriller drama. Don't expect it to be realistic just watch it for what it is. A mother's love journey getting drowned in a silly premise.
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Well made survival thriller
jikku30121 October 2023
Actually I like survival thrillers. This one is great to me. The production team worked hard definitely. We can see that effort in this movie. The woman in the lead role deserves a lot. Cuz she performed very very well. What an actress she is. The container sequences are really good. Actually I didn't get bored even a little time while I was watching it. Cuz it's so engaged. With a limited characters the film team has done a great job. We have to appreciate that effort. Although the story line is simple, the making is good.

Do watch this movie as soon as possible If you are truly like survival thriller movies.
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Surprisingly good movie considering the limited cast and location
rachellelevinia29 September 2023
Surprisingly good movie considering the limited cast and location.

When I first saw the preview for this movie my first thoughts were 'crap', 'it's not going to be worth watching look at what it about and basically a cast of one actor' and in a shipping container, in the ocean. But you know what? It worked. I was really surprised but it worked. The emotion are triggered alone with the actor. You're on a roller coaster of WhAt! I'm really impressed especially to leave a review. I really enjoyed it, I have asked my children or my friends as yet if they have seen it and their thoughts on it.

But as I say, don't have any expectations when you go to see a film/movie and you won't be disappointed.
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Snickers Advertisement
mohd-470462 October 2023
This movie gave me mixed feelings after I finished watching it. It is a good thriller movie that keeps you stressed from its beginning till its end. However, it has its drawbacks and cons. My review will be neutral and summarised by mentioning the pros and cons of the movie, in my opinion.

Pros: 1. Good thriller that puts you under stress and keeps you awaiting for what is going to happen next.

2. The concept of the movie is exciting and painful at the same time. It is one of these movies where you fly with your imagination and make you think how you would react and survive if you happened to be in the same situation.

3. Good outcome of limited characters and space.

4. Some events in the movie were emotional and dramatically affecting.

Cons: 1. The beginning of the movie was too short for me to have my feelings engaged and attached to the main characters of the movie. I wish they had spent more time and gave more details in presenting the relationship between the main characters.

2. The acting of the main characters was kind of weak and did not reflect the magnitude of the calamity in the movie (facial expressions, reactions, decisions, etc.).

3. Some events in the movie were illogical and unrealistic.

4. Snickers advertisement?

Overall, this movie was not a bad experience. If you are looking for a movie that has the pros I mentioned and can ignore the cons, you will definitely enjoy this one.

My actual rating is 6.5, but there is no "half" on IMDB and this experience was more good than bad to me, so it got a 7.
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Cast away meets the swimmers
joearmitage-2250329 September 2023
Nowhere is one of those movies on Netflix that you sometimes can overlook or watch and expect absolutely nothing from but I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised!

A Spanish production directed by Albert pinto tells the story of pregnant Mia fleeing a totalitarian country, who must fight for her life when a violent storm knocks the container in which she has been hiding overboard. Trapped, and alone Mia gives birth and is forced to survive to save her baby.

The film is taut, visceral in places (self surgery, giving birth) and quite moving in parts. One of the fundamentals of a good survival story is caring about the protagonist, you actually do feel for Mia and what would be a nightmare scenario.

This could quite easily of turned into a political statement about migration but refrains from the common, cliched Netflix approach. Some minor implausibility aside - would she and a newborn die of hypothermia, highly likely but that doesn't detract from the film's invention and mias ingenuity to survive any less compelling and heartwarming. If you enjoy films like cast away, the grey and other "against the element/odds" Nowhere should keep you watching right till the end.
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Physics of Nowhere
jesusjuansalgado30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just some comments on the physics of the movie:

  • Some people said that a container should immediately sink. This is not fully true. Many containers will sink but others could float for long periods (even months). There are many studies on this. However, containers usually float when they are full of items that float (maybe, if the container was a lot more filled of tupperwares). That would added more realism to the situation.

  • Mobile coverage: There is some mobile coverage inside the sea, that could go by around 30 kilometers. Also, there is maritime coverage where close ships have repeaters (that could justify the intermittent coverage). Finally, is this in the future? Satellite coverage?. However a metal container is like a Faraday cage, so it will have very limited coverage everywhere.

  • Sea currents: Unfortunately, the currents in the North Atlantic will, most probably, send the container back to the Spain as the normal current is from north to south at this part of the sea. Only if the container was enough at west, the north-atlantic current will send the container to Ireland.

