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Wire Room (2022) Poster


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Putting things into perspective
MarvelousMaverick6 September 2022
I agree that Wire Room isn't a good movie by any objective standards. Like most, if not all, of Willis latest movies it is a rather cheap straight-to-DVD movie. It's easy to assume that Willis just showed up to grab the pay check.

But regarding all his movies since 2019/20 it is important to recognize the following: Earlier in 2022 Willis announced to end his acting career after he and his family made public that he suffers from aphasia, which is a brain disorder that can affect a person's ability to speak, listen, read and write. Obviously, this heavily affects his ability to act, remember lines and interact with other actors. This was probably also the reason why he didn't have much screentime in his last big movie, Glass, after the first act.

This puts things into a totally different perspective.

As far as I know Willis is financially secured, he didn't need to do it for the money. He kept starring in movies because he just LOVED making them, being on set and being part of the collaborative effort to create a movie.

It is easy to dismiss Willis' latest efforts as bad movies, they mostly are, but considering his condition offers a different perspective. "Wire Room" will most likely be one of his last movies, his very last movie will probably be "Paradise City" (currently in post-production) in which he worked alongside John Travolta one last time.

Instead of focusing on his last movies, we should celebrate and honor Bruce Willis for all his great work and the impact he had on the whole movie industry in over 40 years.

Thank you for all the amazing cinematic experiences you have given us over the last decades, Mr. Willis. I wish you and your family all the best.

Disclaimer: I am not a native english speaker, so I apologize for any grammar mistakes.
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It's a B-movie allright, but quite a decent one, if you dont mind some stupid plot turns.
imseeg13 October 2022
NOT a Bruce Willis movie, because the guy is only starring in it for less than 15 minutes in total and in only in a small supporting role. But it is always nice to see Bruce on screen in one of his very last roles, because he is suffering from a neurological disease. So let's enjoy Bruce Willis while we still can!

The brother of actor Matt Dillon, (Kevin Dillon) is the real leading actor in this movie and just as his more famous brother he is kinda goofy, but still a reasonably decent B-movie actor.

The good: there is contineous suspense. I have seen a lot of B-movies, some of them terrible, but this one actually has got some spark and punch.

It aint boring for sure. Lots of shootouts. LOTS. And I did wanted to know how it all end.

The story: Kevin Dillon has got a new job at a wire room, in which the FBI monitors criminals through wiretapping and hidden cameras. All hell breaks loose when there is a mole inside the FBI. Everybody wants to kill the other side. Shootouts till the very end!
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Waste of the producers money
tomilipin10 September 2022
The movie is made so cheaply... There is CGI everywhere, even the gunshots aren't real. The total damage throughout the whole film is one or two cardboard boxes. There are almost no explosions, definitely no car crashes, no spectacular chases. The whole movie is set in a huge skyscraper which is always empty - there are no passers by, no white collar workers, just some security guards and the Wire Room staff consisting of 3 people. Every scene with the building looks weird because it looks as if it was suddenly abandoned by everybody. The villain acts ridiculously all the time, so you can grind your teeth with frustration while watching him. The whole story is really simple and could be easily packed into a 15-minute clip. The thing that triggered me most was that in the beginning everybody acts as if it was really late, like 11 p.m., but it's bright outside, the sun is shining, it's the middle of the day. Oh, come on... I just hope Bruce Willis won't be remembered by any of these crappy films he appeared in lately.
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Seriously though, who funds this garbage?
Top_Dawg_Critic6 September 2022
I've seen better writing and directing from a fifth grade drama class. There were more holes in the writing than a wheel of Swiss cheese, and just as much nonsense dialogue. The same lame ariel buildings shot was used over and over, the shotgun shells were in a box of Co2 cartridges, and all these bad guys can't find one guy yelling an screaming in a small house... just some of the lazy writing and sloppy directing on display in this mess. I actually feel bad for Dillon and Willis taking these roles produced by the "another failed production" duo Emmett and Furla, who must need one huge heck of a tax write-off or involved in a pyramid scheme to get funding for all their flop productions. It's a generous 2/10 from me.
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A film which will put you into a coma
BenW19995 September 2022
What a bore fest of incoherent story telling. Bruce Willis truly has lost all the spark which once made his name valuable, he just regurgitates his spoon fed lines with no emotion whatsoever. The film is boring and the action sequences are somehow tedius, its the same camera shot repeated half the time. The overall story is absolutely boring as well, it's literally a guy who sits in a security room watching another guy in a house for the entire film. And top it all off, the big Bad guy, only ends up having around 30 seconds screen time. And just when you think this tedious mess is over, you are then left with an open end which means they might be planning a sequel.
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Shot using a cell-phone, with a budget of $50
ramfat9 September 2022
The script is so bad, Bruce doesn't even bother to get off the couch for his scenes. He just reads his lines, collects his check, and walks away in shame.

This entire movie was filmed in a single afternoon, and they didn't even need a wardrobe...everyone just showed up in whatever they were already wearing. They even used a back-alley vagrant to play the part of the villian.

The crux of the story revolves around a swiveling office chair. They spent weeks trying to find the perfect fit for Mr. Dillon's behind. Kevin is still waiting for his entourage to show up and save him from this atrocity.
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Neither Dillion or Willis can save this.
amesmonde16 September 2022
While on wire room duty, a federal agent helps out the target he's monitoring when they are attacked.

Director Matt Eskandari offers a bland, flawed fizzled-out film littered with continuity errors and editing issues.

Thankfully reliable Kevin Dillon breathes life into Brandon Stiefer screenplay, along with Rhyan D'Errico's music. Bruce Willis does his hardest to lift the stilted low budget offering above the likes of Anna Nicole Smiths' Die Hard rip off Skyscraper (1996).

What could have been in the vein of The Phone Booth, Enemy of the State, Rear Window is so hack-handled and budget tied that it offers nothing of merit aside from CGI blood, smoke and gunshots.

Sadly, only worth viewing for Dillion and Willis.
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Do not waste your time.
kristingrimes-615276 September 2022
I made an IMDB account just to review this movie. It is by far the absolute worst acting I have ever seen in my life. Bruce Willis put absolutely no effort into his part. Kevin Dillon doesn't play his part well. It's basically like they're reading straight off the script. Super amateur & monotone. There's honestly nothing positive to say at all. Script, acting, and camera work are so far below par I'm suprised they even released the movie after watching it. I really thought it had to be a spoof at first because of how gosh awful the acting was, but nope. Just a terrible movie all the way around. Do not waste your time.
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This is so bad, please do not watch.
maxeldesign3 September 2022
Rarely you see such bad writing, acting and directing. I dont even know what to say here, its that bad.

Its one of those straight-to-vhs movies.

Clearly Bruce Willis just showed up to get the check and get out. He is not even putting any effort in his acting. He just repeats his spoon fed lines with little to no emotion.

The camera work is bad, editing is bad, script si bad.

The dialogue in the movie is so amateurish.

And why the hell does music continuously plays on any dialog in the movie. Everything has background music.

I have no idea what has happened to Willis but all his recent films have been rubbish. This is no exception. Poor acting, script, overdone idea, and even a touch of wokeness about it. No characters worth rooting for, bland and boring. What action there is. Is poorly executed bordering on amateur.
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Sad times
gavinmillwall18 September 2022
Firstly do people not read the news all saying bruce Willis this bruce Willis that.

The guy was ill making this and your all saying awful things if your a bruce Willis fan then you would of known bruce retired in March because of his illness!

So this is the last movie bruce will star in EVER.

No it was not very good but I wanted to see his last film.

Please think before you post reviews about a man ejo wanted to work and make as much money as he could before he retired.

And your all moaning about him choosing poor roles and not doing much.

Thanks for everything bruce yippie ki yay you legend.
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Just when you thought he was done
mcummings-8909218 November 2022
A full six months after announcing his retirement the final movie of Bruce Willis career is released. Like most of his dozen or so low budget movies released post pandemic this is another very disappointing effort. Like most of the others you have Willis as the big name to draw in audiences with another known actor playing the lead role. Throw in a poorly written script and neither Bruce or Kevin Dillon have much to work with but even then both look very old for these roles and their delivery is tired and almost comically bad. I actually think Kevin is trying to deliver some comic relief because he knows how bad the plot and script are.

Anyway the plot, Kevin is a new agent in a wire room - I must admit I has never heard of this until this movie. He's listening in to taped recordings amd largely just sat around bored in a room alone until he realises someone is about to be killed and he needs to decide whether to break strict protocols to save them. The story then unravels with corruption and betrayal which is all quite predictable.

It's such a shame to have seen Bruce go out like this rather than with one of the semi watchable low budget movies that have come out recently.
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One of Bruce's last movies
barbmulle11 February 2023
Bruce has been a massive A+++star for as long as I can remember. From Nakitomi Building to the last boy scout, this movie and everything else.

If the people commenting here possibly don't know he has giving a commanding for many years he commands and deserves our love, support and respect.

Due to his neurological illness at 67 years old they have don't everything the can to keep him working as it's been his whole life.

This movie is not his norm that is true.but I could never ever have anything bad to say about any project they let him work on in his state.

Bruce! I will always be grateful for all the years you have given to us for your whole life.

I thought it was a great performance from all.