Leaving apart these details, Anna Castillo´s acting is great (as always). We can try to ignore these physical details and concentrate in the acting. The movie Gravity was a lot worse from the physical point of view.
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More than I expected
pondering_always8 October 2023
When I first added this to my watchlist I really wasn't sure I wanted to watch it but it looked like it could be ok. Tonight I decided to watch. I really enjoyed the movie. The concept was really nothing new but this story with these characters made it different, touching. Everytime she made a new decision to make her situation better I found myself rooting for her. The movie starts out portraying her as a fragile, meek woman incapable of doing anything on her own. Futher into the movie you learn why but you also learn she's made of so much more. You'll find yourself "shouting" at her for some stupid things and crying with her over other things. I'm not going to give anything away, but I will say if you enjoy survival type movies then you should really watch this one.
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A well-executed, tense survival thriller
hfsaidi29 September 2023
This is indeed one of the best lost at sea movies I have seen in years. In fact, it should be in the same league as Cast Away. Through out its entire running time, I was almost on the edge of my seat. Anna Castillo's acting is prominently praiseworthy. Her rather natural acting has definitely won my heart.

The film has a fair share of tense, heart pounding, and many a time, breathtaking moments that are truly reflective of Albert Pinto's splendid directorial efforts.

Great direction, great acting, making it a great movie all in all! I'm surprised why there's a lower rating than 7? Watch it... you'll thoroughly enjoy it!
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Works in many ways
Filmcrook30 September 2023
This high-concept film, 'Nowhere' (2023), successfully translates its premise both on paper and on the screen. The idea of being trapped in a container in the middle of the ocean is a nightmarish scenario. While the movie may seem like a survival flick you've encountered in various forms before, it remains intriguing and doesn't skimp on the adventurous vibes. Certainly, the realism in the film is questionable, and the protagonist seems to have an abundance of tools that conveniently help her navigate through danger, which can make the writing appear to take an easy way out. Anna Costillo's performance is impressive, and she undoubtedly carries a significant emotional weight throughout the film.
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Dumb, unrealistic, overdramatic
uliwaibel-336051 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The stupidity of film makers these days in really unbeatable...

1. She is in a metal container IN THE SUN AND PREGNANT on a truck and on a ship for days until she finds water. You won't survive that longer than 2 days...

2. A cell phone does not work in a closed metal box. Never. Ever.

3. Cell phones do not work in open sea, because there are no cell towers

4. Both cell phone batteries last forever, although the owners were refugees that already traveled for days. Yeah, sure...

5. She has endless of water tight Tupperware, but does not put her cell phones in to protect them

6. Of course one refugee has a battery driller with a metal drill head in his backpack

7. Out of frustration she throws all and everything in the water, but not her placenta. And I'm sure that thing tastes yummy after 2 days in a hot shipping container.

8. Her "maximum water level" line is way above the bullet holes. Absolute nonsense... if the water line reaches the lowest bullet hole, it's over. The water will pop out her ridiculous rubber seal and the water will shoot in like from a garden hose. And I doubt that the container doors would stay water tight, especially in a storm.

9. Finally the dramatic and stupid dialogs... omg

How this absolute dumpster fire got a 6.x rating is beyond me.

Netflix really starts to get as trashy as regular TV...
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A sad but well made film
LetsReviewThat2630 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like survival movies. Those ones with limited cast or just one main cast member, watching them try to survive in an unbelievable situation. It lets you see more of them and Their skills and this film is a great example of it. Let's set the story. It's a dystopian future where resources are running low so woman are separated from their children for a sickening reason. There is some heartbreaking stuff in the first half so let's get to this. A heaverly pregnant lady named Mia is separated from her partner Nico and has to fight to survive on a shipping container, after it ends up in the ocean. It's very well done and it's also the most realistic pregnancy I've seen. Mia is played great and the way she comes to terms with her predicament is almost inspirational. Also the container is called nowhere. Overall a very entertaining but hard hitting film.
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A little implausible, but well made
justahunch-705497 October 2023
Well made and a lot better than one would think reading the scenario beforehand. Having said that, while it is a sturdy enough survival against all odds film, that it could actually happen the way it is depicted is a little hard to swallow. It's never really silly and considering its limitations of mostly being in one small set, it's rather impressive that it works well for most of two hours. The story of a woman trapped in a shipping container that becomes unstrapped in rough seas while she is 9 months pregnant offers a lot of drama. I was also extremely impressed by the fake pregnancy. It is so realistic it's hard to believe that the actress in the leading role is not really pregnant. She, Anna Castillo, also gives a good performance. Prior to the scenario I just described the first half hour or so of getting to the ship is also riveting. My only real problem with the film was the last half hour or so as, again, one questions how it could really happen, but it still a good enough film and I recommend that you watch it with subtitles.
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Becomes more and more absurd as it goes on
imdb-263756 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is filmed in such a realistic way, with the idea being that you imagine yourself in this situation and what you would do. And the intention is to make us (presumably) amazed at the survival capacity of the lead character. But as her situation becomes more and more desperate, and more goes wrong, it just descends into the ridiculous. I didn't bother to watch to the end. I stopped at a point in the middle where, having cut her leg deeply on jagged metal, she uses the metal pins from an electronic component of a TV circuit board to carry out a surgical procedure on herself. That was pushing my suspension of disbelief too far.
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Hit right in the feels!
SoumikBanerjee199623 October 2023
If truth be told, such extreme conditions tend to be the biggest motivators one could plausibly find in their life, as these direst circumstances force the best out of us, because only when human beings come face to face with life and death situations do we begin to shine like the brightest star in a gloomy night, we, suddenly, become this unfamiliar version of ourselves we never visualised before, we start doing these things we have never done before.