Thank you.
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A good movie.
stylishboy0044 November 2022
This is a good movie. Why are people giving such low ratings? What went wrong? The camera work, the story and the acting is very good. People just are angry at Bruce Willis doing low budget movies. It's his life, his choices. And he retired now and gave us these low budget gems, accept it.

Kevin Dillon is the star of this movie along with the main villain and anti-hero. It should be like this. 1 hour 30 minutes and the movie is done. Not every movie has to be 500 million dollars budgeted. I really respect and love all the actors that worked on this and also desperately waiting for a 'Wire Room' (Part 2) !
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Kevin Dillon
cmparsley-042449 April 2023
The story formula, acting, editing and casts are so horrendous, in contrast it made B actor Kevin Dillon's acting seem Oscar worthy. At least Bruce and Kevin got a good payday while acting students got some screen time. The production company poured a ton of money into this unbelievable and uninspired flop and made nothing from it. A bad bad bad movie. I expected it would be bad after the first 10 minutes. I continued watching because I wanted to see how silly it could get. I wasn't disappointed. The writer Brandon Steifer needs to have his pen and paper taken from him and go back to work at Taco Bell.
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Watchable, but somewhat bland...
paul_haakonsen11 September 2022
As I sat down to watch the 2022 action thriller "Wire Room", I must admit that I wasn't really expecting this movie to be a particular blast of a movie. Why? Well, given the recent years string of direct-to-video releases from Bruce Willis, then I didn't keep any hopes up.

However, I still opted to watch what writer Brandon Stiefer and director Matt Eskandari had to offer, on the account of "Wire Room" being a movie that I hadn't already seen. And with "Wire Room" also being the last movie to be made by Bruce Willis, of course there was an interest to see what manner of style he would wrap up his career with.

The storyline in "Wire Room", as written by Brandon Stiefer, was actually adequate enough. I mean, it wasn't the most exciting of action thrillers, but it was adequate enough for a single viewing. The storyline was pretty straight forward, if not actually generic, actually.

The acting in "Wire Room" was adequate, and especially Oliver Trevena (playing Eddie Flynn) stole the attention on the screen with his performance.

All in all, then "Wire Room" was an adequate enough movie, though you shouldn't be expecting anything over-the-top or grand here. A sort of bland farewell to acting from Bruce Willis.

My rating of "Wire Room" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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At least the popcorn was good
thebuttonwizard12 September 2022
Not much good to say about this movie. Too bad, I have always enjoyed Bruce Willis as an actor. It seems like he is just taking what ever part he can get. This movie makes no sense at all. Nothing is realistic and none of the acting is passable. The story line is full of holes and the direction was laughable. I'm not even there would have been any reason to even put this straight to DVD. Hollywood is struggling with making entertaining movies. Movie goers like me just want a movie that we can sit back and enjoy. I don't need the "block buster" type, I made the comment "it looks like a bunch of middle school kids got together and asked Bruce to do them a favor and star in their class project." Willis and Dillon could do nothing to save this flop.
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Truly dreadful
stevo-4480118 September 2022
Astonishingly bad acting and dreadful plot. I'm assuming the villain/target is based on Conor McGregor. They even had the "mad backwards c*nt" line he used in a presser to Khabib. Cringeworthy line delivered in his awful Oirish accent.

I know Bruce Willis hasn't covered himself in glory recently, and this is meant to be his last role due to his medical condition. If so, it's a pretty sad way to go out. An actor I used to look forward to seeing. Who played Butch so well in Pulp Fiction. He clearly can't be bothered and is just there to deliver a few lazy lines of dialogue and go home with the cheque.

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Keep Eddie alive.
nogodnomasters12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Justin Rosa (Kevin Dillon) is a secret service veteran assigned to the wire room of another agency. He is supposed to monitor Eddie (Oliver Trevena) an Irish gun dealer involved with the Baja Cartel. He gets a turnover from Bruce Willis who gores MIA until the end of the film. The feature opens by giving us an action end teaser as the film is not exciting.

As it turns out Eddie comes under attack by an unauthorized swat team. Rosa must break protocol in order to keep Eddie alive, a task which in the end risks his own life.