'Nowhere' depicts the same resilience and willpower of a human being as well as of a mother who would go to any feasible lengths to guarantee her and her newborn child's continued survival. It was a concrete survival thriller that hit right in the feels!

Despite having some problems in the writing, it more than made up for its shortcomings with a competent character portrayal. We care for Mia and her infant, which was imperative for such a story of survival to thrive and succeed as a memorable feature.
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Survival on the ocean.
deloudelouvain2 December 2023
The poster speaks for itself. It's pretty obvious that this will be an almost one location shooting with one main character. Considering the duration of the movie I wondered if it would entertain me the entire time but it actually did. Anna Castillo plays the main character and she did a good job at it. She's playing the modern MacGyver stranded in a floating container in the middle of the ocean. Sounds boring but it wasn't to be honest. Okay towards the end she made some poor choices but besides of that it was pleasant to follow, mainly because Anna Castillo gave a convincing performance of a desperate survivalist.
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This was a really enjoyable story about perseverance!
candeedelite25 October 2023
We found this film on Netflix and voted to give it a chance. We are Spanish speakers, but we did keep the subtitles on to ensure we didn't miss anything. This film kept us engaged throughout and we found ourselves really rooting for the protagonist! The pacing of the film was very good, it didn't feel like there were any moments that were slow and dull. We were on the edge of our seats the whole time and thought the barriers presented to our heroine were all so very different and unique. We were sad when this one was over as we definitely enjoyed it! We recommend this one to our family and friends.
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Kept my attention
pfpgssx7 October 2023
I love survival movies. Castaway is one of my all time favorites. There are definitely plot holes and unrealistic scenes, but I was still invested in the outcome. Though many on here have given scathing reviews, I don't think it deserves the vitriol by some reviewers. I can't imagine thoroughly hating a movie so much that you willingly keep watching to the end. I honestly think there are some cynical reviewers on here that live to see how nasty they can make a review. I didn't find the nudity gratuitous at all. It made sense to me, and I often think nudity is overused in modern movies. Breasts serve a functional purpose, and that's how they were used here. If anyone is offended by them then I suppose they think of them as purely sexual. If you like survival movies, this is worth your time.
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ancsdavalos1 October 2023
Not at all what I was expecting. A beautiful, heart breaking, gut wrenching movie. From start to finish, you are reeled into the story, and cannot look away. It is graphic and sad, unfortunately there aren't any parental guides on this site yet for the movie, but there is violence and nudity.

I wasn't expecting at all what the movie actually was, but from start to finish, the movie had me on edge and glued to the tv (I don't say that often). My heart broke for Mia, the main character, but the strength and love that a mama possesses are real. What a beautiful movie that brought me to tears in heart break and agony, but also joy.
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Another 100-minute survival flick
appusnikhil7 October 2023
I'm not going to write much about this film. The flick was just fine even though it lacked a strong screenplay. There is no need to expect a great screenplay when it comes to movies like this which are around 100 minutes.

But the story of the film was very naturally captured. The lead character was amazing throughout. She is the highlight of the film. Another highlight was the cinematography and thanks to the cameraman for capturing some beautiful scenes.

The movie has all the ingredients that make up a survival flick and movies like this are quite unique, again all credits go to the creators who make films like this.
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Is funny how stupid this movie is!
lelandhouse2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What cell service is she using that allows her to make calls in the middle of the ocean? I'm interested because I barely get 1 bar in my apartment in DC.

If only she called someone else the first day, like 911, and they could have used the GPS location feature to verify where she was. She kept calling her boyfriend that felt very confident she would be saved but had no

Save yourself some time and fast forward to the end. Floating on 8 Tupperware containers was brilliant and she ended up living after drowning for 5 minutes in freezing water...amazing!

People giving this a 10 must be getting paid?
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Pregnant and adrift
MickyG33330 September 2023
7.8 stars.

The cinematography is what most stands out for me with 'Nowhere'. The seascape is frighteningly realistic and scary and at times I felt as if I was there. The storm, the desperation, the futility, the starvation... everything is spot on. The story itself and many of the details are obviously exaggerated and unbelievable, however what the movie does provide is something that feels authentic in its presentation and stimulates the senses. There is some gratuitous violence and partial you know what strewn about the film that was a bit troubling and slightly unorthodox, so I found it to be somewhat extreme. This is not a movie appropriate for a young audience, I'd say under 17 - view at your own risk.

This storyline has been done dozens of times, but 'Nowhere' measures up with the best of them. The dubbing is seamless and undetectable for us English speaking folk.
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It's actually a Good-Survival-Thriller for sure..
nitishkumarmohanta20 February 2024
If you are looking for a decent Survival-Thriller movie then here it is. It's actually a Spanish movie but it's Hindi dubbing is superbly done for sure. And just to warn you ; if you are a Pro Survival movie watcher then it may feel like average one time watch, just like me.

Anyway the best part of this movie is it's storyline and of course the Acting performance of the female leading character. She just did an outstanding job with her expressions, never give up attitude, survival instincts and of course the various Jugaads (techniques) to stay alive. The background scores were decent . The screenplay feel little bit dragged, I mean they could opt for more tight gripping (fast paced) screenplay, because Some pro audiences will feel a little bit boredom and will fast forward it to see just the climax.

As I noticed some Survival techniques are not applicable in real life scenario ; so they had put it little bit unrealistic for sure, which is easily noticeable.

Anyway! I will go with 6 out of 10 Stars for it because I liked it's concept and of course the Acting of the leading female character. But it contains some direct nudity so definitely not recommended for Family audiences. In my personal opinion ; it's at least deserve an one time watch..
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Too much drama
sihaja-129 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story sounded intriguing enough - a young family escaping from a totalitarian regime gone wrong with the pregnant woman ending up trapped in a shipping container. This setup would have already given more than enough basis for a very entertaining movie but no - it was also necessary to throw in an overly dramatic and completely unrealistic birthing scene, followed by some unnecessary gore and even more drama. I get that the biblical references were probably supposed to be deep and thoughtful, but adding a CGI whale just makes the whole thing even more absurd.

While the acting was passable, the main charakters passiveness in the first half of the movie was infuriating - with all the necessary tools available it still takes her a good two thirds of the movie to find the solution that was right in front of her the whole time.

Ever since Titanic, movie makers should also know that their audience is also aware of the effects of staying on water for too long. While people at Burning Men were already complaing about Trenchfoot after two days, the otherwise pretty whiny main character had no issues staying in salt water for quite significant amounts of time let alone the issue of water temperature and hypothermia.

Overall the movie felt like a Tupperware commercial with too much artificial drama instead of just making use of what the setting provides naturally.
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Bad one!
tinkyminky263 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A survival-themed fantasy movie.

If you're not going to get caught up in details, you might enjoy the film because the intended message is not bad. However, if you insist on attention to details and minimizing logical errors, I strongly advise staying away because the so-called director seems to have really stretched his imagination.

--- spoiler ---

*Finding all the necessary tools and equipment conveniently in the container.

*Cutting open the top of the container with a knife while there is an area that has been damaged.

*Eating raw fish despite having the opportunity to make a fire and cook.

*Bouncing back like an Arabian horse after giving birth, with swelling miraculously disappearing the next day.

*Not showing any signs of fatigue, trembling, or getting sick.

*Possessing sewing skills like a doctor.

*Having an unlimited phone battery.

*Communicating with whales and asking for help.

I could go on, but that's enough. According to the director, I guess the most likely conclusion tying all of these together is that the woman is a mother, and mothers can do anything!
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Taking that ride to nowhere, we'll take that ride
tonypeacock-119 October 2023
Sadly this film drags on and on into Nowhere as in the UK title of this Spanish film on a streaming platform.

It has elements of interest and suspense such as people in fear for their lives escaping from a future Spanish dictatorship under military rule it appears....

The trouble with this kind of film is it has been done to death. The baby survival element as the Spanish character trapped aboard a slowly sinking shipping container with limited food adds another angle I suppose. She is not only fighting for her own survival but that of her newborn child. Eating the placenta in the process. We see the clever logic of her survival plight I suppose as she catches fish etc.

There was one slight issue that I kept thinking about. Would you get a mobile/cellphone coverage in the middle of an ocean?
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