Willis spends little time on the screen and only as a disagreeable person. This is claimed to be his last film. Kevin Dillon could pull it off with a script filled with holes. The ending attack wasn't believable in the fact it happened.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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What Did I Just Watch
paulearnhardt20 February 2023
Ok so the plot and storyline had potential, almost to the same level as Die Hard or similar that you would've expected from Bruce. The acting and actors were terrible; Bruce was tired and washed out. So many cheesy one liners, bad camera footage, repeated scenery and unrealistic effects. Many mistakes made like CO2 cartridge box for shotgun shells, 4x4 locked box on the wall then when opened magically becomes a 48" H x 15" W locker room style locker with 3 beatup guns laying loosely in it. One of the rifles in the locker was an AK-47 and I'm pretty sure Homeland Security does't use those. Another mistake is when Mike engages a fight in the wire room, his name tag was dangling all loose. The camera pans to the other actor then back to Mike, his name tag is fixed. Pay attention to the fight scene in the wire room; every cabinet, wall, furniture and windows sustain small arms, shotgun and hand grenade blast without a ding or scratch. Few of the camera shots show the actual building number 500 with no attempt to mask it or edit it out. Do a search of Building 500 and the you will find it's located at 500 Corporate Parkway in the Meadowbrook neighborhood, AL, Birmingham. List goes on forever and you can definitely tell this was a $50 budget movie shot on an iPhone 4.
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Fast action nothingness
billnsasha31 January 2023
I'll agree they didn't Need Bruce Willis in this. I'll even go as far as to say having Bruce Willis in it hindered it. Bruce appeared to having problems walking around and appeared angry and uncomfortable the whole time, distracting me from the whole movie with its worthless plot and instead focus my attention on Bruce and wondering how he is doing. Perhaps Bruce owed someone a favor and regretably did this movie as distressing as it may have been for him. So as one person put it, it was one last time to see Bruce even though he added nothing but create speculation as to how he is doing in his personal life. Dillon did well and deserves any credit due for keeping the movie moving along.
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The worst movie I have ever seen! Do not waste your time!
nicrowrn6 September 2022
The acting is so bad!

The writing is terrible!

Bruce literally just stands there.

This movie is laughable but also very sad.

I can't imagine anyone wanting to waste an hour and half watching this movie.

It seems like they are just practicing scenes and the music just plays the entire movie.

An actual child could produce a better movie!

It is so low budget that it looks like it's a bad copy of a movie.

I kept thinking we were being punked while watching the movie.

All of actors are horrible and the main character is literally the worst actor I've ever witnessed.

The acting is so bad!

The writing is terrible!

Bruce literally just stands there.

This movie is laughable but also very sad.

I can't imagine anyone wanting to waste an hour and half watching this movie.

It seems like they are just practicing scenes and the music just plays the entire movie.

An actual child could produce a better movie!

It is so low budget that it looks like it's a bad copy of a movie.

I kept thinking we were being punked while watching the movie.

All of actors are horrible and the main character is literally the worst actor I've ever witnessed.
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Poor Choice of Headliner
MrsBHoll19 February 2023
Advertising Bruce Willis as acting in this movie was ridiculous. Kevin Dillon was way better and should have been the main star.

Willis was so wooden you could have gotten the Wax Museum to loan their dummy to the production. Or just drop him altogether.

I realize he was just diagnosed with a terminal disease that makes the sufferer slowly lose their life, but I am rating the movie.

To be fair, Bruce's acting history did encourage me to watch but I was hoping the movie would be more interesting.

How much more can I say about the movie without giving any spoilers?

I will continue to enjoy Willis's movies of the past. In fact, I have Die Hard on!

Happy movie going and or watching.
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B as in budgeted not bad
fleroux-9695013 January 2023
This is a traditional B Action flick. Reviewing it as such, it is good. It would have been great at the drive in, and it is great for a treadmill run, or two. I watched it from the beginning to the end, no skipping. I think that those that give it less than five stars are looking for drama, not action. This is classic action so if you are looking for an action flick this is worth your time. You must remember that b is either for budget or bad and this one is budget. There are a few good twist in it that I didn't expect and as this is Bruce Willis last film, that makes it something to see but the film is good if you like action. The ending (last 2 minutes) dumb.
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Utter s###!!! Don't waste your life!
DaddyJam17 September 2022
Does Bruce owe someone?? The last 10 films are awful. Acting is horrible, storylines are dreadful and hurts my head. I've honestly seen better b and c movies.


Wow, who wasted their time, energy and money on this worthless p.o.s.

Who ever rates this more than one needs a medical check-up, brain scan and MRI.

Still have 233 required characters to try and save you people from this.

UPDATE: I have splashed paint on the wall and it's amazing compared to this, the way it's moves and performs.

Go watch green mile, usual suspects, die hard, rambo.... Anything but this!
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callehmkuhl24 October 2022
1. Award for worst acting.

2. How stupid and unbelievable.

3. You get to watch storm troopers dressed in black, circling a house, driveway.

4. The 3 women who play house bunnies are unattractive, and can't act.

5. The Irish gun lord is a complete idiot, dressed in a leopard robe, he should smoke more crack and take some LSD.

6. Crooked sheriff Dept. (Joke) 7. Bruce Willis ( Why?????) What in the whole creation of cinematic disgrace is this? I think a group of high school drama students, could piece together a better show. It's so bad that even dogs howl. Dear Rotten Tomato, is there a award for the skunk movie of the year. What in the Brady Bunch happened?
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